Научная статья на тему 'Democracy of governing: state, society and public opinion'

Democracy of governing: state, society and public opinion Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Yazdanov Ulugbek Toshmurotovich

In the XXI century in the system of globalizing social relations studying and analyzing the public opinion, its influence to the social development of society, and its role in the state administration, and working out necessary proposals and recommendations by this way is becoming very important. Besides, public opinion and its role in the state administration are continuing to be one of the important primary tasks of these days. That’s why the existing problems in the state and society administration and appearing of a real, concretized solution to them by the public opinion are shown in this article.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Democracy of governing: state, society and public opinion»

Section 15. Philosophy

исторического подхода, позволяющего установить соответствие между ценностными основаниями политической и правовой культуры как в прошлом, так и на современном этапе.

На практике многие отношения в обществе и, соответственно, поля, взаимосвязаны. Политика и экономика, право и экономика, политика и идеология и т. д. Наиболее тесными взаимосвязями отличаются политические и правовые процессы. Объясняется это рядом причин. Во многих случаях и во многих странах наиболее существенные политологические исследования были начаты и осуществлены юристами — специалистами по конституционному праву и некоторым другим отраслям права. Они взаимосвязаны по многим параметрам и потому, что по существу имеют аналогичный объект исследования — политические институты и процессы. Главная причина этой взаимосвязи определена не только существенной близостью, но — главное, многочисленными пересечениями правового и политического полей. Более того, многие свойства и особенности этих полей управляются аналогичными объективными законами. Наконец, существует тесная взаимозависимость политической и правовой культур. Одна без другой нормально существовать не может.

Изучая данную тему необходимо, в первую очередь, определить основные моменты и элементы, в процессе развития которых могут возникнуть проблемы различного уровня, такие, как правовой и политической нигилизм. Изучая эту тему нужно рассматривать основные вопросы во времени и в пространстве, определяя значение и основные составные части преобразованной политико-правовой культуры в аспекте глобализации.

Необходимо обратить внимание на процесс воспитания для противостояния отрицательным элементам глобализации. Формируя идеологический иммунитет составными знаниями, которыми являются право и политика, зарождается политическая и правовая культура, а также идеологический иммунитет [4, 110]. Сущность термина идеологического иммунитета заключается в том, способность личности противостоят различным идеологическим атакам, которые воздействуют с внешнего мира.

В заключение, необходимо создать систему, в которой воплощаются воспитание и образование, в процессе которых развитие политико-правовой культуры переходит на новый уровень и на новый вид, отвечая всем требованиям времени, борясь с разрушительными идеологическими атаками.

Список литературы:

1. Одилкориев Х. Раззаков Д. Политология. - Ташкент, - 2009. - 331 с.

2. Смазнова О. Ф. Право и время. - Новгород, - 2004, - 8 с.

3. Политология: Учебник для вузов/С. В. Решетников, Н. П. Денисюк, М. Ф. Чудаков и др.; Под ред. проф. С. В. Решетникова. - Мн.: ТетраСистемс, - 2000 - 238 с.

4. Каримов И. Высокая духовность непобедимая сила «Маънавият». - Ташкент - 2009. - 110 с.

Yazdanov Ulugbek Toshmurotovich, Samarkand State university, The doctoral candidate of national idea and philosophy sub department E-mail: yaz-81@mail.ru

Democracy of governing: state, society and public opinion

Abstract: In the XXI century in the system of globalizing social relations studying and analyzing the public opinion, its influence to the social development of society, and its role in the state administration, and working out necessary proposals and recommendations by this way is becoming very important. Besides, public opinion and its role in the state administration are continuing to be one of the important primary tasks of these days. That’s why the existing problems in the state and society administration and appearing of a real, concretized solution to them by the public opinion are shown in this article.

Keywords: state, society, public opinion, governing, democracy, economy, policy, law, social relations, faith, selfgoverning, non-state non-commercial organizations, human values, legal state, authority, mass media.

It’s known, in the Republic of Uzbekistan deep social economical condition of passing into market relations and political reforms which are being carried out in the are becoming firm basis for the further establishment


Секция 15. Философия

of universal values, for protection of human rights and freedom, honour and merits in the country.

Nowadays, developing a strong democratic legal state in Uzbekistan, deepening the process of democratizing the life of society, providing its sequence and effectiveness became the main directions of reforms which are being carried out. As the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Karimov I. A. stated: “There are such periods in the life of a society when the necessity to change the rules of old order, that lived out its life, on the new basis, to carry out broad scale reforms in all the spheres will be put into the agenda as the most important necessity, and even as a matter of life and death" [1, 102].

Indeed, making free all he spheres of country’s life, state and society construction, increasing political activity of population, forming in the population a political culture based on national and universal values are important necessities like that. Works on this matter are reflected in the political, economical and social reforms that are being carried out in the directions of changing the social life fundamentally from the first years of the independence. But, in the process of democratizing the state and society administration there appeared a whole number of problems and regarding that Karimov. I. A. indicated the actual matters that stand in front of the state saying: “Our own way of independence and development — is not a way covered with flower, it is a hard and long lasting way of emancipating and cleansing from the inheritance of totalitarianism, of eliminating damages caused by evil of ideology” [2, 28].

State — is a political-territorial organization of mass authority, that has a special machinery of governance and of protecting rights and freedom of citizens, and also that is able to create rules oflaw [3, 10]. The President Is-lom Karimov saying: “State is an organization that serves for such magnificent purposes like human benefits and rights, organizing and protecting his peaceful life and future” [4, 1], meant the main sides that make up the basis of constructive reforms on the way of society’s welfare.

It’s known, the society (from the Arabic language “Society” means — gathered, integrated, general) — is a part of nature, is a philosophical notion that expresses a separate form of universe. In all the ages there existed leading scientific opinions about emerging of a society, its essence and perspectives. For example, Farobiy’s ideas about creating an ideal society are of a very great importance in the development of social philosophy. Ibn Sino showed that emerging of a society came out from the people’s natural need to unanimity, that the social distribution of labour is a basis of society’s development. And

Beruniy first tried to ground that natural and geographic factor plays decisive role in the emerging of civilizations and showed the importance of family, language and culture in the life of society [5, 156].

Before creation of state there were social authority in the society and it had peculiar qualities:

- social authority acted only among the tribe and relationship expressed the will of tribe;

- social authority based on the primary democracy and carried out self-governing;

- social authority had its body and there were tribe meeting of elders (aksakals), military leaders.

Besides, before creation of state relations in a society had been regulated by social rules. They are the followings:

- social relations were regulated by rules of tradition;

- social rules showed up in minds of people and in their behavior;

- social rules expressed interests of tribe and generation members and they were not written down;

- social rules were mainly provided by the force of tradition, furthermore they were implemented by measures of persuasion (faith) and compulsion;

- the rules were mainly provided by the method of restriction [6].

On the basis of opinion mentioned above it can be stated that state and society have been always developed inherently with each other and it is a social phenomenon that has always reflected in the public opinion.

Country, in its levels of development, has always been struggling in all ages for governing the state and society, providing its inviolability, implementing its passage in close connection with people’s national development. Nowadays, democratizing these notions became a general purpose of country. Regarding this islom Karimov said the following: “It is known one of the most inviolable and sacred right of a man is — his (her) right to live peacefully. The duty of state and society is guarantying this right with all the legal means. Implementing this right — is the most important task of democratizing the state and society. Humaneness of democracy for the first place also measured by this criterion” [1, 73].

But, democratizing the state and society administration, coming from its national essence, founding its national statehood was not easy. That’s why, levels of forming, developing and democratizing the sphere of state and society governing (administration) in country are connected with different problems. Most of these


Section 15. Philosophy

problems fall to the years of the eve of obtaining country’s independence. For example, in the administration system of the country political activity of the person assigned from the former Center: deputy chairman of the executive committee of Fergana region Kalimullin Yu., first deputy of the executive committee of Namangan region Boguslovskiy A., first deputy chairman of the executive committee ofAndijon region Babenko V. caused political disorder in the governing system of the Republic.

There is a clear example about how pitiful became a condition of state and society administration in that period, former leader of the Republic Nishonov R. covering the bloody conflicts that happened in the Fergana region distracted the whole world saying from the platform of session of the Supreme Council of USSR, which was the highest office of former oppressive system that: “it is a simple conflict occurred over a bowl of strawberry”, and the worst thing is that he betrayed his own nation hiding intentionally the tragedy that fell upon his nation in order to be good in front of the Center’s eyes [7, 12].

And Islom Karimov, who considered to emancipate his nation from such heavy misfortunes, from censures, to provide its free and independent life as his general purpose, named the truth by its own name and revealed bravely the reasons of conflicts and bustles saying: “If to say that the root of all events — is connected with heavy social and economical state of Fergana valley population, I think, many people will agree with this opinion” [2, 33], and stated the political instability, economical difficulty and distraction of social balance that prevailed in the country. Because the processes that were happening in the social and political sphere were worrying everybody. Discipline and order of the country were not as it was wished, crime were being increased. Personal security, rights and guarantees values were being destroyed [2, 163].

Devaluation in the cultural and spiritual life is taking place: public is getting interested to the policy and together with the increasing of its activity, there also

existed not few cases of trying to destruct ideal and moral basis, to disregard universal rules and national traditions. That’s why it was one of the actual matters for Uzbekistan to mark its practical actions and the way directed toward its real political sovereignty and providing its economical independence in every sense of the word [2, 164].

The problems indicated above started to find its solution from the first years of independence. Because, the reforms carried out by the president Islom Karimov didn’t proved to be without result. For example, implementation of the program of development admitted as an “Uzbek

model of development”, which was worked out and has being carried out by Islom Karimov helped the country to get out from the political disorder of Stagnation Era. A clear example for that is, in the report that Islom Karimov made in the meeting of Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the resumes of social-economical development of the county in 2012 and to the most important inviolable directions of economical program intended for the year 2013 he stated the followings, in 2012 the Republic of Uzbekistan continued to be developped stably its economy provided to increase consecutively living standards of the population and strengthened its position in the world market. In that period gross domestic product of the country increased to 8,2 %, the volume of industrial production raised to 7,7 %, agriculture raised to 7 % and the volume of retail trade raised to 13,9 %. In the Foreign economical relations the volume of export increased considerable, that is to say to 11,6 % [8, 13].

And the following information explains the elevation of social life in Uzbekistan, the main part of the country’s total expenses, that’s is about 59,2 percent was directed toward the social sphere and to implementation of the measures of social protection of population, more than 43 percent of it is directed to financing the education and more than 14,5 percent is directed to financing the public health.

On this point it should be stated that, the world community is assessing highly the attention of Uzbekistan to the educational sphere. For example, it’s to the point to bring the information of the report “Global index of innovations” made in 2012 by the international business school “Inssad” of France which is one of the best five business schools of the world. The report was prepared in cooperation with the organization of world intellectual property. In this report innovational development in 141 countries of the world is analyzed complexly. One of the main compound parts of the analysis is a level of developing the human’s capital, and according to this indicator the Republic of Uzbekistan is on the 35th place. And it is indicated separately that by the level of developing the educational system Uzbekistan occupies the second place among 141 countries of the world.

Besides, if to analyze nowadays social development in Uzbekistan, it’s not a secret to anyone that the level of life is measured in the first place by the amount of population’s income. In the passed year of 2012 this indicator raised to 17,5 % in the country, and the minimum wage increased to 26,5 %. When compared with 2000 year, it is acknowledged that the real income per one person increased to 8,6 times. One more example,


Секция 15. Философия

according to the carried polls, nowadays about 50 % of population considers that they belong to the middle class. Meanwhile, in 2000 only 24 percent of population considered themselves to be belonged to that class. These facts are also being acknowledged by the developed countries of the world highly. For example, it is worthy of note that in 2012 Legatum Institute of Great Britain, which is acknowledged in a world scale, in its Index of welfare and development put Uzbekistan deservingly into the 64th place among the world countries [8, 13]. These indicators show that state and society administration in the country has been developing impetuously beginning from the years of independence.

Nowadays, a lot of achievements were obtained regarding democratizing the administrational system. For example, if to consider the political administration, this system is being expressed in two directions, that is to say, first direction — some rights and obligations of central bodies of state were transferred to the responsibility of local authorities. By this way the rights and responsibilities of local authorities were increased. On its turn, one part of rights and obligations of local authorities was transferred to the responsibility of self-governing bodies (citizens’ council, makhalla committees, housing associations and others) of the citizens. Especially, this helped to protect socially some classes of population, to adjust general living rules.

The second direction — there were carried out works on increasing the rights and responsibility of social organizations, that is to say of non-state and nongovernmental organizations, transferring one part of authorities of state to their responsibility. The activity

and increasing of responsibility of exactly such organizations is considered one of the main terms of implementing into the life the conception “From powerful country — towards powerful society" which is getting more important in the minds and imagines of citizens, in their everyday life. And this requires from the members of society to carry their activity on the basis of general unanimity. First of all, unanimity of opinion and on this basis consistency of aims and incarnation of activities are provided by this. And this incarnation is very important factor in the democratizing the state and society construction.

So, proceeding from the opinions mentioned above it can be stated that: firstly, in order to democratize a state administration the meaning and essence of reforms that are being carried in the state, its rules of development first of all should be reflected in the public opinion; in the second place, the law (Constitution), established in the state and main categories of it must be organized proceeding from the public benefits; for the third place, diversity of the opinions and viewpoints that are being formedin the public opinion should be developed organically, that is to say in interconnection with the viewpoints of reforms that are being carried out in the society; for the fourth place, interconnection between integration processes that are changing rapidly and reforms that being carried in the state must be reflected in the public opinion. Only in that case, there will be shaped the primary category between society, state and public opinion. And there will be developed the governing democracy (democracy of administration) that is composed of unity of such viewpoints.


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2. Karimov I. A. O’zbekiston mustaqillikka erishish ostonasida. - T.: O’zbekiston, - 2011. - p. 28.

3. Saidov. A., U. Tadjixanov “Davlat va huquq asoslari” - T.: - 1999. - p. 10.

4. Karimov I. A. Konstitusiya kuniga bag’ishlangan nutqidan. - “Huquq” jurnali. - 1999, - № 1.

5. Ma’naviyat: asosiy tushunchalar izohli lug’at. - T.: G’afur G’ulom, - 2009. - p. 156.

6. http://www.huquq.uz

7. Karimov. I.A. O’zbekiston mustaqillikka erishish ostonasida. - 2011, - p. 12.

8. Karimov I. A. 2012 yilda mamlakatimizni ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlantirish yakunlari hamda 2013 yilga mo’ljallangan iqtisodiy dasturning eng muhim ustuvor yo’nalishlariga bag’ishlangan Vazirlar Mahkamasining majlisidagi ma’ruzasi. Karimov. I. A. Xalq so’zi. - 2013, - № 13.


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