Development of an innovative marketing strategy in
Shoira Azimovna Musayeva [email protected] Dilfuza Ilkhomovna Usmonova Farzod Shokhrukhovich Usmanov Samarkand Institute of Economic and Services
Abstract: In this article, the priority directions of technological modernization of agriculture, further improvement of management of agricultural machinery enterprises, increasing their efficiency and profitability, modernization of production in the field, technical and technological re-equipment, modern, high productivity for the agro-industrial complex, domestic and foreign markets organization of production of competitive machinery and equipment was considered.
Keywords: Agriculture, modernization, innovation, agro-industry, efficiency, productivity.
Until now, the development of agriculture has been one of the most important priorities and will continue to be so. Because the efficiency of agricultural production, ensuring the economic and food security of our country, increasing the material well-being of not only rural residents, but also the population of our country, the productivity of our land, which is our priceless wealth, is inextricably linked with regular improvement of its quality.
The sustainable development of the agricultural network of Uzbekistan largely depends on the effectiveness of innovative activities. As a result of the assimilation of innovations, the production base in agriculture is updated technologically, technically, and organizationally and economically. This, in turn, strengthens Uzbekistan's integration into the world market.
In the era of market economy, it is important to further develop the country's agrarian sector and produce quality products in this sector. Of course, the production of more quality products in the agricultural industry and the development of the industry are affected by several factors, one of such important factors is the competitiveness factor. it is necessary to study and research the problems of increasing competitiveness in the production of agricultural products. The solution to this problem largely depends on the development and implementation of complex methods of state regulation of agricultural production.
Also, based on the fact that issues related to risks in agrarian enterprises are one
of the priority issues of the country, it is necessary to further expand regulatory and methodological provisions in accordance with market principles, taking into account the current situation in ensuring competitiveness.
The level of entrepreneurship is one of the main criteria for assessing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises. The level of entrepreneurship directly depends on the level of income of the entrepreneurship based on the demand and supply formed in the market of agricultural goods. This also determines the level of competitiveness of agrarian sector farms by having different levels of commodity based on their specialization in the production of agricultural products.
Agrarian network of farms development strategy development, primarily due to the specific characteristics of agriculture agricultural sector natural and economic conditions of farms, specialization, directions of their activities and results according to differentiation and adaptation, different levels of using internal and external opportunities of different business systems depend on objective processes. From this point of view, it is appropriate to determine the development strategy of agrarian enterprises, the groups that describe their activities based on their situation in real conditions.
Being like this serves as a criterion for determining the strategy for the development of agrarian chain farms. In the conditions of liberalization and modernization of the current economy, the selection of a development strategy of agrarian sector enterprises based on the market conditions, depending on which of the above-mentioned features of agrarian sector enterprises corresponds to them, ensures a high level of full consideration of not only theoretical, but also real conditions. Therefore, this factor is important in the competitiveness and sustainable development of agrarian enterprises. Also, it is appropriate for the agrarian sector farms in this direction to choose a diversification strategy because they specialize in the production of products in the conditions of low competition in the area where they operate.
It can be recommended to carry out and develop the regional growth strategy together with the cooperation development strategy for entrepreneurial agrarian sector farms. When choosing a regional strategy, they can specialize in growing a certain agricultural product and focus on it.
Implementation of the development strategy of agrarian chain farms requires, first of all, a certain amount of resources. That is why the level of agrarian enterprises' current resources, access to credit and investment play an important role in the implementation of their chosen development strategy.
In the process of ongoing structural changes in agriculture, farmers and peasant farms were selected as the main forms of agricultural production organization. Implementation of measures to encourage the development of farms is an important
factor in their sustainable and effective development.
Depending on the type of economy and the level of development, the countries are mainly divided into economy specialized in the production of raw materials, industrial economy, post-industrial economy, mixed economy and countries based on innovation economy or knowledge economy.
Innovative economy is the most developed type of economy and an educated society is characteristic for it. Currently, various mechanisms and institutional structures, i.e. the national innovation system, are being formed for the wide introduction and effective use of scientific and technical achievements. Technological modernization of agriculture is one of the priorities in stabilization of agriculture. A unified technique aimed at further improving the management of the activities of agricultural machinery enterprises, increasing their efficiency and profitability, modernizing production in the field, technical and technological re-equipment, organizing the production of modern, high-performance, competitive machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex it is necessary to implement the policy.
To prevent and mitigate the negative impact on the development of the country's agrarian sector, development of the activities of agricultural and economic entities, ensuring their stable operation and the implementation of the following measures to increase the export potential are among the most urgent issues today:
- in order to ensure the competitiveness of manufactured products based on the requirements of the market price situation, to introduce measures to reduce production costs, to reduce the cost of products due to the rationalization of agro-technological processes;
- reduction of production costs in agrarian sector farms, itsimproving the mechanism for assessing the effectiveness of activities in increasing competitiveness and the volume of sales in the foreign and domestic markets;
- during the season, receiving high-quality products from the producers on the basis of a contract, organizing their cleaning, cleaning, molding and sending them for export in due time, etc.
In the current period, it is appropriate to give priority to the following activities in the sustainable development of the agricultural industry of our country:
- further development of the work of infrastructure facilities serving agrarian chain farms;
- in order to provide the population with the main types of agricultural products at low prices and continuously, to establish specialized companies that buy, store, transport, sell, export and finance fruits and vegetables and grape products and potatoes from agrarian sector farms at reasonable prices to do and provide them with a sufficient amount of working capital and the necessary material and technical base;
- in order to prevent the negative consequences of the global food problem,
optimization, from existing developed recommendations effective use and increase production efficiency.
Today, Uzbekistan has all the necessary socio-economic bases for deepening innovation processes and strengthening the innovation base. However, there are problems in moving the agrarian sector to the path of innovative development, or in other words, implementing innovative projects at the scale of one or even several farms, because: firstly, farms and entities processing agricultural products are currently unable to order scientific research and research slow participation in financing; secondly, the economic entity itself cannot carry out research and financing of scientific research in the development of advanced innovative technologies; third, new technology, in order to use new varieties, producers and processors of agricultural products do not have enough knowledge, they need to use the services of scientists and specialists, and farmers face certain difficulties in processing and selling products; fourthly, there is insufficient demand from manufacturers for innovative developments prepared by scientists of higher education and scientific research institutions, there is no organic connection between them; fifth, the irresponsibility of some agricultural producers. that there is insufficient demand from manufacturers for innovative developments prepared by scientists of higher education and scientific research institutions, there is no organic connection between them; fifth, the irresponsibility of some agricultural producers. that there is insufficient demand from manufacturers for innovative developments prepared by scientists of higher education and scientific research institutions, there is no organic connection between them; fifth, the irresponsibility of some agricultural producers.
In the conditions of socio-economic changes taking place in the world and inter-country integration, it is necessary to move the agricultural network and the village, as well as the rural infrastructure, to a new innovative development path in a short time in the republic. Through this way, there will be an opportunity to increase the position of the village on a modern technical and technological basis.
Transitioning the economy of Uzbekistan to the path of innovative development is considered one of the priority tasks today. According to the analysis, the amount of innovations in the agricultural sector of Uzbekistan is 1-2% of the total gross domestic product, and this indicator is even less in the rural infrastructure network, while this indicator is more than 50-60% in other developed countries.
The use of modern techniques and technologies in production creates the following opportunities:
production of competitive products that meet the requirements of world friendship;
the financial results of the enterprise will be higher due to the significant reduction of the product cost, and the opportunities will expand;
saving raw materials and resources; reduction of negative impact on the environment, etc.
If these techniques and technologies have an innovative character, that is, they are based on developments and ideas that have not been used in practice before, then the economic and social importance of their use will be even higher. The implementation of innovative technologies in production allows to achieve higher efficiency compared to the technologies used in this field.
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