DEVELOPING STUDENTS CRITICAL THINKING THROUGH LITERATURE READING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
critical thinking / literature reading / self-learning skills / educated person

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — M. A. Abdurashidov, I. M. Tolibova, Diana Valeryevna Abduramanova

The process of critical thinking should become the main focus of education. Critical thinking is being recognized as an essential skill for students development. The purpose of this article is to review of the empirical data related to the teaching with literature reading for the development of students critical thinking. Related researches have suggested that teaching critical thinking is one of the effective ways to prepare students for the 21st century's globalized and technological world. Being awareness of previous and new feature books which are connected with human beings, evolution, community problems increase students' knowledge and makes opportunities to be in advance in political and social life. The advantages of teaching critical thinking with literature reading are proven and broadly used by many researchers and teachers. Literature review and discussions for developing critical thinking is definitely connected with teaching academic writing and speaking. There are a lot of duties to be done for developing a system or literature storage that would be beneficial to develop students critical thinking and as a result productivity of educational systems.

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M. A. Abdurashidov I. M. Tolibova

Students, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region muhammadabdurashidov8 @gmail .com iroda.tolibova.uz@gmail .com

Diana Valeryevna Abduramanova

Scientific adviser, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region


The process of critical thinking should become the main focus of education. Critical thinking is being recognized as an essential skill for students development. The purpose of this article is to review of the empirical data related to the teaching with literature reading for the development of students critical thinking. Related researches have suggested that teaching critical thinking is one of the effective ways to prepare students for the 21st century's globalized and technological world. Being awareness of previous and new feature books which are connected with human beings, evolution, community problems increase students' knowledge and makes opportunities to be in advance in political and social life. The advantages of teaching critical thinking with literature reading are proven and broadly used by many researchers and teachers. Literature review and discussions for developing critical thinking is definitely connected with teaching academic writing and speaking. There are a lot of duties to be done for developing a system or literature storage that would be beneficial to develop students critical thinking and as a result productivity of educational systems.

Keywords: critical thinking, literature reading, self-learning skills, educated person


Nowadays the necessity to change drastically and modernize wisely is becoming noticeable in the educational


system of higher institutions of Uzbekistan. We can observe this

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demand through recent specialists' works in various fields over the country. The Uzbekistan educational system has a lot of outdated laws, regulations and restrictions that interrupt to bring up qualified and educated personnel. Therefore professors and tutors in higher institutions should probe effective methods to provide the best level of teaching in spite of poor conditions. Naturally teaching to think critically is one of the essential aspect of educating a person. For this purpose pedagogical teachers should seek different approaches like reading and discussing literature, story writing, role playing and so on. We want to focus especially this approach. These days many students are used to ignoring literature reading. Social media and short informational videos make them impatient to read feature books. Obviously there is an important obligation which is to try to return our students to a book. Hopefully, it will be productive to make it their habits and make them a part of studying process.


Although Critical thinking have been investigated from early ages, it has not been researched as an educational theme until John Dewey recognized firstly. The philopher JohnDewey defines critical thinking as: "Active, persistent, careful consideration of a belief or supposed form of knowledge in light of the grounds that support it and the further conclusions to which it tends". He wasgreat philosopher that made a research about a curriculum focuses at building thinking skills that would be useful for the community and the entire society. When we talk about critical thinking we should look for previous studies. For instance A. Fisher1 aimed to teach critical thinking skills in his book and it is worth great attention. In addition, J.E. McPeck explained the relationship between critical thinking and education. B.N. Moore, R.H. Ennis, S.P. Norris, M. Lipman and H. Sieget developed ideas related critical thinking and advocated its importance for education, personal and professional development. All of them described the meaning of critical thinking with different ways but their purpose is the same. Their works are deep and all-sided but they do not cover the idea of teaching critical thinking with the help of literature reading.

The Previous Researches of using literature reading in developing critical thinking are very few. However, it is vivid that thistopic actual everywhere and every time. The last investigation is the Chi-An Tung and Shu-Ying Chang's article about this theme. They introduced and expanded their ideas such as: "Literature reading is eminently congenial to the essential traits of

critical thinking for the following reasons. First, the mental

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process of literature reading requires critical thinking skills. Literature reading is a complex process that requires readers to recall, retrieve and reflect on their prior experiences or memories to construct meanings of the text. While they are doing so, they need to demonstrate the following capacities: to differentiate facts from opinions; to understand the literal or implied meanings and the narrator's tone; to locate details related to the issues discussed; to find out the causal relationship or the connections between the events or actions; to detect an inferential relationship from the details observed; to be perceptive of multiple points of views; to make moral reasoning and fair-grounded judgments; and most of all, to apply what they have learned from this process to other domains or the real world."(Developing critical thinking through literature reading, 2009, p. 5)

There is another idea: "Literature-based reading has an important effect on the development of critical thinking. A reader must recognize patterns within text, fit details into these patterns, then relate them to other texts and remembered experiences." (Critical Thinking and Literature-based Reading, 1997, p.1)


In Uzbekistan from early grades pupils are connected with literature and poetry. At first to improve their pronunciation pupils are trained faster reading in a minute by teachers. In their reading books alot of fairy tales, stories, poems are provided in order to prepare them actual literature or critical thinking. Learning poems by heart, retelling fairy tales and role playing are main aspects of creative thinking. However, these methodological approaches have weak points: pupils sit passively and read only to develop pronunciation. Their main duty is to find answer 'what it is' or 'what happened'. It is absolutely insufficient. Because teachers have obligation to teach them how to learn and how to think. Parents and teachers should focus on pupils mental process. Children will try to find answer 'why sky is blue' or 'why and how it happened'.

In middle and high schools we have duty to teach pupils to think critically, to have own attitudes towards any kind of topic. In this age they have already started to read authentic literature works. National writers novels, stories and articles teach them their nation's traditions, values and mentality. They begin comprehending people's behaviors around them, difficulties of every day life. By books students analyze the rules of life correctly. They differentiate the goodness and badness, cruelty and kindness. They have their own opinion

about what is useful and what is harmful. To get these

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opportunities authority of school should focus on more literature reading and how to learn. Increasing literature subject's hours, organizing discussions and debates,making presentations and enlarging libraries' storage help to students to broaden their outlook. Hopefully then they will be closer to literature

In higher institutions, students have already been a part of literature. Students make an effort to compare other countries' condition with their country by reading foreign writers novels and compare past times with present time. This helps them to understand how long way and how much difficult and hard times Human beings passed by. Readers specify their own position compared with past times. By reading poetry readers realize mankind's features, feelings, relationships and different views about life.

To explain more accurately we can take a piece example from great works. For example, "Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw is best-known play. "Pygmalion, romance in five acts by George Bernard Shaw, produced in German in 1913 in Vienna. It was performed in England in 1914, with Mrs. Patrick Campbell as Eliza Doolittle. The play is a humane comedy about love and the English class system. Henry Higgins, a phonetician, accepts a bet that simply by changing the speech of a Cockney flower seller he will be able, in six months, to pass her off as a duchess. Eliza undergoes grueling training. When she successfully "passes" in high society— having in the process become a lovely young woman of sensitivity and taste— Higgins dismisses her abruptly as a successfully completed experiment. Eliza, who now belongs neither to the upper class, whose mannerisms and speech she has learned, nor to the lower class, from which she came, rejects his dehumanizing attitude."It is a brief information about Pygmalion from " the editors of encyclopedia". When students have read this kind of plays or stories, they think and understand more about how human behavior, qualification, outlook and attitudes have essential roles in our social life.

At universities and institutessome skilled students find their talents and started writing short poems or stories. Institution authority should support and motivate them to continue their works. Duringstudies to motivate students to literature reading there are various methods. One of them is in the Chi-An Tung and Shu-Ying Chang's article: " Then to initiate a discussion, a series of questions were given: "Did you like the story?" "What did you think this story is about?" "Which part of the story perplexed or impressed you the most?" After pooling their comments on the story, Socratic questioning as suggested by Paul

and Elder (2007; 2008)26 was adopted to heighten the depth and

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breadth of their answers or to solicit opposing points of views. For example, "What

does it mean when Y said_in the story/play?" "How did you come up with the

ideas/observations?" "Could you elaborate it with more details?" "Do you agree with X's choices or decisions in the story/play?" and "What points of views are relevant to this issue?" During the process, the teacher tried to ensure an amiable atmosphere without time constraint so that peer or teacher vs student interactions can be more active and productive. Besides, to award students' sharing their thoughts, a sticker was awarded for any comments, questions or answers that inspired peers to think critically. The top five sticker-earners would be awarded extra 3 points in their final grades."


In conclusion, the think about has talked

about the adequacy of creating basic considering abilities and disposition in college understudies through writing perusing. In common, the discoveries supported the technique of this course and given a few understanding into the investigate questions. In spite of the fact that it is found that understudies may resort to their past learning propensities, experiences or information to unravel issues in a modern circumstance, on the off chance that they were prepared with basic considering abilities, they would be sure in adjusting to a modern circumstance or

even finding inventive arrangements to the unused issues.


1. McPeck, John E.(1983). Critical thinking and education.

2. T. L. Korchuk (2014). Developing students critical thinking through video materials into educational process.

3. Chi-An Tung, Shu-Ying Chang (2009) Developing critical thinking through literature reading, 2009, p. 5

4. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Pygmalion". Encyclopedia Britannica, 27 Mar. 2020, https://www.britannica.com/topic/Pygmalion-play-by-Shaw. Accessed 2 February 2022.

5. Critical Thinking and Literature-Based Reading. Report. Madison, WI: The Institute for Academic Excellence, 1997

6. Dewey, J. (1933). Experience and education. New York: Macmillan

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13. Abduramanova, D. V. (2021). TEACHING HETEROGENEOUS CLASSES. ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES, 2(3), 966-970. DOI: 10.24411/2181-1385-2021-00494

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March, 20221 Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal



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