DEVELOPING STUDENTS' LISTENING SKILLS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
social intelligence / empathy / self control / non verbal behaviour / verbal communication / adaptation.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Maftuna Makhamatkarimova, Nafisa Raimovna Kobilova

The article discusses the peculiarities and differences of the social intelligence of different groups of children going to a comprehensive school and to a special musical boarding school. Particular attention is paid to gender differences in the realization of socio psychological abilities, which are a part of social intelligence. The author comes to the conclusion that between the two groups there are differences in social cirele and the ways of communication, behaviour analysis, the expression of empathy, self control.

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Текст научной работы на тему «DEVELOPING STUDENTS' LISTENING SKILLS»


Maftuna Makhamatkarimova

Student of Chirchik State Pedagogical University Email address: maftunatoxirovna1998@gmail.com Scientific advisor: Nafisa Raimovna Kobilova


The article discusses the peculiarities and differences of the social intelligence of different groups of children going to a comprehensive school and to a special musical boarding school. Particular attention is paid to gender differences in the realization of socio psychological abilities, which are a part of social intelligence. The author comes to the conclusion that between the two groups there are differences in social cirele and the ways of communication, behaviour analysis, the expression of empathy, self control.

Keywords: social intelligence; empathy; self control; non verbal behaviour, verbal communication; adaptation.


Maqola chet tilini o'rganishning boshlang'ich bosqichida tilshunos talabalarn-ing tinglash ko'nikmalarini oshirish masalalariga bag'ishlangan. Ushbu ko'nikmalarni egallashga va talabalarda yuqori darajadagi kommunikativ kompe-tentsiyani shakllantirishga yordam beradigan texnikalar taklif etiladi. Ingliz nutqini tushunishga qaratilgan strategiyalarga alohida e'tibor beriladi.

Tayanch so'z: tinglash qobiliyati; samarali muloqot; kommunikativ qobiliyat; fonologik xabardorlik; muvaffaqiyatli o'rganish; faol tinglash.


Effective listening skills are essential for academic success and lifelong learning. Whether in the classroom, workplace, or everyday interactions, the ability to listen attentively and comprehend information is a valuable skill that students need to cultivate. However, developing strong listening skills requires intentional practice and guidance. In this article, we will explore the importance of developing students' listening skills and discuss strategies educators can use to help students become more proficient listeners.

Listening is the ability to receive and accurately interpret messages in the pro-

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik


cess of communication. Listening is the key to effective communication. The communication process will be doomed to failure without the ability to effectively listen to the message and understand it. A good listener will try to hear not only what is being said, but also what remains unsaid or only partially voiced.1

From the very first lessons, a student should understand that how well he hears and understands the speaker has a significant impact on the effectiveness of his communication in a foreign language and the quality of his relationships with other people, for example:

• I listen to get information;

• I listen to understand;

• I listen for pleasure;

• I listen to learn something.

In fact, most people, even following all the rules, are not able to remember 100% of the information. Research shows that only 25 to 50% of the information we hear can be used In fact, most people, even following all the rules, are not able to remember 100% of the informations. Research shows that only 25 to 50% of the information we hear can be remembered. This means that when we talk to our students, supervisor, colleagues for minutes, they pay attention to less than half of the conversation. If we receive instructions or new information, we do not hear the entire message. What to do if important information is not perceived? It is obvious that by improving and refining listening skills, we increase the effectiveness of communication. This is an integral part of successful mastery of a foreign language and the formation of communicative competence among linguist students. Moreover, this makes it possible to avoid misunderstandings, misunderstandings and even conflict situations in the communication process, especially in a foreign language.

Effective listening in real communication involves observing body language, as it is quite common to notice discrepancies between verbal messages and non-verbal ones.

For example, if someone tells you that they are happy with their life, but through clenched teeth or with tears in their eyes, you must consider that verbal and non-verbal messages are in conflict; the person may not be saying what he actually experiences or feels. in fact. Good communication skills require a high level of self-awareness.

Improving one's listening skills in a foreign language depends on the level of development of students' phonological competence, which includes not only the cor-

1 Listening Skills, Th [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/listening skills.html (date of access: 07/15/2016).

April 23-24, 2024


rection of the pronunciation of English sounds, but also the formation of listening skills, the correct use of their speech organs to reproduce the sounds of the English language and intonation. One of the most difficult tasks is understanding a native English speaker. To solve this problem, it is necessary to pay special attention to phonetic phenomena typical for spoken English: positional length of vowels; strong and weak forms; reduction (for example, the phrase "We have come for the books" is much easier to hear and understand [wi: hav kam fo: sam boks] than [wi:v kam fo sm buks]); elision [him im]; assimilation [les fai leffai]; growing [wod ju: laik... wugu lark...], etc. Language begins with hearing. When we hear a sound, we try to repeat it, and even if we cannot achieve perfect pronunciation identical to a native speaker, we can definitely achieve a good sound and understand the interlocutor. By following certain strategies, the student will be able to gain maximum benefit and get optimal results from practical training at the very beginning. Here are examples of some strategies aimed at understanding English speech.

Phonetic strategies

1. First, try to forget about the meaning of the words, listen to their sound, pay attention to the sound of the same sound throughout the entire listening, concentrate on it.

2. Try to catch the difference between the sound you are training and something similar to it in your native language, feel this difference and say out loud the words with the sound you are training.

3. Listen carefully and pronounce words and sentences out loud, and not silently, so that a false impression is not created about the quality of our sound.

4. Don't forget that words that are pronounced the same can have completely different spellings (threw and through). At the same time, identical letters or letter combinations in words do not always produce the same sound (the combination of letters "ough" in "through" [Oru:] "though"[0ou]) is pronounced differently in different words. It is necessary to develop auditory skills.

5. Imagine the sound before you say it, try to visualize how you are going to pronounce it.

6. Practice pronouncing new sounds and distinguishing them, remember that you are teaching your speech organs to move in new ways and using new muscles that were not involved in the work when pronouncing the sounds of your native language. It is necessary to practice daily.

Phonological strategies

1. It is important to pronounce words clearly and avoid phonological errors that distort statements (Are you fond of working here? / Are you fond of walking here?).

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik

Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari


2. Listen and imitate, listen not only to individual sounds, but pay attention to pauses, the movement of the speaker's voice up or down, his intonation. This is no less important than pronouncing sounds. The next stage is to practice "active listening" and learn global detailed listening, those. to develop the ability to perceive and retain in memory not only the essence, but also the details of information. This involves not only a conscious effort to hear individual words, but, more importantly, an attempt to understand the meaning of the complete message. During live communication, special attention is paid to the communication partner. Thinking over counterarguments occurs at the end of the statement. To develop this skill, work is carried out in static, dynamic and variational pairs.2 The most effective, in our opinion, is the work of students in a dynamic pair, since this type of activity involves changing partners "diagonally and vertically," as well as in a variation pair, in which the work is carried out "in a chain." Working in a static pair with a permanent partner makes the task easier, and concentration weakens.

To successfully solve communicative problems in intercultural communication, it is important to be able to respond with an adequate response and show attention to the interlocutor, but for most students studying a foreign language, the main problem of live communication is that English speech must be processed in real time. The inability to pause or repeat the process of live communication leads to "losing the thread" of dialogue or discussion and the impossibility of adequate speech behavior with an English-speaking speech partner.

To develop listening skills, it is necessary to use authentic material in the classroom that corresponds to the level of language proficiency, relevant to the topics being studied and vocabulary. The presence of a recording optimizes the work process, as it makes it possible to process information an unlimited number of times. The use of audiovisualization techniques will allow you to better understand the content of authentic audiovisual materials and at the same time improve skills in various types of foreign language speech activity, including listening. It is recommended to use these techniques in the practice of teaching listening skills, paying attention to the methodological tools and material posted on the Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab website.3 This resource will help improve listening skills both in practical classes and as part of students' independent work. The material is arranged in accordance with the didactic principles "from particular to whole", "from simple to complex", from

2 Granitskaya A. S. Teach to think and act. Adaptive system of education at school: book. for the teacher, M.: Education, 1991, 173 p.

3 ESL Cyber Listening Lab [Electronic resource]: http://www.esl lab. com index.htm (access date: 07/15/2016).

April 23-24, 2024


Chirchik State Pedagogical University Current Issues of Modern Philology and Linguodidactics

Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Chirchik Aktuelle Fragen der modernen Philologie und Linguodidaktik

Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti Zamonaviy filologiya va lingvodidaktikaning dolzarb masalalari

segmental to supersegmental level. It should be noted the complex nature of the resource, in which the formation of basic language and speech strategies is carried out in a complex, but at the same time the dominant place is given to exercises and tasks aimed at developing listening skills.

Thus, the formation of his communicative competence largely depends on the development of a student's speech ability to understand speech by ear, since this skill serves as the basis for mastering a foreign language and is the key to effective intercultural communication.


In conclusion, developing students' listening skills is a multifaceted process that requires active engagement, practice, and support. By incorporating a variety of strategies such as providing clear instructions, utilizing diverse listening materials, and fostering a positive learning environment, educators can empower students to become more effective listeners. By equipping students with strong listening skills, we not only enhance their academic success but also prepare them for success in future endeavors, where effective communication and understanding are paramount. As educators, let us continue to prioritize the development of listening skills to empower our students to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and information-rich world.


1. Granitskaya A.S. Teach to think and act. Adaptive system of education at school: book. for the teacher, M.: Education, 1991, 173 p.

2. Daminova S.O. Methodological requirements for a textbook on the development of foreign language skills in receptive and productive types of speech activity based on audiovisualization // Philological Sciences. Questions of theory and practice, 2015. No. 1 (43): in 2 parts. Part 1. P. 47 53.

3. Listening Skills, [Electronic resource]. URL:

http://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/listening skills.html (date of access: 07/15/2016).

4. ESL Cyber Listening Lab [Electronic resource]: http://www.esl lab. com index.htm (access date: 07/15/2016).

5. Kobilova, N. R. (2021). Developing Listening Comprehension Skills Songs on a Cluster Basis. Academic research in educational sciences, 2(CSPI conference 2), 133138.


April 23-24, 2024

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