Destruction of Optical Fibers of Various Types under the Action
of High-Power Laser Radiation
I. A. Bufetov
Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dianov Fiber Optics Research Center, Vavilov Str., 38, 119333, Moscow
Destruction wave propagation under the action of high-power laser radiation has been observed so fai in various types of optical fibers: silica-based fibers with various core dopants, fluoride, chalcogenide, microstructured fibers, and hollow-core fibers [1-7]. This phenomenon is usually referred to as the fiber-fuse effect. Depending on the properties of the optical fibers and the parameters of the laser radiation, the physical characteristics of the wave destruction process of optical fibers vary over a wide range. E. g., the values of the threshold intensity of laser radiation required to maintain the process of destruction wave propagation determined experimentally in various investigations, vary in an interval covering eight orders of magnitude (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Review of measured up to now values of threshold laser intensity for destruction wave propagation against mode field diameter for optical fibers of various structures, various core compositions and various laser radiation wavelengths. SCF - solid core fiber, HCF -hollow core fiber, RF -revolver hollow core fiber, CHF -chalcogenide fiber, MSF - microstructured fiber, FF - fluoride fiber, CW - destruction wave propagates under continuous wave laser radiation, Q-switch - pulse Q-switch laser driven destruction wave, Q-switch+ML - laser
operates in a combined Q-switch and mode-lock regime.
A review of the main physical mechanisms responsible for the propagation of a destruction wave (in most cases, an optical discharge wave) through optical fibers will be given and the influence of the process of initiation of a destruction wave on wave parameters will be considered.
This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under Grant #19-12-00361.
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