Научная статья на тему 'Deutonymphal morphology of the water mitepiona neumani (Koenike, 1883)(Acari, Hydrachnidia, Pionidae)'

Deutonymphal morphology of the water mitepiona neumani (Koenike, 1883)(Acari, Hydrachnidia, Pionidae) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Tuzovskij P.V.

The first illustrated description of the deutonymph of the water mite Piona neumani is given.

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Первое иллюстрированное описание дейтонимфы водяного клеща Piona neumani .

Текст научной работы на тему «Deutonymphal morphology of the water mitepiona neumani (Koenike, 1883)(Acari, Hydrachnidia, Pionidae)»

Амурский зоологический журнал, 2020, т. XII, № 1 Amurian Zoological Journal, 2020, vol. XII, no. 1 _www.azjournal.ru

UDC 595.426 DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2020-12-1-8-11



P. V. Tuzovskij

Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences, Nekouzsky District, Yaroslavskaya Province, 52742, Borok, Russia

Abstract. The first illustrated description of the deutonymph of the water mite Piona neumani is given.

Keywords: Hydrachnidia, Pionidae, Piona, water mites, morphology, deutonymph.


П. В. Тузовский

Институт биологии внутренних вод РАН им. И. Д. Папанина, Некоузский район, Ярославская область, 152742, пос. Борок, Россия

Аннотация. Первое иллюстрированное описание дейтонимфы водяного клеща Piona neumani.

Ключевые слова: Hydrachnidia, Pionidae, Piona, водяные клещи, морфология, дейтонимфа.



Petr V. Tuzovskij

E-mail: tpv@ibiw.ru

SPIN: 4101-5460

Scopus Author ID: 57190753429

ReseacherID: C-3184-2017

ORCID: 0000-0001-5002-2679

Copyright: © The Author (2020). Published by Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. Open access under CC BY-NC License 4.0.

Сведения об авторе Тузовский Петр Васильевич E-mail: tpv@ibiw.ru SPIN-код: 4101-5460 Scopus Author ID: 57190753429 ReseacherlD: C-3184-2017 ORCID: 0000-0001-5002-2679

Права: © Автор (2020). Опубликовано Российским государственным педагогическим университетом им. А. И. Герцена. Открытый доступ на условиях лицензии СС БУ-ЫС 4.0.


The water mite Piona neumani (Koenike, 1883) is widespread in Europe and known also from Asia and the North America (Viets 1936; 1978; Sokolov 1940; Lundblad 1968).The deu-tonymph of this species has been previously unknown, while the morphology of its larva is studied in details (Weinstein 1976;1980). The aim of the present paper is to describe its deutonymph.


Specimens were collected by the author in the standing waters of the European part of Russia: 2 deutonymps, Yaroslavl Province, Nekouz District, small forest pond near settlement Borok, 4 July 2015. Both specimens are mounted on slide using Hoyer's medium.

Idiosomal setae are named according to Tuzovskij (1987). The following abbreviations are used: P-1-5, pedipalp segments (trochanter, femur, genu, tibia and tarsus); I-Leg-1-6, first leg, segments 1-6 (trochanter, basifemur, telofemur, genu, tibia and tarsus) i.e. III-Leg-4 = genu of third leg; ac. 1-2, genital acetabula (medial, lateral); n = number of specimens measured. The length of appendage segments was measured along their dorsal side, all measurements are given in |im.

Family Pionidae Thor, 1900 Genus Piona Koch, 1842

Piona neumani (Koenike, 1883)

(Figs 1-7)

Diagnosis. Deutonymph. Dorsum without plates; genital plates separately, acetabula small and subequal in size, distance between acetabula a little large than diameter any ac-etabulum on each side; P-2 ventral margin straight, P-3 lateral seta long and situated proximally to middle of segment, IV-Leg-6 with two to three thick, long setae.

Deutonymph, description. Color yellowish-brownish, idiosoma oval, integument soft and finely striated. Dorsum without platelets. The number and position of idiosomal setae typical for the genus Piona. All dorsal setae thin and approximately equal in length, but

setae Fch (Fig. 1) longer and a little thicker than others idiosomal setae.

Coxae of legs (Fig. 2) in four groups, cover about half ventral surface in mature specimens. Capitulum with short anchoral projection. Anterior coxal plates with short apodemes. Scle-rites bearing setae setae Hv free and located between anterior and posterior coxal groups. Suture line between coxal plates III and IV complete. Medial margin of coxal plate IV 2.02.5 times longer than medial margin of coxal plate III. Posterior margins of coxal plates IV forming obtuse angle, apodemes moderately developed. Gonopore is absent, acetabular plates separately, with two subequal acetabula and three thin, short setae, distance between acetabula large than diameter any acetabulum on each side. Genital sclerite larger than pre-genital sclerite. Excretory pore surrounded by narrow sclerotized ring and placed anterior to flanking setae (Pi and Ci).

Chelicera (Fig. 3) with large basal segment and short crescent chela.

Pedipalp (Fig. 4) short and stout: P-1 short, without seta; P-2 large, with straight ventral margin and bearing three dorsodistal setae; P-3 with concave ventral margin, two unequal setae, base of lateral seta situated proximally to middle of segment; P-4 comparatively short, with straight ventral margin, ventral setae well separated, ventral setal tubercle larger than distal one, distoventral peglike seta short; P-5 with two short proximal and two long distal spine-like setae.

Legs 6-segmented slender: I-Leg-4/5 with two short swimming setae (Fig. 5). Legs II-IV with long swimming setae, their number as following: three setae on II-Leg-4/5 and III-Leg-4, four on III-Leg-5, six on IV-Leg-5; IV-Leg-6 with two to three thick, long setae (Fig. 6). Leg claws with subequal internal clawlets, lamella with convex ventral margin (Fig. 7).

Measurements (n=2). Idiosoma L 650-775; medial margin of coxal plates III L 24-30; medial margin of coxal plates IV L 48-55; acetabular plates L 72-74, W 36-42; cheliceral segments: base L 125, chela L 48-50; pedipalp segments (P-1-5) L: 30-35, 77-80, 45-48, 72-73, 30; legs segments L: I-Leg-1-6: 47-50, 54-66, 72-85,

Deutonymphal morphology of the water mite Piona neumani...

Figs 1-4. Piona neumani (Koenike, 1883), deutonymph: 1 — seta Fch; 2 — idiosoma, ventral view; 3 — chelicera; 4 — pedipalp. Scale bars: 16, 18 = 100 |im; 17, 19 = 50 |im Рис 1-4. Piona neumani (Koenike, 1883), дейтонимфа: 1 — seta Fch; 2 — идиосома, вентральная сторона; 3 — хелицера; 4 — педипальпа. Шкалы: 1-2 = 100 |im; 3, 4 = 50 |im

Figs 5-7. Piona neumani (Koenike, 1883), deutonymph: 5 — I-Leg-5-6; 6 — IV-Leg-5-6; 7 — claw of leg I. Scale bars: 5-6, 7 = 50 цт

Рис. 5-7. Piona neumani (Koenike, 1883), дейтонимфа: 5 — голень и лапка ноги I; 6 — голень и лапка ноги IV; 7 — коготок ноги I. Шкалы: 5-6, 7 = 50 цт


DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2020-12-1-8-11

105-110, 120-125, 150-155; II-Leg-1-6: 4750, 60-65, 72-85, 125-127, 135-145, 160-168; III-Leg-1-6: 54-60, 65-67, 78-85, 128-132, 150-160, 165-170; IV-Leg-1-6: 72-78, 66-72, 95-102, 138-145, 150-155, 145-148.

Remarks. The described deutonymph is similar to P. nodata (Muller, 1781), but it is without dorsal platelets, the color yellowish-brownish, P-4 with unequal ventral setal tubercles (Fig. 4). In contrast, in the deu-

tonymph of P. nodata the dorsal platelets present, the color red, P-4 with subequal ventral setal tubercles (Tuzovskij 1990).


This research was performed in the framework of the state assignment of FASO Russia (theme no 0122-2014-0007). The author expresses his sincerely gratitude to referees for reviewing the manuscript.


Lundblad, O. (1968) Die Hydracarinen Schwedens. III. Arkiv för Zoologi, Ser. 2, Bd. 21 (1), S. 1-633. (In German)

Sokolov, I. I. (1940) Hydracarina — vodyanye kleshchi. Chast' I: Hydrachnellae [Hydracarina — the aquatic mites. Part 1: Hydrachnellae]. Moscow; Leningrad: Academy of Sciences Publ., 510 p. (Fauna SSSR [Fauna of the Soviet Union]. Vol. 5. No. 2). (In Russian) Tuzovskij, P. V. (1987) Morfologiya i postembrional'noye razvitie vodyanykh kleshchej [Morphology and

postembryonic development in water mites]. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 172 p. (In Russian) Tuzovskij, P. V. (1990) Opredelitel' dejtonimf vodyanykh kleshchej [Key to water mites deutonymphs].

Moscow: Nauka Publ., 238 p. (In Russian) Viets , K. (1936) Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile nach ihren Merkmalen und nach ihrer Lebensweise. T. 31/32: Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea: 7, Wassermilben oder Hydracarina. Jena: G. Fischer, 574 S. (In German) Viets, K. O. (1978) Hydracarina. In: J. Illies (ed.). Limnofauna Europaea: Eine Zusammenstellung aller die europäischen Binnengewässer bewohnenden mehrzelligen Tierarten mit Angaben über ihre Verbreitung und Ökologie. 2. Aufl. Stuttgart: G. Fischer, S. 154-181. (In German) Weinstein , B. A. (1976) Lichinki i sistema vodyanykh kleshchej podsemeistva Pioninae (Hygrobatidae, Acariformes) [The larvae and system of the water mites of the subfamily Pioninae (Hygrobatidae, Acariformes)]. Trudy Instituta biologii vnutrennikh vod Akademii naukSSSR, no. 31 (34), pp. 29-69. (In Russian)

Weinstein, B. A. (1980) Opredelitel' lichinok vodyanykh kleschej [Key to water mite larvae]. Leningrad: Nauka Publ., 238 p. (In Russian)

For citation: Tuzovskij, P. V. (2020) Deutonymphal morphology of the water mite Piona neumani (Koenike, 1883) (Acari, Hydrachnidia, Pionidae). Amurian Zoological Journal, vol. XII, no. 1, pp. 8-11. DOI: 10.33910/26869519-2020-12-1-8-11

Received 16 January 2020; reviewed 5 February 2020; accepted 7 February 2020.

Для цитирования: Тузовский, П. В. (2020) Морфология дейтонимфы водяного клеща Piona neumani (Koenike, 1883) (Acari, Hydrachnidia, Pionidae). Амурский зоологический журнал, т. XII, № 1, с. 8-11. DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2020-12-1-8-11

Получена 16 января 2020; прошла рецензирование 5 февраля 2020; принята 7 февраля 2020.

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