DEFORMATION OF PERSONALITY VALUE ORIENTATIONS DURING THE GLOBAL CORONAVIRUS CRISIS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Sokolova S.N.

Kononakrisis made serious adjustments to the synchronicity of international and regional processes, shifting the emphasis towards economics, politics, intercultural communication, media spheres and healthy technologies, as well as the culture of the information society. The deformation of the value orientations of the individual testifies to the crisis stage of the development of the policivilization world, which is accompanied by instability, violations of international law, changes in regional logistics, the convergence of the main social institutions that determine the culture of society as a system of values (life, labor, communication) that form the culture of the safety of a fellow person.

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УДК 37.017.4

SOKOLOVA Svetlana N., Doctor of Philos. Sc., Associate Professor State Educational Institution «Academy of Postgraduate Education», Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Kononakrisis made serious adjustments to the synchronicity of international and regional processes, shifting the emphasis towards economics, politics, intercultural communication, media spheres and healthy technologies, as well as the culture of the information society. The deformation of the value orientations of the individual testifies to the crisis stage of the development of the policivilization world, which is accompanied by instability, violations of international law, changes in regional logistics, the convergence of the main social institutions that determine the culture of society as a system of values (life, labor, communication) that form the culture of the safety of a fellow person.

Keywords: value orientations, global coronacrisis, neo-terrorism, moral inclusion, safety culture.

С.Н. СОКОЛОВА, доктор филос. наук, доцент, профессор кафедры психологии, содержания и методов воспитания, ГУО «Академия последипломного образования», г. Минск, Республика Беларусь


Коноонакризис внес серьезные коррективы в синхронность международных и региональных процессов, сместив акценты в сторону экономики, политики, межкультурной коммуникации, ме-диасферы и здоровьесберегающих технологий, а также культуры информационнного общества. Деформация ценностных ориентаций личности свидетельствует о кризисном этапе развития полицивилизационного мира, что сопровождается нестабильностью, нарушениями международного права, изменениями региональной логистики, конвергенцией основных социальных институтов, детерминирующих культуру общества как систему ценностей (быта, труда, общения), формирующих культуру безопасности современного человека.

Ключевые слова: ценностные ориентации, глобальный коронакризис, нео-терроризм, моральная инклюзия, культура безопасности.

1 Статья публикуется в авторской редакции.

Introduction. At the beginning of the 21st century, the struggle for the resources of our planet between various states, where the most active role belongs to the Euro-Atlantic alliance, which shows a special interest in the socioeconomic, military-political, scientific-technological and technical development of modern countries, claiming dominance and superiority in the international arena, intensified in the policivilization world [1, p. 94]. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all spheres of society's life, including the value orientations of the individual (attitude towards society, social group, to oneself as a special social phenomenon), since under the influence of permonent crises there have been radical changes in the social, economic, political and spiritual spheres of society. And today it is difficult to disagree with what is significant... " the manifestation of the crisis in modern world international relations was the information and psychological war unprecedented in content and methods "[2, p. 91], which deforming value orientations, updates the information security of the individual, which is directly related to the culture of security of modern man [3, p. 66].

Pschychological warfare is a synthesis of various means, forms and methods of influencing an active subject to reformat in a certain direction the psychological characteristics of a person, group and public consciousness (value orientations, attitudes, moods, stereotypes of behavior, views, opinions). In the wake of the global coronavirus crisis, large-scale and panoramic transformations took place that influenced national economies, the policies of different countries, the socio-cultural development of the regions, since the COVID-19 pandemic -... " a catalyst for many processes and changes... " [4, p. 6].

In the globalizing hybrid reality, the confrontation between the world's "cents of power" is constantly growing, changing the existing standards of international relations, exacerbating the toxic interregional, interstate and interfaith reflection. Therefore, interest in the issue of deformation of the value orientations of the individual during the global coronacrisis is not accidental today, since it is directly related to the anthropogenic factor and safety culture [5, p. 19].

The relevance of the deformation of the value orientations of the individual during the global

conoracrisis is determined by the dominant intersex of most modern world elites to the socioeconomic, political prospects for the integration of various countries, the logistical sovereignty of regional development, characterizing the multilevel and multi-vector structure of the information society. So, in this regard, especially important for the policivilization world is the problem of ensuring food security (the quality of food consumed, the production of basic types of food), as well as cybersecurity and military security, which determines the meaningful aspects of the life of any society.

The estimated meanings that are relevant today for understanding the reasons for the dehu-manization of social relations indicate the need to focus the attention of the person, society and the state on the axiological chaos of a general planetary scale taking place against the background of destructive influences of the media sphere. Thus, complete disappearance, or at least partial establishment of the basic integral component in the form of value orientations of the person, which hold the foundation of society, leads, as practice shows, to the destruction of national economies, the devaluation of traditional values, the disappearance of historical memory, which is the moral code of the peoples of Belarus. And therefore, it is not by chance that the emphasis on the socially safe type of personality becomes a vital fragment of the existing hybrid reality, especially during the period of global coronacrisis, since it is in such a difficult situation that a person is needed who is focused on creation and goodness, capable of preserving his physical and spiritual health, to protect nature and society from increasing risks, dangers and emerging threats.

Main part. Due to the dominance of individualism, extreme hedonism in the polycivilization world, in the process of competing for resources, there is absolutely no emphasis on moral inclusion (the perception of the other as being in the territory of action of the moral principles of the perceiving person) and on the fundamental value orientations of the person, which are an information-emotional-volitional state, a special property of the readiness of a modern person to a meaningful definition, to evaluative judgments that allow you to choose the most adequate style of behavior and direction of activity, based on the "axiological beacons of morality," on personal experience and in accordance with the ob-

jective conditions of a dynamically changing hybrid reality.

Value orientations, firstly, reveal the meaningful side of the orientation of the individual, relying on the internal foundation to develop an attitude to reality and, secondly, how the dynamic system allows us to selectively relate to material and spiritual values, develop a certain system of beliefs, preferences, attitudes that manifest themselves in the behavior of a decent and educated person as a creator, and sometimes, and/or a consumer who is in a state of depressive realism during the coronavirus crisis and, not fully oriented towards the moral ideal for regulating one's own behavior. (Aseev VG, Afanasyev VG, Bobneva MI, Bratus BS, Bubnova SS, Vizgin VP, Volovikova MI, Grishianova ZI, Dikevich LL, Klimov EA, Ko-zlov AA, Lebedeva N, M., Popova I.V., Pche-lina O.V., Slavskaya K.A., Sokolova S.N., Su-dakov N.I., Tugarinov V.P., Yam K.E., Yanitsky M.S., etc.)

The deformation of value orientations during the coronavirus crisis is multifaceted and multi-vector (factors for the formation of a system of value orientations of the individual), since in each historical perirod the culture has its own obstructive hierarchy and structure of values, as it is due to various factors (macro and microsocial conditions of human life). The value orientations of individuals and various social groups transformed in society are naturally transformed (social conditions, characteristics of the motivational and need sphere, socio-professional and personal characteristics), and objectified hostile aggression (informational violence) generates fear and indifference of a person to how people around him evaluate.

The interaction of society and a person who is in deprivation during the coronavirus crisis provokes an aggravation of religious, racial, national contradictions, actualizing social inequality. Thus, due to forced unemployment during the global coronavirus crisis, antisocial behavior has intensified and aggressive personality reflection very often prevails [6, p. 84].

It was the coronacrisis that was a detonator that destroyed the life regulated and familiar to most people, reorienting social relations towards relative deprivation (perception of oneself as a person less prosperous than others) and extreme polarization with a connotation of regulated violence, as well as destructive socio-economic, military-political practices, as an inevitable con-

flict (incompatibility of actions), provoking antisocial behavior and dehumanization of social relations, including deforming the value orientations of the person.

Everyone knows that under the influence of changes in political and legal institutions in modern Western Europe, lawmaking does not become more democratic and therefore today, not in full, the regulatory and proper characteristics of the person have been updated, allowing it to resocialize, changing the stereotypes of aggressive behavior in the process of changing socio-psychological dominants with an orientation towards humanism and tolerance. So, in a multi-format kaleidoscope of hybrid reality with the help of information violence in the media sphere, "axiological chaos" is observed.

For example, against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, the global gender gap index has increased by a generation, as many women find themselves in a more vulnerable situation, due to the fact that the household load has increased due to the closure of children's institutions, hospitality, tourism and services have also suffered from quarantine measures. The situation of women in the polycivilization world has deteriorated sharply due to quarantine measures (changing relations between employees and employers, reformatting working conditions and professional activities, remote employment, temporary staff, loss of bonuses, reduced remuneration for employees).

And, apparently, further automation in the information society and digitalization of production will inevitably lead in the future to the fact that many professions will disappear from the labor market and the demand for "digital" specialties will increase. The coronacrisis highlighted fateful issues related to quarantine measures and "digital" specialties, as well as, with some restriction of individual freedom (rules for the disposal of medical masks, gloves, self-isolation regime, distance, prohibition of mass events, closure of crowded places) [7].

I will explain that at the initiative of the Euro-Atlantic alliance, against the background of the global coronavirus crisis in Western and Eastern Europe over the past twenty years, neoterrorist aggression (neo-terrorism) is regularly carried out, initiating social movements in mass quantities (information violence, high level of information armament, increasing degree of external information closure of the media, systemic cyber attacks, the spread of disinformation). It is

during the coronavirus crisis that such values as human life and health, labor, family, humanism, patriotism, responsibility, conscience, duty, happiness, creation and peace are discredited to please the political interests of the Euro-Atlantic alliance [8].

The deformation of the value orientations of the individual, which is associated with the global coronacrisis, occurs under the influence of the dynamically changing geopolitical landscape of the policivilization world, which is associated with information expansion and large-scale insinuations regarding the methods of conducting modern hostilities using information and network technologies (updated forms, methods, means), economic sanctions, financial blockade, "gas war," etc. It is no secret that during the coronavirus crisis it was the Euro-Atlantic alliance that purposefully sought to control the situation in the world, providing broad financial and media support to destructive forces, which may have tragic consequences for all mankind in the near future.

Therefore, it is important for modern states to focus on more constructive aspects that allow them to more effectively withstand the destructive effects and negative consequences of deformation of personal value orientations during the global coronactisis period, which should be planned, active, continuous, specific, centralized, universal and reliable, as well as necessarily complex.

Conclusion. So, as a result of polyciviliza-tion modernity (neo-terrorism) and a specific international reflection on the attempts of the Euro-Atlantic alliance to influence the final version of the division of territories (change the map of the world), as well as predetermined the course of the all-world cultural and historical process, led the information society to sociotec-tonic changes that destroy national economies, social institutions that deform the value orientations of the person, changing the format of social relations, and thereby creating conditions for the recurrence of crises and ongoing hybrid wars [9, p. 130].

It is neo-terrorism that initiates "domestic terrorism," initiating political turbulence in the world, increasing the degree of conflictogenic potential of social relations, which is associated with the use of not only information and network technologies, but also with the involvement of specially trained marginals, paramilitary groups, terrorist groups, which can be used in

combination with the actions of the armed forces and special units, performing special tasks in order to change the existential characteristics of individual and public consciousness to reduce the adaptation potential of any socio-economic system.

And therefore, the words of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko, who said: " It is time for all countries of the world to unite efforts in the systemic fight against terrorists and their accomplices, to start a wide international dialogue "[10, p. 4].

As a result, the global conoracrisis exacerbated the existing contradictions in the polycivili-zacia world by initiating the atomization of the information society, destroying social ties, minimizing information exchange, limiting communication and co-cultural cooperation between countries, "zeroing" international ties and undermining the mental health of a modern person in long isolation (self-isolation).

And today, the ongoing chain reaction in society inevitably leads to an increase in social inequality, exacerbation of racial, religious, national conflicts. Against the background of a global coronavirus crisis and forced unemployment, anti-social behavior arises and spreads in the countries of the Euro-Atlantic alliance (riots in the United States on racial and social grounds, protests against police lawlessness against African Americans).

But, on the one hand, the problem of racism and discrimination has existed in the United States for a very long time and the protests that took place during the global coronavirus crisis can be considered as a step towards solving it, and on the other hand, radicals who tried to sow chaos and began to practice "domestic terrorism" found their benefit in such a destructive situation. Of course, the problem of racial discrimination in the United States is far from resolved, and the COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the aggressive reflection of the modern personality, exacerbating social inequality to the limit, denoting sharp confrontation and polarization in the information society [11, p. 74].

As a result, at the current stage of the development of the policivilization world, it is important to update the value orientations of the individual, broadcasting more humane social relations through the media sphere, including with an emphasis on culture, which reflects the diversity of social experience, taking into account the needs, interests of man and society

[12, p. 78]. At the same time, it is important to pay special attention to the fact that the transition today to a multipolar world initiates different trends, including extremely destructive ones, deforming the value orientations of the person. Consequently, the neo-theroristic aggression (informational portivobility) imposed by the Euro-Atlantic alliance does not contribute at all to the stabilization of the situation in the polycivili-zation world and, moreover, hinders economic and socio-cultural international cooperation [13, p. 19].

It was the coronavirus crisis, which influenced the synchronicity of socio-economic, political processes, that revealed not only negative aspects of the life of a fellow society, but also demonstrated the prospects of a healthy lifestyle that initiates healthy technologies, mutual assistance of various states in the field of medicine, focusing on the peaceful development of countries, on the culture of society and the upbringing of an spiritualized person (values as an indicator that determines the level of socialization, the spiritual abandonment of the people), which is able to be not only a "plasticine consumer," "biorobot," "digital Aboriginal," but creatively thinking and actively creating.

Thus, summarizing, it can be argued that the deformation of personal value orientations during the coronacrisis indicates tectonic transformations of the existing hybrid reality, as well as the crisis stage of the development of the mul-ticivilization world, which is accompanied by international confrontation, a change in regional logistics, violations of international law and the convergence of basic social institutions. The global coronacrisis, as a result, demonstrated to the whole world the need to move to a more effective use of dialoguistics and international diplomacy, humane intercultural communication that contributes to peace and creation.


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3. Sokolova A.A., Sokolova S.N. Information security in the era of hybrid wars. Sciences of Europe. 2020, Praha, Czech Republic, vol. 1, no. 58, pp. 66-69.

4. Lukashenka A.G. U nas est' ponimanie situ-aczii i plan dejstvij [We have an understanding of the situation and an action plan]. Belaruskaya dumka [Belarusian Thought]. 2021, no.2, pp. 3-24. (In Russian)

5. Sokolova AA, Sokolova S.N. Kul'tura be-zopasnosti v e'pokhu gibridny'kh vojn [Security culture in the era of hybrid wars]. Yazy'k i mezhkul'turnaya kommunikacziya: so-vremenny'e vektory' razvitiya [Language and intercultural communication: modern development vectors] Ed. V.I. Danube et al. Pinsk: PolesSU, 2021, no. 2, pp. 19-26. (In Russian)

6. Haustova N.A., Sokolova S.N., Sokolova A.A. Information society: socio-political aspect of the consequences of the global coronacrisis]. Vestnik Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya obshhestvenny'kh i gumanitarny'kh nauk [Bulletin of Polessky State University. Series in Social Sciences and Humanities]. 2021, no.2, pp. 84-92.

7. SARS-CoV-2 and coronacrisis: Epidemiological challenges, social policies and administrative strategies. Ed. by E.I. Legach, K.S. Sharova et al. Singapore: Springer Publishing House. Ch. 13, 250 p.

8. Sokolova S.N. [Spiritual security of society and culture of the modern personality]. Vest-nik Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universi-teta. Seriya obshhestvenny'kh i gumanitarny'kh nauk [Bulletin of Polessky State University. Series in Social Sciences and Humanities]. 2017, no.1, pp. 48-56. (In Russian)

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VPVO Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 2019, 306 p. (In Russian)

10. Lukashenka A.G. Stroit' novuyu planetu -bez terrorizma, chestno, otkry'to i spravedli-vo! [Building a new planet - without terrorism, honestly, openly and fairly!]. Belaruskaya dumka [Belarusian Thought]. 2019, no.9, pp. 3-8. (In Russian)

11. Sokolova S.N. Antropologicheskij krizis: bezopasnost' cheloveka i obshhestva v period pandemii [Anthropological crisis: human and public safety during a pandemic]. Vestnik Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya obshhestvenny'kh i gumanitarny'kh nauk [Bulletin of Polessky State University. Series in Social Sciences and Humanities]. 2021, no.1, pp. 74-81. (In Russian)

12. Sokolova A.A., Sokolova S.N. Spiritual security of society: information culture of the individual and cultural universals. Vestnik Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya obshhestvenny'kh i gumanitarny'kh nauk [Bulletin of Polessky State University. Series in Social Sciences and Humanities]. 2020, no.1, pp.78-83.

13. Brychkov A.S., Nikonorov G.A. Problems and trends of development of national security issues legal regulation. Vestnik Polesskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya obshhestvenny'kh i gumanitarny'kh nauk [Bulletin of Polessky State University. Series in Social Sciences and Humanities]. 2021, no.2, pp. 13-19.

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2. Гайшун, А. Н. Меняющийся облик мира: конфликты интересов центров силы и шансы для постсоветских стран / А. Н. Гайшун // Беларуская думка. 2019. - №3. -С. 91 -96.

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12. Соколова, А. А. Spiritual security of society: information culture of the individual and cultural universals / А. А. Соколова, С. Н. Соколова // Вестник Полесского государственного университета. Серия обще-

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Статья поступила 31 марта 2023 г.

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