УДК 378.14
Батаева Ф. А., Эйсмонт Е. А., Жакупова А. И., Братаева А. А. Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)
Аннотация. Развитие мнемонических способностей сможет обеспечить успех учебной деятельности ученика в целом и будет способствовать полной самореализации его личности. В статье рассматривается развитие мнемонических умений при обучении иностранному языку, предлагаются упражнения на практических занятиях по запоминанию иностранных слов.
Ключевые слова: мнемонические умения, учебная деятельность студентов, обучение иностранному языку, запоминание иностранных слов.
Bataeva F. A., Eismont E. A., Zhakupova A. I., Brataeva A. A.
Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, Republic of Kazakhstan)
Annotation. The development of mnemonic abilities will be able to ensure success in the student's educational activities as a whole and will help the full self-realization of his personality. The article discusses the development of mnemonic abilities in teaching a foreign language, offers exercises in practical lessons on memorizing foreign words.
Key words: mnemonic abilities, student-learning activity, teaching a foreign language, memorizing foreign words.
At present, the relevance of the study of the ways of organizing the educational activities of students, which could ensure the assimilation of the required amount of knowledge and the development of mnemonic abilities, becomes obvious. It is believed that a modern educated person must assimilate about 20 billion units of information during his life, pronounce about 650 million words, memorize and process a lot of information and data about the world and society. The rational organization of the educational process, the choice of effective methods and means
of teaching require taking into account the basic laws of the functioning of human memory. The development of this problem brings us closer to understanding the role of rational methods of information processing and optimization of the educational process.
The development of mnemonic abilities will be able to ensure success in the educational activities of the student as a whole and will help the full self-realization of his personality.
At the main stage of teaching interpretation, time translation is actively introduced. In this case,
each is given approximately the same amount of text, the execution time of which is fixed. For additional training of the tempo, exercises are used, which are a recording on a cassette with a fixed pause [1].
I. S. Alekseeva identifies the following main types of out-of-context exercises:
1) exercises for the development of skills in creating support images;
2) exercises to develop skills for creating auxiliary images;
3) exercises for the development of imagination, perception and attention;
4) exercises for working with specific material (individual words, numbers, dates, texts, foreign words, etc.) [1].
From this list of out-of-context exercises in practical classes, memorizing foreign words can be practiced using the example of the following "memorization master".
Exercise "Words" Students are read a series of words, initially 3-4 (for example: apple, cross, pear, grape), which they must repeat. (Each student is offered his own, individual, series of words). Thematic unity of the lexical series in this case is preferable, since interpretation, as a rule, contains semantically similar components, however, it is not worth creating thematic unity in the whole cycle of exercises for several reasons.
First, there will be an immediate effect of waiting for words on a specific topic. In real work, a translator needs to be prepared for information that is completely unexpected in this context. Therefore, in these exercises, the subject line is broken from time to time with an unexpected word. For example: dress, coat, tower, shoes; England, London, Paris, Stockholm, etc.
When teaching languages, such an exercise is aimed at memorizing an unexpected word; here, a completely different skill is developed - to get used to unexpected information, to be able to memorize it in a common row, without highlighting it, since the requirement to preserve the order of the information remains strict from the very beginning.
Secondly, with the help of these exercises, the future translator needs to overcome the "adult" skill of logically organized memorization and include the former "childish" skill of absurd, linear memorization, as well as the skill of associative memorization. Logically organized memorization does not provide a complete transfer of all the
components of the listed series and is ineffective when these components are "equidistant". In the series of words "wild boar, deer, elk, cow", this skill can, according to a logical principle, link when memorizing the words "deer, elk, cow" (animals with horns), and the first component "wild boar" will be lost during transmission.
Logical skill is also ineffective when memorizing a number of toponyms or personal names. The number of components in a row gradually, from class to session, increases. Then students are encouraged to translate the same words from Russian into a foreign language.
The teacher reads 3-4 words aloud and asks to translate them, trying to prevent students from finding exactly the words they were repeating.
The next stage in complexity is the repetition of three or four (and later - more) words in a foreign language and their translation into Russian. The thematic principle is natural within the enumeration series, but it is not obligatory and should not turn into a system. However, it is very convenient to use it in preparatory exercises before mastering a specific text when working on translation genres. (For example, before training consecutive translation of interviews on a certain topic.)
Exercise "Senseless monologue." The teacher pronounces any sentence aloud. With the last letter of the word of this sentence, the student begins a new sentence that is not related in meaning to the first. The second student begins the third with the last letter of the second sentence, and so on.
Exercise "Thematic monologue". The student randomly chooses a topic for his monologue. Topics can be very diverse: "Pencil", "Ballpoint pen", "Camera", "Hat", etc. For several minutes, evenly, without stopping and particles polluting speech, the student speaks aloud on the chosen topic everything that he knows about the chosen subject, in this case - a pencil: about its device, variety, purpose, history of creation, production technology, packaging options used species of trees, possible non-standard use of a pencil, etc.
Talking about a subject, the student is forced to imagine it in his imagination, its parts, varieties. In addition to training memorization skills, speech automatism is trained, this exercise develops the ability to tell based on visual
representations, to read information from visual images [1].
Exercise "Speech compression". This exercise is used to memorize small texts (within a paragraph of the textbook). When memorizing textual information, there are two main problems.
The first is how to remember the sequence of presentation of text material, not to confuse the order of the paragraphs in the text. The second is how to remember the exact information contained in the text material. Consider a method of compressing information on the simplest text messages -
Die Staatengemeinschaft muss vor allem verhindern, dass aus Konflikten um knapper werdende natürliche Ressourcen gewalttätige Auseinandersetzungen entstehen. - Die Staatengemeinschaft muss vor allem das Entstehen der Gewalt wegen der Ressourcen verhindern.
The scheme of the information compression method is very simple. From a logically complete passage of the text, the meaning is allocated (the main idea of this passage), which is indicated by an image and is remembered in sequence with other images denoting the meaning of other passages [2].
The amount of text that a translator can remember is a benchmark for the mobilization of his memory at the moment. For translators, slightly different requirements are required for the reproduction of the text. Let's consider the possible options:
1) the most accurate reproduction of a piece of text in the native language. The student starts with a phrase, then increases the volume to several phrases, paragraph, page. It is preferable to start with the genre of official speech, texts with the most frequent vocabulary, or with fiction, close to the colloquial style. Later, you can move on to texts with more complex functional and stylistic characteristics. Additional tasks related to the content of the text or judgments about the content are not excluded. In addition, you can chain the content of the text;
2) selection of information on a specific topic from the listened text. The student selects and accurately reproduces only information on the topic named by the teacher. This kind of memorization can be combined with training the switching skill: after listening to a text in a foreign language, reproduce thematically combined information in the native language, and vice versa;
3) reproduction of text fragments in a foreign language. It is unlikely that a translator will have to repeat in his work significant fragments of a text in a completely unfamiliar or unfamiliar language. But individual quotes (say, in Latin, French, etc.), as well as a listing of the names of public figures (for example, Chinese, African), rather voluminous names of organizations - will certainly be encountered. Therefore, it would be good to have the skill of reproducing fragments with a fairly high quality of phonetic imitation. For this, the teacher can use tape recordings with samples of speech in different languages. This type of exercise can be introduced at a very early stage in the training. A wider range of tasks can be designated if you select a text in a closely related language as a material for memorization. In the classroom with translators from German, Dutch turned out to be such a language. After completing the exercise on memorizing fragments of the Dutch text (a humorous story, consisting mainly of characters' remarks), it is interesting to discuss the content, plot, and characterize the characters. As a result of this exercise, future translators acquire the skill to extract, in case of emergency, information from a text in an unfamiliar language; It will be very useful for translators from German to memorize the text in the dialect (Bavarian, Low German, etc.):
De moppen varieren van toppunt moppen tot vettige moppen, van moppen over mannen en vrouwen tot moppen over schoonmoeders. Ook alle nationaliteiten, minderheden en bekende personen worden goed onder de loep genomen, een heel gevarieerd aanbod dus!
Heb je het idee dat er ergens iets niet klopt, of vind je dat een mop gewoonweg niet grappig genoeg is om in deze top te staan, laat het ons dan zeker weten! [3].
4) reproduction of a poetic text;
This is a lightweight form of memorization. It mobilizes speech well and is suitable as a charge at the beginning of a lesson, as well as a way to switch from one type of training to another. For this purpose, the so-called limericks are suitable:
Exercise "Mnemonic". Mnemonic images can serve as a supporting means of non-associative memorization. As practice shows, they are much more reliable in a translation situation than the logical principle of memorization. Although many translators do without them.
Linear and volumetric mnemonic images are used. Linear mnemonic images are convenient for memorizing a sequence of information units and, at the same time, for memorizing the same type of characteristics of units. It can be an image of a train with carriages of different colors, a line of cars in a parking lot, a shelf with books, etc. Let us explain their use by the example of a mnemonic image of a train.
Thus, the inclusion of elements of mnemonics in foreign language classes significantly optimizes the educational process, provides effective dynamics in faster and, most importantly, high-quality language learning. Students are characterized by a different level of
knowledge of a foreign language when using mnemonic abilities. Mnemic abilities determine the possibilities of memorizing and reproducing information, as well as methods of operating with the material offered for memorization.
1. Alekseeva S. I. Oral translation. German. Course for beginners.-SP6 .: Publishing house "Soyuz", 2002.-320 p.
2. Zyablitseva M. A., Mnemonics: Secrets of super memory - Eksmo Publishing House, 2009, - 244 p.
3. Ziganov M. A., Kozarenko V. A., Semin A. N. Technique of memorizing foreign words.-M .: Education, 2002. - 144 p.
Батаева Фроза Асановна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков и переводческого дела, Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан) e-mail: [email protected]
Эйсмонт Елена Александровна, магистр педагогических наук, преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков и переводческого дела, Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан) e-mail: [email protected]
Жакупова Анастасия Игоревна, магистр лингвистики, преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков и переводческого дела, Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан) e-mail: [email protected]
Братаева Асия Амангельдиновна, преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков и переводческого дела, Кокшетауский университет имени Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)
e-mail: [email protected]
Дата поступления статьи: 05.10.2021
© Батаева Ф.А., Эйсмонт Е.А., Жакупова А.И., Братаева А.А., 2021