Научная статья на тему 'Definition of yield of agricultural crops with the account of volume of impactant factors'

Definition of yield of agricultural crops with the account of volume of impactant factors Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Хоliyarov Yormamat Berdiqulovich, Оbidov Аbdulxay, Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich

Dependence is established that allows to predict the yield of agricultural crops depending on the conditions of production, technical and economic parameters of the unit.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Definition of yield of agricultural crops with the account of volume of impactant factors»

Section 15. Technical science

Хоliyarov Yormamat Berdiqulovich, candidate, of technical sciences, senior researcher, Soil Processing Department, Scientific Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (SRIMEA), Tashkent

Оbidov Äbdulxay,

associate professor, department of Agricultural Machines Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Mechanization Enjeneers,

Republic of Uzbekistan Mamatov Farmon Murtozevich, Karshi Engineering-Economics Institute, professor, Head of the Department of scientific-applied, E-mail: fmamatov50@mail.ru


Abstract: Dependence is established that allows to predict the yield of agricultural crops depending on the conditions of production, technical and economic parameters of the unit.

Keywords: productivity, agricultural aggregate, efficiency, aggregate parameters, factor, operation, productivity.

Introduction. When justifying the optimal parameters and operating modes of agricultural aggregates for the criterion of the efficiency of aggregate parameters, many scientists adopted economic indicators. These studies do not take into account the influence of the selected parameters and operating conditions of the aggregate on crop yields [1-5]. In our opinion, the task should be solved taking into account the entire complex of factors affecting both the magnitude of the parameters from the performance of aggregates and the yield of agricultural crops. Moreover, such an aggregate should ensure the maximum performance of work performance with observance of technological and technical tolerances in this operation.

The discussion of the results. At the same time, under the condition of optimal performance of each operation and, in general, all mechanized works, the value of the total yield loss, i that is.

Upr - Uf =±AU ^ min,


where Upr - predicted yield, c/ha; Uf - actual yield of a given


crop, c/ha; ^AU - total yield loss, c/ha.

This condition assumes the performance of all operations in compliance with agrotechnical requirements, accepted tolerances taking into account the optimal timing of their implementation. Depending on the conditions of the region, it is necessary, on the one hand, to justify the structure of the complex of mechanized operations that contribute to the forma-

tion of maximum yields; on the other hand, take into account the main factors affecting the quality of the operation and the yield. These factors include: soil and climatic conditions, the physical and mechanical properties of the material being processed, the technical condition of the unit and the accuracy of the established dimensions and regimes, and the degree of field preparedness. Each of these groups of factors, consists of a large number of parameters and indicators.

The degree of influence of the structure of a complex of mechanized works and each operation on yield can be estimated from the actual yield.

The predicted yield of row crops can be expressed [1]

S-J| P(lp, Ap) f(B ,lt,Af)dlf- d&r, (2)

UP = 'EL

where S - the consumed area of nutrition of a cultural plant, cm2; B - row spacing (half the distance across the transverse plane between plants), cm; lp - step of plants along the longitudinal plane, cm; Ap - deviation of plants from the sowing axis, cm; f(B,lp,Ap) - the dependence of the mass of plants on B, lp, Ap; P(lp, Ap) - is the distribution density of random variables.

The function of changing the density of plants (gp) is expressed by the dependence


gp (t) = f (gp, gc ,Wp ,WC, -), (3)

where gp, gc - is the change in the number of plants and weeds along the longitudinal axis of the row; W, W - humidity of plants and weeds,%.



The magnitude of the total loss of yield can be predetermined, knowing the influence of each factor, that is.

n Pi Pi

J AU = J AUjdUj + J AU2dU2 +

P P (4)

Pi n Ki

+ J AU3dU3 + JAU4dU4 +... + J AUKdUK,,

P l Ki

where AU1, AU2, AU3, AU4 and AUk - are the loss of yield, respectively, due to the failure to perform technological operations in the optimal terms, parameters (B - is the capture width) and modes (V - is the speed of movement) of the unit, non-qualitatively conducted technological operations and unaccounted for factors, c/ha.

The most significant parameters and indicators affecting the formation of crop yields are the soil state, estimated by the unit resistivity, the duration of the technological operation, the limit of the permissible speed of movement of the unit and the failure of the technological operation at the most optimal time.

The amount of losses caused by the failure to perform technological operations at the most optimal time can be established by the method of prof. Yu. K. Kirtbaya on the basis of the established field of tolerances, when the distribution function is of an extreme nature. In the absence of such a character of the function distribution, the duration of the operation can be determined from the expression proposed by prof. Saklakov, which takes into account the loss of harvest for each day of delaying its duration, that is.

DP =




where Dp - the duration of the work, day; Cb - book value of the unit, sum; H -annual rate of deductions for renovation;

' ' a '

t, - the proportion of the time of this operation in relation to the total duration of the use of machines during the day, h;

Cn - commodity price of a unit of production, sum/c; Wp -hourly capacity of the unit; T - the duration of the unit during the day, h; Kn - coefficient of accounting for crop losses when stretching the working life from the optimal moment for 1 day, 1/day; U- crop yield, c/ha.

Operating modes of the unit, i.e. the limit of the agrotech-nical allowable speed of performing technological operations can be determined from expression

V ] = V+Y '



where V0 - is the working speed at which the width of the aggregate grip practically does not affect the quality of work, m/s; A - coefficient, taking into account the change in operating speed, depending on the width of the aggregate, m2/s; Bp - working width of the unit, m.

To operate the unit, it is sufficient to perform the following known relation

R < Pn. (7)

The equation of predicted Upr yield of agricultural crops is determined by the solution (7) with respect to (5) and after some transformations

Ne YCb ■ На

U = FK ™

р (TpnnM)2 Kn■ Си-wp■T '


where R - is the resistance of the machine, kN; q - efficiency of the tractor; Py - hook force of the tractor, kN; N - effective engine power, kW; qk - coefficient of traction; F - area of sowing, ha;

Thus, the list of technological operation and the factors influencing the quality of their performance are established.

The conclusion. The obtained dependence allows to predict the yield of agricultural crops taking into account the influence of a complex of factors depending on the production conditions, the technical and economic parameters of the unit and the performance of technological processes at the most optimal time.


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