CUSTOMS CLEARANCE COSTS REDUCTION AS THE KEY TO LOGISTICS OPTIMIZATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Pyatkova Julia

Being low efficient logistics system in Russian Federation needs significant improvements. There are several main barriers which restrain development of Russian transportation and logistics service market. One of them is customs clearance at the border. Russian customs system is ranked as one of the most inefficient and risky for the business. Therefore, in this article the author studies the reasons of customs inefficiency

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внебиржевого рынка ПФИ. Ориентируясь на положительный пример развития англо-саксонской модели СРПФИР, можно рекомендовать повысить качество применяемых мер косвенного государственного регулирования для увеличения вклада неорганизованного СРПФИР в финансовое обеспечение социально-экономического роста России. Достижение этой цели следует обеспечить за счет мобилизации финансовых резервов СРПФИР.

Список литературы

1. В.В. Адрианов, М.Я. Букирь, С.А. Бутенко и др. Национальная платежная система: Бизнес-энциклопедия. - М.: КНОРУС: ЦИПСиР, 2013 г.

2. Галанов В.А. Производные финансовые инструменты - режим доступа к изд.: Шр://шшш.сеп!ег-yf.ru

3. Е.Ф. Жуков. Рынок ценных бумаг: Учебник. - М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2007 г.

4. М.В. Киселев. Методология функционирования и регулирования российского рынка деривативов: автореф. дисс. - режим доступа к изд.: http://kurs.znate.ru

5. О.И. Лаврушин. Финансы и кредит: Учебное пособие. - М.: КНОРУС, 2008 г.

6. Приказ Федеральной службы по финансовым рынкам от 4 марта 2010 г. № 10-13/пз-н «Об утверждении Положения о видах производных финансовых инструментов»: [Электронный ресурс]: http://www .fcfr.ru

7. Н.Н. Пронина. Торговые системы на рынке ценных бумаг: дис.... канд. экон. наук / Н. Н. Пронина. -Москва, 2003. - 145 с.

8. А.С. Селищев. Лекции по курсу «Теория ценных бумаг» Селищева А.С. - режим доступа к изд.: http://www.selishchev.com. - 29.10.2010.

9. Фондовый рынок: Учебник университетский / [Р. Тьюлз и др.]. - М.: ИНФРА-М, 1997. - 648 с.


Pyatkova Julia

Financial University under the Government, of the Russian Federation, Moscow


Being low efficient logistics system in Russian Federation needs significant improvements. There are several main barriers which restrain development of Russian transportation and logistics service market. One of them is customs clearance at the border. Russian customs system is ranked as one of the most inefficient and risky for the business. Therefore, in this article the author studies the reasons of customs inefficiency and researches improvements, that were already made and that should to be made to optimize customs clearance process.

Keywords: logistics; customs clearance; cost reduction; inefficiency.

In today's globalized world, trade between countries is becoming increasingly important for business in Russia. Though during last year rates of growth of foreign trade turnover have slowed down, still trading across borders makes up a big part of transportation. This process is closely related to customs clearance. According to Doing Business database, Russian Federation stands at 155 in the ranking of 189 economies on the ease of trading across borders, what is below the regional average [2]. At the same time, according to the World Bank, Russia ranked 90th out of 160 countries by level of development of the current logistics system [5]. For comparison, Germany, which has the most efficient logistics system in the world, stands at 18 place.

Customs clearance is one of the most cost consuming component of logistics in Russia. In the World Bank's customs procedure rating, Russia scored 2.20 out of 5 [5]. Low rating was scored due to inefficient and non-transparent customs procedures. Difficulties could occur on each stage of customs clearance. According to DHL Customs Guide, on "Document control" stage potential delays could occur mainly as a result of incorrect documents, wrong commodity codes and lack of license/permits. Document discrepancy, undervalue and lack of value proof causes problems on "Value control" stage. On the 3rd stage "Payment control" wrong calculation of tax and additional approval of exemption/preference slow down customs process. Discrepancies in content, manufacturer, country of origin, materials etc. could occur on the last stage "Physical inspection".

All causes mentioned above could be eliminated or at least minimized, if shippers and importers provide on time and properly made necessary documentation. Reducing such mistakes on all four stages will make clearance of goods smoother and easier at the Russian border. For example, the following things, which could cause delays, completely depend on the shipper and/or importer: providing detailed description - commodity name, intended use, part/serial numbers, materials, components, sizes etc.; including a reference to the contract and payment terms in commercial invoice; defensible price, supported by a price list (from a catalogue or website etc.); better to avoid 1 digit values per item/kilo; including the phrase "for customs purpose only" in "Total price" column, etc.

If shippers and importers stick to the following five rules, the time needed for customs clearance will significantly reduce. The "golden" rules are: the declared value needs to be true and supported by documentation; all commodity descriptions should be as detailed as possible; all documents need to be consistent; duties & fees must be paid at destination by the receiver; accurate preparation of documentation before shipping decreases transit time.

Apart from what is up to the shipper, there are many barriers, which make customs clearance inefficient. Due to complexity of the customs clearance procedures, clearing cargo at a Russian air terminal can take as long as seven days. For comparison, in Helsinki it takes 24 hours [3, p. 24]. Fulfillment bureaucratic requirements and procedures on

Russian customs is time consuming. For export it is required to have 9 documents, for import - 10. In Germany, for example, it is 4 documents for both.

Customs clearance in Russia is not only time-consuming, but money-consuming as well. Customs value in Russia is consists of tariff, customs duty, excise tax and VAT. Duties are normally expressed as a percentage of the value of the goods imported. However, they may also be expressed as a set amount of euros per unit or kilogram or as a combination (the greater of the two).

Due to advanced technology and the increasing number of new and sophisticated products being traded internationally, the classification of products under their correct tariff headings have also become more complex. Importers and Exporters generally do not have the required technical knowledge of the customs tariff to classify their goods correctly, resulting in either overpayment of duties or underpayments of duties. An incorrect tariff classification of a product may have serious financial implications for the manufacturer, importer or exporter.

Customs clearance in Russia is also cost-consuming. Costs for customs clearance and inspection in Russia exceed German by 18-20 times. In Russia it is $550 for export & $650 for import, in Germany - $30 & $55 accordingly [1, p.82].

During last years it could be noticed quite positive dynamics in this area. The main improvement is switching to electronic documents, which has been holding by Russia's Federal Customs Service since 2012. By 2014, the majority of Russian customs checkpoints had fully switched to electronic

documents flow. Implementing an electronic system for submitting export and import documents and by reducing the number of physical inspections made trade across borders easier. Besides, customs authorities reduced the number of documents needed for each export or import transaction and lowered the associated cost [4]. It is now also possible to supply customs with preliminary information about cargo.

According to official announcement by Federal Customs Service, in 2013 it was carried out systematic purposeful work on improvement of customs administration, development of IT, optimization of application of risk management system, etc [4].

To conclude, Russian customs authorities have taken first steps in simplification and improving customs clearance, but it is still far from even average normal level. Russia could use the positive experience of such countries as Germany, Denmark, France and other to improve the trading environment and boost firms' international competitiveness.


1. Doing Business 2015: Going Beyond Efficiency // The world Bank Report - 2014. - 12th edition

2. Doing Business database - access mode to ed.: http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/

3. Dunaev Oleg, Ezhov Dmitry. Logistics in Russia: New Ways to Tap Potential // The Boston Consulting Group Report - 2014, april

4. Federal Customs Service - http://www.customs.ru/

5. The World Bank - www.worldbank.org


Родионова Татьяна Евгеньевна

кандидат техн. наук, доцент, Ульяновский государственный технический университет, г. Ульяновск

Рыбкина Мария Васильевна

кандидат экон. наук, доцент, Ульяновский государственный технический университет, г. Ульяновск

ANALYSIS OF THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE REGION'S POPULATION (WITH ULYANOVSK REGION AS EXAMPLE) Rodionova Tatiana, Ph.D. Technical Sciences, docent Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Ulyanovsk Rybkina Maria, Ph.D. in Economics, docent, Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Ulyanovsk


В статье анализируется качество жизни населения Ульяновской области. Для расчетов использовались данные статистического сборника Ульяновской области. Представлены результаты анализа временного ряда, значения коэффициентов корреляции, регрессионных моделей. Это позволило выявить существенную зависимость между качеством жизни и отдельными элементами социальной инфраструктуры.


This article based on the analysis of quality of life of the population of the Ulyanovsk region. For calculations used data from statistical compilation of the Ulyanovsk region. Submitted results of a time series, value of correlation coefficients, regression models are provided. It allowed to reveal essential dependence between quality of life and separate elements of social infrastructure.

Ключевые слова: качество жизни, численность населения, социальная сфера, статистический анализ, временной ряд.

Keywords: quality of life, population, social sphere, statistic analysis, time series.

Категория качества жизни впервые была введена в научный оборот в 60-х годах прошлого столетия в связи с попытками моделирования зарубежными исследователями траекторий промышленного развития. Категория качества становится символом прогресса и выживаемости

цивилизации. В 2000 г. ООН приняла документ - «Цели развития тысячелетия», в котором появляются понятия качества человека, качества жизни, качества общественного интеллекта, качества управления, качества информации и

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