Научная статья на тему 'Democratic features of people’s reception'

Democratic features of people’s reception Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Aytboev Mansurbek Yusupovich

Democratic institutessuch aspeople’s reception, mobile receptions functioning in Uzbekistan; websites like ‘Government hour’ (“Hukumat soati ”), ‘My view’ (“Mening fikrim”) have been analysed in the article.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Democratic features of people’s reception»

Section 13. Philosophy

Aytboev Mansurbek Yusupovich, TSAU, assistant in the department of Humanitarian sciences E-mail: gulchehra_3@mail.ru


Abstract. Democratic institutessuch aspeople's reception, mobile receptions functioning in Uzbekistan; websites like 'Government hour' ("Hukumat soati "), 'My view' ("Mening fikrim") have been analysed in the article.

Keywords: democracy, institutions, governance, reception, people's reception, mobile receptions, dialogue with the people, people's treatment, suggestions, right.

Modern democratic reforms held in our country are based on restoring equality of property forms, ensuring human rights and freedoms, according to the national interests and statehood traditions, reorganization of governing system, establishing relationship basing on equality and mutual interests with world community, building a socially just and law-based state, orienting strategically to bring up younger high spiritual generation.

That enables 'The Concept of further deepening democratic reforms and establishing civil society in the country' to establish governing institutes and their effective function, protect citizens' right and freedom, make all forms of property, take part in governing' [1, p. 4-5].

The strategic goal of the Republic of Uzbekistan is to alter the social life based on democratic values. On the first day his presidency, Sh. M. Mirziyoev announced his intention to continue democratic reforms. He states that 'building civil society, protecting citizens' liberty and initiative, expending their participate in social life are still main aspects of development of the political system of Uzbekistan' [1, p. 44].

The President says that'expansion people's participation in social life' as a priority of his activities and it is the focus of the ongoing reforms. This task was set by critical analysing social life of our country, estimating objectively achievements and he worked out a strategy for development. That is why, new stage of our national democratic development is connected with the name and creative activity of Sh. M. Mirziyoev. At the 8th Congress of the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, on October 19, 2016, first he gave an explanation on what oriented our main politic activity. First of all, he focused on the judicial system and its problems waiting their solutions.

'What are people waiting to do today? Initially, it is the solutions made on time, impartial and legitimate.' To improve

this situation, Sh. M. Mirziyoev notices improvement of the situation by emerging a new relationship between the judicial system and the people. Servicing the judicial system, which is far from real life, interests of people, to people becomes the agenda. The head of state Sh. M. Mirziyoev says: 'Therefore, we'll make a system, according to it every governor (hokim), head of the department of Interior, public prosecutor reports to the people' [1, p. 53]. It reflects the aim transitioning to a new stage of national democratic development through the concept of the dialogue with public.

Sh. Mirziyoev says that developing of governing system and its effective functioning are one of the main issues. His enactment 'On Approval of the Concept of Administrative Reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan'was adopted. In this Enactment sets following tasks discharging hinders to our progress in governingfora few decades, and enabling innovative development:

a) to improve institutional and organizational legal basisof the activities of executive authority;

b) toclarify the functions and duties of the executive body, to determine the frame of their responsibilities, to improve the coordination and interaction processes;

c) toreduce administrative interference in the economic sector and to expand market mechanisms of management;

d) toimproverelationship between the mechanisms of the vertical government system and the executive authorities;

e) to introduce modern forms of strategic planning, innovative ideas, developments and technologies into the government system;

f) to form effective public services, to introduce effective anti-corruption mechanisms in the executive body [2].

It is obvious that the Head of our state considers that the effective functioning of the system of governance is primar-


ily aimed at the interests of the people.Improving the institutional and institutional framework of governance is pointed at improving the performance of executive authorities in decree-making, with the interests of the people, and the whole socioeconomic development of the territories.Without the development of the region, without answering people's need, it is impossible to assess activities of governance, because governing is the process tending to centralization, bureaucracy and deviation from the interests of the people.There is no system of absolute relief from these illusions, even in Germany, where the systematic discipline is deeply rooted, sometimes, reports of bureaucracy and corruption can be heard.

In China, even abusive and corrupt practices are banned by the death penalty, people doing that are found, the government do not deny to showthe death penalty. This cannot lead to the idea overcoming of absolute vanity and corruption and to the absolute exclusion of human life and governing. Therefore, training of cadres whose purpose is pure, transparent, and whose a vital position is to obey the law is the main purpose of any democratic state.

The principles such as'Human interests areabove all' and 'Public authorities should serve the people, not people to the authorities', which were adopted in the five future priority directions of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, are aimed at raising democratic reforms in the country to a new level. So far, 36 laws, more than 130 decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, more than 220 acts of the Cabinet ofMinisters and other sub-laws norms have been adopted to reach that purpose. Among them, the important democratic ones are opening and functioning the virtual reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, people's reception, the virtual reception of the Cabinet ofMinisters and websites of ministries and so on. The virtual reception of the President have received more than 2 million applications so far.

The first notion of 'democracy', which means 'people's power', is being used widely. It includes factors like freedom of thought, human rights and freedoms, the creation of nongovernmental organizations, freedom of conscience, free choice of residence, liberty of working [3].

Interpretation of democracy as the people's power is very close to the characteristics of the people's reception. According to the new edition of the law 'On appeals of physical juridical persons' adopted on September 11, 2017, the system of testing has been formed. (http//www.pm.gov.uz) is set as the website, and 10-00 as the telephone number. The new edition of the law implies a more open, democratic approach. Citizen's personal cabinet is also available. There is no need to repeat citizen's personal information, his or her all appeals are put together.

According to the new version, in the virtual reception of the President, some modules such as 'Frequently asked ques-

tions', 'Online consultant', 'Reception tables and appeals to Ministries and heads of departments', 'People's receptions' addresses', 'Reports of persecution' have been created. In order to be appropriate of citizens' appeals with democratic principles, appeals of People's reception can be placed on the modules of virtual reception of the President.

Indeed, the formation of the people's reception as a democratic institution is a consistent process. At the same time, democratic features of People's reception are highly appreciated by international experts and leading research centres. 'There is no alternative of the virtual receptions the world', states the director of the Institute for Caucasus and Caspian studies M. Dornfeldt (Germany). It increases transparency, public confidence in government, and minimizes corruption [4].

Basing on the analysing of appeals sent to People's reception can be concluded that in the first years, people were complaining about their privacy and problems, and asked for interference from government officials, now they concern the country, regions, labour communities. For instance, according to 'Social opinion', 30.4 percent of the people complain about corruption in some systems, 28.1 percent about lack of well-qualified staff, 28.3 percent about careless of their own problems, 28.8 percent about improving laws on economic sphere, 52.6 percent about health service, 41 percent about educational system, especially schools, more than 60 percent about public utility service [5].

Appeals received at the People's reception are also close to these indicators.For instance, in the process of public reception of the Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the protection of the rights of citizens, control over work with physical persons and legal entities in Namangan region (April 18-19, 2018) 2540 appeals were received. In those, problems of land allocation, law enforcement agencies, the restoration of civil rights and freedoms, water, gas and electricity were brought [6].

Till March, 2018, twenty-seven thousand and a hundred and sixty-nine appeals were received at People's reception in Khoresm. The appeals are mainly related to housing, increasing judicial system, subsidy, credit, entrepreneurship and utility services. 'Human life is full of a joy and anxiety,' says Na-sibaJumaniyozova, a resident of the Bayot neighbourhood in Yangiarik district. Sometimes there are some kind of problems that need to be address to government agencies to solve them.A few years ago, to solve these problems we had to run between administrative department, had to face with roam. Opening these people's reception, holding public receptions like this, the fair consideration of our petitions testify that, in our country, people's interests have become the most important issue' [7].

Mobile receptions held by People's reception are one of the forms of democracy. The diversity and quantity of

applications, especially the need to solve them contribute to function mobile receptions. For example, on April 1, 2018, on mobile reception held at Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineering, more than 2.000 applications were received by the Office of the President, General Prosecutor's Office, the Supreme Court, the Central Bank, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Emergency Ministry, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry ofJustice and Labour, and 60% ofwhich were resolved in the same place [8].

At the initiative of President Sh. M. Mirziyoev, the institute of the 'government hour' was found with the People's reception on 12th ofJuly, 2017. Heads of state institutions, ministers report to deputies of the Oliy Majlis, hold open meetings with fractions of political parties, deputies and senators.

SinceApril, 2018, the portal 'My opinion' ("Mening fi-krim") has been launched, and every citizen can make suggestions and comments.

Above mentioned examples show that 2017 which is the year of 'Dialogue with the people and the human interest,' has begun to move towards a new level of democratic change in Uzbekistan. Today, new institutions of democracy, modern mechanisms of supporting for people's initiatives and ideas are being made. There is no obstacle to the people's concerns and thoughts. The main subject of this democracy is the people of Uzbekistan. Its guarantee is democracy and our law-obeying state. There is an opportunity for these democratic institutions to work more efficiently and to identify and research that is the task of science.


1. Mirziyoev Sh. M. Milliy taraqqiyot yolimizni qat'iyat bilan davom ettirib, yangi bosqichga ko'taramiz.- T. 1.- Toshkent: O'zbekiston NMIU, 2017.- P. 4-5.

2. O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining Qarori. "O'zbekiston Respublikasida ma'muriy islohatlar koncepsiyasini tasdiqlash to'g'risida" // Xalq so'zi, 2018.- 9 sentyabr.

3. Nudnenko L. A. Teoriya demokratii.- M.: Yurist', 2001.

4. Xorijlik ekspertlar: O'zbekiston rivojlanishining yangi, demokratik darajasiga chiqib oldi // Xalq so'zi, 2018.- 6 yanvar.

5. G'urur, fidoyilik va daxldorlik namoyishi // Xalq so'zi, 2018.- 10 aprel.

6. Muammoning katta-kichigi bo'lmaydi // Xalq so'zi, 2018.- 22 aprel.

7. Muroj aatlar adolatli o'rganilishi kafolatlanmoqda // Xalq so'zi, 2018.- 22 aprel.

8. Har bir murojaat e'tibor va nazoratda // Xalq so'zi, 2018.- 13 aprel.

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