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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Matveev A.P., Nayouf Gaidaa Haide, Korolkov A.N.

Objective of the study was to reveal the influence of the "operationalcircular information model" of teaching physical exercises on the development of creative and cognitive abilities of future physical education teachers. Methods and structure of the study. The work was carried out on the basis of the Moscow State Regional University in the period from 2018 to 2021. 24 students (boys and girls) of the Faculty of Physical Culture were involved in the study, who studied in the direction of training 44.03.01 "Pedagogical education" (training profile Physical Culture). The technique was based on an operationalcircular information model of training and was worked out by comparing the technique for performing a new exercise being learned with the technique of a reference sample. Results and conclusions. A structurally organized methodology, which includes blocks of physical, technical and technological training, allows for the period of study from the 2nd to the 4th semester to improve the indicators of students' cognitive abilities from 22 to 41%, and creative from 19% to 51%. During the period of the experiment, the creative potential of the students of the experimental group improved on average from 47.9±0.98 to 67.4±2.13 (≤ 0.05).

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Development of cognitive and creative abilities of students of the faculty of physical culture under the conditions of teaching complex-coordinated

physical exercises

UDC 796.077.5

Dr. Hab., Professor A.P. Matveev1, 2 Postgraduate student Nayouf Gaidaa Haider1 PhD A.N. Korolkov1

''Moscow Region State University, Mytishchi, Moscow Region 2Federal Scientific Center of Physical Culture and Sport (VNIIFK), Moscow

Corresponding author: apmatveev0609@mail.com


Objective of the study was to reveal the influence of the "operational-circular information model" of teaching physical exercises on the development of creative and cognitive abilities of future physical education teachers.

Methods and structure of the study. The work was carried out on the basis of the Moscow State Regional University in the period from 2018 to 2021. 24 students (boys and girls) of the Faculty of Physical Culture were involved in the study, who studied in the direction of training 44.03.01 "Pedagogical education" (training profile - Physical Culture). The technique was based on an operational-circular information model of training and was worked out by comparing the technique for performing a new exercise being learned with the technique of a reference sample.

Results and conclusions. A structurally organized methodology, which includes blocks of physical, technical and technological training, allows for the period of study from the 2nd to the 4th semester to improve the indicators of students' cognitive abilities from 22 to 41%, and creative - from 19% to 51%. During the period of the experiment, the creative potential of the students of the experimental group improved on average from 47.9±0.98 to 67.4±2.13 (< 0.05).

Keywords: creative abilities, cognitive abilities, complex coordination physical exercises, future teachers of physical culture, operational-circular information model of education.

Introduction. Currently, most experts believe that improving the quality of education in professional pedagogical institutions becomes possible if modern in-novative approaches and technologies are introduced into their educational process [2]. A similar judgment applies to the practice of professional education of future teachers of physical culture [3]. However, here, according to the literature, there is not only the problem of subject-oriented professional training of future teachers, but also the problem of the development of their mental processes associated with the formation of creative and cognitive abilities [7]. The need for the latter is dictated by the active introduction of innovative approaches and technologies, new educational content into general educational organizations of the Russian Federation, requiring from teachers not

only subject-oriented professional knowledge, skills and abilities, but also a sufficiently high cognitive potential and creative thinking [5].

In modern literature, there are data on the positive impact of the process of teaching motor actions on the development of the cognitive abilities of those in-volved [4]. At the same time, the development process is more efficient if students, thanks to direct and feedback from the teacher (coach), actively participate directly in the learning process itself. At the same time, in recent years, separate judgments have appeared in the specialized literature about the need in the learning process, including teaching physical exercises, to single out the external and internal connection of information transfer.

Under the external direct "informational" connection, it is proposed to un-derstand the connec-

tion going from the teacher to the student, and under the feed-back - going from the student to the teacher. In turn, under the internal "infor-mation" connection, it is proposed to understand the connection that goes from the student himself to himself (the student).

Based on self-address, the student acts as a "learner", reproducing infor-mation about the exercise he performed, and as a "teacher", evaluating the perfor-mance of the exercise being learned and making the necessary correction to it. In the process of self-learning physical exercises, this connection can be defined as an operational-circular information model of training. In the construction of such a model, the student simultaneously increases the activity of cognitive processes, forming a mental image of action and creative processes, comprehending the ac-tion he performs and making the necessary corrections to it.

Thus, the judgments expressed on the basis of the analysis of special litera-ture gave grounds to assume that the use of an urgent circular information model in the process of teaching future physical education teachers the physical exercises of the school program allows you to develop cognitive and creative abilities and, means to positively influence their professional activity.

Objective of the study was to reveal the influence of the "operational-circular information model" of teaching physical exercises on the development of cretive and cognitive abilities of future physical education teachers.

Methods and structure of the study. The work was carried out on the basis of the Moscow State Regional University in the period from 2018 to 2021. The study was of a longitudinal nature, which was dictated by the need to trace the features of changes in the studied indicators in the same participants of the experiment over a relatively long time (the first and second years learning).

24 students (boys and girls) of the Faculty of Physical Education were in-volved in the study. To diagnose cognitive and creative abilities, we used: a test for the development of logical thinking (Raven D.) [6]; a test for determining the speed of thinking (B.D. Karvasarsky); a test to determine the speed of memoriza-tion ("Random Access Memory") [5], a test to determine the level of development of semantic memory ("Reproduction of a story") and a test questionnaire of personal creativity (E.E. Tunik) [9].

To achieve this goal, we studied the nature of the change in the main indicators of cognitive and creative abilities under the influence of an experimental methodology for mastering complex-coordinating physical exercises by students of the school program in physical culture, developed on the basis of an operational-circular information model of education.

The experimental methodology included consistently physical, technical and technological training of students, where each type of training was characterized by the solution of relatively independent pedagogical tasks. The first block was subordinated to the solution of physical training problems, which was necessary to ensure the functional readiness of students to master new physical exercises. The main content of this block was the physical exercises of special physical training, which was included in the invariant part of the curriculum in the first and second semesters of students' professional education.

The second block of the experimental methodology included teaching stu-dents the technique of physical exercises taken from the line of textbooks on physical culture for students in grades 8-9 by A.P. Matveeva (2019). While learning the technical actions of sports games (volleyball and basketball) and the exercises from the "gymnastics and acrobatics" section, students performed training tasks that were different in their target orientation. The first group of tasks included a comparative analysis of the technique of the same exercises, but taken from different sources. Students had to highlight the differences and either agree with one of the proposed options, or offer their own version. But in both the first and second cases, they had to justify their choice based on the available knowledge. Upon completion of the tasks, students were given the opportunity to discuss their options.

Tasks of the second type were focused on the formation of students' skills to independently learn the technique of physical exercises using an operational-circular information model of training. Here the students were offered to get ac-quainted with the written description of the technique of the sample of the exercise being learned. After reading the text, the students were offered three attempts at practical implementation of the sample, without looking into the text. After the last attempt, the students were asked to describe the technique of the performed action and compare it with the technique

of the sample. When comparing, students identified "inconsistencies" and made the necessary correction. After that, the students again tried to reproduce the given sample of the technique of the exercise being learned and again recorded their action with its subsequent comparison with the sample. At the same time, by identifying discrepancies between the emerging mental image of the exercise technique and its given text sample, the students made the necessary correction, both in the execution technique and in the self-study methodology. Here it was allowed to learn a sample of technique "in parts", which were allocated by the students themselves.

Learning tasks of the third type included the formation of skills for self-assessment of the technique of the learned exercise, which was achieved on the basis of highlighting its elements that determine the qualitative characteristics of the performance. This group of tasks assumed joint activities of students, when one student controlled the performance of another and evaluated his technique according to a jointly developed scale of marks (the task was performed, as a rule, in pairs or groups). At the same time, the supervisor identified errors and suggested ways to eliminate them, which were discussed with the performing student.

The third block of the experimental methodology included technological training of students, within the framework of which the tasks of developing the skills to design the process of teaching new physical exercises were solved. The implementation of the tasks of this block took place during the passage of peda-gogical practice by students on the basis of the content of the planned results of the exemplary work program of a physical education teacher. The design assumed:

1) the choice of the exercise to be learned in accordance with the content of the subject planned result and its textual description;

2) description of "intermediate" results, ways and methods of achievement;

3) a plan for the phased achievement of the planned result.

During practice, students independently mastered the developed sample of physical exercise technique and demonstrated it for evaluation at the reporting conference.

With such a structural organization of the experimental methodology, we assumed that with the

content of the second block we would promote the predominant development of cognitive abilities, and with the technological block, the predominant development of the creative abilities of the participants in the experiment.

Results of the study and their discussion. As the results of the study showed, the experimental technique had the most noticeable effect on increasing the indicators of logical thinking and semantic memory, where the increase was about 40%. The remaining indicators of cognitive abilities also significantly im-proved over the period of the pedagogical experiment (< 0.05).

Showed creative abilities at the end of the pedagogical experiment improved in comparison with the initial values. The most significant increase in future teachers of physical culture is the indicator of imagination, which is one of the main indicators in the characteristic of creative abilities [1]. It should also be noted that there were significant increases in other indicators of creativity, which averaged from 19 to 33% (< 0.05) over the period of the pedagogical experiment.

Completing the analysis of the results obtained on the development of cognitive and creative abilities in the experimental group of future physical education teachers, it should be noted that they significantly outperformed their peers from the control group. Thus, future teachers of physical culture indicators of logical thinking by the end of the pedagogical experiment amounted to 8.1±1.12 points, and future teachers of the control group -6.8±0.73 (p<0.05); indicators of working memory were 8.8±0.86 and 7.0±0.76 points, respectively (p< 0.05); thinking speed - 7.8±1.01 and 6.6±0.58 points (p< 0.05); semantic memory - 8.6 ± 0.74 and 6.9 ± 0.56 (p< 0.05).

According to most indicators of creativity, the experimental group signifi-cantly outperformed their peers from the control group. Thus, the index of curiosity in the experimental group was 16.4±1.68, and in the control group it was 11.4±1.80 (p<0.05); the indicator of interest in the knowledge of complex phenomena was 15.6±1.74 and 12.1±1.44, respectively (p<0.05).

Сonclusions. The conducted research showed that in the process of teaching future teachers of physical culture complex coordination physical exercises, there is an opportunity to actively influence the development of creative and cognitive abilities.

Such an opportunity is provided thanks to the methodology, which is based on the operational-circular information connection, which is one of the varieties of internal communication, when the teacher independently reproduces, independently analyzes and independently corrects the performance of the physical exercise being learned. At the same time, the experimental methodology structured according to three basic blocks allows not only to positively influence the development of mental abilities, but also to ensure a sufficient level of physical fitness of future physical education teachers, which is necessary for successful teaching of complexly coordinated exercises.


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