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Аннотация научной статьи по химическим технологиям, автор научной работы — Georgieva A.V.

The possibilities for creating of wheat flour mixtures, enriched with puree of pumpkin and beetroot have been studied. Defined are some of the basic physical and chemical parameters. Tested is the strength of enriched dough. Established are the regimes of the main technological processes for obtaining bread. The recipes and technology for the preparation of high quality bread, based on wheat flour type 500 with the use of different amounts of the mixture - puree of pumpkin and beetroot (20%, 25% and 30%) as a proportion of mass the flour are been developed. Based on this have been performed test baking of bread. Finished products are classified upon their organoleptic properties and physical quality parameters. It was proved by the results obtained. Quality of the resulting bread is very good. The titratable acidity and humidity of the crumb of enriched bread showed that the additive can be used for to preserve the freshness of the bread for a longer period of time.

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вых технологий. - 2015. 5/5 (77). С. 24-28.

6. Баданин А.Н. Анизотропные фундаменты мелкого заложения [Текст]/ А.Н. Баданин, Ю.К. Демченко // Строительство уникальных зданий и сооружений. -2014. 3 (18). С 117-134.

7. Школа А.В. Несущая способность оснований и боковое давление грунтов, анизотропных по сопротивлению сдвигу: учебное пособие [Текст] / А.В. Школа. - М.: Мортехинформреклама, 1991. - 52 с.

8. Школа А.В. Учет анизотропии многослойного грунта при определении активного давления на подпорные стены с учетом сейсмических воздействий [Текст] / А.В. Школа, И.В. Войтенко // Вестник Одесской государ-

ственной академии строительства и архитектуры. - Выпуск №4. - Одеса, 2001. - С. 394-407.

9. Бирюкова, О.А. Метод решения проблемы учета деформационной анизотропии грунтов в расчетах грунтовых оснований [Текст] / О.А. Бирюкова, О.А. Коробова, И. Любич // Сборник научных работ XXXII Международной научно-практической конференции «Модели и методы разрешения формально научных и прикладных проблем в физико-математических, технических и химических исследованиях». - Лондон, GISAP, - 2012. - С. 54-57.


Georgieva A. V.

Doctor /professor / lecturer, Chair "Food Technology" Thracian University Stara Zagora Faculty "Engineering and Technology" Yambol - Bulgaria


The possibilities for creating of wheat flour mixtures, enriched with puree of pumpkin and beetroot have been studied.

Defined are some of the basic physical and chemical parameters.

Tested is the strength of enriched dough. Established are the regimes of the main technological processes for obtaining bread.

The recipes and technology for the preparation of high quality bread, based on wheat flour type 500 with the use of different amounts of the mixture - puree of pumpkin and beetroot (20%, 25% and 30%) as a proportion of mass the flour are been developed. Based on this have been performed test baking of bread.

Finished products are classified upon their organoleptic properties and physical quality parameters. It was proved by the results obtained. Quality of the resulting bread is very good.

The titratable acidity and humidity of the crumb of enriched bread showed that the additive can be used for to preserve the freshness of the bread for a longer period of time.

Key words: wheat flour, dough, mixture puree of pumpkin and beetroot, quality indicators, enriched bread, organoleptic assessment.

The main problem of the bakery industry remains to expand the assortment of bakery products with improved quality and increased nutritional value. It is therefore necessary to create products of mass consumption with high nutritional and biological value with simultaneous provision of the technological indicators of quality of bread.

In this situation obsolete creation of new technologies and assortments functional food products, which constitute an effective means for securing the human organism with needed quantities ingredients and micronutrients that do not require changes in the food ration and the lifestyle.

The Functional foods in its composition contain essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins, macro- and micronutrients, fiber in quantities, capable of meeting the daily needs of the body.

To determine the nutritional value of products, especially of bread, it is necessary to determine not only the protein content of the bread, but also the content of the incorporated biologically active substances contained in it, which enrich the bakery products with vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Effective tool to improve the quality of bread and prophylaxis on the given disease is the use of bio-additives.

Among the perspective types of additional unconventional materials, practical interest for the bakery industry are plant

ingredients with high nutritional value.

Bakery products have relatively low nutritional value. Increasing the nutritional value at the expense of cheap and easily available raw material is feasible.

Most bakery products contain insufficient amounts physiologically important nutrients. To increase the nutritional value may be used various kinds of vegetables rich in mono and disaccharides, including fructose, vitamins and minerals.

Pumpkin is very valuable and useful food. The Chemical composition of the gourd is unique. It is medicine, vitamin complex and indispensable food. Pumpkin is rich in vitamins. It include the vitamins B1, B2, C, K, PP. Especially high is the content of vitamin C. The composition of the gourd includes organic acids: benzoic, citric, malic, quinic and others.

In optimal doses these organic acids provide the acidity of the bread. The combination of ascorbic acid with ferment glucose oxidase helps to strengthen of the gluten skeleton in the dough, improves the relative volume, porosity and shape stability of the floor bread.

In the technology of bread can be used processed pumpkin. The pumpkin contains up to 11% easily-digestible carbohydrates such as cellulose, organic acids and oils. In 100 g. pumpkin is contains up to 25% dry substance, 2% starch, 0.15% fat, 0.95% cellulose and salts of phosphoric acid, calcium,

magnesium, a considerable amount potassium . On content of iron , the pumpkin is the first among vegetables. It is rich in vitamins - ^-carotene, nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid, B1, B2, PP, carotenoids.

Its dietary and nutritional value is associated with high levels of ^-carotene - 5-20 mg%, vitamin C 10-50 mg%, 0.50.7% pectin, fiber and minerals.

Bakery products with pumpkin puree contained 1.5 times more fiber, 1.6 to 2.3 times more potassium, magnesium, calcium, 1.2 to 1.6 times more carotenoids, vitamins C, group of vitamins B and vitamin PP in compared with bread no containing pumpkin puree. Therefore this bread can be recommended for the prevention of diseases of atherosclerosis, diabetes and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract [1, p.21].

A method is known for obtaining zwieback with mashed pumpkin. Best quality baked rusks been obtained from dose 30% puree by mass of the flour in the dough. The increase in specific volume of the baked rusks with puree relative to the control constitutes 20%, the compressibility of the crumb -7%. They are distinguished with increased nutritional value and finely porous structure of the crumb, more pronounced sweetness and flavor. The ratio of calcium to magnesium is close to the optimum ratio of 1: 0.6 [2, p.30].

The pumpkin improves bowel function, increases the

Chemical compositio

excretion of chlorides from the body, increases urine output, no irritate the renal tissue. Appointed at liver disease, kidney and gout.

The beet contain to 0.6% cellulose, sugars from 5% to 12%, proteins from 0.5% to 3.6%, mineral matter from 1% to 2%, pectic substances from 0.8% to 2%, vitamin C of 8% to 10%, vitamin B1, B2, PP, ^-carotene and organic acids such as malic and oxalic.

Attend and many other bioactive substances, vital for the body.

Known is way of getting rusk with puree pumpkin. Best quality rusk is obtained by using of 30% puree of pumpkin toward the mass of the flour.

Given the above, the purpose of the experimental work is to demonstrate the possibility of using pumpkin and beetroot as a dietary supplement and natural non-traditional raw material in the bakery industry, which allows not only to expand assortment of bread products but also to enhance their quality and nutritional value.

Table 1 shows the chemical composition of pumpkin and beetroot used in the research, in the form of puree mixture.

In the composition of the puree of pumpkin and beetroot, which used as a component in the recipe in trial production of bread is contained vitamins, fiber and minerals.

Table 1.

of pumpkin and beetroot

contents pumpkin beetroot

Pectin, % 0,7 1,9

Proteins, % 1,1 2,6

Fats, % 0,12 0,10

Carbohydrates, % 5,8 14,8

Mineral substances, mg% 6,2 76

- sodium 225 312

- potassium 30 42

- calcium 22 34

- magnesium 28 52

- phosphorus 0,8 1,8

- iron

Vitamins, mg% 18,4 10

-vitamin C 0,9 0,4

-vitamin PP 0,45 0,12

-vitamin B1 0,26 0,24

-vitamin B2 10,5 0,31

- P- carotin

To achieve the given objectives were set following tasks:

- determine the optimal way to prepare the puree mixture of pumpkin and beetroot and incorporation as an additive in the dough;

- determine the optimal rate of the additive at the preparation of the dough;

- study the impact of puree from pumpkin and beetroot on the quality of the bread;

- study the physical and chemical properties of dough and the quality indicators of bread.

Studies have conducted in a scientific aboratory.

The surveys are conducted in order to establish the optimal

ratio of the components used as a basis to develop recipes for new products with the addition of mixture puree of pumpkin and beetroot.

To study the influence of mixture puree from pumpkin and beetroot upon physicochemical properties of dough are used standard methods for determining gasing capability and gas retention ability, his acidity and humidity.

To study the influence of mixture puree from pumpkin and beetroot of the organoleptic and physico-chemical properties of the finished products are measured porosity of bread, its volume and shape stability.

In preparing the flour mixture for bread necessarily

determine its baking quality. The most accurate results are obtained in laboratory test of bread baking.

While conducting research in quality of raw material are used flour type 500 of company "Sofia Mel», dry yeast, salt, water and puree mass of pumpkin and beetroot. All the raw materials meet the requirements of the relevant standards.

In the created flour mixtures are using combinations of wheat flour type 500 and products of the canning industry -puree from pumpkin and beetroot. Developed are different recipes - compositions of flour with mixes puree.

Upon inclusion in the recipes of puree pumpkin and beet , it enriches them with carotene, vitamins, trace elements and pectin substances. It is therefore recommended to be used in the diet of children and adult persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The aim of the study is to determine the optimal ratio between pumpkin and beetroot, optimal dosage of puree mixture of pumpkin and beetroot toward the flour, to determine the impact of the additive on the quality of the bread samples, developing on recipes and assessing consumer properties of bakery products of wheat flour type 500, enriched with puree mixture pumpkin and beetroot. With this goal were conducted number of laboratory test of bread baking by a methodology [Vangelov].

The aim of the research was to establish the effect of imported additives on the quality of products,

Determined is the optimal dosage, which guarantee the the effectiveness of the additive for maintaining and improving quality of the final product.

Since the objective is maximum enrichment of bakery products with nutrients of pumpkin and beetroot, the starting doses amount is 20% by weight of flour. Were studied higher doses - 25% and 30%..The amounts of the remaining components are determined depending on previously conducted studies on rheology of the doughs and their water absorption. As a control for comparison of results obtained after baking is used bread made from the same components, in the absence of puree mixture.

Experiments are carried out with the addition of different amounts of the puree - 20%; 25% and 30% by weight of the flour of the type 500.

The water absorption ability of flour is one of the important indicators that influence the quality of the bread. The tested flours is prepared from high quality wheat (from 54.4 to 63.9%).

The introduction of a mixture puree of pumpkin and beetroot leads to a significant increase in water absorption of the flour. Most great is the influence with use of 30% supplement. Among the main components of flour involved in the absorption of the water are starch, protein and pentosans. In the process of preparing a the dough, the starch and the proteins are able to absorb up to 200% water from their mass, pentosans up to 1500%.

The test samples enriched with mashed pumpkin and beetroot, contain a greater amount of minerals and vitamins as compared by controls bread.

The mineral substances strengthen the activity of enzymes participate in the emulsions and activate the yeast in the dough.

It has been found that with the inclusion of additive of 20 to 30% by weight of flour, gasing and gas retentive ability of dough

is not deteriorate.

With good physical and chemical indicators are all test bakery products.

The acidity of all samples gradually increases with the additive. Finished products have an acceptable taste and smell.

The content of biologically active substances determined not only the nutritional value of bakery product, but also the technological properties. Many quality indicators are directly dependent on them.

The strength of the flour is determined by the quantity and quality of the proteins and gluten. The strong flour requires a large amount of proteins and gluten for obtaining a dough with a normal texture and good elasticity, after baking of which give a porous bread with stable form.

The dough is significant multicomponent system, in comparison with the washer gluten. In gluten major component is the gluten protein, while in the dough basic in quantity component is the starch. Among them there are other polysaccharides and significant amount of water-soluble substances of different nature.

Upon washout of the glutens in all samples, is observed a decrease of its contents, which may be explained by the impact of the imported organic acids, resulting in hydrolyzation of gluten proteins.

The positive influence of the additive may be determined by grant of small ball dough.

Incurred contradiction between influence of the additive upon the rheological properties of gluten and dough is determined from the action of the complex from substances and processes.

Among the substances determining the resulting effect of the impact upon rheological properties of isolated gluten and the dough, priority meaning have water soluble pentosans, content of which in the additive is more than in wheat flour.

It can be assumed that strengthening the dough can happen due to redistribution of the moisture between its the components by lowering of the hydration of gluten at the expense of competing absorption of water from the pentosans.

The carried experiments based on a comparison of the quality of finished products with the control (without additive). Studies have been conducted in use of different percentage additive by mass of the flour in the recipe.

The main task is to establish the dosage, which provides high structural and mechanical properties of the doughs and balancing of bread products by nutritional value and high organoleptic parameters.

In the production of experimental models bread main stage of the process is the preparation of the dough.

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Along with the physical and biochemical processes in dough during maturation and baking , a big role have the yeasts that help for loosening of the dough.

A necessary condition for intensification of fermentation process and loosening the dough is the sugar in the flour which helps the yeast in the process of formation of the dough and is needed for obtain bread with high quality.

In close connection with sugar forming ability is gas forming capability - an important condition for obtaining fluffy bread with good porosity of bread crumb .

It should be noted increase of gas forming capability on the

dough with the addition which is explained by the additional amount introduced biologically active substances.

Among the factors underlying the intensification of the gas forming process, as priority is determined the increase in the proportion of the sugars and activation activity of the yeast, at the expense for increasing the proportion of the nutrients necessary for normal vital activity of yeast, at introducing of additive of pumpkin and beetroot.

This assumption is confirmed by determination of the lifting force of bread dough.

For samples with 20, 25 and 30% additive, the intensity of

the fermentation for 45 minutes remains enough stable , which probably is due to a sufficiently high amount of sugar accessible to the yeast and significantly differ from the control sample.

As a result, a series of laboratory firing was found negligible decrease in weight on average about (1,12-1,73%) ;increase in volume on average about (3,76-12,77%) and porosity of the test samples of bread on average about (5,75-14,23%) compared to the control sample.

The physicochemical indicators on the quality of bread have been brought in fig. 1, 2 and 3.


ra a




ra w w ra









405 400 398 396

207 206 205 203


20 % pumpkin and beet

Molded bread

25 % pumpkin and beet

■ Floors bread

30 % pumpkin and beet

Fig.1. The mass of roasted in baking dish and in form bread, derived from wheat flour type 500 with mixture puree of pumpkin and beet

Bread crumb slightly darkens.

The samples of bread have better organoleptic characteristics compared with control bread.

Fig.2. Volume of roasted in baking dish and in form bread, derived from wheat flour type 500 with mixture puree of pumpkin and beet

By introduction of the additive is obtained bread with a greater specific volume, higher porosity and better elastic crumb. Floor bread has a good stability of the shape.


Fig.3. Specific volume of roasted in baking dish and in form bread, derived from wheat flour type 500 with mixture puree of pumpkin and beet

In assessment of the nutritional and biological value of the new kind of bread with the use of the additive has been found that therein the content of vitamins and trace elements is higher compared to the control sample.

The dependence of the quality indicators of bread from the quantity of the puree mixture - pumpkin and beetroot, allows to infer that the optimal dose of securing greater enrichment of bakery products with biologically active substances with good indicators of quality of bread is 30%.

According to the survey indicators - all bakery samples are

produced from strong flours.

With organoleptic assessment it has found that the introduced additive gives on the bread a pleasant taste and aroma.

The tasting assessments confirm the acceptability and effectiveness of the introduction the additive in recipes of bakery products.

The organoleptic indicators on the quality of bread have been brought in fig. 4 and fig.5.

In appearance

Vol um


Taste and smel l


Color of the crust

Color of the crumb

Porosity of crumb Stickinees of crumb

■controla - wheat flour type 500 -Floors bread ■20 % pumpkin and beet - Floors bread

25 % pumpkin and beet - Floors bread

■30 % pumpkin and beet - Floors bread

Fig.4. Sensorial evaluation of roasted in baking dish bread, derived from wheat flour type 500 with mixture puree of pumpkin and beet

-controla - wheat flour

In appearance type 500 - Molded bread

Volum^. - 5 Color of the crust -20% pumpkin and beet - Molded bread

-25 % pumpkin and beet -

Molded bread

Taste and smell Porosity of crumb -30 % pumpkin and beet - Molded bread

Elasticity Stickinees of crumb

Fig.5. Sensorial evaluation of roasted in form bread, derived from wheat flour type 500 with mixture puree of pumpkin and


In the variant with 20, 25 and 30% additive are increases the specific volume of the bread and the stability of the shape when compared to the control sample.

The conducted organoleptic evaluations confirms the acceptability and effectiveness of introducing additive into formulations of bakery products.

Obtained are products with better quality without a significant change in the flavor.

Specimens of bread with additives have better organoleptic properties.

The water absorption from bread crumb is a of the most important properties, which keep it fresh and determined the quality of the finished product.

Adding of puree mixture of pumpkin and beetroot leads to a significant increase in water absorption capacity from the bread crumb. Most major is influence when adding a 30% additive -puree mixture of pumpkin and beetroot.

In fig. 6 have been brought data for the moisture-uptake of bread crumb.

Fig.6. Moisture of the crumb of the enriched bread with puree of pumpkin and beet

Decreases is the risk of disease on the bread from potato disease because of the high acidity.

The appearance of potato disease at the control sample was found after 48 hours thermostating after baking.

In test sample, the disease of bread is reported after 96 hours thermostating after baking. It manifests itself with a slight specific smell and sticky crumbs.

From the results of the study can draw the following conclusions:

1. It has been found optimum ratio between pumpkin and beetroot.

2. Determined is the optimal dosage of the additive from pumpkin and beetroot in bakery products. Puree mixture of pumpkin and beet is added in an amount of 20% to 30% by replacing the corresponding amount of flour.

3. Developed a recipe for getting bread enriched with vitamins and micronutrients at the expense of submitted puree from pumpkin and beetroot.

4. It is advisable to introduce 30% additive, which is rational from a technological standpoint and from a position of maximum enrichment of the bread.

5. The resulting bakery products meet the necessary quality requirements by physico-chemical and organoleptic parameters.

6. The additive of puree mixture of pumpkin and beet in bakery products improves not only the organoleptic indicators of the finished product, but also allows to improve its chemical composition and nutritional value.

7. Decreases is the risk of disease on the bread from potato disease because of the high acidity.

List literature: [Text] /I.B. Isabaev, KH Mazhidov etc. - Baking Russia. - 2000,

1. Atayev A.A. Dietary bakery products for a healthy diet - №4. - P.30. [Text] /A.A. Atayev, R.D. Polaidova, TG Bogatyrev. - Bakery

Russia. - 2000, - №1. - P.21.

2. Isabaev I.B. Puree pumpkin in the production of rusks



Джафаров Низами Думан оглы

Кандидат технических наук, досент Азербайджанский Ггосударственный Университет Нефти и Промышленности AUTOBIOGRAPHY IN THE ACTIVITY OF ROBERT GRAVES.

Jafarov Nizami Duman PhD Technical Science, assistant professor Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry АННОТАЦИЯ

В работе рассматривается задача о сжатии пористого покрытия. Построена математическая модель в рамках нелинейной вязко-упругой теории пористости. Приведены рекуррентные соотношения для определения значений параметра пористости и осадка при многократном повторении процесса сжатия. Для упрощенных основных соотношений модели приведен график зависимости параметра пористости от числа повторений. ABSTRACT

The paper considers the problem of compressed porous cover. The mathematical model of compression is defined in the frame of the theory of non-linear viscoelastic porosity. Recurrent relations are given to determine the values of porosity parameters and upsetting under multiple iteration of compression. The diagram of dependence of porosity parameters on number of iteration is given for simplified basic relations of the model.

Ключовые слова: покрытия, поры, повреждаемость, пористый материал, уплотнения слоя, бесконечный слой, внешней поверхности

Keywords: cover, porosity, damageability, porous material, sealing layer, an infinite layer, the outer surface

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Введение. В силу технологических особенностей изготовления изделий, из условий эксплуатации некоторых конструкций, на некоторые элементы конструкций наносятся покрытия. Эти покрытия могут быть антикоррозионными, упрочняющими для данного элемента конструкции, восстанавливающими параметры конструкций и т. д. Несмотря на многоцелевое использование покрытий, они имеют ряд общих свойств. Среди этих свойств выделим некоторые. Материал покрытий является композиционным. Это связано с требованиями к свойствам материала покрытия, с его адгезионными свойствами. В силу особенностей композитов они являются пористыми. При этом объем пор меняется со временем в связи с изменением температуры окружающей среды, ее влажности и т.д. Наличие пор влияет на поведение покрытия при его совместной работе с элементом конструкции. Поэтому возникает необходимость уплотнения покрытия, что приводит к уменьшению объема пор, а следовательно, к улучшению показателей покрытия. Необходимо отметить, что уплотнение проводится до достижения определенных значений показателей покрытия, т.е. до определенного значения объема пор. Отсюда следует, что процесс уплотнения является многократным. Это связано со следующим: для определения качества покрытия необходимо провести проводить замеры рассматриваемого показателя. Так как для применяемых технологий уплотнения, не всегда, с первого раза, удается достичь требуемого значения показателя, то возникает необходимость повторного уплотнения. Эта процедура повторяется до достижения требуемого значения параметра.

При рассмотрении многократных (повторяющихся) процессов одной из трудностей является учет предыдущего результата для численного расчета соответствующей математической модели. Поэтому построение эффективной математической модели, ее численная реализация при многократном повторении процесса уплотнения покрытия из пористого материала представляет научный и практический интерес.

Постановка задачи. Рассмотрим бесконечный слой, лежащий на жестком горизонтальном основании. Поперечную координату слоя обозначим через х. Тогда координата основания определяется как х=0, внешней поверхности как х=Н0, где Н0- толщина слоя. Предположим, что на внешней поверхности слоя действует вертикальная сжимающая сила, перемещающаяся вдоль оси У со скоростью V , где у - продольная координата слоя. Значение этой силы не зависит от координаты другой продольной оси г , т.е. предполагается, что задача является плоской.

Пусть материал слоя является пористым. Распределение пор в материале можно описать некоторой величиной ш, аналогичной параметру повреждаемости [1].

В этом случае ш определяется как Ф = VV 1, где V - некоторый объем, выделенный в рассматриваемом слое, V« - объем пор, находящийся в этом V. Такого типа слои встречаются при рассмотрении покрытий, применяемых в машиностроении, в строительстве и т.п. Обычно, при рассмотрении дорожных покрытий, покрытий взлетно-посадочных полос, антикоррозионных покрытий и т.п. поведение покрытий моделируется поведением бесконечного

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