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Ключевые слова
educational business games / speaking communicative skills / modeling.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kopzhasarova U., Chukalovskaya Ya.

The article focuses on the problem of use of educational business games at foreign language classes. Analysis of scientific and literary sources are done, on the basis of which characteristic of the concept of educational business game, its essence from various positions are given .The work also reveals the specifics of using business games at English language classes specific examples at a senior grades ; necessity of the need to use business games as an effective method and means of training, which creates optimal opportunities for the development and improvement of foreign-language communicative skills of students at the senior grades are reasoned.

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9. Локк Дж. Сочинения: в 3-х т.: Т. I / Ред.: И. С. Нарский, А. Л. Субботин; Ред. I т., авт. вступит, статьи и примеч И. С. Нарский ; Пер. с англ. А. Н. Савина. Москва: Мысль, 1985. 621 с.

10. Огнев'юк В. Роль освгга у формуванш цшностей демократичного сустльства. Культурно-кторична спадщина Польщi та Украши як чинник розвитку пол^льтурног освiти: зб. наук. праць / за ред. Василя Кременя, Тадеуша Левовицького, Свилани Сисоево!. Хмельницький: 1111 Заколодний М., 2011. 433 с.

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12. Оккам У. Избранное / пер. с лат. А. В. Аполлонова и М. А. Гарьцева под общ. ред. А. В. Аполлонова, Москва: Едиториал УРСС, 2002. 272 с.

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14. Подмазш С. 1нформацшно-аналтгичне забезпечення управлшня освгтшми системами. Освта i ynравлiння. 1997. № 1. С. 40-48.

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17. Сковорода Г. Твори: у 2 т. / передм. О. Мишанича. Ки1в: АТ "Обереги", 19994. Т. 1. 528 с.

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Kopzhasarova U.

Candidate of Pedagogical science, Associate Professor of the Department of the theory and practice offoreign language training

Chukalovskaya Ya. Master of Pedagogical science, teacher of the Department of the theory and practice offoreign language training Karaganda University named after academician E.A. Buketov Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan


The article focuses on the problem of use of educational business games at foreign language classes. Analysis of scientific and literary sources are done, on the basis of which characteristic of the concept of educational business game, its essence from various positions are given .The work also reveals the specifics of using business games at English language classes specific examples at a senior grades ; necessity of the need to use business games as an effective method and means of training, which creates optimal opportunities for the development and improvement of foreign-language communicative skills of students at the senior grades are reasoned.

Keywords: educational business games, speaking communicative skills, modeling.

The study of foreign languages is currently important in the modern person's life. Knowledge of at least one foreign language broadens your mind, allows you to learn the culture and customs of another people. Communicative skills play a large role at learning a foreign language.

The development of foreign language communicative skills, students' speech fluency are the main task

of teaching foreign languages at school in accordance with the secondary schools' curriculum, which can provide language use in real life situations of sociocultural and educational and professional spheres of communication. The communicative competence formation is a crucial element that provides a sufficient level of communicative skills and abilities development.

The approach to the interpretation of the communicative skill concept among researchers is ambiguous. According to A.V. Mudrik, the communicative skills formation is reflected in the ability to navigate partners, perceive them as interlocutors and correctly grasp in communication situations [8]. Describing this concept, N.V. Kuzmina complements it with such skills as "the ability to make contact, establish and maintain an emotionally positive attitude, listen and understand a partner, manage the attention of the audience" [7]. American researchers D. Johnson and R. Johnson characterize communication skills in terms of the processes of communication and perception between partners [6].

It is known that the development of students' communicative skills involves the use of communicative problem situations, when students independently pose a problem, work on ways to solve it; and the teacher assists, orienting them to search for rational arguments. In this case, the student is the subject of his cognitive activity, making every effort to independently find a solution to the problem.

According to psychologists A.N. Leontiev, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Brushlinsky, communicative skills are considered as certain personal qualities: as willingness for conscious and successful communicative interaction in the process of professional and social activity, as the most important indicator of the socio-profes-sional status of a specialist, which allows to reveal the content and structure more fully and deeply, to emphasize the essential characteristics of communicative skills.

Since the purpose of teaching a foreign language is the students' formation of foreign language communicative competence, it is achieved through the introduction of intensive learning methods into the educational process, as well as the use of highly effective pedagogical teaching technologies.

One of them is a business game, which effectively contributes to improving high school students' communicative abilities. What is a business game?

To date, there are various approaches to the interpretation of the concept of an educational business game. The concept of a business game, as reported by G.S. Abramova- is a form and method of teaching that allows modeling the subject and social aspects of the professional activity content, therefore, the author believes that the business game is aimed at improving professional skills. The business game models the students' future professional activity through the use of game technologies, including the content and technology of educational activity [1].

Yu.S. Arutyunov defines the business game "as a new field of activity and scientific and technical knowledge, as a simulation experiment, as a form of role-playing communication, as a method of teaching, research and solving occupational problems" [2].

V.P. Galushko gives the following interpretation: "A business game is a peculiar system for reproducing managerial processes that took place in the past or possible in the future, as a result of which the connection and patterns of the impact of existing methods of decision-making on the results of production are established at the present time and in the future" [4].

According to N.I. Gez, a business game is a model of interaction between communication partners in an environment of simulated conditions of future professional activity, during the implementation of which the game participants develop and improve professionally oriented skills" [5].

As the above analysis shows, there is no consensus on the concept essence, nevertheless, researchers agree that the business game is a simulation of the students' future profession. The difficulty in interpreting this phenomenon is explained by differences in its definition. Some researchers consider the business game as an active method and learning method, others - as an imitation of professional activity.

The positive aspect of this pedagogical technology is the possibility of its implementation within the framework of problem-solving situations related to its participants' professional activities. In this regard, among the characteristic features of the problem-based business game, Eu.S. Polat emphasizes:

1. The presence of a real professional task in the proposed problem-solving situation that requires professional knowledge and skills from the participants to make decisions.

2. Modeling the attributes of real professional activity-situation, the socio-psychological attitude of the participants' relationships: specialist assistants, etc.

3. The presence of a competent specialist as a participant in the game, coordinating the actions of all participants.

4. The presence and distribution of roles performed according to the scenario.

5. The presence of a single collective goal for the players: they must act as one team, the success of solving the task depends on their competent actions.

6. Multiple alternative solutions. Overview of different options for decisions [9].

Business games are the most effective form of activity in teaching a foreign language. They increase interest and motivation in cognitive, educational activity of students, which are provided by the activity and involvement of all educational process subjects.

As a means of learning, business games meet all the requirements, they also perform specific functions in the learning process itself. Business games create optimal opportunities for improving foreign language communication skills in monological, dialogical and polylogical speech within the framework of communication in the context of a specific activity.

The process of business play is mainly in the nature of teaching and self-learning, during which the speech-thinking activity of students is activated, as a result of which their activity, involvement and motives of the activity performed significantly increase.

Business games as a method of active learning have a number of advantages along with traditional methods, which consist in their practice-oriented directionality: the structure and content of the game meet the interests and needs of students to a greater extent. This form of organizing educational activity is characterized by a combination of practical and theoretical aspects in teaching, the formulation of problems and the possibility of solving them in practice.

In general, as a form, as an active method of learning, this type of educational activity makes it possible to use different strategies in solving tasks, contributes to the acquisition of social experience in the process of communicative interaction and problem solving.

In accordance with the purpose of use, business games can be: educational, occupational and research. In the context of our work, we will consider educational and research games. Educational business games are used in the training specialists to develop their skills and abilities for the practical use of theoretical knowledge in their professional activities. New techniques and methods are being worked out here, as well as conditions for applying theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Participants of the educational business game should feel the importance of the problem being solved and understand that they will have to solve such problems when realizing professional activities [3]. Educational business games have a specific structure. V.L. Skalkina and L.B. Kotlyarova structure the business game into four blocks: I and II blocks are the preparatory stage, where the game rules and the game course are explained, students also get acquainted with the scenario and roles; III block is the process of the game itself, where the teacher thinks over the possible course, direction and main results of the game; IV block is the post-game, where the analysis of the students' gaming activity is given and a general conclusion is made [10].

Research games are used to test hypotheses, new principles of work organization and technology.

The business game is considered a collective form of educational and cognitive activity, since all subjects of the educational process are involved in it, opinions are collectively formed and problems are also collectively solved.

Then each group reads the compiled proverbs, the others correct mistakes and express their opinion about the group work. The group that has compiled the largest number of correct proverbs wins.

In the future, students prepare a short story about good and bad habits using the above proverbs.

At the end of the speech, students ask questions to each other. Questions can be of all sorts, both of a comparative nature, and critically meaningful, prompting polemics and controversy.

The evaluation stage ends with a reflective assessment by both the teacher and the students of the educational and cognitive activity performed.

A business game on the topic "The problems of children & adolescents" is conducted in the 9th grade. Before the start of the game, the participants choose a moderator whose task is to be able to keep the participants within the framework of a given topic with the

The optimal period for using business games is the senior stage of school (grades 9-11), when students are already beginning to think about their future profession, have a more mature, developed thinking level, have their own view of things and can stand their ground.

A high school student is characterized by a broad outlook, a high degree of cognitive and logical thinking, formed inclinations and interests, independence, the ability to concentrate and comprehend the actions performed.

The use of business games in foreign language classes correlates with the lesson's lexical topic. In accordance with the standard curriculum, topics such as «The problems of children & adolescents», «Drugs & alcohol», «Reading Problems», «Travelling», «Traditional and alternative medicine», «Mass media. Mobile phone», «Good and bad habits» et al. are studied in high school.

Let's consider the features of using business games on individual examples of the above topics. Conducting a business game on the topic "Good and bad habits" begins with dividing students into groups with an odd number of participants (5-7 people). The task of each group is to develop as many arguments of good and bad habits as possible. Participants need to justify their position regarding bad and good habits, pronounce arguments in circles, alternating arguments "good" and "bad" and thus passing two circles. As a result, each participant must come up with one argument in defense and one in statement contradiction.

At the next stage, students are divided into groups of 4 people and receive cards on which parts of proverbs on the topic are written. The task of the players is to restore the proverbs and use them in a communicative situation.

A Proverb List for the Game

help of replicas, questions, comments, to enter into productive contact with each game participant, stimulate the passive students and, conversely, regulate the overly active ones, sum up intermediate results and maintain the interest of the game participants. Most certainly, the leader can be a student with a good foreign language level, possessing leadership qualities, able to motivate and involve participants in the cognitive environment of communication. They also choose a secretary who should record the opinion of each participant who speaks. After solving organizational tasks, the opinions exchange begins.

The students are sitting in a common circle. Each participant is given the opportunity to freely express their opinion. The host of the game is actively involved in the discussion of the problem, while his opinion is equated with the opinion of the other participants.

After everyone has demonstrated their views on the issue under discussion, it is necessary to come to a

Good habits result From resisting temptation

If you want to berespected Wise people listen toadvice

Stupid people always think theyare right You must respect yourself

Success full peopleare simply My strengths and mytalent are my title

My bad habits aren'tmy title Those with successfulhabits

Habits are cobwebsat first Cables at last.

common result. The Secretary recalls the ideas expressed during the discussion, and then the participants make a decision. If the participants cannot agree, the voting method can be used.

This type of game can be used if it is necessary to identify as many different perspectives on the issue under discussion as possible.

Thus, the above allows us to conclude that a business game is feasible even for a weak student, since it provides an opportunity for all students, regardless of language level, to participate in live foreign language communication. During the game, such qualities as resourcefulness, ingenuity, quick reaction, a sense of equality, an atmosphere of enthusiasm, enable the student to overcome shyness that prevents them from freely using foreign words in speech, to communicate in a foreign language with each other. During a lively discussion, students' language barrier is removed, foreign language material is acquired by them involuntarily; at the same time, motivation and satisfaction of students with the work performed significantly increases.

In the process of forming foreign language communicative skills, students show friendly relations to each other through the game.

We especially note the involvement of all game participants in communication, since all subjects of the educational process are involved in this type of activity; the teacher, as a facilitator, has special requirements: to have not only high professionalism and competency, but also the ability to create an emotionally friendly atmosphere, know the psychological factors of ensuring success.

In conclusion, we summarize that the use of educational business games in foreign language classes makes it possible to simulate typical situations of foreign language professional communication, during which, in the process of finding effective ways of solving the problem, new knowledge and practical skills are acquired.

All of the above gives us a reason to believe that educational business games are one of the most effective and useful activities in foreign language classes at the senior stage of learning.


1. Abramova G.S. Business games: theory and organization / G.S. Abramova, V.A. Stepanovich. - Eka-terinaburg: Business Book, 2011. - 89 p.

2. Arutyunov Yu.S. Methodological issues of business games // Application of active teaching methods: theses. schools-seminars. - L., 2007. - p. 85-90.

3. Collection of business games, specific situations and practical tasks: method. manual / V.I. Matirko [et al.]. - M.: Higher School, 2010. - pp. 11-16.

4. Galushko D.I. Business games / D.I. Galushko. - Kiev: Harvest, 2009. - 208 p.

5. Gez N.I. Theory of teaching foreign languages / N.I. Gez, N.D. Galskova // Linguodidactics and methodology. - M.: Academy, 2006- - 336 p.

6. Johnson D.W., Johnson R.T. Social skills for successful group work. Educational Leadership. - N-Y, 2007. - P. 29-33.

7. Kuzmina N. V. Features of communicative activities teacher / N. V. Kuzmin // Kazan pedagogical journal. - 2008. - No. 28. - P. 26-37.

8. Mudrik A. V. Communicative culture of the person / basic culture of personality: theoretical and methodological issues: / School. - M., 2009. - p. 5667.

9. Polat Eu.S. Modern pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Eu.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkina. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2010. - pp. 177-184.

10. Skalkin V.L., Kotlyarova L.B. Imitation- business games as one of the means of professional training of foreign language teachers // Foreign languages at school. - 2010. - No. 2. - p. 70-74.

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