DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS' SOCIAL COMPETENCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nuriddinov M.A.

This article describes social competencies, social competence, socio-political and knowledge, the volume of specific knowledge, the development of ethical standards in society, the development of social competencies.

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УДК. 634.2

Nuriddinov M.A. senior lecturer

department "History of Uzbekistan and Social Sciences" Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana Republic of Uzbekistan


Annotation: This article describes social competencies, social competence, socio-political and knowledge, the volume of specific knowledge, the development of ethical standards in society, the development of social competencies.

Keywords: social competence, educational process, adaptation, social responsibility.

Being able to withstand strong competition, which is a priority in the labor market in the context of market relations, requires every specialist to have professional competence, to gradually increase it.

Key functions of social competence include concepts such as adaptation, social orientation, and a combination of personal and social experiences. The level of social competence of an individual plays an important role in the process of interaction and organization of activities.

At the same time, according to the research conducted by psychologists, the formation of the level of social competence in people plays a special role in the process of adaptation of citizens to the new social conditions of globalization. Ecological, political, ideological, social changes not only determine the development of social thinking, but also affect people's self-awareness, life values, personal problems.

This puts before the science of psychology the task of creating programs aimed at increasing the level of a person's competence in solving problems related to socialization, social adaptation. In our view, this task is especially relevant to the work of teachers, who are responsible not only for themselves, but also for the formation of students as harmoniously developed individuals.

Social competence plays an important role among the various forms of psychological competence that modern psychology studies. It also reflects the creative features of man as a subject of social interaction, cooperation. Mechanisms of formation of competent social behavior of the subject, tendencies of manifestation, motivation, interest in the content are characterized, first of all, by the influence of the nature of "human-society" interaction on social development.

Philosophical, socio-political, religious, national-spiritual, pedagogical-psychological factors of development of social competence of students can be

specified. In particular, the Action Strategy for the further development of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021 covers aspects of the development of social competence.

Psychological factors are analyzed in relation to the intellectual, emotional and motivational spheres and include motive, purpose, emotions, personality traits. Pedagogical factors include national education, educational paradigms, communication, information culture, preparation for socialization.

The development of students' social competence should be based on the following factors:

- high level of self-awareness;

- citizenship, self-esteem, self-esteem, discipline, integrity;

- attention to spiritual values;

- sense of independence and responsibility in decision-making;

- free choice of the content of vital activities;

- kindness, goodness; altruism, patience, endurance, humility;

- striving for peace, good neighborliness, understanding of national and universal values;

- the need for knowledge and deep understanding of self-awareness, beauty, reflection, communication and the meaning of life;

- autonomy of the inner world, integrity; advanced skills;

- the need for life-changing scientific knowledge, skills, abilities, intellect, institution, creative life;

- knowledge of the basics of economics;

- diligence, thrift;

- learning foreign languages;

- knowledge of national and religious traditions;

- healthy lifestyle;

- physical recovery;

- aesthetic taste, good deeds;

- cleanliness, beautification of the environment and ensuring the well-being of the family; erudition, competence;

- Entrepreneurship, competitiveness, management skills;

- Entrepreneurship;

- ability to think creatively, know the history, culture of different peoples,


Therefore, in the development of a person's social competence, his individuality is manifested. Social competence in students of higher education institutions is developed through their socio-political, labor, cognitive processes, daily life, a certain amount of knowledge and the acquisition of moral norms in society.

Students' social competence is manifested in the ability to set goals, work with a high level of energy, courage, enthusiasm and work to achieve them. In-

depth knowledge, sufficient qualifications, requires a free place in the life of society and work with high results.

The development of social competence is the development of a future specialist who can meet many needs with skill and entrepreneurship [6].

This is closely related to the fight against harmful and alien ideas, those who harm the environment, the prevention of social, mental, economic conditions that negatively affect members of society, the development of stability and peace.

Development of socially competent people, their involvement in maintaining peace, directing their activities to the interests of the people, meaningful leisure, strengthening the will to build a strong, just, legal and democratic society as an integral part of life One of the main tasks of higher education institutions is to carry out the tasks of educating in the spirit of

The development of students' social competence, in turn, required the identification of criteria to ensure the effectiveness of this process. These criteria are: the degree of formation of ideological, spiritual perceptions that characterize the level of awareness of social competence; the level of acquisition of practical professional skills as a necessary component of social competence; level of development of social competence motivation; independence and initiative, ingenuity, the level of development of entrepreneurship, etc. [7].

Kindness, responsiveness to others as indicators of the level of development of social competence in students; initiative in public affairs; competence in social tasks; care for family members; the existence of an understanding and aspiration for independence; ability to plan future activities and act according to plan; demonstration of perseverance in the implementation of the set; it is possible to determine the ability to self-monitor, analyze and evaluate their own work [8].

Responsibility is one of the criteria for the development of social competence, which develops the student's ability to live with a sense of responsibility, to fully understand the benefits of the product for himself and others. A responsible student will always be able to plan his work carefully, anticipate its causes and consequences, and mobilize all his strength and potential to achieve the desired result.

In the development of social competence is understood a system of views, imagination, feelings and beliefs formed through an approach to the environment, the establishment of social relations, the expression of their attitude to socio-psychological phenomena, understanding the content of national values, in-depth knowledge, acquaintance with the essence of ideas and theories.

The organization of social activities of students implies the formation of a system of knowledge, talents, skills, worldviews, personal values of the organizers of the educational process. The formation of this system is directly related to the activities of teachers, the use of socio-pedagogical, general

pedagogical technologies, the development of its module, the implementation of interactive methods play an important role [9].

In short, an integrated system of development of social competence in students of higher education institutions - a system of training; content, the formation of a person in the process of professional training from the first year; specific proposals in this regard; Method of identification - based on the experience of a teacher of higher education, it is necessary to develop a model of socio-pedagogical adaptation based on a modern, systematic approach to the development of social competence in the context of modernization, covering the stages of the main tool-educational process.


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Multidisciplinary Research Journal Vol.10, Issue 12, December 2020, 1583 -


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