DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY OF URBAN FORWARDING SERVICE OF SMALL CONSIGNMENT CUSTOMERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
forwarding service / transportation routes / urban traffic / small consignment

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Markevych A., Shramenko N., Moroz M.

The method of formation of rational technology of consigner’s forwarding service is provided, which presumes definition of rational area of application of a certain vehicle payload and brand for operating on urban transportation routes and some practical recommendations are developed. As a criterion of efficiency, the minimum total costs for urban small consignment transportation per day were chosen. It is determined that the consignment size is subject to the normal law of distribution of a random variable while the loading and unloading time of 1 ton of consignment complies with the law of exponents. A regression analysis was performed and as well as the function of dependence of total costs for transportation of small consignments per day on the number of customers, with different values of the average consignment size and nominal vehicle payload operating on transportation routes which allows to determine the rational use of a particular brand depending on the number of customers for the corresponding value of the average consignment size.

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3. Liu X., Zhang Q., Cheng B., Ren Y., Zhang Y., Ding C. Strong fire-resistant cellulose fibers modified with a new, light and effective finishing agent based on phytic acid/ / Cellulose, 2018, 25. P. 799-811.

4. Tausarova B. R., Abilkasova S. O. Fire-resistant modification of cellulose materials by n-and p-containing composites / / Fiber Chemistry, 2017, vol. 49, no. 4. pp. 242-245.

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7. Lin D., Tseng H., Li H., Lai H. Easy production of superhydrophobic and fire-resistant coatings on cotton fabrics by layer-by-layer assembly. // Cellulose. 201825. P. 3135-3149

8. Tausarova B. R. Takei E. Sol-gel technology for giving fire-resistant properties to cellulose textile materials. Nano industry. 2018. 80. No. 1 p. 68-73.

9. Rosace G., Castellano A., Trovato V., Yakono G., Malusell G. Thermal and fire-resistant properties of cotton fabrics treated with a new nitrogen-containing carboxyl-functionalized organophosphorus system. 2018.196. pp. 348-358.

10. Lin D., Zeng X., Li H., Lai X., Wu T. Production of superhydrophobic and flame-retardant coatings on cotton fabrics by the sol-gel reaction method / / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2019.533. P. 198206.

УДК 656.135.2



Markevych A.,

Ph.D., Lanzhou Jiaotong University, P.R. China

Shramenko N.,

D.Sc., Professor, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Ukraine

Moroz M.

D.Sc., Professor, KremenchukMykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Ukraine


The method of formation of rational technology of consigner's forwarding service is provided, which presumes definition of rational area of application of a certain vehicle payload and brand for operating on urban transportation routes and some practical recommendations are developed. As a criterion of efficiency, the minimum total costs for urban small consignment transportation per day were chosen. It is determined that the consignment size is subject to the normal law of distribution of a random variable while the loading and unloading time of 1 ton of consignment complies with the law of exponents. A regression analysis was performed and as well as the function of dependence of total costs for transportation of small consignments per day on the number of customers, with different values of the average consignment size and nominal vehicle payload operating on transportation routes which allows to determine the rational use of a particular brand depending on the number of customers for the corresponding value of the average consignment size.

Keywords: forwarding service, transportation routes, urban traffic, small consignment.

Relevance of work. At the present stage of development in Ukraine, more and more companies use logistics concepts such as planning deliveries "just-in-time", reducing stocks and others. This led to a decrease in the size of deliveries and an increase in the share of small consignments in the total volume of traffic. This trend is mostly observed in the transportation of goods in urban traffic.

The modern practice of small consignment transportation is characterized by small sizes of transportation to one consignee address, and the number of destinations during the day can reach from several tens to several hundreds. The problem of routing is one of the main tasks that are solved while planning small consignments transportation in urban areas, the rational solution of which largely depends on the efficiency of rolling stock and transportation costs.

For high-quality forwarding services for consignment owners in the goods transportation, it is necessary not only to deliver the specified amount of

consignment, but also to do it at a certain time, which complicates the transportation routes formation and the choice of rational vehicle payload for performing the transportation.

Given that the share of small consignments in the total volume of transportation is growing steadily, and the level of their organization is not effective enough, it is necessary to search for new scientific and practical solutions, methods and models to optimize the transportation process.

As a result of the analysis of the process of small consignments transportation organization in urban areas, a number of lacks are defined among which are the formation of irrational routes; failure to take into account customer requirements regarding the consignment delivery time; use of vehicles with irrational payload on transportation routes.

To solve routing problems for transportation, gathering and transportation and gathering routes, scientists propose to use various methods [1]. However,

the existing methods do not provide for the presence of a large number of customers served (about 100 or more). When using the classical approximate methods for these conditions, the calculation error is very considerable, and the calculation time is very significant, i.e. they do not guarantee performance in a reasonable time. Most methods of forming transportation routes are based on determining the shortest routes, but do not take into account the priority of customers and strategies for their service [2].

Based on the analysis of scientific studies [3-8], as well as the experience of transport services for consignment owners by forwarding companies, we can conclude that the assessment of transport services for consignment owners in urban traffic is often carried out only from the standpoint of carriers, and the interests of consigners and consignees regarding the time of consignment shipment (delivery) recede into the background or remain completely ignored, which indicates a deterioration in the quality of transport services.

The analysis of the sources shows that the level of organization of the consignment transportation is not effective enough, most existing models of the transport process organization do not take into account the need to reach a compromise and balance the economic interests of all participants in the transportation process. It is necessary to search for new scientific and practical solutions, develop and improve existing approaches and models for planning and organizing transportation routes to reduce the use of resources of the vehicle fleet operator, improve the quality of freight forwarding services, which will lead to the formation of flexible tariff policy by transport companies, aimed at more complete satisfaction of the requirements of consignment owners.

The purpose of the work is the formation of rational technology in the organization of small consignments transportation in urban areas due to the choice of vehicle brand and payload.

Material and results of research. Monetary and some natural indicators can characterize the changes that occur both in particular systems of transportation, production and consumption, and in total, i.e. the integrated effect.

The minimum total cost of small consignment transportation per day was chosen as a criterion of efficiency:

Bs =f(qn,N,q)-,min. (1)

where qn - nominal vehicle payload used for operating on transportation routes, t; TV - number of consumers, fig.; q - the average consignment size, t Therefore, it is necessary to determine the impact of the nominal vehicle payload operating on transportation routes, the number of customers, as well

as the average consignment size on the total cost of small consignment transportation per day.

Simulation modeling was chosen to model the object of study, as the vast majority of parameters for the small consignment transportation in urban traffic are random variables. This method of modeling will allow to take into account more accurately the nature of internal processes, to consider the state of the system under different conditions.

Statistical studies were conducted on the example of a forwarding company that organizes the small consignment transportation in Kharkiv. It is determined that the consignment size is subject to the normal law of distribution of a random variable with parameters a = 0.491 t, c = 0.2 t; loading time of 1 ton of consignment complies with the exponential law of distributed of a random variable with a parameter b = 0.049 hours; unloading time of 1 ton of consignment complies with the exponential law of distributed of a random variable with a parameter b = 0.048 h.

Based on the fact that most often the transportation of small consignment is carried out by sided tilt-covered vehicles and vans with a payload of 3 to 6 tons, 15 alternative vehicle brands were selected [9]. As a result of comparing the linear norms of fuel consumption and vehicle prices, taking into account their lowest values for simulation, three vehicle brands were selected: Foton BJ 1049, Hyundai HD-72 and KAMAZ 4308-6064-79 (C3).

Levels of variation of input factors are determined: vehicle payload - [3; 6] t; number of customers - [10; 100] units; the average consignment size - [0,241; 0.741] t. To conduct a simulation experiment, a plan of the Plackett-Burman design was developed, the number of series is 90 units.

Simulation experiments were conducted with the help of developed software, a distinctive feature of which is the formation of rational transportation (gathering) routes for the small consignment transportation in urban traffic for a large number of customers. The program field randomly generates the location of the clientele and the terminal, as well as the volume of traffic and the consignment delivery time.

The result is the formed routes and the values of the total mileage on the routes per day Lz. Based on the results of the study [10], the formation of routes was carried out taking into account the non-rigid time requirements of consumers.

To determine the rational scope of application on the transportation routes of each vehicle brand, depending on the number of customers, simulation was performed and regression models were obtained for the average consignment size of 0.241 tons, 0.491 tons and 0.741 tons (Table 1). The following types of dependences of regression models are considered: exponential, polynomial and power.

Table 1

Regression models of total costs for the small consignment transportation per day depending on the number _of customers for each vehicle brand at different values of the average consignment size_

Average consignment size, t Vehicle brand Type of function Regression model

0.241 Foton BJ 1049 Exponential 3Z = 502.06 ■s™"1

Hyundai HD-72 Exponential 3Z — 512.13 ■ ffu-uïljv

КАМАЗ 4308-6064-79(С3) Exponential 3Z - 640.73 ■ ép^1™

0.491 Foton BJ 1049 Power 3Z = 33.78S

Hyundai HD-72 Power 32 = 44,S32 .Jff"«"

KAMAZ 4308-6064-79(С3) Exponential 32 =715.09-0*™

0.741 Foton BJ 1049 Power 32 = 28,993 -JV^™

Hyundai HD-72 Power 32 = 35,997 JV"™

KAMAZ 4308-6064-79(С3) Exponential 32 = 756,S3 ■ s"™

Since the size of the consignment is subject to the normal law of distribution of a random variable, according to the rule of "three sigma", 99.7% of the values of the random variable fall into the interval [a3 c; a+3c]. In the simulation to generate the consignment size, the value of its standard deviation is a = 0.0421. With this in mind, the ranges of the i-th consignment size variation depending on the 9 value of the average consigmnent is at 9=0.241 t - ^£[0.05;

Figure 1 - Graphs of the dependence of the total cost of consignment transportation per day on the number of customers with an average consignment size of 0.491 tons

0.38] t; at 9=0.4911 - ¡j,-,e[0.38; 0.62] t; at 9=0,7411 - qfi£[0.62; 1.0] t.

According to the regression models (Table 1), graphs were obtained that represent the approximate values of total costs for small consignment transportation per day with different number of customers and different values of the average consignments size for alternative vehicle brands. An example is given for the average consignments size of 0.491 tons (Figure 1).

Thus, the graphs obtained (Figure 1) allow us to determine the rational areas of application of a particular vehicle brand depending on the number of customers to operate on transportation routes (Table 2).

Thus, to improve the efficiency of the forwarding company, it is recommended:

- to apply modern methods of formation of transportation routes for a large number of customers, which give the least error in optimizing the total mileage;

- to make a choice of rational vehicle payload at operating on transportation routes depending on the

average consignment size and the number of consigners serviced (Table 2);

- provide for the application of differentiated tariffs to meet the requirements of consigners regarding the delivery time of goods;

- take into account the interests of consigners when choosing a strategy for the formation of transportation routes in conditions of uncertainty and risk with ever-changing demand, which will improve the quality of transport services.

Table 2

Rational vehicles depending on the number of customers and the average consignment size

The average consignment size, t The number of customers Recommended vehicle

Vehicle brand Payload, t

0.241 10 Foton BJ 1049 3

11-100 Hyundai HD-72 4.2

10-15 Foton BJ 1049 3

0.491 16-26 Hyundai HD-72 4.2

27-71 KAMAZ 4308-6064-79(C3) 6

72-100 Hyundai HD-72 4.2

10-11 Foton BJ 1049 3

0.741 12-23 Hyundai HD-72 4.2

24-68 KAMAZ 4308-6064-79(C3) 6

69-100 Hyundai HD-72 4.2

Conclusions. A method of forming a rational technology of freight forwarding services for consigners has been developed, which provides for the use of rational vehicle payload and brand for operating on transportation routes. As a criterion for the vehicle efficiency on transportation routes, the minimum total costs for transportation of small consignments per day are proposed.

On the example of the forwarding company, the laws of distribution of random variables of the process of small consignments transportation and their parameters are determined which are the following: the consignment size is subject to the normal law with a mathematical expectation of 0.491 tons and a standard deviation of 0.2 tons; loading time of 1 ton of consignment complies with exponential law with an average value of 0.049 hours; unloading time of 1 ton of consignment complies with exponential law with an average value of 0.048 hours.

The choice of alternative vehicle brands of different payloads for the simulation experiment is substantiated: Foton BJ 1049, Hyundai HD-72 and KAMAZ 4308-6064-79 (C3). Using the results of the simulation experiment, a regression model was obtained, which most accurately describes the dependence of the total cost of small consignments transportation per day on the nominal vehicle payload, the number of customers and the average consignment size. Regression models are also obtained, which allow to determine the rational areas of use of a particular vehicle brand depending on the number of customers served, with the appropriate value of the average consignment size.

Practical recommendations for the formation of resource-saving technology of vehicles on transportation routes have been developed, and rational areas of application of the corresponding vehicle brands depending on the number of customers and the average consignment size have been proposed. So, at the average consignment size of 0.491t for service from 10 to 16 customers it is expedient to use the vehicle Foton BJ 1049 with a payload of 3 t, between 16 and 27 and more than 71 customers Hyundai HD-72 with a payload 4,2 t is rational, between 27 and 72 customers KAMAZ 4308-6064-79 (C3) with a payload of 6 tons is efficient.

Further research should be aimed at taking into account the conditions of uncertainty and risk in making management decisions when organizing small

consignment transportation on transport routes in urban areas.


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Melnikova M.

teacher of the highest qualification category Chita technical school of railway transport ZabIZhT IrGUPS,3, Butina str., Chita city


Мельникова М.А.

преподаватель высшей квалификационной категории Читинский техникум железнодорожного транспорта ЗабИЖТ ИрГУПС, улица Бутина 3,

город Чита


At present, we need specialists who are able to practically solve the life and professional tasks that they face. Specialists should be ready to independently solve production processes, which largely depends on the quality of the knowledge, skills, and practical experience obtained during training using the training and production complex.


В настоящее время нужны специалисты, способные практически решать встающие перед ними жизненные и профессиональные задачи. Специалисты должны быть готовы к самостоятельному решению производственных процессов, что во многом зависит от качества полученных при обучении знаний, умений, навыков и практического опыта с использованием учебно-производственного комплекса.

Keywords: competent specialists, training and production complex, formation of professional competencies.

Ключевые слова: компетентные специалисты, учебно-производственный комплекс, формирование профессиональных компетентностей.

Актуальность темы обусловлена тем, что повышения качества специалистов среднего профессионального образования, достаточно на сегодня востребовано на рынке труда, подтверждается тем, что ФГОС (федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт) основанных на формирование общих и профессиональных компетенций, которые в большой степени могут формироваться через использование в образовательном процессе учебно -производственного комплекса. [3, с. 10].

Современное российское общество рассматривает множество процессов, в ходе которого формирование профессиональных компетентностей обучающихся является основой для учебного процесса. В данном теме рассматриваются вопросы для подготовки компетентных специалистов, которые будут занимать на предприятиях определенные

должности в соответствии сформированными профессиональными компетентностями способными более качественно принимать конкретные решения на производстве. [2, с. 3].

Подготовка специалистов среднего профессионального образования тесно связана с получением теоретического курса в рамках образовательного процесса и практической курса в рамках прохождения учебных и производственных практик на базе закреплённых предприятий. Для выполнения данных условий и создан учебно-производственный комплекс для закрепления полученных знаний. В настоящее время все больше предпочтение отдается молодым специалистам, которые в свою очередь имеют профессиональный опыт, после получения диплома специалиста. Большинство выпускников не умеют применять полученные знания и

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