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Science and innovation
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Ключевые слова
professional development process / listener / teacher / continuous education / pedagogical activity / professional competence / media competence

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sh. Urakova

The article describes the specific professional characteristics and requirements for the development of media competence of secondary school teachers in the process of professional development by determining the pedagogical and psychological capabilities of students during the professional development process, as well as the development of quality control and assessment mechanisms spoken.

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Urakova Shokhida Keldiyarovna

Senior teacher of the "Pedagogy, psychology and educational technologies" department of the National Center for Training Teachers in New Methods of the Tashkent Region https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10884713

Abstract. The article describes the specific professional characteristics and requirements for the development of media competence of secondary school teachers in the process of professional development by determining the pedagogical and psychological capabilities of students during the professional development process, as well as the development of quality control and assessment mechanisms spoken.

Keywords: professional development process, listener, teacher, continuous education, pedagogical activity, professional competence, media competence.


In our republic, staff qualification improvement and their retraining is one of the types of continuous education system, the process of updating and deepening the professional knowledge and skills of specialists and managers working in all sectors of the national economy. It ensures that the competitive qualities and knowledge and skills of personnel are at a level that can meet the requirements of the time. Advanced training and retraining are a process of scientific theoretical and practical preparation of each employee, which consists of getting acquainted with the latest scientific achievements and innovations in his specialty, assimilating them, learning new practical work methods, advanced work practices.

Further improvement of the continuing education system, increasing the opportunities for quality education services, and the policy of training highly qualified personnel in line with the modern needs of the labor market, as defined in the "Strategy of Actions on the five priority directions of the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021" 1 based on such important tasks as continuing, the order of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 25, 2021 No. 4963 in decision2:

the training needs of public education workers are studied and their individual professional development trajectory is created through the special electronic platform "Continuous Professional Education";

an electronic portfolio of each public education employee is created and information about the employee's individual trajectory, results of professional development and mastered educational programs is included in it;

the practice of training of public education workers according to differentiated training programs corresponding to their qualification level, knowledge, scientific-pedagogical potential, work experience, psychological preparation and individual professional development trajectory; in addition to traditional training, distance and other types of combined professional training, conducted together with the work process, will be introduced;

on the basis of creating a model of the future school, its head and teacher, to develop and continuously develop the professional standards of public education workers, to strengthen the links between scientific and research activities and the educational process;

development of model curriculum, program, teaching-methodical and other documents for non-state educational organizations engaged in training of public education workers, as well as constantly updating the teaching-methodical support of courses Tasks such as helping to go are defined.

By creating the necessary pedagogical conditions for the retraining of pedagogues and ensuring their professional and personal development, modernizing the content of retraining and professional development of specialists, determining their psychological and pedagogical capabilities, and developing a mechanism for monitoring and evaluating its quality. determines the main goal of professional competence development.

Acquaintance with the content of theoretical sources showed that there are a number of contradictions in the development of media competence of teachers in the process of in-service training, in particular:

- between the level of education of a pedagogue specialist and the normative requirements for the modernized content and scope of the State Education Standard and the level of realization of his personal capabilities;

- between traditional and innovative methods used in the process of developing the professional competence of a pedagogue;

- between the activities of educational institutions aimed at pedagogical support in the development of the teacher's personality and professional competence, and the mechanism and legalities of the process of developing the professional qualification of a pedagogue;

- between the fact that the possibilities of integration with general professional and specialized subjects are not used enough to develop the personal and professional competence of the teacher of pedagogical subjects;

- it is possible to show the contradictions between the scientific and technical development, the growing demands of the modernized society towards a skilled pedagogue, and the fact that teachers are not ready to work in the conditions of self-development of the main part of developing their professional competence. One of the ways to overcome such contradictions is to develop the professional competencies of future specialists.

In pedagogy, media competence is generally considered as an integrative quality of a person, manifested in the selection, use, critical analysis, evaluation, creation and transmission of media text of various forms, genres, and forms, as well as readiness to analyze the complex processes of media activity in society. Therefore, the issue of developing media competence of teachers in the process of advanced education is one of the urgent issues facing science and practice. In this regard, the creation of technology for the development of media competence by improving the media knowledge of teachers in the process of training in accordance with the requirements of modern scientific and technical development is of particular importance among pedagogical research.

In our republic, the education system has been fundamentally reformed, and major changes have been made in the system of continuous education, including public education. In particular, the system of post-university education was further improved, the Ministry of Pre-School Education was established, the transition to the eleven-year education system was made in order

to strengthen the ties between schools and colleges. The reforms carried out to update the content of education and improve the efficiency of educational processes are bearing fruit today. In the implementation of these processes, using the environment of information and communication technologies effectively, training national personnel, bringing the young generation to adulthood is one of the main tasks of teachers and pedagogues.

To develop the media competence of specialists, to create the necessary pedagogical conditions to ensure their professional and personal development in the process of training, to modernize the content and structure of professional training, to determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions, and to develop a mechanism for monitoring and evaluating its quality. defines.

Table 1

Types of competence of the teacher

Professional Ideological Management Media competence

competence competence competence

Teacher (pedagogue)

has media

Ideological Management competence - media

Professional competence - competence - competence, its

competence is the having a clear having didactic, causes, knowledge,

possession of in- ideological goal, psychological, skills and

depth knowledge, possessing one's methodical, qualifications

skills and own will, beliefs, technological (indicators:

competence in a conscience, views, training for the motivational,

specific subject (for being able to fight teacher to manage informational,

example, physics, against foreign the lesson, to practical-quick,

chemistry, history, ideologies manage the class methodical activity,

mathematics and team creative) promotion

other subjects). of media education knowledge

Educator pedagogue

To develop the professional competence of specialists, to create the necessary pedagogical conditions to ensure their professional and personal development in advanced educational institutions, to modernize the content and structure of the retraining of specialists, to determine their pedagogical and psychological conditions, and to develop a mechanism for monitoring and evaluating its quality. determines the main goal of developing specialist media competence.

If we look at the origin of the concept of "medicompetency", we can understand that they did not arise by chance.

"Media competence" is generally understood as an integrative quality of a person that manifests itself in the ability to select, use, critically analyze, evaluate, create and transmit media texts of various forms, genres and forms, as well as the readiness to analyze the complex processes of media activity in society.

Media competence/media literacy - the ability to use, analyze, evaluate and transmit various forms of messages3.

A person who has mastered a certain media competence means a person who has developed knowledge and skills worthy of his field, who can think positively and act effectively. If we take a deep look at the essence of these concepts, "media competence" is a set of interrelated qualities of knowledge, skills and actions of a person within certain disciplines, "media competence" is the acquisition of competence suitable for human action.

A person with a high level of media competence has the following characteristics: effort (striving) to obtain new information;

striving for personal competence in various spheres of life and the world of media culture; finding necessary scientific materials for studying; to be in "constant" communication with media products;

to have the ability to independently create and distribute media texts (independently or together with a group) in the media world;

to be able to perform bright activities related to the media (playful, artistic, research, etc.)4. Thus, self-improvement media competence of a pedagogue is aimed at spiritual, motivational, intellectual and practical self-development, volitional and emotional self-management. The behavior, behavior, behavior, moral and moral image, social activity, interpersonal relationship of the subjects participating in the process of media competence development of teachers of general education schools in the process of professional development taking into account influence and participation. CONCLUSION

To sum up, in the process of professional development, it is necessary to pay attention to the following aspects of the development of media competence among teachers based on the requirements of the innovative educational environment, based on the organization and management of the educational process:

to pay attention to the content and essence of the competence approach in the formation of qualification requirements for specialist subjects among all categories of teachers;

taking into account the requirements of the innovative educational environment created on the basis of the competence approach;

organization of teacher training courses based on need;

to establish a professional diagnostic analysis of the pedagogical training of teachers in professional development courses;

in the professional-pedagogical training of the teacher, the main attention should be paid to the development of the tools of the educational subject, the content of the pedagogical activity and the ability to take into account the personal capabilities of the student;

As a result, a specialist with media competence consistently enriches his knowledge, absorbs new information, deeply understands the requirements of the time, searches for new knowledge, processes it and serves to effectively apply it in his practical work.


1. Decree No. PF4947 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 "On the Strategy of Actions for Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan". // Collection of legal documents of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2017, No. 6, Article 70.

2. Decision No. 4963 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 25, 2021 "On measures to support scientific research activities in the field of public education and to introduce a continuous professional development system."

3. Kubey, R. (1997). Media Education: Portraits of an Evolving Field. In: Kubey, R. (Ed.) Media Literacy in the Information Age. New Brunswick & London: Transaction Publishers, p.2.

4. Nikitina E.Yu., Milyutina A.A. Formirovanie mediakompetensii mladshikh shkolnikov na urokax russkogo zyzyka. Monograph. - M., 2015.

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