DEVELOPING CREATIVITY AND CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS OF STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
creative thinking / strategy / creative process / method / creativity

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kismetova G.N., Dyussenbayeva L.

The technology and methods of creative thinking is described in the article, as well as what tasks are used for the development of thinking. The works of Russian, foreign and Kazakh scientists were studied. D. Halpern identifies a number of qualities for the development of creative thinking. Several tasks are given in the article that we used in the classroom for the development of imaginative imagination, creative thinking.

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nepeg6anaroTb BpaxyBaHHa KoMneTeHTHicHoro nig-xogy go TpygoBoro HaBHaHHa, nocugeHHa yBaru Kope-KqiÖHO- p03BHBa^bH0My BngHBy Ha ocoöncTicTb, Ha ocHOBi Horo 3a6e3nenyeTbca ^opMyBaHHa TpygoBoi' KOMneTeHTHOCTi mKogapiB, nigBH^yeTbca MoTHBa^a go TpygoBoro пpoцecy 3aBgaKH цiннicнoмy ct&b-geHHM go пpaцi; po3muproeTbca iH^opMauiHHHH o6-car TexHiKo-TexHogoriHHHx 3HaHb, aKi e nigipyHTaM gga onaHyBaHHa pi3HHMH cnoco6aMH TpygoBoï giagb-HocTi, po3KpHTxa Mo^gHBocreH Ko^Horo yHHa, aK cy6'eKTa npaKTHHHoï i ni3HaBagbHoï giagbHocri, ^o cnpuaTHMe 36araneHHM coцiagbнoro gocBigy, 3a6e3-neneHHM MaKcHMagbHoï agaптaцiï Ta imerpa^ï grren y cycnigbcTBo. TpygoBa KoMneTemnicTb, aK 3gaTHicTb yHHiB 3 KoMngeKcHHMH nopymeHHaMH po3BHTKy 3a-cTocoByBaTH Ha npaKTH^ 3HaHHa, gocBig i ^hhoctc, Ha6yTi y пpoцeci KopeKuiÖHo-po3BHBagbHoro HaB-HaHHa, Ha6yBae iHTerpaTHBHoro 3HaneHHa b peagiзaцiï oHoBgeHoro ocBiTHboro 3MicTy.


1. Zhigoreva, M.V. Children with complex developmental disorders: pedagogical assistance. M.: Academy, 2006.240 s. [Published in Russian].

2. Typical educational program of primary education of special institutions of general secondary education for students with intellectual disabilities (2018) [Published in Ukrainian].

3. Khokhlina OP Psychological and pedagogical bases of correctional orientation of labor training of students with intellectual disabilities. K.: Ped. 2000. 286 p. [Published in Ukrainian].

4. Chebotaryova O.V. Implementation of the competence approach in teaching students with intellectual disabilities. Kyiv: Symonenko, 2019. S. 197201. [Published in Ukrainian].


Kismetova G.N.

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor M.Utemisov WKU Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan Dyussenbayeva L. Master student of M. Utemisov WKU Uralsk, Republic of Kazakhstan


The technology and methods of creative thinking is described in the article, as well as what tasks are used for the development of thinking. The works of Russian, foreign and Kazakh scientists were studied. D. Halpern identifies a number of qualities for the development of creative thinking. Several tasks are given in the article that we used in the classroom for the development of imaginative imagination, creative thinking.

Keywords: creative thinking, strategy, creative process, method, creativity.

Creative thinking has been manifested in human activity since ancient times. The most important setting of developmental learning is considered to be the principle of the creative nature of development. The child should not learn from someone else's experience, but create their own, using their creative abilities. Creative activity, capable of generating unique experiences and unique knowledge, gives the child the opportunity to fully and in due time realize their potential, revealing all their abilities.

According to Sukhomlinsky, creative thinking is found where there is inspiration, born of success. To arouse this inspiration in students, to awaken the craving for knowledge, you can use bright and unusual didactic material, as well as through the use of non-standard tasks that arouse interest in the very form of work.

The goal of the creative educational environment is to teach the child to think beyond the stereotypes, to instill the desire and ability not only to adapt to the existing conditions, but also to find solutions to existing situations, both in the educational process and in everyday life. Education is not just a set of learning and education processes, but a special environment of life activity, where the student acts as an equal subject of

learning with the teacher. The concept of the "ideal teacher", who knows exactly the answers to all questions, being the "truth in the first instance", is a thing of the past, and the creative personality, flexible for self-development, having the right to make mistakes, but living in an eternal creative search and seeking co-creation with students, comes to the fore. Such a teacher can create a creative educational environment in which children will strive to overcome the forces of the template and to develop their creative potential.

What is "critical thinking"? Today, in various scientific studies, you can find a definition of the term "critical thinking". D. Halpern defines critical thinking in his work "Psychology of critical thinking" as directed thinking, it is characterized by balance, logic, and purposefulness, it is distinguished by the use of such cognitive skills and strategies that increase the likelihood of obtaining the desired result

In order for the student to use his critical thinking, it is important to develop a number of qualities in him, among which D. Halpern highlights:

* ready for planning. Thoughts often arise randomly. It is important to organize them, to build a sequence of presentation. Orderliness of thought is a sign of confidence.

* flexibility. If the student is not ready to accept the ideas of others, he will never be able to become a generator of his own ideas and thoughts. Flexibility allows you to wait for judgment until the student has a variety of information.

* perseverance. Often, when faced with a difficult task, we postpone its solution for later. By developing perseverance in the tension of the mind, the student is sure to achieve much better results in learning.

* willingness to correct your mistakes. A critical person will not justify their wrong decisions, but will draw conclusions, use the mistake to continue learning.

* awareness. This is a very important quality, which implies the ability to observe oneself in the process of mental activity, to track the course of reasoning.

* search for compromise solutions. It is important that the decisions made are perceived by other people, otherwise they will remain at the level of statements.

In Russia, the topic of critical thinking was studied in the scientific studies of E. V. Volkov "Critical thinking: principles and signs", G. V. Sorina "critical thinking: history and modern status", N. L. Moskovskaya and V. P. Muyakina "critical thinking as an educational value", E. I. Fedotovskaya "Methods of developing critical thinking as an important factor in the formation of foreign-language communicative competence in specialized universities".

The works of D. Kluster "What is critical thinking?", G. Lindsay, K. S. Hull, R. F. Thomson "Creative and critical Thinking, "and Paul R. W." Critical Thinking " are known abroad: What everyone needs to survive in a rapidly Changing world" and Halper's "The Psychology of Critical Thinking". The Western psychological and pedagogical tradition has a number of separate studies (P. Facione, N. Facione, C. Giancarlo, R. Ennis, S. Norris, G. Salomon) devoted to the study of attitudes to critical thinking, methods of their development and diagnosis.

The article Dosbenbetova A. Sh., Abramova G. I. [2] "The use of Kazakh folk wisdom in English lessons for the development of creative thinking of students" examines the technology of developing creative thinking of students in English lessons using the means of folk pedagogy. It reveals the concept of "creativity", which is characterized by the adoption and creation of fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking and are included in the structure of giftedness as an independent factor. The authors note that the use in the educational process of the centuries-old wisdom of the people, expressed in proverbs and sayings, riddles, folk games, fairy tales and other means of folk pedagogy, have a huge impact on the development of creative thinking of students.

The technology of developing critical thinking in foreign language lessons has a huge arsenal of tools: clusters, writing cinquaines, insert, basket of ideas, writing essays, brainstorming, thin and thick questions, fishbone, reading with stops, on-board magazines, "KWL Chart".

Also, the methods of developing critical thinking include the so-called "idea grids" (Mindmapping, Clustering), "Mind-Map", Mindmapping, thinking about interesting quotes and sayings, working on sayings can be a good basis for developing students ' critical thinking, creative work with songs, etc.

Let's look at the most interesting tasks for the development of critical thinking, which we use in our practice of teaching English.

So, in the foreign language lessons, in order to develop critical thinking, we used the following tasks.

1. "Six Hats of Thinking". Also, one of the interesting techniques in the technology of critical thinking is the "six hats of thinking", the founder of which is E. de Bono [3]. The "six hats of thinking" is an opportunity to express your own assumptions independently of the assumptions of others: all points of view will be different, since the" roles " distributed among the participants are obviously different. This makes it possible to think about alternative views on the problem, to discuss different points of view, and if some assumption is challenged, the student will not feel wrong in this, because he only played a role [4]. The reception is good to conduct at the initial stage of the development of reflection, in order to liberate children. With this form of organization of reflection, the teacher receives different points of view from the students on the issue under discussion. Students have no fear of making erroneous assumptions.

2. The strategy "Tree of Predictions" is used when working with plot texts. On the trunk is written a question facing the future: Whatwillhappenattheend? The text is divided into 3-4 parts. After reading each part, the students write down on the leaves of the tree their predictions on the content of the story, arguing them on the branches. Each version must be justified verbally. When the text is read to the end, students check whether their predictions have come true.

An effective means of forming and developing critical thinking are role-playing games, conferences, teleconferences, talk shows on the topic under study, as well as debates and debates. They contribute to the development of such important characteristics of critical thinking as the ability to analyze and compare different ideas, events, points of view; the ability to hear the arguments of opponents; the ability to prove your position, while fostering a tolerant attitude to different points of view. When making a decision on the problem under discussion, the participants of the role-playing game should take into account all its aspects. It becomes clear to them that not only in the game, but also in real life, there are often no unambiguously satisfactory solutions to the problem. It is necessary to pay attention to other people's opinions and be able to prove your opinion in a reasoned way.

Formed critical thinking contributes to an adequate reflexive assessment of their activities. At the end of a certain stage of work on the topic, children learn to ask themselves the question "What of the studied I know well, and what is still not enough? What should I do to eliminate the gaps? Can I manage on my own, or do I need help? " and plan my next steps.

Creative thinking is a way to positively motivate learning. There are external and internal motivations for learning English, and it is important to build their stimulating effect on the learning process in such a way that students at each stage of it feel progress towards the goal. To develop creative thinking, students need to be active, to be able to communicate correctly with other people. Thus, while developing creative thinking, students do not notice how external motivation merges with internal motivation.

E. Grigorenko and R. Sternberg propose twelve strategies for the development of creative potential, which can be used as the basis for teaching creative thinking in school in any academic subject. Using these strategies-principles, the teacher will not only be able to increase the likelihood of discovering the creative potential of his students, but also to strengthen the creative principle in himself. So, here are the principles:

- be a role model;

- encourage doubts that arise in relation to generally accepted assumptions and assumptions;

- allow making mistakes;

- encourage reasonable risk taking;

- to include in the curriculum sections that would allow students to demonstrate their creative abilities, to test the learned material in such a way that students have the opportunity to apply them;

- encourage the ability to find, formulate, and redefine a problem;

- encourage and reward creative ideas and creative results;

But we are both mammals, we like sleeping and swimming, and we can make a lot of noise.

Creative tasks are always interesting not only to the teacher himself, but also to the students, although once again we note that any creativity is hard work, which, despite everything, brings great pleasure.

Use of tasks for the development of imaginative imagination, creative thinking "Come up with a continuation of the story":

1.Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen. And they had a beautiful daughter........

2. I saw her dancing in the rain......

3. Last night I had an awful dream: I found myself in the world where all the colours were blent. The grass was orange, the trees were white, the purple sun was shining in the green sky......

4. Yesterday I heard a strange noise in the drawing- room. I came downstairs, opened the door and saw a man lying on the floor.......

I try to use more often in the lessons questions that encourage thinking creatively - " imagine, imagine what, compose, speculate about..." , etc .

I widely use the project method in my practice from 2 to 11 classes, of course, taking into account age characteristics. If at the beginning of learning a language - these are simple projects without presentations

- provide time for creative thinking;

- encourage tolerance for uncertainty and incomprehensibility;

- prepare for the obstacles encountered on the path of a creative person;

- encourage further development;

- find a match between the creative personality and the environment.

In order to become creative, you need to follow some principles:

• no need to start the class with traditional exercises;

• don't think in old ways;

• no need to follow someone's ideas;

• it is not necessary to ask students to complete similar tasks.

Try to include students in the creative process at each lesson.The classical principle of creativity combines the ideas of mixing completely opposite things. Juxtaposition is a great way to move away from standard thinking. You can invite students to compare a text that they know well with a picture that you have chosen for them yourself. Ask students to find as many ways as possible to compare seemingly different things. At the same time, you can pay attention to the color, connection, emotion, form, theme, or meaning.

Ask students to think about the similarities and differences between humans and animals, such as tigers.

on topics such as" About me"," My family"," My favorite toy","My pet". In high school, I try to set projects like:

• Healthywayoflife

• A jobinterview.

• Let'smakeourtownprosper

• Crazyjobfair

Such tasks contribute to the practical application of the language. Children become more relaxed, not afraid to talk. In addition, such tasks are useful, because they are remembered by students.

The manifestation of the creative abilities of the students ' personality can be observed in English lessons in the organization of work on the example of working with text. Any work with a text or a small fragment of it begins with the fact that the artistic statement is perceived by children by ear or visually. And at this stage, it is important to create such problem situations that would help to introduce students to the system of artistic images of this text. The process of perception of the text (excerpt) and the work on the read is organized with the help of different tasks-questions like:

• What time of year do you think the poet describes in this passage? By what signs did you guess this?

Me A tiger

I brush my teeth Goes barefoot

I wear trainers Doesn't brush its teeth

* Look at the illustrations and guess what the text will be about?

* How do you understand the title of the text? What can the story be about

* Draw an illustration of the text you read.

When understanding the linguistic means of creating the imagery of a literary text, students should realize the visual and expressive possibilities of the phenomena that are studied in the classroom. The beauty of a foreign language is revealed to children in the process of such work. For example, the following types of tasks-questions:

* Write out the words that convey the colors of autumn, winter, etc. Do you only have to write out adjectives, why?

* What are the words that help describe the landscape?

* Specify synonyms, antonyms. Why exactly is this word used?

* What sounds prevail and why? etc.

The use of such problem situations in the educational process makes it possible to form a certain cognitive need in students, but also provides the necessary focus of thought on an independent solution to the problem that has arisen.

Thus, the creation of problematic situations in the process of working with the text ensures the constant inclusion of students in independent search activities aimed at solving emerging problems, which inevitably

leads to the development of cognitive independence and creative activity, and this, first of all, affects the quality of students ' knowledge. It is important that the student can apply the knowledge gained in the lesson, otherwise the learning process is useless.

Thus, all these simple techniques that I use in my work, I think, contribute to the development of creative and inventive abilities of students, enrich them not only intellectually, but also personally. And, of course, our task in teaching a foreign language is to inspire, not to entertain, to teach, not to harm, to develop, not to score. It is important not to cut off the students ' wings, but to create situations of creativity and success for them.


1. Halpern D. Psychology of critical thinking. - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2006. - 289.

2. Dosbenbetova A. Sh., Abramova G. I. The use of Kazakh folk wisdom in English lessons for the development of creative thinking of students. Publishing house "Sreda", 18c., 2020g.

3. Bono, E. Think! Before it's too late [Text] / E. Bono; translated from English by V. Kuzina. - Moscow: Peter, 2011 - - 217 p.

4. Minyar-Beloruchev, R. K. On the principles of teaching foreign languages // General methodology of teaching foreign languages / R. K. Minyar-Beloruchev. - M.: Novoe Prosveshchenie, 2008. - pp. 43-53.


Litovchenko S.

candidate of pedagogical sciences (PhD), senior researcher, Head of The Department of Education of Children with Hearing Impairments, Mykola Yarmachenko Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine street M. Berlinskoho, 9, Kyiv, 04060, Ukraine ORCID ID 0000-0003-0001-4667


Литовченко С.

кандидат педагоггчних наук, старший науковий ствробтник, завгдувач в1ддту освгти дгтей з порушеннями слуху, 1нститут спец1ально1 педагог1ки i психологи 1мет Миколи Ярмаченка НАПН Украши

вул. М. Берлинського, 9, Кшв, 04060, Украша ORCID ID 0000-0003-0001-4667


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According to the results of historical analysis, analysis of educational practice, legal documents, taking into account modern values and methodological guidelines, the theoretical positions on the interpretation of the essence of correctional and developmental support of children of early and preschool age with hearing impairments are generalized.


3a pe3ygbTaraMH icTopHHHoro aHagi3y, aHagi3y ocBiTHboi' npaKTHKH, HopMaTHBHO-npaBOBHx goKyMeffriB 3 ypaxyBaHHAM cynacHHx ^HHicHHx Ta MeTogogorinHHx opiemupiB y3aragbHeHo TeopeTHHHi no3H^i go TgyMa-neHHH cyTHOCTi K0peKumH0-p03BHBagbH0ro cynpoBogy grren paHHtoro Ta gomKigbHoro BiKy 3 nopymeHHHMH cgyxy, BH3HaneHo ocHoBHi acneKTH cncreMH cynpoBogy.

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