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Ключевые слова
lexicography / educational dictionary / development / monolingual dictionaries / bilingual dictionaries / compiling / лексикография / учебный словарь / развитие / одноязычные словари / двуязычные словари / составление.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Hamdamov, Ramzbek

The article is devoted to investigate historical development of lexicography and educational dictionaries in the English and Uzbek languages. The article first describes development of English language lexicography emphasizing the number of lexical units included into dictionaries. The three stages of the development of Uzbek lexicography is also discussed in the article. Comparison between English and Uzbek lexicography is carried out at the end of the article.

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Статья посвящена исследованию исторического развития лексикографии и учебных словарей английского и узбекского языков. В статье впервые описывается развитие лексикографии английского языка с акцентом на количество лексических единиц, входящих в словари. В статье также рассматриваются три этапа развития узбекской лексикографии. Сравнение английской и узбекской лексикографии проводится в конце статьи.


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Ramzbek Hamdamov

PhD doctorate student at Andijan state university


The article is devoted to investigate historical development of lexicography and educational dictionaries in the English and Uzbek languages. The article first describes development of English language lexicography emphasizing the number of lexical units included into dictionaries. The three stages of the development of Uzbek lexicography is also discussed in the article. Comparison between English and Uzbek lexicography is carried out at the end of the article.

Keywords: lexicography, educational dictionary, development, monolingual dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, compiling

Статья посвящена исследованию исторического развития лексикографии и учебных словарей английского и узбекского языков. В статье впервые описывается развитие лексикографии английского языка с акцентом на количество лексических единиц, входящих в словари. В статье также рассматриваются три этапа развития узбекской лексикографии. Сравнение английской и узбекской лексикографии проводится в конце статьи.

Ключевые слова: лексикография, учебный словарь, развитие, одноязычные словари, двуязычные словари, составление.


The distinct orientation of the English-language lexicography towards the user of the dictionary is indicated in the scientific works of S. Johnson (XVIII century).[1] however, the origin and development of educational lexicography as a special discipline in Great Britain dates back to the third decade of the twentieth century. At an early stage in the development of educational monolingual lexicography, the focus was on the selection of vocabulary. The primary task of lexicographers at this stage was to minimize the lexical composition of the educational vocabulary. During the first two decades of the existence of English educational lexicography, the so-called principle of lexical selection dominated, according to which either the lexical composition of the language was limited according to certain parameters, or some categories of words were replaced by others in order to simplify understanding [2].


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 9

educational, natural and social sciences ( ) ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

The main purpose of the educational vocabulary was to describe the minimum or at least a limited number of the most commonly used lexical units. The first dictionaries, compiled specifically for learners of the English language, are considered to be the lexicographic works of K. Ogden - "Basic English" (1930) and "The Basic Words" (1932). It is believed that these works have led to a broader understanding of ways to change and improve the so-called "language tools". The Basic English dictionary combined a number of requirements, consisting, on the one hand, in the presentation of the language of international communication in an "undistorted form" which, on the one hand, would be easy to learn, on the other hand, it was flexible enough for full and accurate communication and thought production. Working on this dictionary, the author set the goal of creating a system that included 850 words of the English language, and based on the restrictions when using the vocabulary of the English language. In a series of consecutive steps, words that were not used in general discourse were excluded from the original list of words, which made it possible to limit the number of words to 850. The dictionary included 600 nouns, 150 adjectives and 100 service words. This list was supplemented by 50 nouns, represented in most languages, as well as a number of words not included in any specific field. [3]


At the same time, active theoretical work was carried out on educational lexicography. An example is the English course "The Oxford English Course" (1933), compiled by L. Fawcett and considered the first large-scale English course based on the direct method in pedagogy. The course material consisted of textbooks, collections of texts for reading and literature for additional reading. The author of this course developed a model according to which the lexical material used in teaching English as a foreign language contained a certain number of words, which increases as the level of proficiency in the language increases - 500 words, 1000 words and so on [2].

Later, the outstanding linguist and teacher H. Palmer continued the idea of

selecting a strictly limited number of lexical units and, based on the most successful

frequency dictionaries of the English language, compiled a dictionary of three

thousand words, later revised in collaboration with A.S. Hornby. The result of their

work - "Standard English Vocabulary" (1934) has not lost its relevance even now and

is recognized as a classic example of English dictionaries of general vocabulary for

foreigners. The creation of such dictionaries was based on the idea of the need to

include in the educational dictionary not all vocabulary of the English language, but


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only a certain amount of carefully selected, most common vocabulary. Thus, one thousand of the most common words in the English language makes up 80.5% of any literary text, two thousand of the most frequent words - 86%, three thousand - about 90%, etc [4]. In addition, P. Nation notes that for a full understanding of unadapted fiction in English, a vocabulary of more than 2,000 words is required, and for reading works of more complex literary genres - about 9,000 words [5].

The issues of lexical selection for the purpose of educational lexicography were also given attention in the USA. For example, in 1921 the American psychologist and educator E. L. Thorndike published The Teacher's Word Book. In the preface to the dictionary, it is indicated that the vocabulary is organized alphabetically and consists of 10,000 words, selected, in turn, from 625,000 words found in fiction [6]. The disadvantage of this dictionary is that it is an alphabetical list of words based on the frequency of their use; in particular, it is pointed out that it does not distinguish between homonymous forms[7].

Nevertheless, the appeal in this period to the principles of lexical selection involves not only taking into account the frequency of the use of words. Researchers note another extremely important criterion - the priority of using qualitative criteria (thematic, compatibility, word-formation value, etc.)[8]. A number of principles of educational lexicography of this period is clearly demonstrated by the following joint work of H. Palmer and A. S. Hornby - "Thousand-Word English". Thus, the selection of lexical material was based not so much on the frequency of words as on such parameters as functional load, functioning in the composition of phrases and the ability to derivation. In addition, the description of even such a limited vocabulary was distinguished by a special structuredness - the words were organized in the form of an alphabetic nested list, in which each dictionary entry may include, in addition to the headword, inflectional forms of the word, its derivatives, idioms, etc. explanations of the difference in meanings of individual words are given. In addition, some approaches, in order to control the vocabulary included in the educational dictionary, suggested simplifying the lexical composition of the dictionary by replacing obsolete words with simpler and more modern equivalents at that time [7].

The next stage in the development of educational lexicography was a transition from the questions of choosing the vocabulary of the educational dictionary to the questions of defining the lexical units included in the dictionary. The priority issue at this stage was the development of a limited list of carefully selected lexical units for determining headwords in monolingual dictionaries. The period under review was marked by the publication of the New Method English Dictionary, edited by M. West

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and J. Endicott in 1935, which contained about 30,000 entries. The compilers of this dictionary carried out the following task - the task of defining words using a limited vocabulary, which included only 1,490 lexical units, which greatly facilitated the use of the dictionary by those who studied English as a foreign language and had a small vocabulary. In 1942, AS Hornby, E. W. Gatenby and H. Wakefield published the Idiomatic and Syntactic English Dictionary, later known as the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English (OALD), which has become the most authoritative reference a guide for learners of English as a foreign language around the world. The OALD was the only educational monolingual English dictionary until 1978, at which time the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDCE) was published. Then, in the 1980s, another educational dictionary was published -"Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary" (COBUILD). The emergence of a number of educational dictionaries at once was marked by 1995: almost simultaneously, three new editions of educational dictionaries of the English language (OALD 5, LDCE 3 and COBUILD 2) were published, as well as two new dictionaries - "Cambridge International Dictionary of English" and "Harrap 'Essential English Dictionary "[9].

The purpose of the further stage of development of educational lexicography was to help the user of the dictionary in the active use of the vocabulary learned through the educational dictionary. The development of lexicographic practice and fruitful cooperation of specialists in the field of methods of teaching English and lexicographers led to the emergence of a new type of educational dictionaries -activators. The compilers of dictionaries of this kind set their tasks to show the user of the dictionary not only the meaning of the word, but also the correct use of it in speech, as well as to indicate the place occupied by the word in the system of lexical units [4].

A distinctive characteristic of English-language educational lexicography is its focus on the creation of commercial dictionaries, that is, such dictionaries, the compilers of which expect profits from the implementation of the dictionary and are guided, first of all, by quantitative indicators and the wishes of sponsors [10]. As a result, an integral stage of their creation is marketing research, as well as the formation of author and editorial teams, since when constructing commercial dictionaries, as I. A. Dambuev notes, "... the content and design of each aspect of the dictionary entirely depends on the nature of the addressee and how he will use the dictionary[1]. S. Atkins and M. Randell formed the general principles of creating commercial dictionaries as follows: first, there is a need for an extremely thoughtful

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use of the space of the dictionary due to its limitations; Secondly, decisions regarding vocabulary content, vocabulary presentation and design must be closely related to each other, since a change in one part of the system affects all the others [11].

Now it is a fairly good idea to have a look at the development of Uzbek lexicography. Uzbek linguistics, especially lexicography, has a long history. In medieval lexicography, more attention was paid to annotated and translated dictionaries. Since the 1940s, as a result of the formation of lexicography as a separate branch of linguistics, its diversity has emerged. General and private annotated dictionaries have emerged. New types of dictionaries have been created: encyclopedic, spelling, orthoepic-morpheme, frequency, reverse, phraseological, dialectal, etymological dictionaries.

The creation of the Uzbek encyclopedia in the 1970s was a great achievement of Uzbek lexicography. This dictionary is valuable as it is the first encyclopedic dictionary in the history of Uzbek lexicography. Nevertheless, our history, national traditions and spiritual heritage are distorted because it reflects the reality of the former Soviet Union and the policy of the Soviets. Therefore, the creation of a national encyclopedia was the most important task during the independence period.

During the years of independence, great attention has been paid to raising the awareness of our national identity, the culture and spirituality of the people. Historical works clearly show the customs, traditions and life values of our people. Therefore, research aimed at revealing the Turkic nature of the language, its thorough study on a scientific basis is of particular importance. This, in turn, necessitates the study and in-depth analysis of historical sources that clearly demonstrate the uniqueness of national languages, the application of the findings in practice, in particular, the development of optimal methods of compiling a dictionary.

At present, our country has created a wide range of opportunities and conditions for the study of the scientific heritage of our ancestors, and targeted research is being conducted on this issue. At the same time, one of the priorities has been to reveal the unexplored layers of our unique scientific heritage, in particular, the study of unique manuscripts preserved in our country and abroad. Creation and maintenance of electronic database of unique manuscripts preserved in Uzbekistan today, organization and theoretical description of their in-depth study on the basis of the system, publication of scientific commentaries in Uzbek and foreign languages in the media and on the Internet, domestic and foreign scholars, specialists, students Adequate conditions are being created for the presentation and study of their creations.

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The history of the development of Uzbek lexicography can be divided into three periods:

The first period includes the oldest dictionaries. They were created from the 11th to the 13th century and begin with Mahmud Kashgari's famous work DTwan Lughat al-Turk (Compendium of the languages of the Turks). This dictionary not only describes the words and their meanings, but is also a source of extensive information on the history, customs and geographical location of the Turkic peoples. Mahmud Kashgari's DTwan Lughat al-Turk is the first comparative-historical dictionary in the Turkic language. Also, in the formation of Uzbek lexicography, Mahmud Zamakhshari's work "Muqaddimat ul-adab" (Introduction to the science of literature) has a special scientific significance.

The second period of Uzbek lexicography is XV and the first half of the XIX centuries. During this period, many dictionaries of Navoi's works were created. The interest in studying the works of Alisher Navoi began in the life of the poet. This interest has grown over the centuries. This can be seen in the example of several dictionaries compiled for the works of Alisher Navoi. Also, a number of other dictionaries were created during this period, enriching the Uzbek lexicon.

The third period of development of Uzbek lexicography began in the second half of the XIX century, when a number of dictionaries appeared. During this period, the traditions of Uzbek lexicography continued and developed. One of the lexicographical works created during this period is Is'hoqkhon Ibrat's "Lugati sita al-sina" ("Six-language dictionary"). It contains explanations of more than a thousand words in Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Hindi, Uzbek and Russian [12].

At the end of the 19th century and the 1st quarter of the 20th century, due to various reasons and needs, bilingual lexicography developed in Turkestan, dozens of Russian-Uzbek, Uzbek-Russian dictionaries and dictionaries were compiled and published.


Today, thanks to the independence of our country, there is an opportunity to analyze and further improve all areas of science on the basis of the experience gained in developed countries. The era of creative study and application of universal values in our lives has begun.

The lexicography of the Uzbek language has a thirteen-century history of development, during which time it has undergone significant quantitative and qualitative changes. Uzbek lexicography has gone through several stages of

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development. However, today the task of compiling modern dictionaries of the Uzbek language is one of the most pressing issues.

Thus, certain differences between the English-language and Uzbek educational lexicography can be considered obvious. An analysis of the chronology of this area of lexicography allows us to say that while the English-language lexicography in the process of its development was mainly focused on the creation of monolingual dictionaries, the practical result of the Russian-language lexicography was characterized by the focus on bilingual and multilingual dictionaries. There is one more difference between the Russian-language educational lexicography and the English-language one - while in Uzbekistan the initial target group of users of educational dictionaries were schoolchildren, English educational lexicography was initially aimed at the older group of users - students.


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2. Howatt, A. P. R. A history of English language teaching / A. P. R. Howatt. — Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984. — 396 p.

3. http://ogden.basic-english.org/encamer.html

4. Моисеев, М. В. Лексикография английского языка: учебно-методическое пособие / М. В. Моисеев. — Омск: Изд-во ОмГУ, 2006. — 32-36 с.

5. Nation, I. S. P. Teaching vocabulary: strategies and technics / I. S. P. Nation. — Heinle, Cengage learning, 2008. — 37 p.

6. McArthur, T. Living words: language, lexicographie and the knowledge revolution / T. McArthur. — University of Exeter Press, 1998. — 53 p.

7. Cowie, A. A. S. Hornby: a centenary tribute / A. Cowie // International Journal of Lexicography. — Leeds: University of Leeds, 1998. — p. 3-16.

8. Дмитрусенко, И. Н. Принципы отбора лексических единиц для формирования рецептивной лексики в процессе самостоятельного чтения при модульной системе обучения // И. Н. Дмитрусенко // Вестник ЮжноУральского государственного университета. Серия: Образование. Педагогические науки. — Челябинск, 2015. — Том 7, № 1. — с. 69-74.

9. Минаева, Л. В. Лексикология и лексикография английского языка / Л. В. Минаева. — М.: Астрель, 2007. — 142 с.

10. Кудашев, И. С. Проектирование переводческих словарей специальной лексики / И. С. Кудашев. — Хельсинки: Helsinki University Print, 2007. — 59 с.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 9

educational, natural and social sciences ( ) ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423

11. Atkins, B. T. Sue, Rundell, M. The Oxford guide to practical lexicography / B. T. Sue Atkins, M. Rundell. — New York: Oxford University Press inc., 2008. — 20 p.

12. Узбек адабиети тарихи. V том. - Тошкент, 1980. 33 б

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