DEVELOPING IN MUBARAK DISTRICT PILGRIMAGE TOURISM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
pilgrimage / pilgrimage / ancient / healing / generous / meritorious / memorial / historical / religious. / pilgrimage / pilgrimage / ancient / healing / generous / meritorious / memorial / historical / religious.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Safarov I.B.

This article provides information about pilgrimages and pilgrimage sites, as well as information about the developing pilgrimage tourism in Mubarak district and the pilgrimage site of Ibn Al-Mubarak Al-Marwazi in the district. Proposals and recommendations are given for the development of pilgrimage tourism in the district.

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This article provides information about pilgrimages and pilgrimage sites, as well as information about the developing pilgrimage tourism in Mubarak district and the pilgrimage site of Ibn Al-Mubarak Al-Marwazi in the district. Proposals and recommendations are given for the development of pilgrimage tourism in the district.


Safarov I.B. teacher

Karshi State University Ulug^murodov M. T.



Abstract. This article provides information about pilgrimages and pilgrimage sites, as well as information about the developing pilgrimage tourism in Mubarak district and the pilgrimage site of Ibn Al-Mubarak Al-Marwazi in the district. Proposals and recommendations are given for the development of pilgrimage tourism in the district.

Keywords: pilgrimage, pilgrimage, ancient, healing, generous, meritorious, memorial, historical, religious.

Pilgrimage is an opportunity for people to aspire to ancient places, praise God through antiquity, calm their minds and hearts, understand their truths, and pass through the path of purification. It is also a place to be free from mental and physical fatigue, to pray for relatives and loved ones, to find happiness, to do good deeds, to be freed from sins, to express gratitude for God's blessings, and to show devotion to faith, striving for faith, finding the meaning of life are the main reasons for pilgrimage. Pilgrimage tourism is the oldest and at the same time the newest type of tourism with deep historical roots and includes all types of religious pilgrimages to ancient places. In practice, pilgrimage tourism includes all types of tourist services related to religion and traditions.

The word «Ziyarat»means «journey»or «journey»when translated from Arabic. In the language of the Turkic peoples, it only means visiting local shrines for religious purposes. When translated from Latin, «palmarius»is derived from the word «palmist»- carrying a branch of a palm tree (tree of victory).[4]

As a result of the scientific interpretation of the attention paid to pilgrimage tourism today, the state paid attention to the development of pilgrimage tourism and the further development of the economy with the income from pilgrimage tourism. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF 6165 of February 9, 2021 «On measures to further develop domestic and pilgrimage tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan» [1], and Decree No. 100 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 2021 No. «On additional measures for the development of domestic and pilgrimage tourism», [3] No. 120 of February 15, 2018 «Effective organization of beautification of holy sites, shrines, mosques and cemeteries»on»[2], these decisions are not only tourism in Uzbekistan, but also an integral part of it, special attention is paid to the development of pilgrimage tourism. Even with the decree on the development of domestic tourism

and pilgrimage tourism, the issue of creating many opportunities for pilgrims, hotels and entrepreneurs serving pilgrimage tourism has taken place today.

Mubarak district is located in the northwestern part of Kashkadarya region. The district is an ancient settlement, its history is very rich. It is located at the intersection of the branches of the ancient Great Silk Road. There are also pilgrimage tourism facilities in this district. Currently, pilgrimage tourism is developing in Mubarak district. The development of pilgrimage tourism can be seen in the example of the shrine of Ibn Al-Mubarak Al-Marwazi.

Shrine of Ibn Al-Mubarak Al-Marwazi. This shrine was originally dedicated to the memory of the just warlord Amir Temur, the great hadith scholar and jurist Khwaja Abdullah Al-Marwazi. The shrine was renovated in 2006 in order to restore the memory of our first president, I.A. The opening ceremony was held on August 20, 2009. Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak Al-Marwazi is one of the great scholars who spread the fame of Turkestan to the world. According to historical sources, he was born in 736 in Marv, one of the ancient cities of Turkistan, and died in 798 at the age of 63 in a town called Hiyet, located on the banks of the Frot River in Iraq, and was buried there. During his lifetime, he collected more than 20 thousand authentic hadiths and published «Al-Muwatta», «Kitab-Tarikh», «Kitab ut-Tawsir», «Kitab ul-Iste'zan», «Kitab ul-Arbaghi hadisan»and more. bequeathed several famous works to generations. However, most of these works have come down to us. A famous scientist who grew up in our country, a wonderful person who became famous for his faith, morals, and generosity, Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak al-Marwazi built a symbolic mausoleum in the village of Khoja Mubarak of Kashkadarya province, citing the order of Sahibqiran Amir Temur. until recently, this mausoleum was not in a condition suitable for the status of Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak, as a result of the efforts of noble people, it was repaired and rebuilt and turned into a blessed place of worship.

The fact that our great compatriot Amir Temur, a great warrior of the Islamic army, a scholar of hadith, a scholar of jurisprudence, was brought to the village of Khoja Mubarak, Mubarak district, from the city of Hayt, Iraq, shows how high his position is in the Islamic world. The Islamic world glorifies the name of Khwaja Abdullah bin Mubarak and attributes this to him: «Whoever speaks inappropriately about Abdullah bin Mubarak, slanders the religion of Islam». Today, local residents visit this shrine in Mubarak district mainly for the purpose of religious-pilgrimage tourism.

In recent years, in order to develop pilgrimage tourism by local governments, improving tourism infrastructure, reconstruction of tourist objects, development of various tourist routes serve as an important factor for the development of domestic tourism. This will lead to popularization of places of pilgrimage and tourism of the district not only locally, but also on the regional and republican scale, and ultimately to the growth of income in the tourism and service sectors.

Due to its location in the desert zone, Mubarak district spends most of the year with hot summer. It is natural that many hot summer days make Mubarak residents and visiting guests tired. In order to prevent this, the organization of various water sports facilities, swimming pools, and cool parks will be a reason for meaningful spending of free time of the population, and will create warmth in the mood of the population. Building restaurants, cafes, and children's playgrounds in front of large populated objects will be an excellent light on light. The organization of large-scale hashar events throughout the blessed city will certainly not affect the prosperity of the city streets and the cleanliness of the environment. In order to increase the importance of ancient temples and historical shrines located in Mubarak district, it would be appropriate to organize visits of school, lyceum students and students during their free time from classes. He will not fail to contribute to the prosperity of the land. Therefore, each person should contribute to the prosperity and development of the place where he was born and raised. The Uzbek people are such a people that even if they find work in a thousand other places and cannot go to their small homeland, they always carry in their hearts the beautiful moments of their youth, the innocent childhood in bed, the streets they walked with their friends, and they will never forget. forever sealed in one corner of his heart.

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