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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Eminov A.A.

The Explored compositions "quartzite - quartz sand - kaolinite clay" for designing batch mixture compositions the dinas of refractory masses. Studied physico-chemical features source component mixture, consisting of Yakkabag quartz sand, Dzherdanak quartzite and Angren kaolinite of the clay. Will Revealled optimum рецептурный composition the dinas of refractory masses and maximum amount of the changed quartzite of quartz sand and added clays. The Results of the study thermomechanical characteristic got dinas of the refractory printed masses, is determined that change Dzherdanak quartzite Yakkabag quartz sand in batch mixture of the refractory masses in greater amount (before 50% on mass), as well as contents of the clay over 25 masses% brings about deterioration thermomechanical characteristic of the refractory masses. It Is Installed that change the quartzite quartz sand before 25 masses% and added clays in amount 15-25масс% on base of the compositions "Dzherdanak quartzite- Yakkabag sand- Angren kaolinite clay" reasonable develop optimum recipe еthe dinas of the masses.

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86 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal)#3(19), 2017 ИЗЯ


Eminov A.A.

Senior scientific employee of the laboratory of Silicate Chemistry Institute of General and Inorganic chemistry Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan


Summary. The Explored compositions "quartzite - quartz sand - kaolinite clay" for designing batch mixture compositions the dinas of refractory masses. Studied physico-chemical features source component mixture, consisting of Yakkabag quartz sand, Dzherdanak quartzite and Angren kaolinite of the clay. Will Revealled optimum рецептурный composition the dinas of refractory masses and maximum amount of the changed quartzite of quartz sand and added clays. The Results of the study thermomechanical characteristic got dinas of the refractory printed masses, is determined that change Dzherdanak quartzite Yakkabag quartz sand in batch mixture of the refractory masses in greater amount (before 50% on mass), as well as contents of the clay over 25 masses% brings about deterioration thermomechanical characteristic of the refractory masses. It Is Installed that change the quartzite quartz sand before 25 masses% and added clays in amount 15-25масс% on base of the compositions "Dzherdanak quartzite- Yakkabag sand- Angren kaolinite clay" reasonable develop optimum recipe ethe dinas of the masses.

Keywords: refractory, silica brick, ramming mass, sand, quartzite, clay, quartz sand, properties, porosity, strength, fire increase, fire shrinkage.

Stating the problem. Now the problem of sampling of raw components for working out of effective compositions of a refractory mass and products, in particular the dinas, on the basis of perspective natural-mineral resources of Republic Uzbekistan, remains an urgent problem in connection with a severe need of maintenance of some manufacturing enterprises high-temperature facing and the pouring materials.

Since, many industrial enterprises feel in them quip need, quite a number of the exchange facilities disperses on import. In connection with need import substituting imported raw materials material, refractory and product, problem of the creation and expansions of the raw materials basis for their production in series is actual.

Herewith follows to note that in Uzbekistan production in series the dinas of refractory material is absent. Only issue on the base burnt clay refractory brick is adjusted at the last years in row small enterprise. However amount their very small, and they are released basically for satisfaction of the own needs.

Analysis of the last studies and publication. It is known that technological and operating characteristics of the various materials used in a national economy including the fireproof, are defined by initial composition and properties of raw components.

Thus it is necessary to note that is by this time defined that in Republic of Uzbekistan are available enough of stocks geological the reconnoitered deposits natural high silica sort, in the form of quartzite, veining the quartzes, sand and of some other mineral-source of raw materials which can be widely used for manufacture the dinas of refractory mass and products [1-2]. From them in the capacity of potential and perspective raw sources for manufacture the dinas of refractoriness deposits veining the quartzes which have been passed round in Sultanuizdag, Kyzylkum, Nuratinsk, Ku-raminsk and Zirabulak-Ziaetdinsk mountains can be

used. Thus the greatest attention is deserved by a deposit of the quartzite of Kojtash, Kokpatas, Dzher-danak, Kuduk and Sultanuizdag [3-4].

Separation undecided earlier parts of the general problem. Is it Currently determined that beside us there are enormous spares mineral raw materials resource in Republic and geological is reconnoitered sufficient amount different deposit of kaolin, refractory clays, talkmagnezite, quartzite, serpentinite, dolomite, quartz song and row other mineral-raw materials resource, as well as different secondary resource, which can be are broadly used for production refractory material different purpose.

Herewith follows to note that from analysis of information available in published publishing is determined [5-6] that in connection with achievement of independence, sharp interest appeared at the last years to complex and rational use local raw materials resource and possibility of their use for development composition different refractory on base energy- and resource savings technology.

Formulation of purpose of the article. The Purpose of the study is a designing and development efficient composition the dinas of the refractory ramming masses on base domestic silica containing and of clayed raw materials resource.


Objects and research methods. Subjects of inquiry were raw components the dinas of refractory mass - quartzite sorts of the Dzherdanak deposit of the Surkhan-Darya area, quartz sandof the Jakkabag deposit of the Kashkadarinsk area and kaolinite clay of the Angren deposit of the Tashkent area. Modern methods of the physical and chemical analysis have been applied, traditional classical methods of ceramic and refractory production engineering were used.

Results and their discussion. On the basis of results of the works spent by authors [7] it has been noted


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that at designing of an optimum compounding of the refractory mass have great value such properties: linear changes of samples during drying and burning, breaking strength and compression in the exsiccated and burnt conditions, porosity of the burnt crocks, refractoriness of weights and temperature of their softening under load.

From the production technology the dinas of refractories, it is known [8-9] that the major factors influencing physical and chemical and thermo mechanical properties the dinas of refractory mass are - the maintenance of added clay, partial replacement of quartzite with the quartz sand, clay replacement oxides calcium, a joint additive of quartzite, clay and oxides calcium, introduction thev dinas fight, dispersity (grain composition) quartzite, an additive alkali containing components to weight of the fireproof mass, containing the silica raw materials. Thus used high silica raw materials, in particular quartzite, should have high chemical activity thanks to which there is a chemical interacting to other components of the fireproof mass at high temperatures. Thus it is necessary to note that quartz sand (the

maintenance of silicon earth more than 98 %) represents considerable interest for application in a charge of a refractory mass, also it naturally comminuted and widespread material in the nature. Besides, we test sand only as an additive to quartzite for economy of quartzite raw materials. In the tab.1 the chemical compound of used raw components for the dinas mass is resulted.

By results of the previous researches [10], in the studied quartzite sorts of the Dzherdanak deposit the maintenance oxides silicon fluctuates in limits from 93,3 to 96,5 %. The dinas ramming mass maintenance oxides silicon is not enough stuffed quality weights For preparation, therefore it is necessary to increase its maintenance. Geological samples of quartzite of the Dzherdanak deposit subjected to preliminary crushing and the subsequent enrichment. Enrichment of quartz-ite is spent by an elutriation method, washing out for the purpose of removal of various impurity, in particular feldspars, hydromicas, calcite therefore the maintenance oxides silicon in samples to 97-98 % increases.

Name of raw materials Oxides content to air dry matter,% L.I.C.

SiO2 AI2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O SO3

Dzherdanaksk quartzite not enriched 93.30 2.41 0.72 1.05 0.11 0.14 0.18 0.06 2.03

Dzherdanaksk quartzite not enriched 98.71 0.12 0.19 0.11 0.03 0.05 0.08 On. 0.71

Angren kaolinite clay 60.02 25.26 1.58 0.54 0.25 1.09 0.06 - 10.8

Yakkabag sand 97,54 0,08 0,25 0,25 0,13 0,70 0,02 0.32 1.10

Table 1

The chemical compositions of the raw materials used

Note: The loss on ignition (L.I.C.) comprises: hygroscopic, constitutional, crystallized water, organic and volatile compounds and carbon (IV) oxide.

Results of radiographic research (fig.) of not enriched and enriched the Dzherdanak of quartzite showed that the difference between roentgenograms

enriched (1) and not enriched (2) quartzite is very insignificant. On both, roentgenograms there are strongly pronounced lines p - the quartz with interline distance d - 0,425; 0,334; 0,245 nanometers.

Fig. X-rays enriched (1) and not enriched (2) the quartzite of Dzherdanak

J y

88 Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal)#3(19), 2017 3IKW

Table 2.

Composition of the mass of experienced sample on the basis of the composition «quartzite-quartz sand-kaolinite


Name of sample Batch mixture composition, in wt%

quartzite of Dzherdanak Kaolinite clay of Angren quartz sand of Yakkabag

DNM-1 85 15 -

DNM -2 60 15 25

DNM -3 55 15 30

DNM -4 45 15 40

DNM -5 35 15 50

DNM -6 75 25 -

DNM -7 50 25 25

DNM -8 45 25 30

DNM -9 35 25 40

DNM -10 25 25 50

represents considerable interest since sand - naturally comminuted and widespread material in the nature.

However, sand usually practically represents a mix of grains with rather insignificant quantity of fractions. It does not give possibility to gain only from sand with a clay additive a quality material. Besides, sand chemically little active and further, it is possible to use sand only as an additive to quartzite. For raise of chemical activity of sand we had been used Jakkabag quartz sand in finely ground an aspect.

Table 3

The thermo mechanical properties of experienced sample on the bases composition «quartzite-quartz sand-kao-_linite clay»_

Name of Fire shrinkage or growing, of % Porosity, Strength compression roasted

sample from sizes of the dry sample % of sample, MPa

DNM-1 +1.45 22.02 2.58

DNM -2 +1.25 19.23 3.18

DNM -3 +1.07 20.05 2.47

DNM -4 +1.02 24.52 1.54

DNM -5 +0.98 28.46 0.58

DNM -6 -0.29 24.32 3.04

DNM -7 -0.26 25.85 3.96

DNM -8 -0.21 26.14 2.77

DNM -9 -0.18 27.05 2.04

DNM -10 -0.16 27.98 1.85

For composition working out the dinas ramming mass the enriched of Dzherdanak the quartzite has been partially replaced by Jakkabag quartz sand. For studying of agency of quartz sand on thermo mechanical properties of the refractory mass samples in the form of the cylinder in which the maintenance of quartz sand from 25 to 50 % (tab.2) varied prepared.

As a result of the spent works it is installed that replacement of quartzite with quartz sand in a charge

In the tab. 3 results of definition of thermo mechanical properties of development types burnt are resulted, at the temperature 1450°C. Apparently from given tab.3 at introduction in mass on the basis of the composition «Dzherdanak quartzite - Angren kaolinite clay - Jakkabag quartz sand» the heat setting decreases as the result of smaller ability of the given quartz sand to regeneration, that is to say polymorphic transition from (3 - quartz on a L - quartz and others. Porosity of a refractory mass with increase in an additive of sand increases, and an ultimate strength on compression sharply drops. It is possible to note that introduction of Jakkabag quartz sand in fine ground a condition increases an ultimate strength by compression a little, however, the crock of a refractory mass gets still the big porosity. In weights with an additive of Jakkabag sand in number of 25 % some mar tempering of parameters

in comparison with weight without quartz sand that it is necessary to explain mar tempering in this case the general granulometry of a refractory mass is observed.

At introduction in considerable quantities of Jakkabag sand to 50 % in samples after heat treatment fire growth or the shrinkage from initial sizes of the sample does not occur. Besides, introduction of quartz sand above 25 % occurs deterioration of a crock of a refractory mass. In whole, in weights with the smaller maintenance of clay and quartz sand an ultimate strength increases by compression of the burnt samples a little, and porosity changes slightly.

However at the maintenance Angren kaolinite clay to 20 masses of % inclusive the heat setting is positive, that is to say samples detect growth in the course of roasting. Further, since 25 masses of % of an additive


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of clay, growth of a mineral of the quartz does not re-coat the shrinkage of clay and in roasting samples give decrease of sizes. Thus it is necessary to note that the additive of clay to 20 masses of % inclusive represents some limit, after which property of the burnt crocks sharply change.

On the basis of results of experimental researches it is installed that the maintenance added Angren kao-linite clay to Dzherdanak quartzite should not exceed 25 %, and at the maintenance of clay over this quantity there was a sharp decrease of porosity and strength raise the dinas of mass, in connection with vitrifying of the crock of the conglomerating masses. As clay in masses is a connecting component so far as also bending strength of the exsiccated samples continuously increases with increase in masses of quantity of clay.

Findings from given studies and prospects. Thus, are developed mixture compositions and are investigated a refractory mass on the basis of a composition «Dzherdanak quartzite - Jakkabag quartz sand -Angren kaolinite clay». Results of studying of thermo mechanical properties gained the dinas the fireproof ramming mass, it is revealed that replacement of Dzherdanak quartzite with Jakkabag quartz sand in mixture a refractory mass in considerable quantities (to 50 % on mass), and also the maintenance of clay over 25 masses of % leads to a decline of thermo mechanical properties of the refractory mass.

As a whole, it is revealed that replacement of quartzite with quartz sand to 25 % at the matching maintenance of added clay on base of the compositions "Dzherdanak quartzite- Yakkabag quartz sand- Angren kaolinite clay" it is possible to develop an optimum compounding of mass for the dinas of refractory's.

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