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Ключевые слова
South of Ukraine / Odessa county / agriculture / animal husbandry / sheep breeding / foreigners. / Південь України / Одеський повіт / сільське господарство / тваринництво / вівчарство / іноземці.

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Ryzheva N. O., Drobnyj V. S.

У XIX ст. в сільському господарстві півдня України визначається перспективний напрямок тварин-ництва – вівчарство. Воно стало важливою сферою життєдіяльності населення Одеського повіту Херсонської губернії. У процесі товаризації вівчарства значну роль відіграли представники іноземної колонізації краю, які використовували світовий досвіт.

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In the XIX century in the agriculture of the south of Ukraine, a promising direction of animal husbandry is determined sheep breeding. It became an important sphere of life of the population of the Odessa district of the Kherson province. A significant role in the process of commoditization of sheep breeding was played by the representatives of the foreign colonization of the region who used the world experience.





УДК 94(477.7):63 "18"

Ryzheva N. O.,

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the History Department at V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv

Drobnyj V. S.

Teacher Krynychanskii Lyceum named after V.L. Musiyaka Krynychky,


Рижева Н. О.,

Доктор icmopuHHUx наук, професор, 3aeidyea4 кафедри icmopii, Миколагвського нацюнальногоутверситету ÍMern В.О. Сухомлинського

Дробний В. С.

Вчитель Криничанськоголiцею iменi В.ЛМуЫяки Кринички,

МиколаХвська область




УXIX ст. в сшьському господарствi твдня Украти визначаеться перспективний напрямок тварин-ництва — вiвчарство. Воно стало важливою сферою життедiяльностi населення Одеського повiту Херсонськоi губернП.

У процесi товаризацПвiвчарства значну роль вiдiграли представники iноземноi колотзаци краю, яю використовували свтовий досвт. Abstract.

In the XIX century in the agriculture of the south of Ukraine, a promising direction of animal husbandry is determined - sheep breeding. It became an important sphere of life of the population of the Odessa district of the Kherson province. A significant role in the process of commoditization of sheep breeding was played by the representatives of the foreign colonization of the region who used the world experience.

Keywords: South of Ukraine, Odessa county, agriculture, animal husbandry, sheep breeding, foreigners. Ключовi слова: Швдень Украти, Одеський повт, сшьське господарство, тваринництво, вiвчарство, iноземцi.

In Ukraine, at the beginning of the XIX century, there was a process of determining the leading directions of the development of agriculture and its constituent link of animal husbandry, in which sheep breeding played an important role. Sheep became the suppliers of wool - necessary for the production of various textiles and important food products - mutton and milk. In addition, sheep were characterized by an accelerated turnover of livestock, which was accompanied by an increase in the production of wool and mutton. It is necessary to take into account the importance of wool in population home life in the realities of that time. Consequently, sheep breeding, as a source of raw materials, acquired great importance [4; 5]. The development of commodity production in animal husbandry contributed to the involvement of the regional producer in the system of the world market, forced him to adapt to his needs and allowed both to begin the specialization of his own farm and to improve the technical means of production.

It should be noted that in the Odessa district of the Kherson province, in the process of commoditization of

animal husbandry, namely sheep breeding, the representatives of foreign colonization played a significant role. In the process of economic development of the district's territories, they used the experience of world sheep breeding, which underwent qualitative changes in the late XVIII - early XIX centuries. The importance of productive sheep breeding prompted certain measures in breeding, which was transferred to a scientific basis. The breeding of new breeds, which had the best suited to different areas of sheep breeding, began.

In the XVIII century merino sheep breeding was born in Ukrainian lands. Breeding sheep farms are created, the construction of textile factories is encouraged, foreign masters of textile production are invited. The beginning of fine-wool sheep breeding was laid by the foreign sheep breeders: Miller, Rouvier, Vassal, FalzFein, to whom both certain requirements were put forward and the necessary conditions for production were created.

In the presented article, we will pay some attention to the activities of one of the most effective shepherds of German origin, Miller. He first arrived in the south of Ukraine in 1802 and expressed a desire to create a

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sheepfold here, the basis of the flock in which was to be made up of Spanish sheep. According to the analyzed government decrees, the territory on the "outskirts" of Odessa becomes a place for the organization of sheep breeding. The choice of such a territory was explained by the advantageous location, namely, the presence of pastures, the existence of a number of foreign colonies, and the development of a large commercial urban center.

The government, according to a preliminary agreement, promised Miller the protection, which was supposed to: provide, after the start of the herd, a number of estates at the Ekaterinoslav textile factory for the manufacture of cloth; allocate land in the steppes; transfer the old empty building to the customs office (provided that it is not claimed by the government).

From the historical retrospective of management, in our opinion, the development of further events that vividly characterize the socio-economic foundations in the Russian Empire are quite significant. Miller, taking into account the needs of the herd, chose lands of 12,000 acres in the area of the Baraboi River. However, it turned out that they had already been given to a Mol-dovan official, Lieutenant Colonel Palladii, who was only supposed to relocate. Based on the existing realities, a decree of May 19, 1803 was sent to the Kherson military governor, which stated that Miller should be allowed to use the land and place pastures on it until either a new land tenure was found, or the lands of Pal-ladii were returned to the number of state lands.

Miller, confident in further positive steps to develop his business, made a trip to the German principalities. From there, in April 1804, he returned with 25 assistants and a flock of 1,200 Spanish sheep. But his herd found itself in the absence of grazing, since the land of the Moldavian colonel Palladii was sold to the landowner Turchanova. In addition, the promised estates at the factory in Yekaterinoslav were transferred to the army department and repurposed for sewing fabrics for guards' uniforms.

A way out of the critical situation is found by the mayor of the Odessa city, the Duke de Richelieu, who granted permission for grazing flocks near the city. He also applied for the purchase of the former starch factory building instead of the customs house.

The available sources allow us to determine certain conditions on the basis of which the relationship between the shepherd and local authorities was formed. To create the necessary conditions for keeping the flock, Miller was offered:

1. To buy from the landowner Altesti and provide for sheep breeding use a land cottage near Odessa with a total area of 7000 acres and transfer for use the 6000 acres of Palladii cottage on the Baraboi River (or the appropriate amount of convenient land in another place).

2. The building of the old customs office in Odessa.

3. If Miller wished to carry out the processing of wool and if the factory was necessary for this, the government undertook to provide an interest-free loan of 20,000 rubles for a period of 15 years on the security of property that he owned or would own within the Russian Empire.

For his part, Miller committed:

1. Increase the size of the flock to 30,000 heads within three years. At the same time, 10,000 of them had to be purebred merinos, and 20,000 were crosses between merinos and local breeds.

2. To keep up to 1,000 merino rams for the needs of the state, provided that there are 200 in 1805, 300 in 1806 and 500 in 1807.

3. The presence of rams required by the government had to be confirmed by an official. Subject to the transfer of animals to the "needs" of the state, the cost of each was 80 rubles.

4. Miller undertook to take 30 boys to study (for a period of three years), in order to teach free of charge the economic skills of sheep breeding and the care of Spanish sheep. Each of the students had to receive from him apartment, food and clothes for the period of study.

5. The government transferred to Miller for use the herd discharged from the factories of the Prince of Liechtenstein. At the same time, he undertakes to transfer to the "government" within three years the number of sheep and sheep of the Spanish breed equal to the number of the herd received. The shepherd and his assistants, after the transfer of the flock, went over to the service and maintenance of Miller.

6. Landowners, in order to obtain hybrids from merinos, were recommended to send sheep of local breeds to the Miller sheepfolds. The payment for each sheep was one ruble [7, p. 19-20].

In 1808, Miller's sheep farms numbered 7,038 merinos, 25,000 mixed and 38,000 offspring of sheep. According to available sources, Miller, having brought the herds to such a number, submits a detailed report in which it was reported that it was impossible to continue breeding flocks. With the support of the Duke of Richelieu, 4,000 rams and sheep were sold to the government at 40-80 rubles in silver apiece [8, p.19-20]. Nevertheless, Miller's activities were accompanied by critical remarks of the Odessa County Zemstvo, namely. that his nursery had not reached the projected herd size.

Further development of sheep breeding in the South of Ukraine had ambiguous historical realities. Fine-wool sheep ofthe Odessa district for the most part were represented by the crossing of the following breeds - Negretti, Infantado and Emectoral. But, during the XIX century there were so many such crosses that even the owners of the flocks often could not determine the final origin of the sheep in the flocks. Some landowners, in addition to Spanish breeds and their derivatives, kept Wallachian sheep, which were distributed throughout southern Europe. For the most part, they were concentrated in the hands of small landowners, including Bulgarian colonists, who also received economic benefits from the sale of cheese [6, p. 215-216].

The government-permitted practice of matin g simple narrow-tailed queens with fine-wool sheep has led to the emergence of a new variety of sheep, called "Shlonka". From this breed, Ukrainian breed of fine-wool sheep was formed, which was distinguished by low exhaustion, tall stature and strong frame.

In the first half of the XIX century imported fine -wool and Saxon sheep did not tolerate the local climate, which prompted some landowners of the Ukrainian provinces to conduct certain experiments in order to improve the sheep. Among them, we highlight Mertsa-lov I.A., who spent 27 years improving the breed, and


HISTORICAL SCIENCES / «@®LL®@UWm-J®yrnaL» #4(197), 2024

the landowner Abaz P.N. - striving to improve the methods of sheep care, he began to form sheepfolds for herds. [6, p. 220].

In the middle of the XIX century the process of further economic development of the Odessa district of the Kherson province leads to a certain specialization. On the territory of the northern counties, farming is the most widespread. The population of the southern counties, due to frequent droughts and shortage of workers, preferred cattle breeding [1, p. 113].

The process of further economic development of the county leads to the concentration of the largest estates, where sheep breeding was widespread in the Be-rezan-Bug and Tiligul-Kuyalnik interfluves [6, p. 125].

The size and scattering of sheepfolds in the steppe of the Odessa district led to the structuring of the herds and the personnel who cared for them Large flocks were divided into 1,000-1,500 heads, each of the flock was assigned by a shepherd and two boys-assistants [6, p. 214-218].

On estates where sheep breeding was widespread, a shaffmaster was appointed separately. During the XIX century the shaffmaster's responsibilities included: control over the regular replacement of pastures; supervision over the arrangement of wintering grounds; implementation of vaccination of the herd. He had subordinate shepherds and their assistants, who were also engaged in milking sheep. The senior chieftain was considered to be the assistant ofthe shaffmaster, and his duties included the care of one of the sheepfolds. If there were more than 10,000 sheep on the farm, the flocks were concentrated in separate sheepfolds. Each of them was controlled by a junior chieftain or a senior shepherd. In farms with an average number of sheep, the position of shaffmaster was held by the chieftain [6, p. 125].

The sources have preserved information about the organization and life of shepherds. They, together with the flocks, were in the steppe for about eight months a year. A number of farms, at each flock or at least two flocks grazing not far from each other, arranged wooden houses for shepherds, which were transported on wheels following the flocks by oxen. Shepherds were hired for a period of one year. A constant stay in the air made shepherds insensitive to the effects of natural conditions. The shepherd's winter and summer clothes were not much different - trousers and a jacket made of sheepskin, a lamb's hat and bast shoes are his usual clothes. In winter, a sheepskin coat and a svyta or burka made of camel or sheep wool were added. The best shepherds in the county were Moldovans, both locals and hired specifically in Bessarabia. Shepherds were hired for a period of one year.

In the early 80s of the XIX century, a chief shepherd who worked in the estate of a German tenant near Matlashevsky received 200 rubles a year, 25 sheepskins, trousers and material for 10 pairs of bast shoes. 12 quarters of the grain were provided separately.

From another German tenant, a shepherd received 250 rubles a year, 48 pounds of wheat flour, 36 pounds of rye, 48 pounds of corn, 12 pounds of millet, 3 pounds of lard, 30 pounds of vegetable oil, 30 sheepskins and the right to maintain eight heads of cattle at the expense

of the owner. During the lambing, the owner had to hire four boys at his own expense. In addition, both elderly people and boys were hired, with the latter being paid three or four rubles a month. Some of the boys, after such work, passed into the category of shepherds ' helpers, with the subsequent opportunity to become shepherds themselves.

According to the data we analyzed, the financial status of shepherds was quite high. In one of the farms in the area of Anatolievka, with a flock of 12,000 units, the shepherds received from 60 to 75 rubles and food. On a farm in the Antonovo-Kodintsevo area, a shepherd received up to 120 rubles a year and maintenance [6, p. 141-142].

Therefore, the involvement of foreigners in the XIX century to the formation of management promising areas in agriculture had a significant impact on the development of such a branch of the economy as sheep breeding. The description of the organizational structure of the flock management that existed in the county should be recognized important for understanding the scale of the industry and the specifics of employment in it.

References :

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