Научная статья на тему 'Development experience of information and analytical system of recording results of scientific work using CMS WordPress'

Development experience of information and analytical system of recording results of scientific work using CMS WordPress Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Chychkarov Ye., Sergienko A., Balalaeva E., Tuzenko O.

The analysis of the existing systems of automation of the work of higher educational institutions, as well as the technological solutions used, is carried out. An information system for recording the results of higher educational institution teachers scientific work has been developed and is undergoing experimental operation. The system is implemented on the basis of CMS Wordpress, and allows you to keep records of publications, dissertations, reports, ongoing scientific works, etc. Publications, patents, scientific events are represented in the system by custom post types (CPT), and the relation "author (this is essentially a "many-to-many" relationship) is described using custom fields in which the corresponding taxonomy terms are stored. The point system for recording the results of scientific work of employees and units of a higher educational institution has been worked out. The information and analytical system is fully implemented using open source software. To create the necessary data structures, a number of Wordpress plugins are used Custom Post Types UI (required types of data and taxonomy), Advanced Custom Fields (formation of a system of properties and attributes of various types of publications and scientific works). The advantages of an automated system for recording scientific research results are compared with manual accounting.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development experience of information and analytical system of recording results of scientific work using CMS WordPress»

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http://erazvitie.org/article/printer_kotorij_smog - свободный. - Загл с экрана. - Яз. рус.

5. MIT - официальный сайт - [Электронный ресурс] / Прототип экспериментальной системы строительной 3D-печати - Режим доступа: https ://www.media. mit.edu/proj ects/3 d-printed-hemi-ellipsoidal- dome/overview/ - свободный. - Загл с экрана. - Яз. англ.

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Чичкарьов €.А.

Донецький державний утверситет управлгння, професор

Серг1енко А.В. старший викладач

Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технгчний унгверситет»,

Балалаева О.Ю.


Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технгчний унгверситет»,

Тузенко О. О. доцент

Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технгчний унгверситет»,


Chychkarov Ye.

Professor, Donetsk State University of Management,

Sergienko A.

Senior Lecturer, Pryazovskyi State Technical University,

Balalaeva E.

assistant professor, Pryazovskyi State Technical University,

Tuzenko O.

assistant professor, Pryazovskyi State Technical University,


Проведено аналiз юнуючих систем автоматизаци роботи ВНЗ, а також технолопчних ршень, що в них використовуються. Розроблено та проходить дослщну експлуатащю шформацшна система обл^ ре-зультапв науково! роботи викладачiв вищого навчального закладу. Система реалiзована на базi CMS WordPress i дозволяе вести облж публжацш, дисертацш, звтв, наукових робгг, що ведуться, тощо, а також на шдстав бально! оцшки вах видiв робiт тдраховувати загальний результат роботи спiвробiтника або шдроздшу.


The analysis of the existing systems of automation of the work of higher educational institutions, as well as the technological solutions used, is carried out. An information system for recording the results of higher educational institution teachers scientific work has been developed and is undergoing experimental operation. The system is implemented on the basis of CMS Wordpress, and allows you to keep records of publications, dissertations, reports, ongoing scientific works, etc. Publications, patents, scientific events are represented in the system by custom post types (CPT), and the relation "author (this is essentially a "many-to-many" relationship) is described using custom fields in which the corresponding taxonomy terms are stored. The point system for recording the results of scientific work of employees and units of a higher educational institution has been worked out. The information and analytical system is fully implemented using open source software. To create the necessary data structures, a number of Wordpress plug-ins are used - Custom Post Types UI (required types of data and taxonomy), Advanced Custom Fields (formation of a system of properties and attributes of various types of publications

and scientific works). The advantages of an automated system for recording scientific research results are compared with manual accounting.

Ключовi слова: Система облшу, результати науково! роботи, CMS WordPress, довшьш поля, плапн, оцшка в балах.

Keywords: accounting system, results of scientific work, Wordpress, custom fields, plug-in, score in points

I. Introduction

E-library and Google Scholar are widely known systems of publications recording. However, their purpose is somewhat different and they cannot act as an internal system of recording and systematization of research activities. This is due to a number of specific requirements for the functionality of the system.

The purpose of the study is to highlight aspects of software development with regard to solving formulated problems.

The relevance of the research in the context of a software system developing is determined by the solution of a number of application tasks:

- automation of the recording scientific work results of a higher educational institution teachers and students;

- creation of a unified electronic register of publications, protection documents, scientific events;

- unification of the information entry procedure and taxonomy of stored data;

- simple and convenient access to stored information through various search queries.

The relevance of this work is ensured by the revision of approaches to the organization of higher educational institution faculty work, reducing the audience load on the teacher and increasing the requirements of the Ministry of Education to results of scientific work of higher educational institutions. Analytical information and planned indicators of the corresponding nature are constantly required in the current activities of the university: for producing reports of structural departments according to the results of scientific activities, writing applications for participation in projects and monitoring the implementation of scientific work. In particular, the accumulated information on publications, methodological work, and conducting the research by teachers and staff is used to build the ratings of the university's faculty.

In recent years, issues of development of automated recording systems and inventory of the results of scientific, technical and intellectual activities of teachers and students of higher educational institutions are paid much attention [1-5]. In various universities and scientific organizations systems of state recording of the results of research, development and technological works, standard solutions on recording the results of intellectual activity for enterprises are developed and introduced [1,3,4].

Within the scope of work aimed at improving the management and quality of higher educational institution employees work, an information and analytical system for monitoring and recording the results of scientific activity has been developed.

The importance of an objective evaluation of the performance of scientific organizations is obvious. According to [3], conduction of such evaluation in modern conditions is impossible without special information

systems focused on collecting, storing and analyzing information. Similar systems, called Current Research Information Systems (CRIS), have already been created in many European countries. In addition, the international association euroCRIS (www.eurocris.org), which is working on developing a unified approach to evaluating the performance of research institutions, has been created.

There are known implementations of the systems of recording results of scientific work, mainly, these are web applications built on the basis of various frameworks or SOA platforms. For example, the system "ISTINA" [1] is built on python using the django framework. The system of recording results of intellectual activity in [3] is based on the framework Yii2, designed to build large-scale web applications. To comprehensively address issues of managing scientific and innovative activity, organizing operational data exchange in a unified information space of the university, also using the capacity of the SaaS model, it is proposed to use the capacities of information and analytical data processing provided by iJaNet SOA platform [4].

The introduction of an information and analytical system that allows maintaining a single register of publications, patents, research, etc., partly solves the problem of data duplication while personal recording of scientific work results, reduces errors and confusion.

II. Purpose of the Work

This work presents the main technical solutions related to the development of a system for recording the results of scientific work of higher educational institution employees with a web interface designed for storing and presenting information about publications, patents, scientific events involving staff and students, based on the CMS system.

III. Research Material

The developed information and analytical system includes a module for recording publications, research works, patents, etc., as well as a module for planning the performance of employees and departments of the university. It is organized in the form of a web application, so all the program code of the system and database (DB) are on the server, the client part is a browser that initiates requests to the server and displays their work results (i.e., the pattern 'thin client' is used).

This pattern has two key advantages:

- low requirements for the client's hardware component and the ability to access the system using a wide range of computing devices (computers, tablets, smartphones);

- significantly simplified deployment of the system for users and its further update.

All changes to the program code occur on the server, so the client part of the system (browser) always works with the newest, updated version of the program.

The information system with functions for preparing different types of reporting documents is implemented on the basis of CMS WordPress [6] using arbitrary data types, custom taxonomies and arbitrary fields, the groups of which vary depending on the type of publication (book, article, patent, etc.) and from the data of the author (or group of authors).

CMS WordPress was originally developed as a blogging platform, but as it developed and custom post types were implemented, it became a fully functional content management system [7-10].

Nowadays, WordPress has gone far beyond the idea that it is just a blogging tool. Thanks to the fact that it currently supports 30% of websites, WordPress has become the default digital publishing tool for large media companies, including Facebook, CNN, USA Today, Time Inc., eBay, Sony, Spotify and Microsoft.

As employees of these companies and other enterprises using WordPress, are more accustomed to ease of use and want to more widely implement CMS in their organizations, the next battle begins - using WordPress as an enterprise content management system (ECM) [11]. According to [11], the extremely flexible and extensible nature of WordPress makes it an ideal and very suitable ECM solution. It can be fully customized and adapted to the needs of any organization, regardless of whether you need a simple content management system for storing simple documents or a highly developed platform which users access through a special desktop application.

Today's classic web application architecture is based on the MVC model (model-view-controller) and is a general design scheme used in many software development environments. The main advantages of using the MVC architecture are code reuse and task sharing.

WordPress does not use the MVC architecture, but in its own way encourages code reuse and task sharing. According to [10], the architecture of WordPress, based on the hierarchy of templates, the use of plug-ins and themes, is quite compatible with the basic idea of MVC, although it works somewhat differently. In addition, the default web application behavior can be further adjusted using the API WP_Rewrite and other hooks and filters.

WordPress uses cyclic processing with reaction to events (the so-called Loop - the main WordPress cycle). The components of the system perform similar functions as the model-view-controller.

Models are close in meaning to WordPress plugins [10]. Within MVC, the code that stores the basic data structures and business logic is in the models. As part of WordPress, plug-ins is a good place to store new data structures, complex business logic, and defining custom message types. However, the analogy is not

straightforward, as many plugins add view functionality and contain design elements. Secondly, the forms and other design components used in the WordPress toolbar are usually processed in plugins.

Views within the MVC concept of function set are close to WordPress themes [10]. The analogy is not complete here, but the approximation 'views = themes' is a good starting point.

It should be noted that content constructors include a more or less complex mechanism for outputting the content as HTML/JavaScript forms customized using an API or a graphical user interface (PODS, Advanced Custom Fields).

Finally, the functions of the controllers within MVC are partially similar to the functions of the WordPress template loader. In the MVC environment, the code for processing user input (in the form of URL or data in $ _GET or $ _POST format) and decisions, which models and views are needed to process the request, is stored in controllers [10]. In WordPress, all page requests (if they do not access the cached .html file) are processed through the index.php file and by WordPress in accordance with the template hierarchy. The template loader determines which file in the template is to be used to display the page to the end user. For example, using search.php allows you to display search results, single.php allows you to display one record, etc.

The default behavior can be further adjusted using API WP_Rewrite and other hooks and filters.

The information system allows the user to select a publication category when entering it. For each category and type of publications or scientific events information on the number of points assigned to the author/participant for publication in a particular category is stored. The scoring system for publications is approved within a university, taking into account the work input of each type/category of publications and events. Subsequently, you can easily calculate the rating of an employee or a student for some period (for example, for a year or a semester), adding up the points of the categories of all his publications for this period. In the information system of PSTU, the database contains 7 sections (theses, articles, educational publications, monographs, patents and other protection documents, scientific events, information on R&D), in which there are a number of categories of publications.

The groups of fields list with an indication of their number in each group is presented in Table I.

For a number of publications (books, articles, theses, events, patents) it is provided to include links to the text of the publication or an Internet source that contains information about it (the contents of a magazine, data about the patent, etc.) in the record.

Table 1

The structure of the custom data types groups of fields of the information system for recording research.

Name of a group of fields Number of fields

Author of the publication 1

Information about the employee (author) 12

General information 6

Information about the dissertation 6

Information about the book 8

Information about the event 6

Information about the R&D 13

Information about the patent 10

Information about the article 12

Information about the theses 11

Information and analytical system is implemented entirely using open source software. To create the necessary data structures, a number of WordPress plug-ins were used - Custom Post Types UI (necessary data types and taxonomies), Advanced Custom Fields (formation of a system of properties and features of various types of publications and scientific works).

Authors of publications (employees of various departments and other organizations and units), research implementers, participants of scientific events within the recording system are organized in the form of taxonomy (the author's full name is a taxonomy term; other information about authors and employees is arbitrary fields attached to the taxonomy term).

University and other organizations departments are also organized in the form of taxonomy. The employee-department relationship (in the general is 'many-to-many', an employee may have several jobs) is described using arbitrary fields attached to taxonomy terms.

The structure of the CMS WordPress database provides a convenient opportunity to organize an interim table wp_term-relationships, connecting data on publications or events (WordPress custom type posts, table wp_posts) with authors or participants, who are represented by taxonomy terms (table wp_term_taxon-omy, Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Relationships of CMS Wordpress database tables that contain data on records and taxonomy terms

Publications, patents, scientific events are represented in the system by custom post type (CPT) records, and the relationship 'author-publication' (this is basically a 'many-to-many' relationship) is described using arbitrary fields that store corresponding identifiers of taxonomy terms. Thus, taking into account the capasities of CMS WordPress itself and its plug-ins, an abstraction based on the custom fields approach is used to store data. The data related to different types of research results have a different set of fields, that differ by name, as well as by size and type (text, number, date/time). Consequently, overhead expenses connected with the unified storage of publication parameters in the form of arbitrary fields will not be large compared to a fully normalized database.

According to the recommendations [12], provided by the PHP API, such as PDO was not used for a record

to the database. WordPress API provides ample opportunities for data storage, but it is more convenient to use API of higher level, creating both arbitrary fields and arbitrary data types. In this case, naturally, low-level APIs are almost not used.

The system of recording the results of scientific work provides an option of outputting reports on the presence of works by young scientists, students, graduates. The choice is made by age of the author (participant) for the current moment, or by the position of the author (participant). It is possible to choose the position of "student" or "graduate", which are assigned to the graduating department.

An example of an output within the frame of the considered recording system of the table of scientific work results on a department is presented in Fig. 2.

Fig2. Example of the table of scientific work results of department workers

The graphic interface of the system is implemented using the built-in features of WordPress, as well as using jS-libraries (Bootstrap, jQuery).

It provides navigation through employees (authors) and names of publications / events with a transition to the page describing the corresponding object; when having access rights, it is possible to edit records. An example of the output of a list of works with data about the author is presented in Fig. 3.

Access management in the developed system of the recording results of scientific work is implemented on the basis of the role system RBAC (Role Based Access Control - access management based on roles) with control of user access rights in the page and record templates [13].

A publication may have several authors, and it is not always known in advance whether they are registered in the system. It is possible to expand the list of authors, so when adding a publication and having a new author, first a record of the publication is created, then the list of authors is expanded, after that the list of coauthors to the publication is updated in edit mode.

The use of an information and analytical system for recording the results of scientific work has the following advantages as compared with non-automated recording:

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- presence of a unified electronic database of publications and events;

- enhancing the efficiency of work with data on the results of scientific work;

- automation of the reporting process.

The technology of the possibility to integrate the system with the university ' s Internet portal is also being developed.

Applying modern informational and organizational technologies in the implementation of information and analytical systems of recording the results of scientific work has allowed to solve the following tasks:

- for authors of scientific publications - to keep personal lists of publications, conduct a qualitative and quantitative comparison of their scientific products with other participants' products in the information space, print lists of scientific publications in the required form;

- for university administration - to keep records of the results of scientific work of employees and departments, to use data on publications to calculate the ratings of employees and departments, to prepare reports on scientific products for higher instances easily and quickly;

- for visitors of the information and analytical system website - to get acquainted with the directions of scientific activity of the university teachers, to form the opinion about them in terms of their scientific work.

Fig. 3. Example of the report output by a list of employee's works

The problem of duplication of publications in the database during trial operation was solved by the system administrator together with the authors, since there is an option of output of the university report with sorting by post titles (short names of publications and events) and full titles of publications. Errors in filling out forms are also corrected with the participation of an admin or editors of the system. There is a full-text search for exact and approximate correspondences by the names of publications and other results of scientific work.

Considering the overhead expenses of storing and extracting arbitrary fields from the WordPress unified table, the next version of the automated system used PODS plug-in as a tool for managing arbitrary record types and arbitrary fields. The plug-in supports storage of arbitrary fields for non-standard record types in specialized tables. However, a comparison of the functionality of both variants of the system showed that the dataset of the average volume (several thousand records on the results of scientific work) did not reveal any noticeable difference in response time.

IV. Conslusions

The possibility of developing an information and analytical system for recording the results of the scientific work of higher educational institution employees based on CMS WordPress is shown. The possibility of using data abstractions and high-level API works with data when working with WordPress was analyzed. The advantages of the automated system for recording the results of scientific work compared with non-automated recording are shown. The scoring system for recording the results of scientific work of employees and departments of higher educational institutions has been developed.


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