DEVELOPMENT AND MODERNIZATION OF THE SCIENCE OF FINE ARTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Maxmudov M.J.

The article provides information about the history of the development of fine arts and the factors that contributed to its development.

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Maxmudov M.J.


Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute

Tashkent region



Abstract: The article provides information about the history of the development offine arts and the factors that contributed to its development.

Keywords: color, image, image, mausoleum, shape, image, vivid, figure, objects.

It is no secret that all the reforms being carried out in our country are aimed at easing the burden of the people and improving their quality of life. Historically, people's thinking is very different from yesterdays. With the independence of our country, the attention to education, as in all areas, has not been left out. Today, all conditions are created in the educational process for students to speak English, Russian and other languages along with their mother tongue. Modern textbooks, classrooms, sports grounds, in short, all the conditions for the student to study. We must not forget that all this is created by the efforts of our President Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev.

If we look at the countries of the world, we can see that there are not enough conditions for education, even a school building. In our country, there are all the conditions for young people who want to study and search.

Uzbek art has an ancient history. It has been proved that people lived in the territory of modern Uzbekistan in the time of primitive society. Rock paintings of the places where they lived, various kinds of bronze jewelry, weapons of labor and war help to know the life of a man of the primitive community period. Although this picture is a bit simplistic, it gives a convincing picture of the life of primitive people, when they hunted wild animals. Through the depictions of wild kutos running around, horned bulls, and people hiding under the guise of masks, the primitive community-era artist was able to masterfully demonstrate the powerful movement and excitement in this hunting scene.

In the picture, the image of animals in particular is expressive. Their strength and agility are vitally interpreted. Many paintings on the walls of the cave have been found by archaeologists in Uzbekistan, including Boysun and Termez districts, Samarkand, Tashkent, Jizzakh, Khorezm, Fergana districts. Mostly depicting animals or hunting scenes. Pets are also depicted. These images play an important role in the subjugation of people living in primitive societies to the realization that their thinking is evolving.

At the end of the century and the beginning of the new era, there was a significant development of pottery in Uzbekistan. Different shapes of pottery and pottery are made by hand. It is noticeable that attention is paid to their appearance. Later, the surface of the hum began to be decorated with striped patterns. During this period, the art of making jewelry and handicrafts from gold and silver began to spread. In the fine arts, too, the theme has expanded. In this case, the image of warriors, with its facial expressions, is noteworthy. There was a strong interest in art in Central Asia during the period of slavery. The house of the rich, the walls of the temple are decorated with paintings, patterns.

Monuments found in Khorezm, especially animal and mural paintings from Tuprakkala (III-IV centuries) serve as an important evidence in the study of ancient Uzbek art.

The VI-VIII centuries were a period of rise in the history of folk art and culture. Many large monumental buildings and magnificent buildings were built during these centuries. The remains of the palaces in Varakhsha (Bukhara province) and Afrosiyob (Samarkand province) and the sculptures on their walls are still masterfully crafted. The time of Abu Rayhan Beruni, Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, Abu Ali ibn Sina, Al-Farabi also left us many rare monuments. Architecture took the leading place in these works. One of the monuments of this period is the Samanid mausoleum, which embodies the aesthetic and philosophical views of the Uzbek period.

The Bibikhanum Mosque, the mausoleum of A.Temur, the Ulugbek Madrasah and the Observatory, the Shohi-Zinda ensemble, created during the reign of Timur and the Temurids, are not only a bright page in the folk art heritage, but also have a proud place in the history of world art. takes over.

There was also a significant revival of miniature art during this period. Komoliddin Behzod, Mahmud Muzakhhib, Muhammad Murad Samarkandi and other artists who lived and worked during this period created rare examples of miniature art. Among them, the work of K. Bekhzod is especially noteworthy.

The second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century marked a new stage in the history of Uzbek art. During this period, folk decorative and applied arts took a leading place. For the people of this period, this art became the only art form that reflected the reality, the beauty of the environment in high poetic forms, expressing their ideas of life and beauty.

If we look at history, we can see how historically significant the evolution of fine arts is and the historical evidence for the great history and development of fine arts.


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