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Ключевые слова
debates / multi-level group / English language communication / high school / дебаты / разноуровневая группа / иноязычная коммуникация / старшие классы

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Chetvertakova A.L.

The article referes to introduction of a debate method into an English lesson in order to develop English speaking skills in a multi-level group of high school students. The relevance of this research is owing to the fact that there is an increasing demand in the labor market for personnel able to communicate fluently in a foreign (English) language. The objective of the study is to prove the effectiveness in developing English speaking skills via debates. The novelty of the article lies in the strategy of developing English language skills among high school students in a multi-level group with the help of debates. Using this method, students develop critical thinking, persuasive reasoning, and the ability to express their thoughts clearly and coherently in English. Debates also develop students’ ability to actively listen, respond appropriately, and engage in respectful dialogue. As a result, it was found that the created programs help to boost speaking skills as well as increases language proficiency. Additionally, students deal with public speaking fear and master skills in listening for detail. This article is dedicated to high school teachers.

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Исследование посвящено практическому применению метода «дебаты» на уроке английского языка с целью развития навыка говорения у учеников старшей школы в условиях разноуровневой группы. Актуальность данной статьи обусловлена тем, что на рынке труда возрастает востребованность в кадрах, способных свободно общаться на иностранном (английском) языке. Цель исследования заключается в том, чтобы доказать эффективность развития навыков говорения на английском языке с помощью дебатов. Новизна статьи заключается в стратегии развития навыков английского языка у старшеклассников в многоуровневой группе с помощью дебатов. Используя этот метод, учащиеся развивают критическое мышление, способность убеждать оппонента, ясно и связно выражать свои мысли на английском языке. Дебаты также развивают у студентов умение активно слушать, адекватно реагировать и вступать в уважительный диалог. В результате было установлено, что созданная программа помогает улучшить разговорные навыки, а также повышает уровень владения языком. Кроме того, обучающиеся справляются со страхом публичных выступлений и развивают навыки аудирования с целью получения детальной информации. Данная статья предназначена для преподавателей старших классов общеобразовательных школ.


- включайте личные темы и примеры о студентах при обсуждении вопросов содержания;

- поддерживайте связь с обучающимися (ннапример, отправляйте домашние задания), которые отсутствовали на занятии.

Результаты анкетирования показали, что студенты высоко оценили все из вышеизложенных приёмов, и занятия преподавателей, которые пользовались данными приёмами, получили больше положительных отзывов. Они, по мнению студентов, признаны более успешными с точки зрения изложения и восприятия материала. В то же время преподаватели, признавая необходимость использования данных приёмов, указывали на их вторичность в сравнении с профессиональными приёмами обучения. А некоторые преподаватели вообще не видят большого смысла в их использовании, считая, что профессиональная компетентность должна быть основным компонентом успешного занятия.

В завершение отметим, что проблема взаимодействия преподавателей и студентов остается актуальной на протяжении всех времен. Проведенное исследование показало, что одним из основных факторов эффективности учебного процесса, успеха в изучении учебной дисциплины является умение преподавателя организовать педагогическое общение с обучаемыми, выстроить взаимопонимание между преподавателем и студентом, без которого невозможно достичь результативности обучения. Опросы и отзывы студентов показывают, что отношение обучающихся к дисциплине во многом зависит от их отношения к преподавателю. Недостаток взаимопонимания может привести к проблемам в усвоении учебной дисциплины, несмотря на профессиональные знания и эффективную методику преподавания. Проведенные опросы преподавателей и наблюдения за занятиями преподавателей также выявили потребность в переосмыслении многих, ставших привычными понятий и явлений

Библиографический список

образовательного пространства, педагогического взаимодействия. Ещё не все преподаватели готовы узнавать психологические особенности каждого студента, выстраивать траекторию занятия, отталкиваясь от личных характеристик отдельного студента.

Многие преподаватели делают акцент в основном на своих профессиональных знаниях и их передаче студентам, поддерживая своей позицией субъ-ектно-объектный характер образовательного процесса. Значительная часть преподавателей реагирует на поведение и отношение студентов к предмету и к самому преподавателю, опираясь на ранее ими приобретенные установки, когда трудности образовательного процесса в основном объяснялись, или нежеланием обучающихся учиться, или сложностью учебного материла для отдельных студентов. В то же время результаты, полученные при опросе студентов, и отзывы студентов подтверждают, что эффективность проводимых занятий выше, если позиция педагога меняется от воздействующей к взаимодействующей, что становится возможным, даже если преподаватель следует несложным принципам и приёмам для установления конструктивного взаимодействия.

Дальнейшие исследования в данной области следует посвятить более детальным изучениям приёмов, тактик, стратегий для преподавателей, использование которых поможет улучшить взаимодействие преподавателя и студента, а также рассмотрению того, что необходимо предпринять для того, чтобы эти тактики были положительно восприняты преподавателями, которые пока не готовы изменить свой стиль преподавания. Следовательно, дальнейшие исследования лучше провести при привлечении большего количества преподавателей и студентов, где имелась бы возможность провести сравнительный анализ эффективности образовательного процесса при смене стиля и тактики взаимодействия со студентами.

1. Столяренко Л.Д. Психология делового общения и управления. Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2005.

2. Кан-Калик В.А. Учителю о педагогическом общении. Москва: Просвещение, 1987.

3. Deci E.L., Ryan R.M. The "what" and "why" of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry. 2000; № 11: 227-268.

4. Маслоу А. Мотивация и Личность. Перевод Н. Мухиной, Т. Гутман. Санкт-Петербург: Питер, 2022.

5. Kelly-Ann A. The Psychology of Belonging. Melbourne: Routledge, 2020.

6. Goodenow C., Kathleen G.E. The Relationship of School Belonging and Friends' Values to Academic Motivation Among Urban Adolescent Students. The Journal of Experimental Education. 1993; № 62 (1): 60-71.

7. Кантышева А.А. Использование визуального канала восприятия информации для изучения иностранного языка в неязыковом вузе: инновационные подходы к традиционным средствам. Мир науки, культуры, образования. 2023; № 5 (102): 158-160.


1. Stolyarenko L.D. Psihologiya delovogo obscheniya i upravleniya. Rostov-na-Donu: Feniks, 2005.

2. Kan-Kalik V.A. Uchitelyu o pedagogicheskom obschenii. Moskva: Prosveschenie, 1987.

3. Deci E.L., Ryan R.M. The "what" and "why" of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry. 2000; № 11: 227-268.

4. Maslou A. Motivaciya i Lichnost'. Perevod N. Muhinoj, T. Gutman. Sankt-Peterburg: Piter, 2022.

5. Kelly-Ann A. The Psychology of Belonging. Melbourne: Routledge, 2020.

6. Goodenow C., Kathleen G.E. The Relationship of School Belonging and Friends' Values to Academic Motivation Among Urban Adolescent Students. The Journal of Experimental Education. 1993; № 62 (1): 60-71.

7. Kantysheva A.A. Ispol'zovanie vizual'nogo kanala vospriyatiya informacii dlya izucheniya inostrannogo yazyka v neyazykovom vuze: innovacionnye podhody k tradicionnym sredstvam. Mir nauki, kul'tury, obrazovaniya. 2023; № 5 (102): 158-160.

Статья поступила в редакцию 20.01.24

УДК 372.881.111.1

Chetvertakova A.L., teacher, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: alchetvertakova@fa.ru

DEBATES AS ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS DEVELOPER AMONG MULTI-LEVEL STUDENTS AT HIGH SCHOOL. The article referes to introduction of a debate method into an English lesson in order to develop English speaking skills in a multi-level group of high school students. The relevance of this research is owing to the fact that there is an increasing demand in the labor market for personnel able to communicate fluently in a foreign (English) language. The objective of the study is to prove the effectiveness in developing English speaking skills via debates. The novelty of the article lies in the strategy of developing English language skills among high school students in a multi-level group with the help of debates. Using this method, students develop critical thinking, persuasive reasoning, and the ability to express their thoughts clearly and coherently in English. Debates also develop students' ability to actively listen, respond appropriately, and engage in respectful dialogue. As a result, it was found that the created programs help to boost speaking skills as well as increases language proficiency. Additionally, students deal with public speaking fear and master skills in listening for detail. This article is dedicated to high school teachers.

Key words: debates, multi-level group, English language communication, high school

А.Л. Четвертакова, преп., Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, г. Москва, Е-mail: alchetvertakova@fa.ru


Исследование посвящено практическому применению метода «дебаты» на уроке английского языка с целью развития навыка говорения у учеников старшей школы в условиях разноуровневой группы. Актуальность данной статьи обусловлена тем, что на рынке труда возрастает востребованность в кадрах, способных свободно общаться на иностранном (английском) языке. Цель исследования заключается в том, чтобы доказать эффективность развития навыков говорения на английском языке с помощью дебатов. Новизна статьи заключается в стратегии развития навыков английского языка у старшеклассников в многоуровневой группе с помощью дебатов. Используя этот метод, учащиеся развивают критическое мышление, способность убеждать оппонента,

ясно и связно выражать свои мысли на английском языке. Дебаты также развивают у студентов умение активно слушать, адекватно реагировать и вступать в уважительный диалог В результате было установлено, что созданная программа помогает улучшить разговорные навыки, а также повышает уровень владения языком. Кроме того, обучающиеся справляются со страхом публичных выступлений и развивают навыки аудирования с целью получения детальной информации. Данная статья предназначена для преподавателей старших классов общеобразовательных школ.

Ключевые слова: дебаты, разноуровневая группа, иноязычная коммуникация, старшие классы

It is not a secret that teaching methodology is constantly evolving, with educators and methodologists striving to enhance and introduce more effective techniques and strategies. Needless to say that English language has become a part of a high school program where professional skills are started to be trained before the prospective student will enter the university. The primary objective of learning English in tenth and eleventh grades is to improve proficiency in speaking in English language as it is holding a significant position in professional spheres where communication seems to play one of the crucial roles. However, it is worth mentioning that most teachers face a problem of different language levels among students of high school classes which makes the teaching process much more complicated. In this case it is important to take into account students' interests to involve them into the English language communication. Thus, debates provide an excellent opportunity for students to practice and enhance their oral communication skills which will take an essential part in their future career. Suffice to say that using the current method, students encourage critical thinking, persuasive argumentation, and the ability to express oneself clearly and coherently in English. Debates also enhance students' ability to listen actively, respond appropriately, and engage in respectful dialogue. Debates provide a valuable opportunity for students to practice using English in a meaningful and interactive way, preparing them for effective communication in various professional and social contexts

[1]. Consequently, the topic of this research, which focuses on the development of speaking skills in a multi-level group using debates, is highly relevant.

The aim of the research is to prove the effectiveness of the offered program in the development of the English language speaking skills using debates.

To achieve the above aim, it is necessary to accomplish the following tasks:

- to make assessment criteria to determine students' speaking skills formation level in English;

- to assess students' knowledge at the very beginning of the experiment;

- to implement the created program;

- to assess the debates effectiveness for the English speaking skills in a multilevel group.

The novelty of the article lies in the strategy for the development of English speaking skills among high school students in a multi-level group.

Literature review. The issue of teaching speaking skills in a multi-level group has been extensively explored by experts in the field. According to Klassen E. and Odegova O., creating a comfortable atmosphere where students feel at ease is crucial for effective learning. It is important not to overwhelm learners with excessive information

[2]. Starikov A. emphasizes the need for differentiated tasks based on individual student levels, as this helps improve the skills of each participant in the lesson [3]. Ryapina N. suggests that group work is an effective approach for teaching multi-level groups, as it encourages communication and active engagement among students [4]. On the other hand, Vavilova Y. argues that interactive methods should be employed in the educational process to enhance perception accuracy and develop intellectual abilities. Additionally, the ability to analyze partners' abilities and performance promotes self-correction and fosters a shared goal among students [5]. However, there is a lack of proper investigation into the development of speaking skills in high schools.

Theexperimentwas conducted according to the following steps: diagnostics, experimentand results.

Dlagnostig hinge, dt diagaostic stagewe need to examine current students English level befotespeakine gltille trained, Tig otngeinclgdesseveral basic steps:

- to diagaoss tkelaogaage laeelhccocUingtoCEFRIhvgl [6]i

- To findontspeekiog a pga mg tfiemomunt dfoii^noaticgi

- todotegt problems and difficulties which appear during the process of spot kings

Sirst aek foremost, des atdrtudwitg langa ago level diggnostign whici is a krgeialpadtorskeseingskitn devetopemrt. This grocenitrewaecotiducted via the Dialang testing system which provides several blocks helping us to identify current langua^ietelusetl whHeepeakrngi listbtrng, sfrngthres and ooeabdtary^The test de monstrated the following results (Fig. 1):

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Fig.1. Testresults-students' currentproficiency level

The conducted assessment revealed that 62% of learners has A2 level (pre-intermediate) according CEFR levels while 25% of participants has A1 level (elementary). What is more, 13% of students have mastered B1 level (intermediate). Despite the fact that the group has been multi-leveled, the discipline program assumes that the tenth grade graduates must reach B1 level (intermediate) at the end of the academic year [8]. Therefore, according to the chart which is above presented, only 13% of students meet the requirements which are predetermined by the program.

Nonetheless, we tested receptive skill (listening) as well as vocabulary by means of artificial intelligence - Dialang system. Furthermore, it was necessary to conduct an interview to gauge one of the productive skills - speaking, the development of which is the main aim of the experiment. The speaking diagnostics consisted of two steps: dialogue between groupmates and a monologue. The test was evaluated by the following criteria were elaborated:

- structures and vocabulary;

- coherence (logic of the saying and the usage of linkers);

- fluency (ability to speak spontaneously);

- interaction (the ability to answer and with people) [9].

An interaction between two partners was based on everyday situations which participants had to role play while a monologue was focused on answering a question which was based on the preferences of a tested person.

After the speaking test, we processed the results, which are distributed by the levels of students' language proficiency. Below are tables with criteria and the current language situation in a group:

Table 1

The results of speaking test among A1 level students

Competences Group A1 (25% of students)

Structures and Vocabulary - chunks and simple sentences, - grammatical mistakes, - the absence of vocabulary diversity

Coherence - simple conjunctions such as: but, and, so

Fluency - limited by basic topics such as weather, hobby, etc.

Interaction - ask questions with the usage of simple structures and present simple, continuous, - take pauses to think, - can't support the dialog independently

Table 2

The results of speaking test among A2 level students

Competences Group A2 (62% of students)

Structures and - complex sentences and simple sentences with clauses,

Vocabulary - limited vocabulary diversity, - grammatical mistakes

Coherence - simple conjunctions such as: but, and, so, - the usage of linkers: however, moreover, as well as, etc.

Fluency - limited by basic topics such as weather, hobby, etc. - make mistakes in complex sentences - can do self-correction

Interaction - ask simple structure questions as well as tag questions, - react to phrases of a partner, - no pauses to think due to mistakes, - can't support the dialog independently

Table 3 The results of speaking test among B1 level students

Competences Group B1 (13% of students)

Structures and Vocabulary - mostly complex sentences - show diversity of vocabulary on basic topics: weather, hobby, etc. - grammatical mistakes in complex grammar

Coherence - simple conjunctions such as: but, and, so - the usage of linkers to show different positions: on the one hand, on the other hand, etc.

Fluency - easily use mixture of complex and simple sentences - can do self-correction

Interaction - ask and answer all types of questions easily - react to phrases of a partner - no pauses to think - can start and support the dialog independently

As a result, we can assume that the speaking test approved the current students' language level corresponds with the written test which was conducted at the platform. Nevertheless, it was necessary to check speaking skills owing to the fact that thereare some issues which arise in speech and become an obstacle to free communicatio a Therefore, the obtained results demonstrated some difficulties which participants encounter during monologue speech and dialog:

92 .82 •

Tenses jstcmns \ ■уму- ocabulai у Wo id order and tructures

Fig.2. Percentage ofcausesofpoorEnglish language proficiency

There are four basic problems which we identified in the testing prouess. Consequently, 74% of students has problems with word order and structures as the paFipipeptc tovp totSieksbuuhparticulargartsef speacS positian.Moregver, 82% cf tested faces with the problem of listening, specifically, understanding partner's speecO. 5 4% of stadsnts So rut hem euovah vorsbulsrp te aspscpvthvitidegs atopirioes. 92% has problems with tenses. Mostly students use the incorrect tense as well as incorrect form of the tense. So, most of these problems happen on account of the absence of English speaking practice. Finally, the detected problems and the test results allow us to conclude that the program we have developed Is suitable for the application In this group.

The experiment. Our experiment was held In a compulsory school among high school students of tenth grade. As a rule, the whole class Is subdivided into 2 subgroups. Our groups consisted of 16 people. It is worth mentioning that the main textbook which the program Is based on the student's book "Spotlight" for the tenth grade [10]. Along with this textbook, the program of the discipline which was made by V. Apalkov was taken by us due to the approval by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation [8]. Thus, our program, which is focused on the speaking skills development with the help of debates method, is done In accordance with the Federal State Standard.

The experiment Itself was held during two terms of the academic year where English language as a discipline was held three times a week.

During the experiment, the teacher's role was mostly a mentor who observes and fusiieatca tnepertisissptp oHhatrisL Howcheg t Ssrs woretPefoibwlng taste which a teacher must have completed to achieve the result:

- tosoSouthee topisswHirh are PttuнeУ an tVaprotlema wtacVweterevesled at the diagnostic stage;

- to maeaesetclsuv accsrd¡netothsd¡ffitplty.aval;

- to assess students' knowledge at the end of the term.

ShecrogrgmofrУF WscigHn s fettwo tstmocons istseoffou r mod modvies

per term):

- Mp0uHt5-HolieaH5;

- Module 6 - Food and Health;

- Met ulse-Lat'shvvefijp;

- Module 8 - Technology.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

ctuli moapleppdtahCs ¡veiCe areais'itd at the problematic issues such as learning new vocabulary as well as practicing grammar. It is not possible to demonstrate p|ltPetapCsw¡tP¡y the ftamswetk attpis studasowe wit preseнtonlc a few kea

Module 6. Holidays

PUp moCuls toccUes upoptrarpFnsvPsaPulafyiNeedless to say that all the tasks were adapted owing to the different levels of our students. In our learning process wvpreEd nUc tee m¡c¡tarouysoftPree leealcAgi AHacd UP Hawuser, AtawdA2we ts united into one group due to approximately equal knowledge. Thus, before introducing deCetesweSaP t- sretreacptstcatdcpabeiaryl Wrctlc sturnentc Iwdte famf¡ariuewWh the vocabulary at online platforms. A1+A2 group had translations of the words and conWxt, wlted tad EngUsP duflnitlocs ern tlese wvtVs and context as well. The main target here was to use this vocabulary in context. After all, students were listening to a tart cupveufed with His top wafthe medulнwhicP uoпtalnedtHetewet wop-Cp^ However, two groups had different tasks. A1 and A2 students had to name facts which they upderurgogi Btetudents tried to add more details to A1 and A2 students group to rest oretoatextAs etesu lt, students worked in pairs retelling the full text to each other.

As a result, preparation for the first time debates was given as a home assignment. Learners were given the instructions and were shown the video-example. Participants were subdivided into pairs according to their level: A1+A2, B1+B1 or

d+AO. Uhe pairs were aot choeen by the tescAer Out by Phemselresas compstio rhe priority for the language development [11]. The quotes were given to pairs as well as sometieeat tShlaaoonto aisuuse hhesSatement aed sSarethrideeswItt th e teacher ss well ue as. nO toe uuestlone. hSe neuriesson f^^rt^t^inentue^^P tse^ep^netbeb.Sf^^^ end todubate nlmonti °e j^lv^n tope esincj toete^et vaeusuioty.Tpsteayuer.s tese|s to listento A^^f)arts2^nts and Ao naSe down dame mistakes toperformlpPetw¡thdeiayee error correction. The main focus of this task is to develop fluency and to make students seng the rareeteebsb8lgrn.

Modelu O. Cood srS Heuldh

One of ree iseres we feestl wrth e.i the д^^utiu stasis te 0 una^ ey grammatiealformseein this moeuih УlsadPwteplowdlyh beemetobdsneatthe key ones to use in debates. Thus, this module is dedicated to this issue. Along with grammut|we eentinued¡mprsv.ny webbf!!!! 0lev8rthelpss, as mention hereedle sernekbu aeti8hiep.

Afterrde,ntipducti2p oГCdne|r.ondW '|me",etydeutewores Seмeee^nr0hlnp nrouue: A1 e mУ + B1,A1ode2 ttel A2e B1eBi, ese. IPidi-otouf® worenoey WW^^ statements and were asked to make their arguments with the usage of conditionals and the torcu uoesbutar0 whicli wae eariie r. These statements were given

to Wyaehteastheirhewe asaienmehfh toe2eenn tOelrarnumeptel 01,1,1x^101^1, an tuylesr(m shhdodtedocoredswtheirfht+reexOeteyoppopxnto. T.s f^^c^ente w.tbe yhosen randprn.y exsause Hieee wrse 5groups .n totae tweot aXSch dadtUe same statements. So, opponents were mixed. This makes students get used to uyc8Oto8oe|e atwasfjherewNchipsrtl cipants have to face in real life communication. Theteacherhasthe same me.

Modules 7 and 8 covered other problematic issues which helped to improve nrhPunrpispsakinge2¡lie. As ¡tony ed posn¡Pixtoe8mbnpti•ate

all the procedures and activities in this article.

C¡8aletage s+ tsu 8eperimurrt.yhx flra.rteg^ of toe xse2f.mshtrequ|re2 to eseeua S8tUsutrentiahepabolevs:ur aurfocus group as well as to gauge speaking .^k^Npdeve^o.^r-a-t after the program implementation. Thus, we had to take refuge in Dialang testing system which demonstrated the following results [7]:

!■ A2 '. B1

Fig. 3. Students' proficiency level after the implementation of the program

We can see progress in students' language development according to the written tedinDielpPd s-stem [7] and can conclude that:

- 13% of students improved their language level from A1 to A2 level according ts CEFWl

- 62% of students improved their language level from A2 to B1 according to


Table 4

Result of oral testing after the program implementation

Competences Group A2 (25% of students)

Structures and Vocabulary - Mostly complex sentences and simple sentences with clauses, - vocabulary diversity is limited by the topics covered during the term, - the usage of learnt collocations, - problems in choosing the right collocation, - grammar slips and mistakes

Coherence - diversity of conjunctions, - the usage of linkers: however, moreover, as well as, etc.

Fluency - express their views in short sentences if it is a spontaneous speech, - difficulties in the usage of complex sentences, - can do self-correction by means of echoing or delayed error correction

Interaction - ask simple structure questions as well as tag questions, - react to phrases of a partner, - pauses to think during the process of choosing correct grammar construction or vocabulary, - can't support and lead the dialog independently

- 25% of students who had B1 at the very beginning of our experiment stayed at the same level but mastered their skills in grammar and speaking as well as learnt new vocabulary.

However, it is not the main goal we achieved during the educational process. Mostly we need to focus on speaking skills development as that was the primacy of our experiment. To conclude about speaking skills development we have to conduct an oral testing procedure in order to identify the efficiency of a created program.

Table 5

The results of speaking test among B1 level students

Competences Group B1 (75% of students)

Structures and Vocabulary - mostly complex sentences with different types of clauses along with simple sentences, - show diversity of vocabulary on topics were covered during the term, - grammatical slips and mistakes in complex grammar

Coherence - diversity of conjunctions, - the usage of linkers to show different positions: on the one hand, on the other hand, etc.

Fluency - easily use mixture of complex and simple sentences, - can do self-correction

Interaction - ask and answer all types of questions easily, - react to phrases of a partner and can give counter argument easily, - no pauses to think, - can start and support the dialog independently

What is more, the participants were interviewed about the program after the experiment by means of a short list questionnaire. The questions were as follows:

- Are you satisfied with the performance of grammar at the lesson? Yes/No


- Are you satisfied with the performance of vocabulary at the lesson? Yes/No


- Could you say that you improved your speaking skills? Yes/No Why?

- Could you say that you improved your English language level? Yes/No

The questionnaire presented the following results:

88% of participants were satisfied with grammar performance as the material was easily presented and explained. Moreover, the exercises, which were focused on practising grammar were interesting and useful as well as vocabulary along with exercises which 80% of students is satisfied with. Speaking about language level where 100% of participants claimed that there was improvement due to the fact that at least some new information was learnt. However, only 92% improved their speaking according their opinion as other 8% believes that some problems in fluency and coherence exist.

Despite all the above mentioned aspects, the results of oral control diagnostics and the questionnaire showed that the implemented program indicates the effectiveness of debates method usage in a multi-level group to develop speaking skills at high school.

Last but not least, apart from language results the obtained results had a positive impact on communicative competencies. As a result, there are the several factors which improved:

Библиографический список

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Grammar 80 Vocabulary •: ::92 :•: : Speaking U inguage le\ el

Fig. 4. Results of the questionnaire after the experiment

- listening for details;

- fear absence in public speaking;

- startingadialog or monologwithout preparation.

Conclusion. This research was dedicated to speaking skills development among otudente of highschaol (tenthgrade)wn° stody ina multi-livel groupby maan s ofdabatomoOhod. The dxpetimentwan challougedbythe uridena contras-inEnglish language proficiency which makes obvious that universal educational program is not apvioadletotue.

Thuu, rolying on -negeired prog ram aohteotbaonswhich araro apprgued by MipisttytfEciutatioeof nge Russiun Federatbn, ws ateatedan udoptpdpre.ram whith mpete ol I (hvaimaang

As our target skill was speaking, firstly, we found out the problems at the diognotticotcgewhiieii ufiauandbecome boarder for free speaking: tenses, listening, vtcarulary una tetrh order olang with structu^ The program consistedortive modules which were aimed at developing problematic issues to improve speaking sSiiinwhichahswettgenoveith coi outrggeorch. To tchievt thn erotdtesminea aim, the teghswero chasen asoprding to stuPuntviinterast anPneebs to avoid problems with motivation.

The I maigmpnCet^i^^^^^m PeipeU ns to eevoiopnor oeiy sptaking ropa but also to rise students' English language proficiency. What is more, this educational procoosarfectoo pto.onts' confideuce ie pubHc (^i^ag. Tfie findi dievtlpatieh proved that the program was ^^ia^^nt owing to the results: 25% of students achieved A2 level (pre-intermediate) while 65% of students' knowledge corresponded to B1 level (intermediate).ThnSibymuansof vteptoe fouogram we not only achieved the required aims of the pro gram optalvo ppCo studgptstofill ttiegaas in t he language training.

Theoretical significance of the research lies in the development of methodology forteaching Endlihn npeaSingskiliahiohsnPool ieamernwith gifforogtiosopage ievels.

sractioal gibsificaese Uec in too roheiCiiity tf csinдfnд orppgtod etrotcey to g^neto C|uflsghoui studies to dovctop ftefr s^ako okgls .ntoaccount dmufgnt i<anenauoiovelsl As eroii ^t'on^t thro popvtcao oa useS In methgeok)gy lectures.

M in^io wu (tanc^m tfictttrg program toptemented significantly in a short ceriod ot^imeoanCie^to PoosfhtuOonts' eggenise ne I lis aic bmuititiovel hrout cthigh school by means of debates.

puttherrevearcsdbvgioplneatcus boconguctogintermsot ooustincflhenhy by moonsof public speaking.

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11. Zare P., Moomala O. Classroom debate as a systematic teaching/learning approach. World Applied Sciences Journal. 2013; № 28 (11): 1506-1513 Available at: https://www. researchgate.net/publication/288655341_Classroom_debate_as_a_systematic_teachinglearning_approach

Статья поступила в редакцию 11.01.24

УДК 14.35.01

Vinitskaya N.V., Cand. of Sciences (Arts Studies), senior lecturer, Shukshin Altai State University for Humanities and Pedagogy (Biysk, Russia),

E-mail: Natigor007@yandex.ru

Shabalina E.P., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), senior lecturer, Shukshin Altai State University for Humanities and Pedagogy (Biysk, Russia),

E-mail: shabalinaep@mail.ru

EXPERIENCE IN USING MUSEUM LEARNING TECHNOLOGY AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING STUDENTS' MULTICULTURAL COMPETENCE. The article presents results of an analysis of the significance of museum pedagogy in the study and popularization among the younger generation of knowledge of the history and cultural heritage of the region within the framework of the educational process. The authors connect the possibilities of using museum technologies in education and upbringing with the development of the principle of a multicultural approach and the development of the principle of dialogue in a broad cultural context. Using the example of the "My Countrymen" project, a wide range of opportunities for students is considered, as well as the use of museum technology experience during teaching and industrial (summer teaching) internships. Based on regional material, the potential of the use of a museum in the development of the cultural life of the city is analyzed, the ways of using project research activities of students of a pedagogical university in the matter of preserving, studying and popularizing the cultural heritage of the Lesser Motherland are described.

Key words: culture, museum pedagogy, education, upbringing, competence approach, technology, multicultural competence, project

Н.В. Виницкая, канд. искусствоведения, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Алтайский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет

имени В.М. Шукшина», г. Бийск, E-mail: Natigor007@yandex.ru

Е.П. Шабалина, канд. пед. наук, доц., ФГБОУ ВО «Алтайский государственный гуманитарно-педагогический университет имени В.М. Шукшина»,

г. Бийск), E-mail: shabalinaep@mail.ru


Статья посвящена анализу значимости музейной педагогики в изучении и популяризации среди подрастающего поколения знаний истории и культурного наследия региона в рамках образовательного процесса. Авторы связывают возможности использования музейных технологий в образовании и воспитании с освоением принципа поликультурного подхода и освоения принципа диалога в широком культурном контексте. На примере проекта «Мои земляки» рассматривается широкий круг возможностей для студентов, а также использование опыта музейной технологии в период педагогической и производственной (летней педагогической) практик. На региональном материале проанализированы возможности музея в развитии культурной жизни города, описаны возможности использования проектной исследовательской деятельности студентов педагогического вуза в вопросе сохранения, изучения и популяризации культурного наследия малой родины.

Ключевые слова: культура, музейная педагогика, образование, воспитание, компетентностный подход, технология, поликультурная компетентность, проект

В современных условиях образование и культура вновь становятся приоритетами в развитии современного общества. Большое внимание уделяется процессу воспитания. Воспитание и образование охватывают различные области, в том числе историю, культуру Знание и понимание современной культуры - это не только осведомленность о существовании лучших образов мировой культуры, но знание региональных традиций, понимание специфики культуры малой родины, умение соотносить особенности истории народа и культурного развития с аналогичными процессами в рамках страны. Это одна из причин повышения интереса к региональной истории, к развитию музейного дела не только в крупных, но и провинциальных городах. В современном мире поликультурность и ее освоение становятся не одним из компонентов процесса освоения культуры, а одним из важнейших условий ее восприятия. Способность воспринимать «иную» культуру, «другого» человека с позиций уважения и способности осуществлять конструктивный диалог должна формироваться с раннего детства. Осознание этой необходимости обусловливает потребность в обращении к этнокультурным корням и их востребованность в воспитании подрастающего поколения.

В современном образовательном процессе могут быть обнаружены и задействованы самые различные способы и технологии, удовлетворяющие требованиям реалий нашей жизни. Технологии современного образовательного процесса гибки и многочисленны. Однако некоторые из них заслуживают особого внимания, учитывая поставленные нами цели и задачи исследования.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Целью исследования является теоретическое обоснование и экспериментальная проверка педагогических условий развития поликультурной компетентности студентов средствами музейной педагогики.

Объект исследования: процесс развития поликультурной компетентности студентов в вузе.

В соответствии с целью исследования нами были поставлены и решались следующие задачи: провести теоретический анализ состояния проблемы музейной педагогики и поликультурного образования; представить проект профиля развития поликультурной компетентности студентов средствами музейной педагогики; определить комплекс педагогических условий, обеспечивающих развитие поликультурной компетентности студентов вуза средствами музейной педагогики.

Методы исследования: теоретический (анализ научной литературы по проблеме исследования); эмпирические (наблюдение, анкетирование, анализ продуктов проектной деятельности обучающихся).

Научная новизна исследования заключается в выявлении педагогических условий эффективности музейной технологии, которая развивается одновременно с туристическим развитием регионов в рамках нашей страны. Популярными являются Алтайский край, Республика Алтай. Алтай все более активно развивается в сфере туризма и с каждым годом привлекает большее количество отдыхающих и туристов. Несмотря на то, что на сегодняшний день это различные административные единицы, это по-прежнему «большой Алтай», объединяющий эти регионы. И дорога в этот «большой Алтай» начинается с одного из старейших городов Сибири - города Бийска.

Теоретическая и практическая значимость исследования раскрывается в изменениях в процессе подготовки будущего учителя. В связи с этим разработан и реализуется процесс подготовки учителя в рамках «Ядра высшего педагоги-

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.