DEVELOPING LEARNERS’ ABILITIES TO WRITE ARTS REVIEWS ONLINE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Lipina A.A.

The following paper is aimed at improving learners’ ability to write arts reviews online. The choice of this topic is conditioned by the fact that nowadays we are living in a digitalized world where people are encouraged - if not forced - to express their opinions online and be active members of society. By 2025, millennials (highly digitalized generation) will take three-quarters of the global population. This suggests that people will start spending even more time on the Internet, sharing with people what exhibitions they have attended, what films they have watched, what books they have read, whether they have liked them or not, etc. In this way, many high-level students express great willingness to improve this writing genre by increasing their fluency and quality of writing.

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Развитие продвинутых навыков написания онлайн-отзывов в области искусства у учащихся с высоким уровнем владения английским языком

Липина Анна Алексеевна,

кандидат филологических наук, доцент,

ФГБОУ ВО «Российская академия народного хозяйства

и государственной службы при Президенте Российской


E-mail: anna_lipina2011@mail.ru

Следующая статья направлена на улучшение способности учащихся писать онлайн обзоры по искусству. Выбор этой темы обусловлен тем фактом, что в настоящее время мы живем в цифровом мире, где людей поощряют - если не принуждают - выражать свое мнение в Интернете и быть активными членами общества. К 2025 году миллениалы (поколение с высокой степенью цифровизации) составят три четверти населения мира. Это говорит о том, что люди начнут проводить еще больше времени в Интернете, рассказывая людям, какие выставки они посещали, какие фильмы они смотрели, какие книги они прочитали, понравились они им или нет и т. Д. Таким образом, многие студенты с высоким уровнем владения английским языком выражают большую готовность улучшить свое письмо в данном жанре за счет повышения беглости и качества письма.

Ключевые слова: продуктивные навыки, письмо, социокультурные знания, саморедактирование, полуформальный стиль, проблемы учащегося, обучающие решения.

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The productive skill under consideration is dedicated to writing, a fundamental component of the language. To be specific, the following paper is aimed at improving learners' ability to write arts reviews online. The choice of this topic is conditioned by the fact that nowadays we are living in a digitalized world where people are encouraged - if not forced - to express their opinions online and be active members of society. According to the research conducted by EY, by 2025, millennials (highly digitalized generation) will take three-quarters of the global population [4, c. 1]. This suggests that people will start spending even more time on the Internet, sharing with people what exhibitions they have attended, what films they have watched, what books they have read, whether they have liked them or not, etc. In this way, many high-level students express great willingness to improve this writing genre by increasing their fluency and quality of writing. Apart from that, it has been agreed that writing is considered to be more difficult than any other skill [3, 12].


Target reader implication

The main aim of writing an arts review is to give a summary of a book, a film or a theatre performance, influence a target reader by expressing an opinion and give recommendations. In order to achieve this, an arts review should be descriptive, with an appropriate register and logical. These are those things which a potential reader expects to find in an arts review.

Looking at what a proficient writer knows about this genre, it can definitely help learners improve their skill.

What a proficient writer knows (features) A proficient writer has strong socio-cultural schemata because he is exposed to this type of writings on a daily basis [5, c. 17]. He knows how a review should be presented (genre knowledge), what to write about (content knowledge), who his target reader is. Additionally, apart from specific lexical set that is used to talk about books, films, theatre performances, a proficient writer knows what kind of evaluative language [9] should be used to express his/her feelings and opinions about the subject matter to build the required relationship with a reader.

What a proficient writer does (sub-skills) Firstly, a proficient speaker can summarize the necessary information without giving spoilers to the reader. It is a complex cognitive process [11, c. 108], which is achieved by selecting, synthesizing the detailed content knowledge and identifying important information which should be included in an arts review. Talking

about reviews, one may notice that summary is presented by listing major events. For example, "Alice and Ella have moved from place to place in an attempt to avoid the "bad luck" that seems to follow them. Weird things have happened. As a child, Alice was kidnapped by a man who..." (Appendix 1). Knowing summarizing techniques, learners can tremendously improve their review writing level.

Secondly, a proficient speaker writes reviews by using a semi-formal style. It is explained by the fact that he wants to establish good relationships with a reader (tenor) [15, c. 195]. Also, a proficient speaker wants to influence a reader and seem to be a reader's friend who you can easily rely on. In this way, it is common to see the following in a review:

- Phrasal verbs: "Then Ella goes missing, ... for help in tracking down her mother.", "The Hazel Wood" starts out strange and gets stranger, in the best way possible.", "I've just never really understood why people get all choked up over happy, inspirational things." (Appendix 1)

- Contractions: "Look, I'm not a happy crier.", "..., a schoolmate who's an Althea Proserpine superfan.", "... evocative as you'd hope ..." (Appendix 2)

- Idioms: "Books like The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls by Anissa Gray are definitely my cup of tea.", "She talks straight, with an openness and honesty rarely seen." (Appendix 3) Thirdly, a proficient writer (during draft and reviewing stages) selects appropriate language systems [7] to serve the right communicative purpose of an arts review [16, c. 46-47]. The selection process is aimed at finding such grammatical patterns, which will increase the level of influence on a reader by attracting his attention. For example, "Not only has Finch read every fairy tale in the collection, but handily, he remembers them, sharing them with Alice as they journey to the mysterious Hazel Wood, the estate of her now-dead grandmother, where they hope to find Ella." (Appendix 1). As far as lexical system is concerned, a proficient writer scrupulously cherry-picks adjectives to describe and share his emotions and attitudes with the reader. E.g.: "creepy", "evocative", "strange", "dark-as-night", "weird", "mysterious", "captivating", etc. A proficient writer easily distinguishes connotations of adjectives.

Finally, a proficient writer self-edits his piece of writing. This sub-skill is considered to be the most difficult one, as a proficient writer has to look at his review critically for the last time before writing the definite version of a review [17, c. 174]. According to Hedge [6, c. 23], a proficient writer looks at his work at a greater scale (top-down) rather concentrating on something peculiar (bottom-up). These are the examples of questions he may ask himself

1. Am I sharing my impressions clearly enough with my reader?

2. Do I need to rearrange any paragraphs?

3. Are the links between sections clear? Language learners are more prone to concentrate

on the following areas: sentence structure, grammar and usage, style, etc.

Learner Problems and Teaching Solutions

Issue 1

The main aim of an arts review is to influence a reader; that is why certain linguistic knowledge of this genre is essential. As the Russian language system differs from the English one (Russian - synthetic language of a Slavonic branch of the Indo-European language family; English - analytic language of an Indo-European language, belonging to the West Germanic group of the Germanic languages) Russian students have a tendency to have a negative language transfer [13] of certain emphatic grammatical structures. Especially it is true when talking about inversion. Suggestion 1. Level: C1

Aim: to teach learners how to emphasise something using inversion when writing an arts review


- students get an example of a book review and are asked to find an inverted sentence (Appendix 1)

- students explain its function and why it is used in this type of writing (lead-in)

- students look at the list of beginning of sentences where it is indicated what grammatical tenses should be used to make inverted sentences correct (Appendix 4)

- students complete the sentences and exchange their answers within their small groups of 3 (controlled practice)

- students choose some of the inversion structures and try to integrate one or two in their arts reviews (free practice)

- students exchange their ideas in class (feedback) Evaluation:

Providing learners with multiple options of inverted grammatical patterns gives them not only an opportunity to personalize the writing style of an arts review but also to make their writing more vivid and emphatic. A reader who is looking for a recommendation what to read will definitely pay attention to this arts review. This task-based approach (while practising the patterns) brings confidence to learners and increases learner's autonomy.

Issue 2

Working with higher-level students, I found out that when they are asked to summarize long pieces of information, for example, a film they have watched or a book they have read, they find it difficult. According to Kirkland [11] the reasons for this can be multiple: L2 proficiency, content schemata, formal schemata, cognitive skills, and meta-cognitive skills. In my experience, it mostly boils down to being unable to select key information and exclude unnecessary misleading details. If students do not develop their summarizing skill especially when we talk about arts review writing, a review reader will lose his interest, and as a consequence, he will not follow writer's advice to read/watch something or attend any event. Suggestion 2.

Aim: to improve learners' skills in summarizing long texts




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Level: B2 - C1 Procedure:

- students are given an extended summary of a film to be read it in detail (Appendix 7)

- Students underline important information and make a flow chart with key words (noticing)

- Students compare their answers and discuss what kind of information they omitted mentioning the reasons for omission (feedback)

- Students extend ideas taken from the flowchart by paraphrasing them in order to avoid plagiarism (free practice)

- Students connect paraphrased major ideas by adding appropriate cohesive devices (controlled practice)


Summarizing requires a lot of concentration. By showing students the algorithm how schematically they can present long texts (for example, in the form of a flow chart) and forcing them to ask themselves critical questions, for instance, "Is it important for a reader?", there is a high probability that students will manage to focus only on the key information. At the same time, the reader will get the information he needs.

Issue 3

Editing is considered to be an additional essential aspect of the writing process [14, c. 334] While teaching in the Russian context, it has been noticed that students underestimate the power of self-editing prior to the final work submission. The reason for this is rooted in a different methodological approach towards L1 writing skill in the Russian educational system that is product-writing. Moreover, if students are asked to edit their works, there is a tendency that they do not know what to start with and how to approach this systematically. In case this issue is not addressed, learners writing level will never improve. Suggestion 3.

Aim: to improve learners' ability to edit their written work

Level: B2 - C1 Procedure:

- students are asked what they know about book reviews to conceptualize their ideas about the topic (lead-in)

- students write their first draft of a book review relying on the preliminary discussion (1st draft)

- students get a sample of a book review written by an amateur (native speaker) and shared on the Internet.

- students work in groups of 2-3 trying to identify those elements of a book review that make it successful and group them in accordance with common sense (e.g., descriptive vocabulary, a writer's opinion, recommendation, etc.) (Appendix 2) (feedback)

- students look at their first draft, edit it and rewrite o it by comparing it against the book review sample a (2nd draft)

g - Students work in their groups of 3 and peer-edit £ their groupmates' book reviews by looking at the z editing check-list. (peer-editing)

- Students exchange their feedback on how editing helped them in writing their book reviews (feedback)


According to multiple pieces of research [2] the discovery approach which was exemplified in the procedure description and blended into the process writing lesson helps learners become effective independent self-editors, being capable of looking at their works critically and noticing systematic problems they have to be worked on later. All the above mentioned will help learners to function better beyond the ESL context.

Issue 4

Another issue which was observed while teaching B2 Russian students deals with the inability of students stick to the neutral style for online arts review. The reason for this lies in the fact that learners do not pay much attention to how they express their ideas online and do not feel the appropriateness of linguistic forms to meet specific communicative situational requirements. This happens because the difference between informal and neutral style sometimes can seem to be rather vague. Suggestion 4.

Aim: to increase learners' awareness of a neutral style to write a review Procedure:

- students get two current film reviews written by an amateur (native speaker) shared in the Internet (Appendix 5,6). One is informal, the other one is neutral.

- students work in groups of 2-3 to find the difference between these two reviews of the same film (noticing)

- students have an open class discussion together with their teacher to share their ideas about what a neutral style is by enumerating its features and writing them down on the whiteboard. (feedback) Evaluation:

The ability to know what style of language a learner should use when writing an arts review gives him the opportunity to catch his reader and never let him go until he finishes reading an arts review. The knowledge of the language style is better achieved through guided research and observations of multiple examples of this genre. If the issue is not resolved, it may result in lost communication between the writer and the reader.


All in all, writing is a skill that cannot be seen as something simple or linear as it requires a lot of cognitive effort to reach your writing aim. Moreover, a learner should be aware of multiple styles, genres and other peculiarities existing in each of them. Apart from this, it is absolutely obligatory to take a reader into consideration, as it has been mentioned in this research when talking about arts review writing.


Appendix 1 - https://reedsy.com/discovery/blog/book-review-examples

Alice Crewe (a last name she's chosen for herself) is a fairy tale legacy: the granddaughter of Althea Proserpine, author of a collection of dark-as-night fairy tales called "Tales From the Hinterland." The book has a cult following, and though Alice has never met her grandmother, she's learned a little about her through internet research. She hasn't read the stories, because her mother, Ella Proserpine, forbids it.

Alice and Ella have moved from place to place in an attempt to avoid the "bad luck" that seems to follow them. Weird things have happened. As a child, Alice was kidnapped by a man who took her on a road trip to find her grandmother; he was stopped by the police before they did so. When at 17 she sees that man again, unchanged despite the years, Alice panics. Then Ella goes missing, and Alice turns to Ellery Finch, a schoolmate who's an Althea Proserpine superfan, for help in tracking down her mother. Not only has Finch read every fairy tale in the collection, but handily, he remembers them, sharing them with Alice as they journey to the mysterious Hazel Wood, the estate of her now-dead grandmother, where they hope to find Ella.

"The Hazel Wood" starts out strange and gets stranger, in the best way possible. (The fairy stories Finch relays, which Albert includes as their own chapters, are as creepy and evocative as you'd hope.) Albert seamlessly combines contemporary realism with fantasy, blurring the edges in a way that highlights that place where stories and real life convene, where magic contains truth and the world as it appears is false, where just about anything can happen, particularly in the pages of a very good book. It's a captivating debut. [...]

Appendix 2 - https://reedsy.com/discovery/blog/ book-review-examples

Look, I'm not a happy crier. I might cry at songs about leaving and missing someone; I might cry at books where things don't work out; I might cry at movies where someone dies. I've just never really understood why people get all choked up over happy, inspirational things. But Michelle Obama's kindness and empathy changed that. This book had me in tears for all the right reasons.

This is not really a book about politics, though political experiences obviously do come into it. It's a shame that some will dismiss this book because of a difference in political opinion, when it is really about a woman's life. About growing up poor and black on the South Side of Chicago; about getting married and struggling to maintain that marriage; about motherhood; about being thrown into an amazing and terrifying position.

I hate words like "inspirational" because they've become so overdone and cheesy, but I just have to say it- Michelle Obama is an inspiration. I had the privilege of seeing her speak at The Forum in Inglewood, and she is one of the warmest, funniest, smartest, down-to-earth people I have ever seen in this world.

And yes, I know we present what we want the world to see, but I truly do think it's genuine. I think she is someone who really cares about people - especially kids - and wants to give them better lives and opportunities.

She's obviously intelligent, but she also doesn't gussy up her words. She talks straight, with an openness and honesty rarely seen. She's been one of the most powerful women in the world, she's been a graduate of Princeton and Harvard Law School, she's had her own successful career, and yet she has remained throughout that same girl - Michelle Robinson - from a working class family in Chicago.

I don't think there's anyone who wouldn't benefit from reading this book.

Appendix 3 - https://reedsy.com/discovery/blog/ book-review-examples

I am still dipping my toes into the literally fiction pool, finding what works for me and what doesn't. Books like The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls by Anissa Gray are definitely my cup of tea.

Althea and Proctor Cochran had been pillars of their economically disadvantaged community for years - with their local restaurant/small market and their charity drives. Until they are found guilty of fraud for stealing and keeping most of the money they raised and sent to jail. Now disgraced, their entire family is suffering the consequences, specially their twin teenage daughters Baby Vi and Kim. To complicate matters even more: Kim was actually the one to call the police on her parents after yet another fight with her mother. [...]

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Appendix 4 - Objective. Proficiency. 2013. Student's Book. CUP p. 68

Finish the sentences using your own ideas and the tenses specified.

a Never before . (present perfect) b Only once in my life . (present perfect) c Scarcely . (past perfect) when . (past simple) d No sooner . (past perfect) than . (past simple) e Hardly . (past perfect) when . (past simple) f Not until last month . (past simple) g Seldom . (present simple) h Rarely . (future simple) i Had it not been for the fact that. (past perfect / past simple and would have + past participle)

Appendix 5 - https://www.rogerebert.com/re-views/always-be-my-maybe-2019

Netflix is making itself the home of cute rom-coms, and I love it. The latest beautiful horse in its romantic comedy stable is Ali Wong's wonderful Always Be My Maybe - and everyone is actually obsessed. The films stars Ali Wong and Randall Park as childhood sweethearts who reconnect decades later.

Park's character still has feelings for Wong's after all this time, but feels a little outclassed by her lovers, played by Daniel Dae Kim and later John Wick himself - literally two of the hottest men in the world.

One cannot help but wonder if Ali Wong simply made this movie to kiss attractive men - if so, what a powerful and pure energy. What a queen.




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Also, Keanu Reeves plays HIMSELF in this film, but a weirdly overtly sexual version of himself.

Anyway, since it's hit Netflix, there's been a huge outpouring of EXTREME love and devotion to this movie.

They love how funny it is, they love how sweet it is, they love how PACKED with good representation it is.

They also love how much Keanu is in it.

Appendix 6 - https://www.myfilmviews. com/2019/06/19/always-be-my-maybe-2019-re-view/#more-20856

Sasha Tran (Ali Wong) and Marcus Kim (Randall Park) spend a lot of time together in their youth. Sa-sha's parents are almost never at home and she visits Marcus's parents almost daily. The two are inseparable and at one point it even goes a little further than friendship, but after a fight they lose touch with each other for 15 years. Sasha becomes a successful chef who gets a lot of media attention and is about to get married. When, due to tensions with her fianc , she temporarily moves back to her birthplace, she meets Marcus again. He works with his father as a contractor and plays in a band. The meeting is uncomfortable, but the two see each other again and again. Will they find love?

Always Be My Maybe may follow the standard template for romantic comedies, but the way it is filled in makes this a very entertaining film. There are nice, strange characters (such as Marcus's girlfriend Jenny (Vivian Bang) and band member Tony (Karan So-ni)) and there even is a cameo from an actor who surprised me a lot, but was fantastic at the same time. There is a lot of humor and Ali Wong and Randall Park have a wonderful chemistry. This is a Netflix movie that I enjoyed watching and I highly recommend.

This is one of those movies that you'd want to watch with others and share that experience, because laughter is contagious.

Appendix 7 - https://www.writersdigest.com/ whats-new/open-ready-synopsis-example-the-ides-of-march-political-thriller

STEPHEN MEYERS, 30, is a wise-beyond-his-years political consultant who acts as junior campaign manager for MIKE MORRIS, the frontrunner Democrat for the forthcoming presidential election. Stephen is helping organize Morris's campaign in Ohio and solidify the candidate's lead against a last remaining primary opponent. On any given day, Stephen deftly deals with reporters and shapes messages for the campaign. Stephen, who still has idealism, legitimately believes in Morris, and feels he is a good man that can change the world when elected.

Stephen begins a sexual relationship with MOLLY, a young intern for the campaign. After a debate, Stephen is approached by a rival campaign manager, who attempts to seduce him into working for another candidate. Stephen declines the offer, but lies to his 5 own boss, campaign manager PAUL, about any ap-g proach ever taking place.

£ The campaign gets distressing news: Due to dirty ° tricks by their primary opponent, Morris's statewide 1 lead in Ohio evaporates. Both Paul and Stephen urge

their candidate to cut a deal with a third primary opponent (that dropped out), who will pledge valuable support in exchange for an undeserved cabinet post. Morris refuses the shady deal, citing integrity. Victory in Ohio is even more distant for the campaign.

Late one night when Molly is in his room, Stephen discovers that Morris is calling her. She and Morris had a brief sexual tryst several weeks previously, and Molly is now pregnant with Morris's baby. Stephen is crushed to learn the "good" man he believed in is no different from other lying politicians. With no one to turn to because of her family's Catholic faith, Molly asks Stephen for money for an abortion. Stephen warns her to stay silent about everything, then drops her off at a clinic. When Molly's procedure is finished, she waits for Stephen's transport back, but he never shows.

Stephen finally comes clean to Paul about his secret meeting with the rival campaign. Despite Stephen's apology, Paul fires him, citing his need for the core political value of loyalty. Infuriated, Stephen promises Paul he will take down the Morris campaign by any means necessary. Word of Stephen's promise reaches the ears of Molly, who has taken a cab back to her hotel. Molly is (correctly) worried that Stephen will divulge news of her pregnancy and abortion when firebombing the Morris campaign. Finally remembering about Molly, Stephen heads to her hotel, but he is too late. She has killed herself with a cocktail of prescription pills and alcohol. Morris publicly mourns the loss of a "valued intern."

But Stephen has a wild card. After seeing Molly at the crime scene, he took her phone. Stephen privately meets with Morris and tells him Molly's phone contains incriminating messages about the pregnancy. Though Morris surmises it's a bluff, he acquiesces to all of Stephen's demands. Paul is fired and Stephen is made campaign manager. Morris takes the shady deal with the third primary candidate and is immediately a lock for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Stephen, now cold and hardened because of his recent experiences, prepares a new message for his first interview as lead campaign manager of the Morris campaign for president.


1. Бэджер Р. и Уайт Б. 2000. Процессно-жанровый подход к обучению. Журнал ELT, 54 (2).

2. Бейтс, Л., Лейн, Дж., И Ланге, Е., 1993. Четкое письмо: ответы на композиции ESL. Бостон, Массачусетс: Хайнле и Хайнле.

3. Берман, Р. и Ченг, Л. 2010. Навыки английского академического языка: трудности, воспринимаемые студентами и аспирантами, и их академическая успеваемость. Канадский журнал прикладной лингвистики, 4 (1-2).

4. EY, Глобальные поколения: глобальное исследование проблем работы и жизни между поколениями. 2015 г.

5. Хармер, Дж. 2004. Как научить письму. Longman

6. Хедж, Т. 1988. Письмо. Оксфорд: Издательство Оксфордского университета

7. Хедж, Т. 2000. Преподавание и обучение в языковом классе. ОУП.

8. Хайленд, К. 2003. Письмо на втором языке. Кембридж: Издательство Кембриджского университета.

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10. Киркланд, М.Р., Сондерс, М.А.П. 1991. Повышение успеваемости учащихся при написании резюме: управление когнитивной нагрузкой. TESOL QUARTERLY, 25 (л), 105-122.

11. Киркланд, Маргарет Р. и Мэри П. Сондерс. 1991. «Повышение успеваемости учащихся при написании резюме: управление когнитивной нагрузкой». TESOL ежеквартально 25.1.

12. Несамалар, С., Саратха, С. & Тех, С. 2001. Методология ELT: принципы и практика. Селан-гор: Пенербит Фаджар Бакти.

13. Одлин, Т. 1993. Языковой трансфер: кросс-лингвистическое влияние на изучение языка. Кембридж, КУБОК.

14. Ричардс, Джек К. и Вилли А. Ренандия. 2002. Методология преподавания языков: антология современной практики. Кембридж: КУБОК.

15. Торнбери С. 2006. Азбука ELT. MacMillan

16. Триббл, C. 1996. Письмо. ОУП

17. Уайт, Р., Арндт, В., 1991. Обучение письму через процесс написания. Longman

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19. https://reedsy.com/discovery/blog/book-review-examples

20. https://www.writersdigest.com/whats-new/open-ready-synopsis-example-the-ides-of-march-political-thriller

21. https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/always-be-my-maybe-2019

22. https://www.myfilmviews.com/2019/06/19/always-be-my-maybe-2019-review/#more-20856


Lipina A.A.

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

The following paper is aimed at improving learners' ability to write arts reviews online. The choice of this topic is conditioned by the fact that nowadays we are living in a digitalized world where people are encouraged - if not forced - to express their opinions online and be active members of society. By 2025, millennials (highly digitalized generation) will take three-quarters of the global population. This suggests that people will start spending even more time on the Internet, sharing with people what exhibitions they have attended, what films they have watched, what books they have read, whether they have liked them or not, etc. In this way, many high-level students express great willingness to improve this writing genre by increasing their fluency and quality of writing.

Keywords: productive skills, writing, socio-cultural schemata, self-editing, semi-formal style, learner problems, teaching solutions.






6. 7.










18. 19. 20



Badger, R. & White, B. 2000. A process genre approach to teaching. ELT Journal, 54 (2).

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EY, Global Generations: A Global Study on Work-Life Challenges Across Generations. 2015. Harmer, J. 2004. How to teach Writing. Longman Hedge, T. 1988. Writing. Oxford: Oxford University Press Hedge, T. 2000. Teaching and Learning in the language classroom. OUP.

Hyland, K. 2003. Second language writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Kirkland, Margaret R., and Mary P. Saunders. 1991. "Maximizing Student Performance in Summary Writing: Managing Cognitive Load." TESOL QUARTERLY 25.1.

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