Научная статья на тему 'Cybersecurity attacks: which dataset should be used to evaluate an intrusion detection system?'

Cybersecurity attacks: which dataset should be used to evaluate an intrusion detection system? Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
ADFA / AWID / CAIDA / CIC-IDS-2017 / CSE-CIC-2018 / DARPA / ISCX 2012 / KDD Cup ’99 / Kyoto 2006+ / NSL-KDD / UNSW-NB15 / ADFA / AWID / CAIDA / CIC-IDS-2017 / CSE-CIC-2018 / DARPA / ISCX 2012 / KDD Cup ’99 / Kyoto 2006+ / NSL-KDD / UNSW-NB15

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Danijela D. Protić, Miomir M. Stanković

Introduction: Analyzing the high-dimensional datasets used for intrusion detection becomes a challenge for researchers. This paper presents the most often used data sets. ADFA contains two data sets containing records from Linux/Unix. AWID is based on actual traces of normal and intrusion activity of an IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi network. CAIDA collects data types in geographically and topologically diverse regions. In CIC-IDS-2017, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, and email protocols are examined. CSE-CIC-2018 includes abstract distribution models for applications, protocols, or lower-level network entities. DARPA contains data of network traffic. ISCX 2012 dataset has profiles on various multi-stage attacks and actual network traffic with background noise. KDD Cup ‘99 is a collection of data transfer from a virtual environment. Kyoto 2006+ contains records of real network traffic. It is used only for anomaly detection. NSL-KDD corrects flaws in the KDD Cup ’99 caused by redundant and duplicate records. UNSW-NB-15 is derived from real normal data and the synthesized contemporary attack activities of the network traffic. Methods: This study uses both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The scientific references and publicly accessible information about given dataset are used. Results: Datasets are often simulated to meet objectives required by a particular organization. The number of real datasets are very small compared to simulated dataset. Anomaly detection is rarely used today. Conclusion: The main characteristics and a comparative analysis of the data sets in terms of the date they were created, the size, the number of features, the traffic types, and the purpose are presented.

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Угрозы кибербезопасности: Какой набор данных следует использовать для оценки системы обнаружения атак?

Введение/цель: Анализ многомерных наборов данных, используемых для обнаружения вторжений, становится настоящим вызовом для исследователей. В данной статье представлены самые используемые наборы данных. ADFA включает два набора данных, содержащих записи из Linux/Unix. AVID основан на фактических нормальных действиях и следах вторжений в Wi-Fi сеть стандарта IEEE 802.11. CAIDA собирает географические и топологические данные различных регионов. CIC-IDS-2017 основана на протоколах: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH и электронной почте. CSE-CIC-2018 включает абстрактные модели распространения для приложений, протоколы или сетевые модели нижнего уровня. DARPA содержит данные о сетевом трафике. Набор данных ISCX 2012 содержит различные виды многоэтапных атак и фактический сетевой трафик с фоновым шумом. KDD Cup ‘99 представляет собой смоделиорованную базу данных виртуальной сетевой среды. Kyoto 2006+ содержит записи о реальном сетевом трафике. Он используется исключительно для обнаружения аномалий. NSL-KDD корректирует недостатки в KDD Cup ’99, вызванные избыточными и дублирующимися записями. UNSW-NB-15 создан путем объединения реального и синтезированного трафика, который описывает атаки на сетевой трафик. Методы: В данном исследовании использованы количественные и качественные методы. Рассматриваются научные референсы и общедоступная информация о вышеперечисленных базах данных. Результаты: Наборы данных часто моделируются для достижения целей конкретной организации. Количество реальных наборов данных намного меньше количества моделируемых наборов данных. Обнаружение аномалий редко используется в современном мире. Выводы: Представлены основные характеристики и сравнительный анализ наборов данных с точки зрения даты их создания, размера, количества атрибутов, видов трафика и назначения.

Текст научной работы на тему «Cybersecurity attacks: which dataset should be used to evaluate an intrusion detection system?»

Cybersecurity attacks: which dataset should be used to evaluate an intrusion detection system?

Danijela D. Protica, Miomir M. Stankovicb

a Serbian Armed Forces, General Staff, Department for Telecommunication and Informatics, Center for Applied Mathematics and Electronics, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, e-mail: [email protected], corresponding author, ORCID iD: 1l https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0827-2863,

b Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, e-mail: [email protected], ORCID iD: 1l https://orcid.org/0009-0002-8504-6966

DOI: 10.5937/vojtehg71-46524; https://doi.org/10.5937/vojtehg71-46524

FIELD: computer sciences, electronics, telecommunications ARTICLE TYPE: original scientific paper


Introduction: Analyzing the high-dimensional datasets used for intrusion detection becomes a challenge for researchers. This paper presents the most often used data sets. ADFA contains two data sets containing records from Linux/Unix. AWID is based on actual traces of normal and intrusion activity of an IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi network. CAIDA collects data types in geographically and topologically diverse regions. In CIC-IDS-2017, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, and email protocols are examined. CSE-CIC-2018 includes abstract distribution models for applications, protocols, or lower-level network entities. DARPA contains data of network traffic. ISCX 2012 dataset has profiles on various multi-stage attacks and actual network traffic with background noise. KDD Cup '99 is a collection of data transfer from a virtual environment. Kyoto 2006+ contains records of real network traffic. It is used only for anomaly detection. NSL-KDD corrects flaws in the KDD Cup '99 caused by redundant and duplicate records. UNSW-NB-15 is derived from real normal data and the synthesized contemporary attack activities of the network traffic. Methods: This study uses both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The scientific references and publicly accessible information about given dataset are used.

Results: Datasets are often simulated to meet objectives required by a particular organization. The number of real datasets are very small compared to simulated dataset. Anomaly detection is rarely used today.

Conclusion: The main characteristics and a comparative analysis of the data sets in terms of the date they were created, the size, the number of features, the traffic types, and the purpose are presented.

Key words: ADFA, AWID, CAIDA, CIC-IDS-2017, CSE-CIC-2018, DARPA, ISCX 2012, KDD Cup '99, Kyoto 2006+, NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15.


With the increase in computer applications and large amounts of data being processed around the world, the need for data protection has multiplied in recent years. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are the primary line of defense that protects networks from malicious attacks. The IDS is generally classified into three installation types: host-based, network-based, and hybrid (Protic & Stankovic, 2020). The network-based intrusion detection systems can also be divided into signature-based and anomaly-based, both of which are inspired by the human immune system. The signature-based (misuse-based) IDS protects the network by proactively detecting the presence of known attacks by comparing unknown network traffic against a database of known attack signatures. It detects malicious software based on the knowledge gathered through known attacks. The main advantage of signature-based IDSs is their high detection speed. The main disadvantage of signature-based IDSs is the difficulty in detecting unknown attacks. Anomaly-based IDSs detect unusual network behavior by detecting deviations from a statistical model of normal network behavior and by looking for activities that deviate from the created model. The main advantage of anomaly-based IDSs is the detection of unknown attacks. The main challenge in anomaly detection is determining what is identified as normal.

The main problem in intrusion detection is the huge amount of data. Since the type of features and the number of instances determine the applicability of IDSs, analyzing high-dimensional datasets becomes a challenge for researchers. Simulated datasets or datasets obtained from real network traffic differ in size, number of features, purpose, type of attacks, etc. (Omar et al, 2013; Jie et al 2018). A number of authors examine, describe and compare various datasets such as ADFA-LF, ADFA-WD, AWID, CAIDA, CIC-IDS-2017, CSE-CIC-2018, DARPA 98, SCX 2012, KDD Cup '99, Kyoto 2006+, NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15 data sets, which differ in the number of features, type of attacks and purpose (Protic, 2018; Bohara et al, 2020; Borisniya & Patel, 2015; Thakkar &


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Lohiya, 2020; Khraisat et al, 2019; Ferriyan et al, 2021; Serkani et al, 2019; Mighan & Kahani, 2021; Soltani et al, 2021).

In this paper, we present the main characteristics and a comparative analysis of the given data sets in terms of the date they were created, their size, attacks/anomalies, the number of their features, their traffic types, and their purpose.

Data sets

A list of ADFA-LF, ADFA-WD, AWID, CAIDA, CIC-IDS-2017, CSE-CIC-2018, DARPA 98, ISCX 2012, KDD Cup '99, Kyoto 2006+, NSL-KDD, and UNSW-NB15 data sets, with comprehensive descriptions, is given it the text that follows.

ADFA-LD and ADFA-WD datasets

In 2013, the Australian Defense Force Academy (ADFA) developed two data sets containing records from Linux/Unix (ADFA-LD) and Windows (ADFA-WD) systems, respectively. The datasets are free to use for research purposes only. The datasets are evaluated by the host-based IDS (HIDS) (system-call-based). The ADFA-LD consists of system call traces obtained from a temporary local Linux server, and six cyberattacks (Xie et al, 2014). The ADFA-WD is a set of DLL access requests and system calls from a variety of hacking attacks (2015). Both ADFA datasets are the benchmarks for evaluating IDS based on system calls.


System call traces are used by HIDS to detect attacks on target systems. ADFA-LD consists of 833 normal training traces, 4372 normal validation traces, and 746 attack traces, all collected under the Linux system, namely: Adduser (91), Hydra_FTP (162), Hydra_SSH (176), Java_Meterpreter (124), Meterpreter (75), and Web Shell (118). Each system call is represented by an integer (Zhang et al, 2020).


ADFA-WD is high-quality collection of DLL access requests and system calls for a variety of hacking attacks. The dataset was gathered on a Windows XP SP2 host. The default firewall was enabled, and Norton AV 2013 was installed to detect only sophisticated attacks and ignore low-level attacks. The operating system environment allowed for sharing and the configuration of network printers. It was running applications like webserver, database server, FTP server, streaming

media server, PDF reader, and so on. A total of 12 known vulnerabilities for installed applications were exploited using the Metasploit framework and other custom approaches. ADFA-WD is composed of 355 normal training traces, 1827 normal validation traces, and 5542 attack traces (Borisniya & Patel, 2015).


The Aegean Wi-Fi Intrusion Detection (AWID) data set is a publicly available labeled data set that was created in 2016 and is based on actual traces of normal and intrusion activity of an IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi network (Natkaniec & Bednarz, 2023). Character data and imbalance between attack and normal data characterize AWID, which may influence IDS evaluation (Chen et al, 2021). The dataset contains 155 distinct features and 14 simulated existing attacks (Sudaroli Vijayakumar & Ganapathy, 2018).

Table 1 - AWID attack classes Таблица 1 - Классы кислотны атак Табела 1 - AWID класе напада

Attack class Description

Deauthentication Sending a large number of deauthentication management frames with specific destination MAC address. Results in the connection loss of a client with MAC address or disconnection of all clients that receive the frame.

Disassociation Similar to a deauthentication flood, uses disassociation management frames.

Block Acknowledge The attacker sends a fake ADDBA message on behalf of a real client with high sequence numbers, causing the AP to not accept frames.

ra с Authentication request Involves sending a large number of authentication request frames; AP overloads can cause it to shut down and drop the wireless network.

"О о о Fake Power Saving Takes advantage of the Power Saving mechanism by sending a null frame on behalf of the victim with the power saving bit set to 1.

Clear-to-Send Relies on the Request-to-Send/Clear-to-Send mechanism; causes STA to wait for a transmission that never occurs;

Request-to-Send Similar to a CTS flood, involves sending a large number of RTS frames, which prevents other clients from accessing the medium.

Beacon Involves sending multiple beacon frames with different SSIDs; causes confusion for end users attempting to connect to the correct network.

Probe Request Drain resources from the AP; sends large number of probe request frames.

Probe Response Involves flooding a victim with a large number of probe response frames.

с Honeypot Wireless network created by an attacker designed to attract unsuspecting victims.

го с Evil Twin Wireless network created by an attacker that is an exact replica of an existing network used by the victim.

<л ш с Caffe Latte Attacking wireless networks where direct access to the access point is not necessary.

ь Hirte Extension of the Caffe Latte attack in which ARP packets are fragmented to collect more IVs from the connected device; easier to crack WEP key.

ARP Injection Injecting a fake ARP Request into the wireless network

njection Fragmentation The attacker first performs a fake authentication with the Access Point and then receives at least one frame. Attacker can guess the first 8 bytes of the keystream. Then constructs a frame with a known payload, breaks it into fragments.

Chop-Chop Dropping the last byte of the encrypted frame and then guessing a valid Integrity Check Value (ICV).

IEEE 802.11i, also known as WPA2, was an improvement to the original IEEE 802.11 standard that aimed to improve protocol security. It significantly augments and expands the well-known AWID2 corpus by capturing and analyzing traces of wide range of IEEE 802.1X Wi-Fi network attacks. AWID3 is expected to be a great improvement in the design and evaluation of IDSs. Attacks from the wireless MAC layer to higher ones that are common to IEEE 802.3 networks.


Center of Applied Internet Data Analysis (2002-2016) created the CAIDA data set and made it widely available to the research community who provide data or network access. CAIDA contains three datasets: CAIDA OC48 (contains various types of data observed on an OC48 link in San Hose), CAIDA DDoS (contains one hour of DDoS attack traffic divided into 5-minute pcap files), and CAIDA Internet Traces 2016 (CAIDA Equinix-Chicago High-speed Internet backbone passive traffic traces) are three datasets contained in CAIDA. CAIDA datasets collect a variety of data types in geographically and topologically diverse regions. Because of numerous flows, these benchmarking are ineffective (Proebstel, 2008).


The CAIDA OC48 Peering Point Traces Dataset (2002-2003) contains anonymized passive traffic traces collected from large ISP's west coast OC48 peering point from 2002 to 2003. The payload is removed and IP addresses anonymized using CryptoPAn prefix-preserving anonymization tool with the same key for all traces in this dataset. The CAIDA OC48 data is useful for research on the internet traffic characteristics such as application breakdown, security events, topological distribution, and flow volume and duration. These traces can be read by any program that supports the pcap (tcpdump) format (CAIDA, 2020a).


This dataset contains the traffic traces of a flooding DDoS attack over a one-hour period. The attack's goal was to consume the computing resource of the targeted server. IP addresses have been pseudonymized, and their payloads and non-attack traffic have been removed from the dataset for security reasons, limiting its usability. This dataset found its application in detecting low rate stealthy as well as highrate flooding DDoS attacks (Behal & Kumar, 2016). This type of DoS attack attempts to prevent access to the targeted server by consuming

computing resources on the server and by consuming all computing resources on the server as well as all network bandwidth connecting the server to the Internet. The one-hour trace is divided into 5-minute pcap files. Only attack traffic to the victim and responses to the attack from the victim are included in the traces. Traces in this dataset are anonymized using CryptoPAn prefix-preserving anonymization using a single key. The payload has been removed from all packets (CAIDA, 2020b).

CAIDA Internet Traces

The CAIDA Internet Traces dataset contains three subsets:

- 2008-2014: contains anonymized passive traffic traces from CAIDA's equinix-chicago and equinix-sanjose high-speed Internet backbone connections.

o the first available traffic trace is an hourly traffic trace

collected during the DITL 2008 measurement event; o contains anonymized packet headers in pcap format for a single direction of the bidirectional OC129 link at the equinix-chicago monitors; o a one-hour recording resulted in 83GB compressed pcap files;

o a monthly one-hour trace is collected; o traffic traces are anonymized using CryptoPan prefix-

preserving anonymization; o during recording, packets are truncated to a specified length (64-96 B) to avoid excessive packet loss due to disk I/O overload. o payload is removed from all packets; only header

information at the transport layer is retained; o the Endace network cards used to record these traces provide timestamps with nanosecond precision;

- 2015-2016: contains anonymized passive traffic traces from CAIDA's equinix-chicago monitors on high-speed Internet backbone links.

- 2018-2019: contains anonymized passive traffic traces from CAIDA's equinix-nyc monitor.

Starting with the 2010 traces, the original nanosecond timestamps are provided as separate ascii files alongside the pcap files. The traces can be read with any software that can read pcap (tcpdump) files (CAIDA, 2019).


In 2018, the Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC) created the CIC-IDS-2017 dataset. The dataset consists of ~2.8 million benign and malicious records with 77 features and ~128 thousands current common attack covering 11 criteria (see Table 2) with 14 types of attacks (Sharafaldin et al, 2018). For this dataset, the authors examined the abstract behavior of 25 users based on HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, and email protocols. The attacks implemented include brute-force FTP, brute-force SSH, DoS, Heartbleed, web attack, Infiltration, Botnet and DDoS (UNB University of New Brunswick: Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity, 2018).

Table 2 - CIC-IDS-2017 criteria and description Таблица 2 - CIC-IDS-2017 критерии и описание Табела 2 - CIC-IDS-2017 критери^уми и опис

No Criteria Description

1 Complete Network configuration A complete network topology includes Modem, Firewall, Switches, Routers, and presence of a variety of operating systems such as Windows, Ubuntu and Mac OS X.

2 Complete Traffic By having a user profiling agent and 12 different machines in Victim-Network and real attacks from the Attack-Network.

3 Labelled Dataset Section 4 and Table 2 show the benign and attack labels for each day. Also, the details of the attack timing will be published on the dataset document.

4 Complete Interaction As Figure 1 shows, we covered both within and between internal LAN by having two different networks and Internet communication as well.

5 Complete Capture Because we used the mirror port, such as tapping system, all traffics have been captured and recorded on the storage server.

6 Available Protocols Provided the presence of all common available protocols, such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH and email protocols.

7 Attack Diversity Included the most common attacks based on the 2016 McAfee report, such as Web based, Brute force, DoS, DDoS, Infiltration, Heart-bleed, Bot and Scan covered in this dataset.

8 Heterogeneity Captured the network traffic from the main Switch and memory dump and system calls from all victim machines, during the attacks execution.

9 Feature Set Extracted more than 80 network flow features from the generated network traffic using CICFlowMeter and delivered the network flow dataset as a CSV file. See our PCAP analyzer and CSV generator.

10 MetaData Completely explained the dataset which includes the time, attacks, flows and labels in the published paper.

11 Day, Date, Description, Size Days of normal network activity and attacks.


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A joint project between the Communication Security Establishment (CSE) and the CIC produced the CSE-CIC-2018 dataset, which included detailed descriptions of intrusions along with abstract distribution models for applications, protocols, or lower-level network entities.

The final data set included seven different attack scenarios: Brute-Force, Hearth Bleed, Botnet, DoS, DDoS, Web Attacks and Infiltration (see Table 3). The attack infrastructure consists of 50 machines and the victim organization consists of 5 departments and includes 420 machines and 30 servers (Kali Linux).

Table 3 - CSE-CIC-2018 attacks and tools Таблица 3 - CSE-CIC-2018 атаки и инструменты Табела 3 - CSE-CIC-2018 напади и алати

Attack Tools Victim

Bruteforce (1 day) FTP - Patator; SSH - Patator Ubuntu 16.4 (Web Server)

DoS (1 day) Hulk, GoldenEye, Slowloris, Slowhttptest Ubuntu 16.4 (Apache)

DoS (1 day) Heartleech Ubuntu 12.04 (Open SSL)

Web (2 days) Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA); In-house selenium framework (XSS, Brute-force); Ubuntu 16.4 (Web Server)

Infiltration (2 days) First level: Dropbox download in a windows machine; Second Level: Nmap and portscan; Windows Vista & Macintosh

Botnet (1 day) Ares: remote shell, file upload/download, capturing screenshots and key logging Windows Vista, 7, 8.1, 10 (32bit) and 10 (64-bit)

DDoS & PortScan (2 days) Low Orbit Ion Canon for UDP, TCP, HTTP requests

The dataset includes the captured network traffic and the system logs of each machine, as well as 80 features extracted from the captured traffic using CICFlowMeter-V3. CICFlowMeter is a network traffic flow generator that produces bidirectional flows (Biflow), where the first packet determines the forward (source to destination) and reverse (destination

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to source) directions, hence the 83 statistical features such as Duration, Number of packets, Number of bytes, Length of packets, etc.

The application output is in the CSV file format with six columns labeled for each flow, namely FlowID, SourceIP, DestinationIP, SourcePort, DestinationPort, and Protocol with more than 80 network traffic features. Normally, TCP flows are terminated when the connection is broken (by the FIN packet), while UDP flows are terminated by a flow timeout. The flow timeout value can be set arbitrarily according to the particular scheme, e.g. 600s for TCP and UDP. A list of extracted features can be found at (UNB University of New Brunswick: Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity, 2017).

The dataset shows class imbalance as about 17% of the instances contain abnormal traffic. The data set is not used as a treasure trove for signature-based IDS, but to promote anomaly-based intrusion detection (Levy & Khoshgoftaar, 2020).

1998/1999 DARPA intrusion detection evaluation dataset

The DARPA dataset was produced by the Lincoln Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1998 and 1999. The dataset consists of two parts: online and offline. All network traffic including the total payload of each packet, was recorded in tcp dump format and made available for analysis. In these evaluations, the data was in the form of sniffed network traffic, Solaris BSM audit data, Windows NT audit data (1999 DARPA), and file system snapshots, and an attempt was made to identify intruders that had penetrated a test network during the data collection period. The IDSs are tested in an offline evaluation using network traffic and audit logs collected from a simulated network (Lippmann et al, 2000). The test network consisted of a mixture of real and simulated machines; background traffic was artificially generated by the real and simulated machines while attacks were carried out against the real computers.

The DARPA dataset is used to measure the detection rate and false alarm rate for network traffic consisting of four types of attacks: Denial of Service (DoS), probing (Probe/Scan attacks), and two types of privilege escalation attacks - User to Root (U2R) and Remote to Local (R2L). The 1998 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation Dataset (1998 DARPA) contains 41 features and a class. In total, there are 409021 records with classes labeled as either normal or one of the 22 attack types. However, only 409020 records can be used, primarily because of errors in the records within the dataset (see Table 4) (Khor et al, 2009).

Table 4 - 1998 DARPA record types Таблица 4 - 1998 DARPA виды записи Табела 4 - 1998 DARPA класе записа

Record type Number of records

Normal 97277

Denial of Service 391458

Probe 4107

Remote to Local 1126

User to Root 52

The DARPA 1999 consists of weeks 1-3 of training data and weeks 4-5 of testing data. Weeks one and three contain normal traffic and week two contains labeled attacks (Thomas et al, 2008). The descriptions of the attacks are listed in Table 5.

Table 5 - DARPA attack classes and descriptions Таблица 5 - DARPA классы атак и описание Табела 5 - DARPA класе напада и опис

Attack class Attack type Description

Probe ipsweep, Isdomain, mscan Scans a computer network or a DNS server to find valid IP addresses

portsweep, mscan Scans a computer network or a DNS server to find active ports

queso, mscan Scans a computer network or a DNS server to find hostoperating system types

satan Scans a computer network or a DNS server to find known vulnerabilities

DoS (Designed to disrupt a host or network service) selfping Solaris operating system crash

tcpreset Active termination of all TCP connections to a specific host

arppoison Corruption of ARP cache entries for a victim not in others' caches

crashiis Crashes the Microsoft Windows NT web server

Dosnuke Crashes Windows NT

R2L (Attacker who does not have an account on a victim machine) guest, dict Gains local access to the machine

ppmacro Exfiltrates files from the machine

framespoof Modifies data in transit to the machine

ppmacro NT power point macro attack

framespoof Man-in-middle web browser attack

netbus NT trojan-installed remote administration tool

sshtrojan Linux trojan SSH server

ncftp Linux FTP file access-utility with a bug that allows remote commands to run on a local machine

U2R (Local user on a machine is able to obtain privileges ntfsdos, sqlattack Secret attacks, where a user who is allowed to access the special files exfiltrates them

The DARPA 1999 test data consisted of 190 instances of Probe (37), DoS (63), R2L (53) and U2R (37) attacks. The following types of attacks were added to the training set (see Table 6).

Table 6 - DARPA attack types Таблица 6 - DARPA классы атак Табела 6 - DARPA класе напада

Attack class Attack type

DoS appache2, back, land, mailbomb, neptune, pod, processtable, teardrop, smurf, syslogid, udpstorm, warexzlient

Probe ntinfoscan, iligal-sniffer

R2L ftpwrite, httptunnel, imap, named, netcat, phf, sendmail, snmpget, xlock, xsnoop

U2R casesen, eject, fdlformat, flbconfig, loadmodule, nukepw, perl, ppmacro, ps, secret, srchole, xterm, yaga

The main criticisms of the DARPA data relate to: (1) the software used to generate traffic on the testbed, which is not publicly available, (2) the evaluation criteria do not take into account the system resources used, (3) the ease of use, (4) the type of system it is on, (5) the procedures used in building the dataset and performing the evaluation, (6) the background data does not include background noise such as packet storms, (7) strange packets, (8) anomalous Internet traffic that is not caused by malicious behavior, etc.

ISCX 2012

The ISCX 2012 dataset has two profiles. Alpha performs various multi-stage attacks, and Betha generates actual network traffic with background noise. The dataset contains network traffic for HTTP, SMP, SSH, IMAP, POP3, and FTP protocols but no HTTPS traces. The distribution of simulated attacks is not based on real world statistics (Sharafaldin et al, 2018).

The dataset shows realistic network behavior and includes various intrusion scenarios. It is shared as a complete network capture with all internal traces to evaluate the payloads for a deep data packet analysis. In addition, the dataset includes seven days of both normal and malicious network traffic activity.

The dataset was created using profiles that contain abstract representations of network traffic actions and behaviors. ISCX-IDS 2012 contains two different profiles to create network traffic behaviors and scenarios (Table 7) (Khan et al, 2019).

Table 7 - ICSX 2012 criteria Таблица 7 - ICSX 2012 критерии Табела 7 - ICSX 2012 критериуми



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No Criteria Description

1 Realistic network traffic Ideally, a dataset should not exhibit any unintended properties, both network and traffic wise. This is to provide a clearer picture of the real effects of attacks over the network and the corresponding responses of workstations. For this reason, it is necessary for the traffic to look and behave as realistically as possible. This includes both normal and anomalous traffic. Any artificial post-capture trace insertion will negatively affect the raw data and introduce possible inconsistencies in the final dataset. Consequently, all such adjustments are highly discouraged.

2 Labelled Dataset A labeled dataset is of immense importance in the evaluation of various detection mechanisms. Hence, creating a dataset in a controlled and deterministic environment allows for the distinction of anomalous activity from normal traffic; therefore, eliminating the impractical process of manual labeling.

3 Total interaction capture: The amount of information available to detection mechanisms are of vital importance as this provides the means to detect anomalous behaviour. In other words, this information is essential for postevaluation and the correct interpretation of the results. Thus, it is deemed a major requirement for a dataset to include all network interactions, either within or between internal LANs.

4 Complete Capture Privacy concerns related to sharing real network traces have been one of the major obstacles for network security researchers as data providers are often reluctant to share such information. Consequently, most such traces are either used internally, which limits other researchers from accurately evaluating and comparing their systems, or are heavily anonymized with the payload entirely removed resulting in decreased utility to researchers. In this work, the foremost objective is to generate network traces in a controlled testbed environment, thus completely removing the need for any sanitization and thereby preserving the naturalness of the resulting dataset.

5 Diverse intrusion scenarios Attacks have increased in frequency, size, variety, and complexity in recent years. The scope of threats has also changed into more complex schemes, including service and application-targeted attacks. Such attacks can cause far more serious disruptions than traditional brute force attempts and also require a more in-depth insight into IP services and applications for their detection. Through executing attack scenarios and applying abnormal behaviour, the aim of this objective is to perform a diverse set of multistage attacks; each carefully crafted and aimed towards recent trends in security threats. This objective often labels many of the available datasets as ineffective and unfit for evaluating research results.

6 Day, Date, Description, Size 7 days of normal network activity and attacks

The ISCX IDS 2012 dataset is publicly available for researchers at (UNB University of New Brunswick: Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity, 2012).

KDD Cup '99

The KDD Cup '99 dataset is a collection of data transfer from a virtual environment and used for 5th Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Tools competition. It is a subset of the 1998 DARPA dataset collected by simulating network traffic in a medium sized U.S. Air Force LAN (TCP dump data) over a nine-week period.

The dataset was collected and distributed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Lincoln Laboratory. The KDD Cup '99 consists of the full KDD Cup '99 dataset, which includes simulation of normal connections and four attack classes (Probe, DoS, R2L, U2R), a 10% KDD dataset for training the classifiers, and a KDD test dataset intendend for testing (Gifty Jeya et al, 2012, pp.28-32).

The structure of the full dataset is given in Table 8.

Table 8 - KDD Cup '99 file content Таблица 8 - KDD Cup '99 содержание файлов Табела 8 - KDD Cup '99 садржаj фа]лова

File File content

kddcup.names List of features

kdd.data.gz Full data set (uncompressed)

kdd.cup.data_10_percent.gz 10% subset (compressed)

kddcup.newtestdata_10_percent_unlabeled.gz 1.4M, 45M uncompressed

kddcup.testdata.unlabeled.gz 11.2M, 430M uncompressed

kddcup.testdata. unlabeled_10_percent.gz 1.4M, 45M uncompressed

corrected.gz Test data with corrected labels

training_attack_types List of attack types

typo-correction.txt Short description of corrections to the data set

The full KDD Cup '99 dataset contains 4,898,431 single connection records, each of which consists of 41 features labeled as normal or attacks (Tavallaee et al, 2009).

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The number of instances is given in Table 9. The attack classes are described in Table 10.

Table 9 - KDD Cup '99 instance number Таблица 9 - Номер случая в базе KDD Cup '99 Табела 9 - Броj инстанци у KDD Cup '99 бази

Attack class Training set 10% Training set Test set

Normal 492,708 97,278 60,593

Probe 41,102 4,107 4,166

DoS 3,883,370 391,458 229,853

R2L 1,126 1,126 16,347

U2R 52 52 70

Table 10 - KDD Cup '99 attack classes Таблица 10 - Классы атак в базе KDD Cup '99 Табела 10 - Класе напада у бази KDD Cup '99

Attack class Attack type

Probe ipsweep, nmap, portsweep, satan

DoS back, land, neptune, pod, smurf, teardrop

R2L fpwrite, spy, phf, guesspasswd, imap, warezclient, warezmaster, multihop

U2R rootkit, perl, loadmodule, bufferoverflow

The features describing the connections can be classified into four categories:

- Basic features - determined from the packet header without

examining the contents of the packet.

- Content features - determined by analyzing the content of the

TCP packet (number of unsuccessful attempts to login to the system).

- Time features - determine the duration of the connection from a source IP address to a destination IP address. The connection is a sequence of data packets that begin and end at predefined times.

- Traffic features - are based on a window that has an interval of a certain number of connections (suitable for describing attacks that last longer than the interval of the specific time features).

The features are listed in Table 11.

Table 11 - KDD Cup '99 features Таблица 11 - Атрибуты базы KDD Cup '99 Табела 11 - Атрибути у бази KDD Cup '99

No Feature Description

1. duration length of connection

2. protocol type type of protocol (TCP, UDP...)

3. service destination service (ftp, telnet...)

4. flag status of connection

5. source bytes No. of B from source to destination

6. destination bytes No. of B from destination to source

7. land If the source=destination address are the same land=1/if not, 0

8. wrong fragments No. of wrong fragments

9. urgent No. of urgent packets

10. hot No. of hot indicators

11. failed logins No. of unsuccessful attempts at login

12. logged in If logged in=1 /if login failed 0

13. # compromised No. of compromised states

14. root shell If a command interpreter with a root account is running root shell=1/if not, then 0

15. su attempted If su command is attempted=1, otherwise=0

16. # root No. of root accesses

17. # file creations No. of operations that create new files

18. # shells No. of active command interpreters

19. # access files No. of file creation operations

20. # outbound cmds No. of outbound commands in an ftp session

21. is host login is host login=1 if the login is on the host login list/if not 0

22. is guest login If a guest is logged into the system = 1 otherwise 0

23. count No. of connections to the same host as the current connection at a given interval

24. srv count No. of connections to the same service as the current connection at a given interval

25. serror rate % of connections with SYN errors

26. srv error rate % of connections with SYN errors

27. rerror rate % of connections with REJ errors

28. srv rerror rate % of connections with REJ errors

29. same srv rate % of connections to the same service

30. diff srv rate % of connections to different services

31. srv diff host rate % of connections to different hosts

32. dst host count No. of connections to the same destination

33. dst host srv count No. of connections to the same destination that use the same service

34. dst host same src rate % of connections to the same destination that use the same service

35. dst host srv rate % of connections to different hosts on the same system

36. dst host same srv port rate % of connections to a system with the same source port

37. dst host srv diff host rate % of connections to the same service coming from different hosts

38. dst host serror rate % of connections to a host with an S0 error

39. dst host srv serror rate % of connections to a host and specified service with an S0 error

40. dst host serror rate % of connections to a host with an RST error

41. dst host srv serror rate % of connections to a host and specified service with an RST error

The main criticism is that the KDD Cup '99 dataset is not an authentic simulation of real network traffic. Other problems include complexity of the training and test sets, the impact of duplicates to machine learning algorithms, the number of attack instances of attack is too high relative to the number of instances of normal traffic, the relationship between each attack category is not realistic, the instances of individual attacks are similar to the instances of normal traffic for the R2L attack types, etc.

Kyoto 2006+

The Kyoto 2006+ dataset contains records of real network traffic data collected from November 2006 to December 2015 on five different computer networks inside and outside Kyoto University (Protic, 2018, pp.587-589). The first part of the dataset contains records collected from -350 honeypots, including two darknet sensors with -300 unused IP addresses and other IDSs (Song et al, 2011; Singh et al, 2015; Najafabadi et al, 2016). To generate traffic, the authors developed a server that was deployed on the same network as the honeypots. The first part of the Kyoto 2006+ dataset recorded from 2006 to 2009 consists of 24 features containing -90 million instances. Fourteen statistical features were derived from the KDD-Cup '99 dataset (KDD, 1999; Ashok Kumar & Venugopalan, 2018). The authors also added 10 additional features that were used exclusively to detect anomalies. In the observation period, more than 50 million sessions with normal traffic, 43 million sessions with known attacks and 425,000 sessions with unknown attacks were recorded. As a part of the Kyoto 2006+ dataset, a total of 20GB of data was collected from November 2009 to December 2015 (Park et al, 2018). The IDS Bro was used to convert packet-based traffic into a session format. (Demertzis, 2018; McCarthy, 2014). IDS Bro is a behavioral and signature-based analysis framework that provides detailed information about the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), the domain name system (DNS), the secure shell (SSH) communication protocol, and irregular network behavior (Song et al, 2011). It is suitable for high-performance network monitoring, protocol analysis, and real-time application layer status reporting. The Bro event engine is responsible for receiving and converting the internet protocol (IP) packets into events that are passed to the policy script interpreter that generates the output. DoS, exploits, malware, port scans and shell code attacks were recorded with no additional information about a specific attack. The Kyoto 2006+ dataset does not provide detailed information on attacks parameters.

Instead, the feature Label determines whether the session is normal or not (Ting, 2011). Table 12 presents the Kyoto 2006+ dataset.

Table 12 - Kyoto 2006+ dataset Таблица 12 - Kyoto 2006+ база данных Табела 12 - Kyoto 2006+ база података

No Feature Description

1 Duration - basic Length of the connection (in seconds)

2 Service - basic Connection's server type (dns, ssh, other)

3 Source bytes - basic No of data bytes sent by the source IP address

4 Destination bytes - basic No of data bytes sent by the destination IP address

5 Count No of connections whose source IP address and destination IP address are the same to those of the current connection in the past two seconds

6 Same srv rate % of connections to the same service in the Count feature

7 Serror rate % of connections that have 'SYN' errors in the Count feature

8 Srv serror rate % of connections that have 'SYN' errors in Srv count

9 Dst_host_count No of connections whose source IP address is also the same to that of the current connection

10 Dst_host_srv_count No of connections whose service type is also the same to that of the current connection

11 Dst host same src port rate % of connections whose source port is the same to that of the current connection in the Dst host count feature

12 Dst_host_serror_rate % of connections that have 'SYN' errors in the Dst host count feature

13 Dst_host_srv_serror_rate % of connections that have 'SYN' errors in the Dst host srv count feature

14 Flag The state of the connection at the time of connection was written (tcp, udp)

15 IDS detection Reflects if IDS triggered an alert for the connection

16 Malware detection Indicates if malware was observed at the connection

17 Ashula_detection. Means if shellcodes and exploit codes were used in the connection

18 Label Indicates whether the session was attack or not

19 Source IP Address Source IP address used in the session

20 Source Port Number Indicates the source port number used in the session

21 Destination IP Address It was also sanitized

22 Destination Port Number Indicates the destination port number used in the session

23 Start Time Indicates when the session was started

24 Duration Indicates how long the session was being established


The NSL-KDD dataset is created from the KDD Cup '99 dataset. It corrects flaws in the KDD Cup '99 dataset caused by redundant records in the training set and duplicate records in the test set. Furthermore, the number of records in both the training set and the test sets is appropriate (Protic, 2018, pp.587-589). The training set contains 21 different attack types, while the test set contain 37 different attack types. The known attacks are those presented in the training set, while the additional 16

attacks are only available in the test set (see Table 13) (Nkiama et al, 2016). Normal traffic in the training set contains 67,343 instances, while normal traffic in the test set contains 9,711 instances.

Table 13 - Kyoto 2006+ attack classes Таблица 13 - Классф атак в базе Kyoto 2006+ Табела 13 - Класе напада у бази Kyoto 2006+

Attack class Attack type - Training set Attack type - Test set

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Probe ipsweep, nmap, portsweep, satan ipsweep, nmap, portsweep, satan

DoS back, land, neptune, pod, smurf, teardrop apache2, back, land, mailbomb, neptune, pod, processtable, smurf, teardrop, udpstorm, worm

R2L guess_passwd, ftp_write, imap, multihop, phf, spy, warezmaster, warezclient guess_passwd, ftp_write, imap, httptunnel, phf, multihop, named, snmpguess, snmpgetattack, sendmail, warezmaster, xlock, xsnoop

U2R buffer_overflow, loadmodule, perl, rootkit buffer_overflow, loadmodule, rootkit, perl, ps, sqlattack, xterm


In 2015, Moustafa et al introduced a hybrid academic intrusion detection UNSW-NB-15 dataset derived from real normal data, and the synthesized contemporary attack activities of network traffic. The dataset consists of raw network packets containing nine different attacks (Moustafa & Slay, 2015). Raw network packets from the UNSW-NB 15 dataset are generated by the IXIA PerfectStorm tool at the Cyber Range Lab of UNSW Canberra. The tcpdump tool was used to capture 100 GB of raw traffic (Pcap files).

This dataset contains nine types of attacks, namely Fuzzers, Analysis, Backdoors, DoS, Exploits, Generic, Reconnaissance, Shellcode and Worms. The Argus and Bro-IDS tools are used and twelve algorithms are developed to generate a total of 49 features with the specified class label (UNSV Sydney, 2021). The total number of records is two million and 540,044 stored in the four CSV files:

- The ground truth table and the list of event files.

- One partition from this dataset was configured as a training and

test set.

- The number of records in the training set is 175,341 records and

the test set consists of 82,332 records of different attack and normal types.

This dataset is a collection of network packets exchanged between hosts (see Table 14) (Ahmad et al, 2022).

Table 14 - UNSW-NB-15 data type Таблица 14 - Виды данных в базе UNSW-NB-15 Табела 14 - Врсте података у бази UNSW-NB-15

No Data type Description

1 Normal Natural transaction data

2 Analysis An attack targets web applications through emails, ports, or web scripts

3 Backdoor Using backdoor to secure remote access

4 DoS Attacks computer memory

5 Exploits An instruction that takes advantage of bugs/errors caused by unintentional behavior on the network

6 Fuzzers An attack to crash the system by inputting a lot of random data

7 Generic A technique to clash the block-cipher configuration by using hash functions

8 Reconnaissance A probe to evade network security controls by collecting relevant information

9 Shellcode Code is used to exploit software vulnerabilities

10 Worms A set of virus codes can be added to a computer system or other programs


The researchers worldwide investigate various cybersecurity issues, such as malicious attacks on computer networks. The main challenges in evaluating intrusion detection and intrusion prevention are the massive amounts of data in well-known and publicly available datasets. The majority of the datasets presented in this paper are simulations of real network traffic. Several are hybrid, and one is based on real network traffic. The size, number of features, purpose and type of attacks of each dataset vary.

We presented datasets primarily used for intrusion detection, namely ADFA-LF, ADFA-WD, AWID, CAIDA, CIC-IDS-2017, CSE-CIC-2018, DARPA 98, SCX 2012, KDD Cup '99, Kyoto 2006+, NSL-KDD and UNSW-NB15. The main characteristics and the comparative analysis are provided. The authors' main goal is to assist researchers in selecting datasets that best meet their needs.


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Угрозы кибербезопасности: Какой набор данных следует использовать для оценки системы обнаружения атак?

Даниела Д. Протича, Миомир М. Станковичб

а Вооруженные силы Республики Сербия, Генеральный штаб, Управление информатики и телекоммуникаций (J-6), Центр прикладной математики и электроники, г. Белград, Республика Сербия, корреспондент

б Математический институт Сербской академии наук и искусств, г. Белград, Республика Сербия

РУБРИКА ГРНТИ: 20.23.25 Информационные системы с базами знаний ВИД СТАТЬИ: оригинальная научная статья


Введение/цель: Анализ многомерных наборов данных, используемых для обнаружения вторжений, становится настоящим вызовом для исследователей. В данной статье представлены самые используемые наборы данных. ADFA включает два набора данных, содержащих записи из Linux/Unix. AVID основан на фактических нормальных действиях и следах вторжений в Wi-Fi сеть стандарта IEEE 802.11. CAIDA собирает географические и топологические данные различных регионов. CIC-IDS-2017 основана на протоколах: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH и электронной почте. CSE-CIC-2018 включает абстрактные модели распространения для приложений, протоколы или сетевые модели нижнего уровня. DARPA содержит данные о сетевом трафике. Набор данных ISCX 2012 содержит различные виды многоэтапных атак и фактический сетевой трафик с фоновым шумом. KDD Cup '99 представляет собой смоделиорованную базу данных виртуальной сетевой среды. Kyoto 2006+ содержит записи о реальном сетевом трафике. Он используется исключительно для обнаружения аномалий. NSL-KDD корректирует недостатки в KDD Cup '99, вызванные избыточными и дублирующимися записями. UNSW-NB-15 создан путем объединения реального и синтезированного трафика, который описывает атаки на сетевой трафик.

Методы: В данном исследовании использованы количественные и качественные методы. Рассматриваются научные референсы и общедоступная информация о вышеперечисленных базах данных. Результаты: Наборы данных часто моделируются для достижения целей конкретной организации. Количество реальных наборов данных намного меньше количества моделируемых наборов данных. Обнаружение аномалий редко используется в современном мире.

Выводы: Представлены основные характеристики и сравнительный анализ наборов данных с точки зрения даты их создания, размера, количества атрибутов, видов трафика и назначения.

Ключевые слова: ADFA, AWID, CAIDA, CIC-IDS-2017, CSE-CIC-2018, DARPA, ISCX 2012, KDD Cup '99, Kyoto 2006+, NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15.

Напади на са]бер безбедност: щи скуп података треба користити

за евалуаци]у система за детекци]у упада?

Данщела Д. Против3, Миомир М. Станковипб

а Во]ска Срби]е, Генералштаб, Управа за телекомуникаци]е и

информатику (J-6), Центар за приме^ену математику и електронику, Београд, Република Срби]а, аутор за преписку

б Математички институт Српске академи]е наука и уметности, Београд, Република Срби]а

ОБЛАСТ: рачунарске науке, електроника, телекомуникаци]е КАТЕГОРИJА (ТИП) ЧЛАНКА: оригинални научни рад


Увод: Анализа великих скупова података ко}и се користе за детекци}у упада поста}е истраживачки изазов. У раду су представъени на]чешпе коришпени скупови података. ADFA садржи два скупа података са записима из Linux-а и Unix-а. AWID¡е заснован на реалноj нормалноj активности и активности упада у IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi мрежу. CAIDA садржи податке са географских и тополошки различитих региона. CIC-IDS-2017 ¡е базирана на протоколима: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH и email. CSE-CIC-2018 укъучу]е апстрактне моделе дистрибуци}е за апликацще, протоколе и мрежне ентитете нижег нивоа. DARPA садржи податке о мрежном саобрапа]у. ISCX 2012 ¡е скуп података различитих вишестепених напада и стварног мрежног саобрапа]а са позадинским шумом. KDD Cup '99 jе симулирана база података виртуалног мрежног окружена. Kyoto 2006+ садржи записе реалног мрежног саобрапа]аи користи се искъучиво за детекци}у аномали]а. NSL-KDD коригу]е проблеме из KDD Cup '99 изазване редундантним записима и дупликатима. UNSW-NB-15 наста]е комбинациям реалног и синтетизованог саобрапа]а ко}и опису}е активности типа напада на мрежни саобрапа]. Методе: Оваj рад користи квалитативну и квантитативну технологи}у. Разматране су научне референце и }авно доступне информаци]е о датим базама података.

Резултати: Базе података се често симулира}у да би били испуъени циъеви ко}е захтева одре^ена организаци}а. Броj реалних база података jе веома мали у поре^еъу са симулираним базама података. Детекци}а аномали}а данас се ретко користи.

Закъучак: Приказане су главне карактеристике и компаративна анализа скупова података у погледу датума настанка, величине, бро]а атрибута, врсте саобрапа]а и намене.

Къучне речи: ADFA, AWID, CAIDA, CIC-IDS-2017, CSE-CIC-2018, DARPA, ISCX 2012, KDD Cup '99, Kyoto 2006+, NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15.

Paper received on / Дата получения работы / Датум приема чланка: 13.06.2023. Manuscript corrections submitted on / Дата получения исправленной версии работы / Датум достав^а^а исправки рукописа: 30.11.2023.

Paper accepted for publishing on / Дата окончательного согласования работы / Датум коначног прихвата^а чланка за об]ав^ива^е: 01.12.2023.

© 2023 The Authors. Published by Vojnotehnicki glasnik / Military Technical Courier (www.vtg.mod.gov.rs, втг.мо.упр.срб). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/rs/).

© 2023 Авторы. Опубликовано в «Военно-технический вестник / Vojnotehnicki glasnik / Military Technical Courier» (www.vtg.mod.gov.rs, втг.мо.упр.срб). Данная статья в открытом доступе и распространяется в соответствии с лицензией «Creative Commons» (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/rs/).

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