DEVELOPMENT OF MEDIA CULTURE IN STUDENTS AS A PEDAGOGICAL PROBLEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Yakubjonova M.I.

This article describes the content and essence of the concept of media culture, which is considered an important necessity in the current context of globalization. The concept of "media culture" is defined on the basis of the analysis of research on the formation of media culture of student youth. Components of an individual’s media culture are discussed.

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Yakubjonova M.I.


Kokand State Pedagogical Institute



Annotation. This article describes the content and essence of the concept of media culture, which is considered an important necessity in the current context of globalization. The concept of "media culture" is defined on the basis of the analysis of research on the formation of media culture of student youth. Components of an individual's media culture are discussed.

Key words: culture, media culture, media competence, media education, information culture, media education tools, information activism.

Introduction: We live in a time of renewal and modernization of national education systems that are evolving in the face of global competition. In today's world, the knowledge that children, adolescents and students acquire from teachers or textbooks is blocked by the huge flow of information they find through various media, so the development of learners' media culture should be one of the main problems of modern education.

With the growing influence of the media and information technology around the world, the international community is looking at ways to prepare people to live in an information environment. Today, the main channel of human information is undoubtedly the media (media, Internet, telephone, radio, ebooks, etc.), so the culture of their use and interaction, as well as the need to develop it at all stages of education is becoming increasingly important.

In local pedagogy, a wide range of cultural problems in the field of education has recently been developed, which is associated with a new stage of development of society. The crisis of the individual in modern society is due not only to external causes, but also to internal ones: the loss of motivation to cultivate morality, national pride, spirituality and patriotism. There is no doubt that there is a need to return to universal values, to the upbringing of a person who understands himself as a part of being, a man of the world, a part of world culture, a person who understands himself through intercultural dialogue and enhances the cultural experience of all mankind. All these rules form the basis of the cultural pedagogical paradigm of modern pedagogical education.

Pedagogy as a science is becoming more closely integrated with cultural studies, so new pedagogical concepts are emerging: media education, media culture, media competence, media literacy, media pedagogy, media technology, media texts, media awareness.

The basis of our research on the development of students' media culture is the cultural paradigm of modern pedagogical education [1; 124-b].

When we talk about the cultural paradigm of education, we are living in an information society where the flow of information we receive changes every second, so not only the process of learning, but also understanding the nature of all beings, human spiritual activity and self-awareness in general, human consciousness as a spiritual basis. Its invaluable role in the creation of culture should be considered an important factor.

E.V.Bondarevskaya highlighted the general features of the cultural paradigm in modern education:

• Personal development is the main task of education, and the formation of a unique individuality of the future specialist is recognized as a result of education;

• The content of education should be complemented by universal values and cultural values;

• pedagogical methods, forms and means in the educational process are aimed at the development of independent self-awareness and subjective characteristics of the individual;

• The training of the future specialist should be carried out in a separate cultural and educational environment, where there are all the grounds for the independent development of the individual's cultural self-determination and free choice of ways of self-realization [4; 352-b].

A cultural approach to the organization of modern education highlights the need to develop students' media culture. This is primarily due to the fact that modern information processes in today's society lead not only to changes in personal communication, but also to structural changes in the entire cultural system. In general, this affects the rapidly changing worldview, as modern education is being "covered" by information technology, remote forms of knowledge acquisition, project activities, electronic versions of works of art, and so on.

In human culture, all forms of cognition (through logic, through intuitive knowledge and artistic image, through belief) are integrated, and the analysis of each of them is equally demonstrated in pedagogical anthropology. The way of knowing is not contradictory only in the cultural space, because all these types of knowledge complement each other without entering into an insoluble conflict.

The concept of "media culture" we are considering is a complex one, based on two "media" and "culture" roots, each of which we need to consider separately in order to better understand the basic concept of research.

The concept of "culture" is used very often, but not everyone can explain what it means from a scientific point of view, because the usual and scientific ideas about this concept are different. For example, a well-educated person who follows the rules of etiquette is often referred to in society as cultured, although in this case it is more appropriate to talk about his or her level of culture. When

people talk about libraries, museums, theaters, they often use the word "culture", but it is more accurate to talk about the social location of culture.

Often people do not realize how they have confused and confused the concept of "culture" without thinking about the correct interpretation. At the same time, this concept has many meanings and is used in various areas of human activity related to the processes of accumulation of skills and abilities, self-awareness and self-expression. Although there are about a thousand different definitions of the concept of "culture", there is still no universal and holistic understanding of this phenomenon. To explain what "culture" is, philosophers and researchers have tried to do this in different historical periods using different approaches.

The term "culture" originated in ancient Rome and is derived from the verb "colere" meaning "to cultivate," "to cultivate," and "to cultivate the earth." In this sense, the concept of "culture" was used by the great Roman statesman Mark Cato in his works, but Cicero already used this concept to contrast everything created by nature to define what was created by man.

A new understanding of the concept of "culture" is reflected in the works of the romantic philosophers A. Schopenhauer and F. Nietzsche, emphasizing the individual nature of the manifestation and existence of culture, showing the subjective power of human creativity and freedom of expression, which can not be limited by any external factors the past.

In his research, Yu.M.Lotman argues that culture is a collective concept. The individual, in his view, can be an active participant in the development of culture, its carrier, but culture, like language, is by its very nature a "social phenomenon"[3].

Culture N.B. According to Kirillova, this is the "processed world" in which a person exists, whose needs are motivated not by biological but by social needs and interests; it is the realm of social and intellectual needs, and the desire to establish and communicate is central to these needs [6].

Based on the above interpretations of the concept of "culture", we can say that some researchers describe culture as a set of values and norms accumulated by mankind, that is, the material world outside of man, while others see it as the world of human spiritual life. In our opinion, both views are correct, because culture is at the same time a world of social experience accumulated by mankind and a description of human activity.

In order to better understand the concept of "media culture", it is necessary to consider another concept - the concept of "media".

There are many interpretations of this concept in the sources we have studied. This is primarily due to the fact that "media" is a plural form of the word "medium", under which one can observe a much more complex and diverse set of different types and structures of activity, each of which has its own methods of communication, boundaries and audience.

One of the first media theorists was the Canadian sociologist Herbert Marshall McLuhan, who reviewed the entire history of culture in his research. He devoted his work to the analysis of communicative channels in the field of culture, as well as to the daily life of people in the information society (the world created by the latest media). McLuhan was one of the first researchers to use the term "media" in his writings, first by cultural scientists, then by philosophers, sociologists, journalists, educators, and psychologists to define the various means of communication. He writes that in order to be truly literate, one must be literate in the world of media [2].

The concept of "media culture" is a product of modern cultural theory introduced to define a particular type of information society culture, but until recently, concepts such as "media" and "mass media" (OCV) were very common in the scientific and practical work of local researchers. The term "mass media" is often used in the research of Western scholars [5; 77-b].

A person's media culture, in our opinion, has a number of components: information activity, the ability to correctly formulate their need for information, developed information motivation, activity, including cognitive and reading, search behavior, information skills, understanding of personal information needs, the ability to correctly select, understand and critically evaluate the information obtained, to participate in the communication process.

In our opinion, human media culture should be considered as a set of ideas, skills and knowledge that will allow for effective development in the future media society. Based on the above, we have defined the concept of "media culture" as follows: "media culture" is a special type of culture of the information society, which is derived from various sources (radio, television, newspapers, telephones, the Internet, oral and written communications, rumors). is a set of knowledge, emotions, attitudes, and behavioral responses that are manifested in an individual's ability to search, research, and critically evaluate information obtained through the media in the process of perceiving and interacting with information..

The information culture of modern youth, especially students, includes the development of values in the process of preparing information, scientific and methodological support for the development of information culture based on information technology.

Thus, we can conclude that information culture is an indicator of professional culture rather than general culture, but over time it can become an important factor in the development of each individual, and the concept of "information culture" is a culture related to the information aspect of human life. Therefore, in our opinion, the concepts of "information culture" and "media culture" are not the same, they have certain similarities as well as fundamental differences.

Comparing these concepts allows us to talk about their significant similarities, as they both describe the multifaceted, multi-level, complex

phenomenon of the relationship between man and information. These two concepts include a wide range of components: the ability to search for information, the ability to analyze findings, the ability to critically evaluate, and the ability to use them independently to solve a variety of problems that can occur in both educational, professional, and recreational activities.

We have taken the phenomenon of "media culture" as the basis of our research, although we believe that the concepts of "media culture" and "information culture" are indistinguishable.

Conclusion: In our view, as we examine the role that media culture has, we have seen once again that the media often have a very aggressive effect on the minds and psyche of people, especially children, adolescents and young people. This cannot be ignored, so there is a need to build a competent and systematic relationship between consumers of information and specific resources of magazines, newspapers, radio, cinema, television and the Internet. The solution to this problem lies in the fact that it is necessary to teach people to "consume" all kinds of information from a very young age and until they graduate from higher education, to think carefully, patiently and systematically.


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