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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Zavorokhina Natalia V., Mysakov Denis S., Bochkova Anastasia G.

The extreme living conditions of the Far North inhabitants contribute to the specific metabolism formation: the sugar content in the blood decreases by 40-45 %; proteins and fats supply with the energy, as in regions with a warmer climate, compared to the regions with a warmer climate where carbohydrates provide it. The research aims at developing adaptogenic drinks for the Far North residents, considering their metabolism peculiarities and extreme living conditions. The researchers analyzed the main factors shaping the metabolism specifics of the indigenous population of Russia, including the lack of agriculture, extreme climatic conditions, vitamin D deficiency due to the sunlight deficiency, vitamin C due to the plant food shortage, polar stress syndrome and piblocto. A man revealed that the Northerners faced the deficiency of selenium - up to 80 %, vitamin C - up to 69.4 %, zinc - up to 37.5 %, magnesium - up to 27.6 %, phospholipids - 35.8 %. The authors developed the “Vatutel” and “Vatu-tsai” drinks formulations based on Arctic vegetable raw materials with cryoprotective properties traditional for the indigenous population diet - cowberries, cranberries, rosehip fruits, narrow-leaved cypress, calendula officinalis, as well as vitamin premix, flaxseed flour containing water-soluble pentosans that form the drink consistency. They also formulated the technology and recipe of frozen semi-finished product for the drink “Vatu-tsai” with and without capsaicin have been developed. A portion of the drink “Vatu-tsai” contains (from the daily intake rate): 3.59 % vitamin D3, 5.38 % vitamin C, 4.31 % vitamin E, 4.32 % beta-carotene, 5.33 % zinc, 1.44 % selenium. The developed drinks are made from ingredients available to the Far North population growing in places of residence; have a simple manufacturing and storage technology; increase the body adaptation to extreme conditions due to vitamins E, D3, C; consumed hot (75 °C) they reduce cold stress, including due to capsaicin in the composition; and consider metabolism and traditions peculiarities of the population.

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УДК 663.8

DOI 10.29141/2500-1922-2022-7-3-5 EDN WGYDTN

Development of Adaptogenic Beverages from Arctic Raw Materials for the Far North Residents

Natalia V. Zavorokhina Denis S. Mysakov1, Anastasia G. Bochkova1

1Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation H zavornv@usue.ru


The extreme living conditions of the Far North inhabitants contribute to the specific metabolism formation: the sugar content in the blood decreases by 40-45 %; proteins and fats supply with the energy, as in regions with a warmer climate, compared to the regions with a warmer climate where carbohydrates provide it. The research aims at developing adaptogenic drinks for the Far North residents, considering their metabolism peculiarities and extreme living conditions. The researchers analyzed the main factors shaping the metabolism specifics of the indigenous population of Russia, including the lack of agriculture, extreme climatic conditions, vitamin D deficiency due to the sunlight deficiency, vitamin C due to the plant food shortage, polar stress syndrome and piblocto. A man revealed that the Northerners faced the deficiency of selenium - up to 80 %, vitamin C - up to 69.4 %, zinc - up to 37.5 %, magnesium - up to 27.6 %, phospholipids -35.8 %. The authors developed the "Vatutel" and "Vatu-tsai" drinks formulations based on Arctic vegetable raw materials with cryoprotective properties traditional for the indigenous population diet - cowberries, cranberries, rosehip fruits, narrow-leaved cypress, calendula officinalis, as well as vitamin premix, flaxseed flour containing water-soluble pentosans that form the drink consistency. They also formulated the technology and recipe of frozen semi-finished product for the drink "Vatu-tsai" with and without capsaicin have been developed. A portion of the drink "Vatu-tsai" contains (from the daily intake rate): 3.59 % vitamin D3, 5.38 % vitamin C, 4.31 % vitamin E, 4.32 % beta-carotene, 5.33 % zinc, 1.44 % selenium. The developed drinks are made from ingredients available to the Far North population growing in places of residence; have a simple manufacturing and storage technology; increase the body adaptation to extreme conditions due to vitamins E, D3, C; consumed hot (75 °C) they reduce cold stress, including due to cap-saicin in the composition; and consider metabolism and traditions peculiarities of the population.

For citation: Natalia V. Zavorokhina, Denis S. Mysakov, Anastasia G. Bochkova. Development of Adaptogenic Beverages from Arctic Raw Materials for the Far North Residents. Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2022. Vol. 7, No. 3. Pp. 41-49. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-20227-3-5. EDN: WGYDTN.

Paper submitted: June 10, 2022


Far North;

adaptogenic drink;

plant Arctic

raw materials;



living conditions

Разработка адаптогенных напитков

из арктического сырья

для жителей Крайнего Севера

Н.В. Заворохина1 Д.С. Мысаков1, Н.Г. Бочкова1

1Уральский государственный экономический университете, г. Екатеринбург, Российская Федерация


Экстремальные условия проживания жителей Крайнего Севера способствуют формированию специфического метаболизма: на 40-45 % уменьшается содержание сахара в крови, получение энергии происходит из белков и жиров, а не из углеводов, как в регионах с более теплым климатом. Цель исследований - разработка адаптогенных напитков для жителей Крайнего Севера с учетом особенностей их метаболизма и экстремальных условий проживания. Проанализированы основные факторы, формирующие специфику метаболизма коренного населения России, в том числе отсутствие земледелия, экстремальные климатические условия, дефицит витамина D из-за нехватки солнечного света, витамина С из-за отсутствия растительной пищи, синдром полярного напряжения и пиблокто. Выявлено, что у северян имеется дефицит селена - до 80 %, витамина С - до 69,4 %, цинка - до 37,5 %, магния - до 27,6 %, фосфолипидов - 35,8 %. Разработаны рецептуры напитков «Ва-тутел» и «Вату-цай», в основе которых арктическое растительное сырье с криопро-текторными свойствами, традиционное для рациона коренного населения, - ягоды брусника, клюква, плоды шиповника, кипрей узколистный, календула лекарственная, а также витаминный премикс, мука льняная, содержащая водорастворимые пентозаны, формирующие консистенцию напитков. Разработаны технология и рецептура замороженного полуфабриката для напитка «Вату-цай» с капсаицином и без него. Порция напитка «Вату-цай» содержит (от суточной нормы потребления): 3,59 % витамина D3, 5,38 % витамина С, 4,31 % витамина Е, 4,32 % ß-каротина, 5,33 % цинка, 1,44 % селена. Разработанные напитки изготовлены из доступных населению Крайнего Севера ингредиентов, произрастающих в местах проживания, имеют простую технологию изготовления и хранения; за счет витаминов Е, D3, С повышают адаптацию организма к экстремальным условиям; употребляются горячими (75 °С) и понижают холодовой стресс, в том числе за счет капсаицина в своем составе, а также учитывают особенности метаболизма и традиции населения.

Для цитирования: Natalia V. Zavorokhina, Denis S. Mysakov, Anastasia G. Bochkova. Development of Adaptogenic Beverages from Arctic Raw Materials for the Far North Residents //Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2022. Т. 7, № 3. С. 41-49. DOI: 10.29141/2500-19222022-7-3-5. EDN: WGYDTN.

Дата поступления статьи: 10 июня 2022

Н zavornv@usue.ru

Ключевые слова:

Крайний Север; адаптогенный напиток; растительное арктическое сырье; метаболизм; экстремальные условия проживания


The Arctic zone of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Far North) accounts for more than 11,900,000 km2 exceeding 69 % of the total country area. According to the Government decree of the Russian Federation No. 1946 dated November 16, 2021, the Far North included seven subjects of the Russian Federation completely, as well as eight regions partially. Nine of these federal subjects are located in the Arctic zone1. The population of the Russian Far North is 9 million people. 43 ethnic groups, including Chukchi, Nenets, Mansi, Eskimos, belong to the indigenous peoples2.

The Russian Far North accumulates 80% of all Arctic oil and almost all gas. Currently, the area produces a tenth of the world's oil and a quarter of natural gas. Thus, there is a need to involve the non-indigenous peoples, including rotation-based work [1]. The non-indigenous peoples are representatives of non-Northern nationalities, not adapted to the Far North conditions evolutionarily.

Environmental conditions in the places of traditional Northerners residence have pronounced specifics. It contributes to the emergence and consolidation of various adaptive mechanisms. Thus, a cold climate requires increased heat production, which means intensive energy exchange and high-calorie nutrition. Sunlight lack leads to insufficient vitamin D production (its active form is synthesized in the skin under the ultraviolet radiation influence); therefore, there is a need in reliable external sources of this nutrient [2].

The agriculture lack and the extremely limited number of edible plants available force the Far North inhabitants to consume mainly animal food, i. e. to get energy from proteins and fats, and not carbohydrates as in regions with a warmer climate. Thus, there is a special polar metabolic type [3; 4]. Due to the increased energy consumption the Far North residents faces the sugar content decrease in the blood by 40-45 % that leads to an increase in the renal "barrier for carbohydrates" and impaired pancreatic function. Many phenomena in

1 On the Approval of the List of the Far North Regions and Localities Equated to the Far North Regions in Order to Provide State Guarantees and Compensation for Persons Working and Living in These Areas and Localities, the Recognition of Certain Acts of the Russian Federation Government as Outdated and the Recognition of Certain Acts of the Council of the USSR Ministers as Not Valid on the Russian Federation Territory: Decree of the Russian Federation Government Dated November 16 , 2021 No. 1946; On the Socio-Economic Development Strategy of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District Until 2035: Legislative Assembly Resolution of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District No. 478 Dated June 24, 2021.

2 On the Approval of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples List of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation: Decree of the Russian Federation Government No. 536-r Dated April 17, 2006.

the Arctic and Antarctic, such as "polar dyspnea", psychoemotional lability, asthenization, hypertension, are a presentation of not only a kind of hypoxia, but also hypoglycemia. The "polar stress syndrome" concept generalizes these phenomena characterizing not the disease, but the specificity of the non-indigenous population adaptation process to the extreme conditions. Scientists consider this syndrome also as a result of an increase in the content of aggressive lipids forms in the blood that damage cell membranes. Unless the fat and carbohydrate metabolism violation, other negative changes arise: negative nitrogen and mineral balance occur, protein digestibility decreases to less than 80% [3; 5].

Low vitamins digestibility, beta-carotene deficiency, vitamins D, E, C, B1 and dietary fiber cause high emotional stress in the Far North population, including piblokto (Arctic hysteria, during which a person can commit irrational or dangerous actions for himself and others). Also, national traditions and habits influence the adaptation [1].

The average life expectancy of the Far North population is 2-6 years lower than the average in Russia (6 years in Chukotka). For many years, the circulatory system diseases gain the first place in the mortality structure of indigenous people, while the polar hypoxia syndrome has a key influence. The second place in the mortality structure belongs to endocrine system diseases (including obesity, diabetes mellitus), the third place - digestive system diseases, the fourth - oncological one. Studies have shown that Far North residents are deficient in vitamins D, E, C, p-carotene, as well as macro- and microelements Mg, K, P, Se [1].

Doctor of Technical Sciences Vladimir G. Popov and his colleagues, who studied the actual nutrition of company personnel (250 people) working in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, revealed the protein deficiency in 60-70 %, the most labile vitamin C - up to 70 % of the population. There is a deficiency in beta-carotene of average 40-60 %, vitamins D and E - up to 30-40 %, and selenium -almost 100 % of respondents. More than 50 % of rotation workers receive insufficient amounts of dietary fiber. The lowest values of daily requirement satisfaction are for selenium - up to 80%, vitamin C - up to 69.4 %, zinc - up to 37.5 %, magnesium -up to 27.6 %, phospholipids - 35.8 % [1].

According to Vladimir G. Popov and co-authors, since 2010, a man has enriched bakery products with vitamin and mineral complexes, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, PP), iron and calcium on the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District territory. Bread is produced with seaweed, rosehip and hops additives, flax and sesame seeds, oat flakes [1].

The dairy plant in Gubkinsky produces fluorinated milk, as well as dairy products enriched with iodoca-sein. There are no enterprises producing edible salt, including iodized salt on the district territory.

Using the medicinal properties of Arctic plant raw materials, the scientists of the State Research Institution of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District "Scientific Center for the Study of the Arctic" developed a line of functional and specialized products: white bread "Port Sabetta", bread crackers "Sea Port Sabetta", vegetable sphagnum extract "Yamal Sphagnum", chocolate "Yamal Yagelnyi" [1; 6].

Thus, the use of the Arctic zone plants in medicinal and health-improving products, parapharmaceu-tical and therapeutic and hygienic means promotes health and improves the life quality in the Arctic region, has prospects to change the usual practice of using imported food in a short time. The development of food products based on Arctic plant raw materials is relevant and timely.

Since the growing season in the North is shorter than in other regions of Russia, the biologically active substances concentration in northern medicinal plants is higher than in areas located to the south. Additionally, plants growing in the North use a variety of protective mechanisms to resist cold stress. In the evolution process to preserve the organelles integrity in harsh climatic conditions, the plant cell uses osmolites - betaine, glycine, sugars, alcohols, proline, fructans, giving the plant cryoprotective properties that enable picking berries even from under snow [7].

In the adaptogenic drinks development, a man used raw materials (cowberries, cranberries, rosehip fruits, calendula, narrow-leaved cypress), traditional for the Far North inhabitants, which has been their diet element for centuries.

Cowberries contain benzoic acid, which inhibits fermentation and bio-degradation processes, has antibacterial properties. In addition, cowberries contain organic acids, sugars, vitamin C, carotene, tannins and mineral salts [1; 8].

Due to the high content of vitamin C cranberries are effective at colds treatment. It is rich in sugars: glucose and fructose. Cranberries contain organic acids such as benzoic, citric, tartaric, malic, amber and oxalic. Cranberries differ from other berries in their high content of polysaccharides, especially pectin. Cranberries contain valuable vitamins C, PP, K, B-i, B2 [7; 9].

Calendula officinalis has an anti-inflammatory effect, lowers cholesterol in the blood, adjusts the acid-base balance, and also has a disinfecting effect. Calendula contains sterols and alcohols, carote-noids, flavonoids, organic acids (salicylic, pentade-cylic, malic), a number of trace elements [1; 10].

Rosehip fruits contain a large amount of vitamins C, B2, A, E, as well as micronutrients: iron, calcium,

magnesium. Rosehip fruits have an antioxidant effect preventing the development of oncological diseases, cardiovascular pathologies, as well as diabetes mellitus [11].

Narrow-leaved cypress is a traditional vegetable raw material and the basis of the so-called Arctic tea - a hot drink of the Far North inhabitants.

The thickening component was flaxseed flour, since it normalizes the intestinal microflora and contains water-soluble polysaccharides - pentosans, generating viscous gels when soaked.

Capsaicin (a burning component of hot pepper species) has a tregimental effect: by binding to the receptors ion channels (TRPV1), it creates a feeling of warmth, which can reduce cold stress. In addition to the warming effect, capsaicin causes production increase in the endorphins responsible for exciteed mood. The sharp taste and a decrease in a person's taste sensitivity to a sharp taste limit its use [10; 12].

Thus, the products development that contribute to the body adaptation to extreme living conditions and cold stress is a prerequisite for preventing violations of the rational nutrition principles, vitamins, macro- and microelements deficiency.

The researchers chose drinks as the object of the research and adaptogenic properties formation, since they can perform several functions at once: consumption possibility of throughout the day, thermoregulation due to the hot drink temperature, mass consumption through compliance with traditions.

The study aim is to develop adaptogenic drinks for the Far North population, considering the peculiarities of their metabolism and extreme living conditions.

Research Objects and Methods

The research objects were:

1) vegetable raw materials, including:

• narrow-leaved cypress (Epilobium angustifolium) and calendula (Calendula officinalis). A man collected it in dry weather during flowering in the ecologically clean Ishim district of the Tyumen region, then subjected to shade drying at a temperature of (20 ± 2) °C until the mass fraction of moisture reached no more than 5 %;

• wild cowberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) and cranberries (Oxycoccus), rosehip fruits (Fructus rosae). A man harvested it at full maturity, then subjected it to shock freezing at a temperature of minus 18 ° C on the day of harvest;

2) developed model drinks and frozen semi-finished products.

To prepare model samples of beverages the researchers used flax flour of the trademark Garnets (Russia) and capsaicin (Shaanxi, China), polyfloral honey (produced by "Paseki Berestova"), white

sugar according to the GOST 33222-2015, vitamin premix produced by DSM Nutritional Products Ltd. (Switzerland).

When preparing a frozen semi-finished product for the drink "Vatu-tsai", a man crushed frozen cowberries and cranberries, rosehip fruits with a blender to a mushy texture; prepared tea concentrate by brewing 1.5 g of calendula and 2 g of narrow-leaved cypress in 100 cm3 of water over a pan of simmering water with a temperature of 85-90 °C for 30 minutes, then evaporated the extract to a mass fraction dry matter (7.0 ± 0.2) %. The authors added tea concentrate, then flax flour, and vitamin premix to the berry mass; mixed the blend; packed into silicone molds of 25 g; froze at a temperature of minus 18 °C.

Table 1 shows the main research methods with the reference to the regulatory document.

When determining the food ingredients composition, the researchers followed methodological recommendations "Norms of Physiological Needs for Energy and Nutrients for Various Population Groups of the Russian Federation".

To determine the antioxidant activity (AOA), a man used a potentiometric method, in which the information source about the antioxidants concentration is the potential shift of the platinum elec-

trode observed when the sample was introduced into a solution of the mediator system K3[Fe(CN)6]/ K4[Fe(CN)6] as a result of a chemical reaction between the antioxidants of the test sample and the oxidized form of the mediator system [7].

Statistical processing of the research results. The absolute difference value between the results of two parallel determinations under repeatability conditions with a confidence probability P = 95 % did not exceed the repeatability limit r according to the Table 2. The absolute difference value between the results of two parallel determinations obtained under reproducibility conditions at P = 95 % did not exceed the reproducibility limit R according to the Table 2. The Table 2 presents also absolute error limits.

The researchers run the variance analysis using STATISTICA and Excel programs. They determined the standard error of the average of three single measurements. The significance level is 5 %.

Results and Their Discussion

A man developed the requirements for developing beverages during the literary and patent search on the studied problem and presented in the matrix form in the Figure 1.

Table 1. Research Methods of Raw Materials, Competitive and Model Beverages Таблица 1. Методы исследования сырья, конкурентных и модельных напитков

Indicator Research Method Source

Mass Fraction of Dry Substances, % Refractometric GOST 33957-2016

Titrated Acidity, % Titrimetric GOST 33957-2016, GOST R 54669-2011

Organoleptic Assessment Point Method of Organoleptic Analysis GOST 33957-2016, GOST R ISO 22935-2-2011, GOST ISO 3972-2014

Antioxidant Activity Potentiometric [7]

Table 2. Absolute Error Limits at P = 95% Таблица 2. Границы абсолютной погрешности при Р = 95 %

I Repeatability Limit r, % abs., n = 2 Reproducibility Limit R, % abs., m = 2 Absolute Error Limits A, % 1

0.4 0.8 ±0.4

Includes Local Ingredients, has a Simple Cooking and Storage Technology, Mass Consumption is Possible

Considering the Metabolism Peculiarities oF the Indigenous and Alien Population, Its Traditions

Adaptogenic Drink For the Far North Residents

Increases the Body's Adaptation to Extreme Conditions,

Reduces Cold Stress, Reduces Radiation Exposure

Has an AFFordable Price, High Organoleptic Characteristics and a Given Nutritional Value

Fig. 1. Requirement Matrix for Adaptogenic Drinks Being Developed for the Far North Residents Рис. 1. Матрица требований к разрабатываемым адаптогенным напиткам для жителей Крайнего Севера

In accordance with this goal, the authors developed a hot drink "Vatutel" with adaptogenic properties. The Table 3 presents its formulation and nutritional value.

The energy value of the drink "Vatutel" is 39.3 kcal.

A portion of the drink "Vatutel" satisfies 3.6 % of the daily need for potassium, 3 % in calcium, 2.5 % in magnesium, 2.4 % in phosphorus, 6.5 % in vitamin C, shows an antiseptic and tonic effect.

Since the indigenous population of the North mainly stores berries collected in the summer in frozen form, the task was to develop a semi-finished

product from frozen berries for making a hot drink from it by brewing. At the same time, the main condition was that the drink from the frozen semi-finished product did not differ from the drink on fresh raw materials. The Mansi word "BaTy^KBe", which means "picking berries", became the name base of the drink "Vatu-tsai".

A man examined nine samples with different content of raw ingredients to obtain the optimal organoleptic parameters and composition of the drink. Table 4 shows the recipe, and Table 5 shows the organoleptic assessment results of the best

Table 3. Formulation and Nutritional Value of the Drink "Vatutel" (Per Serving 250 cm3), g Таблица 3. Рецептура и пищевая ценность напитка «Ватутел» (на порцию 250 см3), г

Ingredient Net Weight Proteins Fats Carbohydrates Dietary Fiber

Cowberry 75.G G.525 G.375 6.15G 1.875

Flaxseed Flour 1G.G 1.8GG G.13G 6.99G G.35G

Narrow-Leaved Cypress 2.G G.G92 G.G36 G.632 G.212

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Sugar 1G.G О О 9.98G О

Polyfloral Honey 1G.G О О 8.GGG О

Water Up to 250,0 О О О О

Total 250,0 2.37G G.5345 31.489 G.562

Table 4. Research Samples Formulation per100 g of Finished Product, g Таблица 4. Рецептура образцов исследования на 100 г готового продукта, г

Ingredient Sample Number

6 7 8 9

Cowberries 12.58 - - -

Cranberries - 12.5G 12.57 16.G4

Flaxseed flour 1.68 1.67 3.36 1.6G

Tea Concentrate from Calendula and Narrow-Leaved Cypress 1.87 2.5G 1.93 2.17

Vitamin Premix G.G5 G.G5 G.G5 G.G5

Water 83.87 83.33 83.82 8G.19

Total * 1GG.GG 1GG.GG 1GG.GG 1GG.GG

NB* It is assumed to add capsaicin in an amount of 0.1 g per 100 cm3 of the finished product.

Table 5. Organoleptic Assessment Results of the Study Samples during Brewing, Score (n = 7) Таблица 5. Результаты органолептической оценки образцов исследования при заваривании, балл (n = 7)

Sample Number

Organoleptic Indicator 6 7 8 9

Brewing without Freezing Brewing after Freezing Brewing without Freezing Brewing after Freezing Brewing without Freezing Brewing after Freezing Brewing without Freezing Brewing after Freezing

Appearance 4.G ± G.2 3.8 ± G.2 3.8 ± G.2 4.2 ± G.2 4.G ± G.2 3.5 ± G.2 4.3 ± G.2 4.5 ± G.2

Consistency 4.G ± G.2 3.8 ± G.2 4.2 ± G.2 4.2 ± G.2 4.G ± G.2 3.G ± G.2 4.2 ± G.2 4.5 ± G.2

Taste 4.G ± G.2 3.7 ± G.1 4.G ± G.2 4.5 ± G.1 4.G ± G.2 3.6 ± G.1 4.3 ± G.2 4.5 ± G.2

Aroma 3.8 ± G.2 3.5 ± G.2 4.6 ± G.2 4.6 ± G.2 4.5 ± G.2 3.5 ± G.2 4.3 ± G.2 4.5 ± G.2

Total 3.95 ± G.2 3.7 ± G.2 4.2 ± G.2 4.4 ± G.2 4.1 ± G.2 3.4 ± G.2 4.3 ± G.2 4.5 ± G.2

model samples with brewing of fresh berries in comparison with the frozen semi-finished drink.

The sample 6 made on cowberries, and sample 9 cooked on cranberries demonstrated the best organoleptic indicators. The portion mass of the frozen semi-finished product is 25 g, that enables to reach a temperature of 65-70 ° C in a portion of the drink when pouring boiling water. The portion cost of frozen semi-finished drink "Vatu-tsai" on cowberries is 29.51 rubles, on cranberries - 36.91 rubles. The portion cost of a drink without berry and herbal components collected by the North residents independently will be 15.80 rubles, for 1 dm3 - 79.01 ru-


Fig. 2. Frozen Semi-Finishe Рис. 2. Внешний вид за

bles. The energy value of "Vatu-tsai" on cowberries is 28.4 kcal, on cranberries - 32.1 kcal. The Figure 2 shows appearance of frozen semi-finished products; the Figure 3 is a photo under a microscope.

The photos of the drink structure under the microscope (Fig. 3) demonstrated the insoluble shell of flax seed and colored particles of the skin of cowberries and cranberries. Water-soluble pentosans contained in flour make the drink viscous. As the viscosity increases, the drink aftertaste lengthens, and becomes more harmonious.

Table 6 presents the physico-chemical parameters of the developed drinks "Vatu-tsai".


ink "Vatu-tsai": a - with Cowberries; b - with Cranberries напитка «Вату-цай»: а - с брусникой; б - с клюквой

а b

Fig. 3. Frozen Semi-Finished Products of the Drink "Vatu-tsai" under the Microscope: a - with Cowberries; b - with Cranberries Рис. 3. Замороженные полуфабрикаты напитка «Вату-цай» под микроскопом: а - с брусникой; б - с клюквой

Table 6. Physico-Chemical Parameters of the Developed Drinks "Vatu-tsai" Таблица 6. Физико-химические показатели разработанных напитков «Вату-цай»

Indicator "Vatu-tsai"

with cowberries with cranberries

Mass fraction of dry substances, % 8.8 ± 0.2 9.0 ± 0.2

Acidity, cm3 1 M NaOH titrated per 100 cm3 of the drink 2.8 ± 0.3 3.1 ± 0.3

AOA, mol-eq/dm3 4.3 ± 0.1 4.8 ± 0.2

Due to the biologically active substances of Arctic plant raw materials and vitamin premix a portion of the drink "Vatu-tsai" contains, % of the daily intake: vitamin D3 - 3.59, vitamin C - 5.38, vitamin E - 4.31, beta-carotene - 4.32, zinc - 5.33, selenium - 1.44. The recommended standard is 2-3 times during the day.


According to the goal, a man developed drinks for the indigenous inhabitants of the Far North, considering the peculiarities of their metabolism -the drink "Vatutel", "Vatu-tsai" with cowberries, "Vatu-tsai" with cranberries; frozen semi-finished products of the drink "Vatu-tsai", which can be used by both indigenous peoples of the Far North and newcomers, including by persons working on a shift basis.

The developed drinks consist of the ingredients available to the Far North population, growing in

places of residence. They have a simple manufacturing and storage technology; due to vitamins E, D3, C, they increase the adaptation of the body to extreme conditions. As the drinks are consumed hot (75 °C), they reduce cold stress, including due to capsaicin in their composition, decrease radiation load, considering the peculiarities of the metabolism of the indigenous and alien population, its traditions. The development of adaptogenic beverages for the indigenous and alien population of the Far North corresponds to the program of fundamental scientific research in the Russian Federation "Development of Specialized Diets and Food Products to Improve the Population Adaptation to the Extreme Conditions of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation". The authors will continue the research in the clinical study direction of adaptogenic properties, and introduction to catering enterprises of the Tyumen Region, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts.


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8. Chugunova, O.V.; Zavorokhina, N.V.; Vyatkin, A.V. Issledovanie Antioksidantnoj Aktivnosti i Ee Izmeneniya pri Hranenii Plodo-vo-Yagodnogo Syr'ya Sverdlovskoj Oblasti [Research of Antioxidant Activity and Its Changes during Fruit and Berry Raw Materials Storage of the Sverdlovsk Region]. Agrarnyj Vestnik Urala. 2019. No. 11 (190). Pp. 59-65. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32417/article_5d-cd861e8e0053.57240026. EDN: OLKYZZ. (in Russ.)

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Information about Authors / Информация об авторах

Заворохина Наталия Валерьевна

Zavorokhina, Natalia Valerjevna

Тел./Phone: +7 (343) 221-26-72 E-mail: zavornv@usue.ru

Доктор технических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры технологии питания Уральский государственный экономический университет

620144, Российская Федерация, г. Екатеринбург, ул. 8 Марта/Народной Воли, 62/45

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Food Technologies Department

Ural State University of Economics

620144, Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg, 8 March St. /Narodnoy Voli St., 62/45 ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5458-8565

Мысаков Денис Сергеевич


Denis Sergeyevich

Тел./Phone: +7 (343) 221-26-72 E-mail: mysakov ds@usue.ru

Кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры технологии питания Уральский государственный экономический университет

620144, Российская Федерация, г. Екатеринбург, ул. 8 Марта/Народной Воли, 62/45

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Food Technologies Department Ural State University of Economics

620144, Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg, 8 March St. /Narodnoy Voli St., 62/45 ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0514-9413


Анастасия Геннадьевна


Anastasia Gennadievna

Тел./Phone: +7 (922) 890-70-34 E-mail: bochkova-n@ro.ru


Уральский государственный экономический университет

620144, Российская Федерация, г. Екатеринбург, ул. 8 Марта/Народной Воли, 62/45 Student

Ural State University of Economics

620144, Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg, 8 March St. /Narodnoy Voli St., 62/45 ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8895-6928

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