УДК 613.84:336.221
The determinants of quitting or reducing smoking due to the tobacco tax increase
Olena Tigova
Детермінанти припинення або обмеження куріння внаслідок підвищення тютюнових податків
Тігова Олена Георгіївна
BACKGROUND. Ukraine has adopted State targeted social program for reducing the harmful effects of tobacco on public health in Ukraine till 2012. One of the measures to be implemented is increasing excise tax on tobacco products; therefore, a highly important question is which groups of population are likely to benefit from tax increase through quitting or reducing smoking.
METHODS. Data used for analysis were collected in a nationally representative survey of Ukrainian population conducted in 2010. An outcome measure was the anticipated keeping smoking versus quitting (reducing) smoking due to tobacco tax increase. Independent variables included socio-demographic char-
acteristics, experience of quitting smoking, exposure to different tobacco control measures, exposure to tobacco advertizing. Binary logistic regression was used to measure associations.
RESULTS. Respondents were more likely to expect to keep smoking after the tobacco tax increase if they were dependent on tobacco (odds ratio 2.57), not interested in quitting, not in favor of tobacco tax increase, and exposed to tobacco advertising on TV and cigarette promotions. Respondents were more likely to expect to reduce or quit smoking if they had higher wealth status (OR=0.55), were aware of tobacco health hazard (OR=0.09), had earlier attempts of quitting smoking, were not exposed to
secondhand smoke, observed tobacco-related information on television (OR=0.7) and in newspapers (OR=0.45), and observed advertizing of tobacco on radio (OR=0.33) and in public transport (OR=0.25).
CONCLUSIONS. Several aspects are important while implementing taxation policy. It is more likely to result in quitting or reducing smoking among those who are less dependent, have tried quitting smoking earlier, and have higher wealth level. Concurrent smoke-free policies and awareness campaigns may potentiate the effect of taxation policies and are recommended to be developed further.
92 |Конференція «Економіка, соціологія, теорія і практика охорони здоров'я»
Контроль над тютюном і громадське здоров'я у Східній Європі | 2011,том 1,№2