Научная статья на тему 'Developing intercultural communication competence among students of English language in a teacher training college'

Developing intercultural communication competence among students of English language in a teacher training college Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abo-Mokh Omaya

The article is about multiculturalism and intercultural communication in Israel. It begins with a review of what is meant by intercultural communication, and then examines its importance for language education. The article shows the results of the study on the development and testing of the English language course in the pedagogical College of Israel. As a result of teaching, it was concluded that more than 66% of students indicated that English can be considered as the language of world culture. Familiarity with this language in one way or another helps to facilitate communication between the peoples of the world, and thus increase opportunities for meeting people of different cultures. Most students, after taking an English course at a teacher training College, indicated that the College should have a greater role in preparing students for teaching in a multicultural society and should be mandatory for all students.

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В данной статье речь идёт о мультикультурализме и межкультурной коммуникации в Израиле. В статье показаны результаты проведённого исследования по разработке и апробации курса английского языка в педагогическом колледже Израиля. В результате преподавания были сделаны выводы о том, что более 66% студентов указали, что английский язык можно рассматривать как язык мировой культуры. Знакомство с этим языком так или иначе помогает облегчить общение между народами мира, а значит, и увеличить возможности для знакомства с людьми разных культур.. Большинство студентов после прохождения курса английского языка в педагогическом колледже указали, что колледж должен иметь большую роль в подготовке студентов к преподаванию в многокультурном обществе и должен быть обязательным для всех студентов.

Текст научной работы на тему «Developing intercultural communication competence among students of English language in a teacher training college»

Таблица 4

Изменения в личности учащихся и свидетельства их улучшений

После До Категории учеников

Процентная разница Разница средних значений Процент (%) Среднее из-5 Процент (%) Среднее из 55 Вопросы Название категории

20.0 1.0 87.5 4.4 67.5 3.4 3 Изменение в личности ученика

15.0 0.8 86.3 4.3 71.3 3.6 4 Любовь к предмету

15.0 0.8 87.5 4.4 72.5 3.6 б Мотивация к учебе

8.8 0.4 88.8 4.4 80.0 4.0 18 Альтернативная оценка и любопытство ученика

15.0 0.8 86.3 4.3 71.3 3.6 19 Инструменты оценки и социальное развитие

8.8 0.4 87.5 4.4 78.8 3.9 20 Инструменты оценки и рост уровня удовлетворенности

13.8 0.7 87.3 4.4 73.5 3.7 Всего

Из таблицы 4 можно видеть разнообразие изменений, которым подвергается ученик, часть из них соответствует гипотезе А. Можно наблюдать значительный рост личностных изменений, мотивации, любопытства, социального развития, рост уровня удовлетворённости и прочее. Разница в улучшении по всем категориям составляет 0.7=13.8%.

Библиографический список / References

Общий вывод:

Основываясь на информации и выводах, можно утверждать, что все гипотезы были подтверждены, и эта модель была полезной и привела к эффективному обучению и оценке, уровень эффективности учеников повысился практически по всем параметрам.

1. Nevo D. Estimate Dialogue: a proposal to amend the evaluation policies of the school. In Dror, s., Shapiro, R., Andersen D. (Ed). Changes in education: Israel's education policy for the next Millennium. Tel-Aviv University, school of education, tel Aviv University, Ramot, 2003.

Статья поступила в редакцию 13.08.18

УДК 371

Abo-Mokh Omaya, postgraduate, Faculty of Education and Pedagogical Sciences, Novgorod State University

(Veliky Novgorod, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

DEVELOPING INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE AMONG STUDENTS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN A TEACHER TRAINING COLLEGE. The article is about multiculturalism and intercultural communication in Israel. It begins with a review of what is meant by intercultural communication, and then examines its importance for language education. The article shows the results of the study on the development and testing of the English language course in the pedagogical College of Israel. As a result of teaching, it was concluded that more than 66% of students indicated that English can be considered as the language of world culture. Familiarity with this language in one way or another helps to facilitate communication between the peoples of the world, and thus increase opportunities for meeting people of different cultures. Most students, after taking an English course at a teacher training College, indicated that the College should have a greater role in preparing students for teaching in a multicultural society and should be mandatory for all students.

Key words: culture, communication, multiculturalism, dialogue, teaching English as foreign language, cultural diversity.

Абу-Мох Омайя, аспирант педагогического факультета, Новгородский государственный университет,

г. Великий Новгород, E-mail: [email protected]


В данной статье речь идёт о мультикультурализме и межкультурной коммуникации в Израиле. В статье показаны результаты проведённого исследования по разработке и апробации курса английского языка в педагогическом колледже Израиля. В результате преподавания были сделаны выводы о том, что более 66% студентов указали, что английский язык можно рассматривать как язык мировой культуры. Знакомство с этим языком так или иначе помогает облегчить общение между народами мира, а значит, и увеличить возможности для знакомства с людьми разных культур.. Большинство студентов после прохождения курса английского языка в педагогическом колледже указали, что колледж должен иметь большую роль в подготовке студентов к преподаванию в многокультурном обществе и должен быть обязательным для всех студентов.

Ключевые слова: культура, коммуникация, мультикультурализм, диалог, обучение английскому языку как иностранному, культурное разнообразие.

Multiculturalism and intercultural communication are not new phenomena, they were founded in the most ancient times of history and civilization of humankind. When individuals from different

cultures interact in various contexts and for different reasons. The culture is defined as "a human phenomenon... the way we are, both physically and mentally. It is both a state in which each of us exists

and a process which changes constantly according to the individual, the time and the place." (McLaren, 1998) [1].

Moreover, Calderon (2000) focuses on three main aspects to the issue of pluralism or multiculturalism in Israel. Israel as he mentions, is a country of immigrants. It has many people who were displaced and are distant from their homelands and past.

Politically speaking, language was used as an instrument for creating the nation and in several cases; immigrants were required, even violently, to give up their own languages in an attempt to create a notion of unity (Halabi, 2000) [2].

In Israel, both Arabic and Hebrew are official languages, but Hebrew is the main language, since it is related to Zionism and Judaism. Nowadays, the Ministry of Education considers the Arabic language as only a communication tool. Language learning is even reduced to the development of language skills and understanding and expression using (Halabi, 2000) [2].

2. Bridges can be improved and conflict between students from different cultures can be reduced.

3. Arab college students think about the different one in a positive way after learning about the culture of the other.

4. Arab students respect cultural differences and accept others from other cultures in a high way.

5. The fear of Arab students from the other and the new things has been significantly reduced.

6. There are many notable changes that have occurred among the Arab college students towards other civilizations after the end of the research.

The answer the hypothesis number 10 come out through the feedback and through a set of questions suggested by students -Table 2.

The results:

Table 1

Summarizes the results of the positive outlook and the positive values that have changed among Arab college students towards others from other cultures

Before after Table 1

Name of category Questions % Average % Average %t difference The difference in the average level

Outlook at the other: compassion, love, understanding, appreciation / rejection, and anger 27+28+31+33+ +47+29+32 66.7 3.3 77.7 3.9 11 0.5 High

Therefore, schools are an important agent to educate for accepting the other. Since the school age generation is still in process of acquiring the identity, educations might succeed to change the beliefs and the values of the students, and mostly important to develop critical thinking the mostly important to develop critical thinking that might make them "open-minded" communicators and to develop empathy.

Teachers should prepare their students with the skills of intercultural communication to be "responsible communicators" by developing the learners' awareness of the nature of intercultural interaction, in order to prepare them for the real world, which is diverse. Therefore, the reality dictates that the field of intercultural communication becomes very important in the process of preparing of future teacher.

The Practicum:

In this article I try to answer the following four questions:

1. How does the Arab college students look at people from other cultures?

2. Can communication bridges be improved and conflicts between students from different cultures can be reduced?

3. How do Arab college students think about the different one after learning about the culture of the other?

4. What is the extent of respect for cultural differences and acceptance by Arab students of people from other cultures?

5. How much do Arab students fear of people from other cultures and new things?

6. What are the outstanding changes that occurred in the Arab College students towards other civilizations after the end of the research? Answers to question 10 through feedback and from questions suggested by the students - Table 2)

Therefore, I constructed four hypotheses to examine the extent to which they were achieved:

1. There is a positive outlook among Arab college students towards others from other cultures.

Before beginning data analysis, categories must be defined according to three levels:

According to the questioners:

Low level: When the difference between the rate of all questions in the same category is less than 5% (before - after).

Intermediate level: When the difference between the rate of all questions in the same category is between 5% -9.9% (before -after).

High level: When the difference between the rate of all questions in the same category is 10% and higher (before - after).

According to feedback questions:

Low level: When the final rate of the category is less than 60%.

Intermediate level: When the final rate in the category is between 60% and 69%.

High level: When the final rate in the category is 70% and more.

Hypothesis num. 1: There is a positive outlook for Arab college students towards other cultures.

The researcher examined seven questions in the pre-questionnaire, then she examined and discussed them at the end of the stage, by addressing the many educational values reflected in the behavior of students and their outlook towards others.

These questions addressed the improvement of the perception of the following values: kindness, love, understanding, appreciation, and conversely mitigating the two values: discarding others and anger towards them.

After analyzing the data of this level, it is obvious that there was a high rise in the perception towards others. The improvement of the Arab students' perception towards others reached 11%. This increase is classified according to the definition of the researcher at the higher level.

Result: The hypothesis was highly confirmed.

Hypothesis 2: communication bridges can be improved and conflicts between students from different cultures can be reduced.

Table 2

Shows the rates and percentages about the category of conflict management and improving the bridges of communication with other cultures

Before after

Name of category Questions % Average % Average % difference The difference in the average level

Conflict management and communication bridges 40+41+42+43 70.6 3.5 77.6 3.9 7 0.4 Intermediate

The results shown above show significant progress in conflict management and intercultural communication, with an increase of 7% from the beginning of the research, with students addressing a partial improvement in the topics of conflict management in a wise manner, building a bridge of communication, understanding conflicts between peoples and minimizing Negative stereotypes about others, and this remarkable progress is classified within the average level as described above.

Result: The hypothesis was partially confirmed.

Hypothesis 3: Arab college students think about the different one in a positive way after learning about the culture of the other.

and explained their explanations. Conversation questions and feedback were used to compare them with the results presented above.

Hypothesis 6: There are several notable changes that occurred in Arab college students towards other cultures after the research.

During the research, the students suggested other topics, and the researcher examined during the second questionnaire, such as teaching subjects related to the culture of other peoples such as religion, celebrations, holidays and continuous communication with students from other cultures.

When the researcher examined the item of teaching other topics that help to get to know other cultures such as religion and to

Table 3

Shows how Arab students think about the different after being introduced to their culture

Before after

Name of category Questions % Average % Average % The difference in the average level

Thinking about others after learning about their culture 44+45+46+49 67.4 3.4 79.4 4 12 0.6 High

An analysis of the table shows that Arab college students have a very positive attitude toward others after learning about the culture of the others. The table presents 12% progress in their positive thinking, which is tolerance, respect and thinking in different ways. This remarkable progress in thinking is considered high as it was defined by the researcher.

Result: The hypothesis was highly confirmed.

Hypothesis 4: Arab students respect cultural diversity and accept others from other cultures in a high way.

know their celebrations, occasions and holidays.The students has improved and were classified in the high level where the rate was 3.8 out of 5 or 75.2%. These values have been classified at the high level. In terms of continuous communication with others, the result reached a high rate of 4.2 = 83.2%. This is largely consistent with Hypothesis 2 and supports the results shown in Table 2, and this value is classified as high. Through out the discussions about the changes they had, the students talked about many positive things, most of which that were classified as high.

Table 4

Shows the level of respect for cultural differences and the acceptance of the other by from a different culture

Before after

Name of category Questions % Average % Average %difference The difference in the average level

respect for cultural differrances and acceptance 2+7+8+16+18+ +20+34+35+36 60 3 70.7 3.5 10.7 0.5 High

The rates of questions discussed in this category include: loving being with people from other cultures, respect for others' values, respect for others' behavior, acceptance of others' opinions, and others.

The rate of this category was notably high, with a height of 10.7%. This category is classified as high.

Result: The hypothesis was highly confirmed.

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Hypothesis 5: The significant reduce the fear level of Arab students from the other and new things.

At the end of the research, the researcher also examined two important axes for Arab College students:

The first axis was about the relationship between the subject of English as a specialty and the communication between cultures. More than 66% (average level) of students indicated that there is a relationship between English as a language and global culture. The exposure to this language helps in one way or another to make communication between the peoples of the world easier, and thus to inTable 5

Presents important data on the category of the fear from others and the new people

Before After

Name of category Questions Percent Average Percent Average Percent difference The difference in the average Level

Fear of the other and new things 30+48 38.8 1.9 56.8 2.8 18 0.9 High

The data indicate a very high rate of fear reduction among Arab students from others and their new things, the percentage of increase is 18%, which is the largest of all categories, that is, the fear of the other became significantly less at the end of the research. This category is classified as high.

Result: The hypothesis was highly confirmed.

Feedback questions:

At the end of the research, feedback was made with the college students and they suggested several additional questions during the conversation. The students also answered conversation questions

crease the possibilities to get to know people from different cultures, because this language is universal.

The second axis is the college's role in this field, and the result was that more than 73% of the students who were from the English specialization see (after having this course), that the college should have a prominent role in preparing students to teach in a multicultural society, because this was not previously a form course for the Arab students in the college. This indicates the importance of the research that was highlighted in the first part of the research.

Table 6

Presents the responses of the college students through a feedback and a conversation, which were compared with the results of the previous hypotheses (1-5)


Name of category Questions % Average level

I have the tools to deal with a multicultural society 51 67.2 3.4 Intermediate

I can build a program / plan to deal with the other 52 79.2 4.0 High

I now have many human values 53 85.6 4.3 High

Communicating continuously with students from other cultures 54 83.2 4.2 High

Choosing English was for a reason related to communication between cultures 25 66.4 3.3 Intermediate

Teaching topics related to the culture of other people: religion, celebrations, holidays 26 75.2 3.8 High

The role of the college in preparing students well for teaching in a multicultural society 50 73.6 3.7 High

By analyzing all of the data and the hypotheses of the re- achieved. Only one hypothesis is simply achieved, despite the fact search and the tables with the percentages, we can say that most that there was a progress in this category as the research proof them were highly achieved, and some of them were partially gressed.

Библиографический список / References

1. McLaren M.C. Interpreting Cultural Differences: the Challenge of Intercultural Communication. Norfolk: Biddles, 1998.

2. Halabi R. Dialogue between Identities, Meetings between Arabs and Jews in Neveh Shalom. Tel Aviv, KM Press, 2000.

Статья поступила в редакцию 13.08.18

УДК 371

Azizova N.R., Doctor of Culturology, Head of Educational and Methodical Department, University of Professional Standards (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

Daudova A.M., teacher, speech therapist, MBDOU № 126 (Astrakhan, Russia), E-mail: [email protected] Ivanova E.N., primary school teacher, GBOU School № 1498 "Moscow International School" (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE SKILLS OF WORD FORMATION IN CHILDREN WITH GENERAL SPEECH UNDERDEVELOPMENT. One of the main properties of human maturation is the formation of speech. Speech development it is important to start from the very first days of a child's life and in accordance with the peculiarities of its development it is necessary to gradually complicate the tasks of education. Thus, in order to properly educate the child, to form his speech as an important factor of socialization, it is necessary to understand the processes that occur with the child in the process of its development. From the earliest age of the child, it is important for parents to recognize the existing problems with speech. At the same time, at various stages of development of children's speech, some elements of the language are already learned, and others are still partially. In the process of learning the skills of word formation, the child learns to isolate parts of the word (prefixes, suffixes, endings), to understand them and operate on them.

Key words: word formation, speech therapist, teacher, general underdevelopment of speech.

Н.Р. Азизова, д-р культурологии, руководитель учебно-методического отдела, ООО ДПО «Университет профессиональных стандартов», г. Москва, E-mail: [email protected]

А.М. Даудова, учитель-логопед, МБДОУ № 126, г. Астрахань, E-mail: [email protected]

Е.Н. Иванова, учитель начальных классов, ГБОУ Школа № 1498 «Московская Международная Школа», г. Москва,

E-mail: [email protected]


Одним из главных свойств созревания человека является формирование речи. Развитие речи важно начинать с самых первых дней жизни ребёнка и в соответствии с особенностями его развития необходимо постепенно усложнять задачи воспитания. Тем самым, для того, чтобы правильно воспитать ребёнка, формировать его речь как важнейший фактор социализации, необходимо понимать процессы, которые происходят с ребёнком в процессе его развития. С самого раннего возраста ребёнка, для родителей важно распознавать существующие проблемы с речью. В тоже время на различных стадиях развития детской речи одни элементы языка оказываются уже усвоенными, а другие еще частично. Отсюда такое разнообразие нарушений нормы детьми. В процессе обучения навыкам словообразования, ребёнок учится вычленять части слова (приставки, суффиксы, окончания), осмыслять их и оперировать ими.

Ключевые слова: словообразование, логопед, учитель, общее недоразвитие речи.

Словообразование - раздел языкознания, в котором излага- слов, создание новых слов в языке, а правильный анализ слова ются способы и средства образования слов, их строение. Изуче- способствует овладению орфографией, освоению правописания ние законов словообразования помогает понять происхождение слов [1]. Современные лингвисты описывают словообразование

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