CURRENT STATE OF THE LABOUR MARKET IN THE STAVROPOL REGION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kiseleva Irina, Alekseeva Natalia

The problems of the functioning of the labor market are analyzed In the article. It provides a description of the state of the labor resources in the Stavropol territory, revealing the quantitative and qualitative balance of needs of the economically active population and jobs.

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Национальная ассоциация ученых (НА У) # III (в), 2015 / ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ НА УКИ


same time being a tool to attract into regional economy investments for that economy greening activities. Currently, none system of JI regional monitoring existing, there is an actual need to develop this one. An important objective in economic and environmental management aimed onto mitigating the greenhouse gas emissions and improving the atmospheric air condition, for Ukraine consists in formation of the emissions quota trading internal market concurrently to implementation of the national economic entities' joint projects.


1. The United Nations framework Convention on Climatic Changes - zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/995_044. (In Ukrainian)

2. The Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climatic Changes - zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show /995_801 (in Ukrainian)

3. The Ukraine Chamber of Ministers Resolution of 28 June 1997 р. №650 « Climatic Program of Ukraine» http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua (in Ukrainian)

4. The Ukraine Chamber of Ministers Decree of February 22, 2006 р. № 206 "On approval of the preparation, review, approval and implementation of projects aimed at reducing anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases» - zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws (in Ukrainian)

5. Order of the Ukraine State Environmental Investment Agency of December 18, 2008 р. № 79 "On approval of Instruction on joint implementation projects under the

national procedure» - zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws(in Ukrainian)

6. Order of the Ukraine State Environmental Investment Agency

7. of 25 June 2008 р. № 33 "On approval of requirements to the preparation of joint implementation projects» -zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws (in Ukrainian)

8. Program for the Further Implementation of Agenda XXI century / Per. from Eng.: NGO "Ukraine. The agenda for the twenty-first century. " - K: Intelsfera, 2000. - 58 p. (In Ukrainian)

9. Action program "Agenda for the XXI century" / Per. from Eng.: NGO "Ukraine. The agenda for the twenty-first century. " - K: Intelsfera, 2000. - 360 p. (In Ukrainian)

10. Y. Tunytsya Ecological economics and market: overcoming the contradictions /YU.YU. Tunytsya. - K.: Knowledge, 2006. - 314 p. (In Ukrainian)

11. D. Voloshin Economic and ecological aspects of preventing hazardous climate changes (methodology, objectives, mechanisms)./ DV. Voloshin. - K.: Naukova Dumka, 2005. - 276 p. (In Ukrainian)

12. 11 D. Voloshin Climatic changes, economic and environmental problems. / DV Voloshin. - Odessa: YPRЭЭY NAS of Ukraine, 2007. -308s. (In Russian)

13. 12 B. Porfyrev Economic collisions of the Kyoto Protocol ratificatiob/ B. Porfyrev // The Russian Economic Journal. - Moscow, 2005.- Vol. №8- S. 33-45. (In Russian)


Kiseleva Irina, Alekseeva Natalia

Candidate of Science, associate professor of Stavropol, branch of Russian state social University, Stavropol ABSTRACT

The problems of the functioning of the labor market are analyzed In the article. It provides a description of the state of the labor resources in the Stavropol territory, revealing the quantitative and qualitative balance of needs of the economically active population and jobs.

Keywords: labor Market; unemployment and economically active population; the demand for labor.

In 2014, the economy of the Stavropol territory continued to develop positive trends emerging in 2013.

Gross regional product (estimated) in 2014 amounted to 103,2% according to the indicators of 2013.

The index of industrial production in the region during the period since January till June 2014 has made 103.7% compared with January-June period of the previous year (in Russia - 100,1%). According to this indicator, the region ranks 27th in the ranking of subjects. During the same period last year, the Stavropol territory occupied the Russian rating of 69. Among the three industry sectors that form the index of industrial production in the region, the fastest growing one is manufacturing industry.

During the period of January-July 2014 net financial result of large and medium organizations indicating positive changes in the financial sector of activity of the organizations in the region increased to 31.7%.

In the consumer market of the region since January till June of 2014 continued the growth in the volume of retail trade turnover. It is determined by the dynamic development of network forms of organization of commercial service. The rate of growth of the volume of paid services to the population also sped up. [1]

During the January-June period high rates of growth of real incomes of the population remained in the region. Their growth during the first six months of the year amounted to 12,1% against the national average of 5% and the middle district of 3,3%. Among the subjects of the North Caucasus Federal district in the amount of monetary income per capita and the growth rate of real monetary incomes the Stavropol Region occupies the 1st place. Averaging the per capita income per month in the region accounts for 16 801 ruble, in the North Caucasian Federal district - 15 685, in Russia-23 076 rubles.


Национальная ассоциация ученых (НА У) # III (8), 2015 / ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИЕ НА УКИ

The number of unemployed registered at the employment agencies of the population of the Stavropol territory at the beginning of July 2014, amounted to 16,5 thousand people, which is 1,2 times less than on 1 July 2013. According to the research workforce of the Stavropol territory in 2014 in comparison with 2013, increased to 2.7% and amounted to 1 714,5 people. Overall the share of the workforce of the resident population in the Stavropol territory compared with the previous year has increased to 3.1% and amounted to 63,0%.

The marked increase of labor resources in the city of Essentuki - 15,9%, Stavropol - 9,1%, Georgievsk - 7.9% and municipal districts: Novoaleksandrovsk- 9,7%, szpakowsky-6,9%, Mineralnye Vody - 6,1%, Isobilnensky - 5,5%, Petrov-sky- 4,9%.

The decline in the number of labour resources was observed in municipal areas: Andropovsky - 28,1%, Soviet -12,3%, Ipatovo- 10,3%, Budennovsk- 6,2%, Blagodarnensky -4,1%.

The formation of labour resources is directly affected by the demographic situation.

The population of the Stavropol territory on 1 January 2014 (preliminary results of population census) was 2 790,1 people. During the year it grew up to 1,5 thousand people. The volume of registered migration of population growth in 2014 blocked the natural decline in 2,1 times. [2]

In 2014 about 35,0 thousand people arrived in the Stavropol territory for permanent residence, the population growth became 2,9 million people. More than half in the number of arrivals is the working population.

The number of economically active population (according to the information Becoming-apostate) in 2014 compared with 2013 it increased to 9,7 thousand (0.7%) and amounted to 1 373,3 thousand people.

The level of economic activity of the population for 2014 became 65,1% and increased in relation to 2013 by 1,1%.

The average level of economic activity of the population of the Stavropol territory in January-July period in 2014 was 65,6%, which is higher than in the North-Caucasian and Southern Federal districts (respectively - 64,1% and 65,4%). At the same time, it is 4,2%, lower than in the Russian Federation (68,5%).

The labour force continues to grow, forming a growing supply on the labour market.

The labour market of the Stavropol region was characterized by an increase in the number of over-taken in the economy over 20,7 thousand (1,6%). On the 1 January 2014, 1 290,8 thousand people were occupied in the economy of the region.

The main part of the employed population living in urban areas - 753,0 thousand people (58,3 percent). In rural areas 537,8 thousand people work. The average age of the employed population is 39,5 years. Taking in consideration the level of education in urban areas, people with higher and secondary special education are dominated (respectively - 36,2% and 24,9%). In rural areas of 42,0% of the working population do not have professional education, and the share of persons with higher education is one and a half times lower than in urban. [3]

A significant proportion of the employed population is concentrated in large and medium organizations. In January 2014, 730,9 million people worked there. In comparison with

the year 2013 the number of employees in such organizations increased to 14,0%.

In 2014, thanks to the economic development of the Stavropol territory, one can see a growing number of jobs for most economic activities. During the year 5,6 thousand people were employed on the newly created jobs, which is 36,6% higher than in 2013.

The number of employees in construction increasedm

- 4,3%; in manufacturing - 4.0%; wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household goods and personal items - 12,3%; transport and communications -3,9%; financial activities - 2,7%.

At the same time the number of workers continued to decline in such economic activities as: mining and quarrying -5,3%; agriculture, hunting and forestry - 3,1%; education -3,2%; production and distribution of electricity, gas and water

- by 2,0%; health and social services - 1,5%.

In 2014, the number of employed in organizations with state and municipal ownership continued to decline in Stavropol region. Compared with 2013, their number declined by 1,6% and amounted to more than 300,0 thousand people. The largest share of workers in the private sector of the economy is concentrated in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household goods - 97,8%; hotels and restaurants - 97,3%; agriculture, hunting and forestry -95,8%; fisheries, aquaculture versus 91.0%; construction -90,6%; manufacturing of 88.5%; transport and communications - 70,3%.

Positive impact on employment has keeping a personal utility and the household, a small-scale production, as well as individual work, production of goods and services for sale. In 2014 the number of people employed in this work, increased in comparison with the year 2013 by 3,4% and amounted to about 363,0 thousand people.

One of the main features of both Russian and regional labour market is the existence of hidden unemployment, that is a large excess of workers in organizations, whose work is used irrationally.

The situation on the labour market of the Stavropol territory in the period of 2014 was characterized by a decrease in the number of unemployed, unemployment and tensions on the labour market.

The list of references

1. Alexeeva N. In. Problems of formation and development prospects of the Russian labour market / Current issues of law and practice: materials of all-Russian scientific-practical conference (Stavropol, 20-21 October 2011): 2 PM - Stavropol: SF the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, 2011. - Part 1. Pp. 11-15.

2. Avksentiev V. A. the Phenomenon of toprofessional and ethnic processes in the North Caucasus/ problems of population and labour markets of Russia and the Caucasus region. - Moscow - Stavropol. 2012. - P. 2453.

3. Ryazantsev, S., Manshin R. V., Tkachenko M. F. limitations on the creation of jobs in the southern Federal district (on the materials of the Stavropol territory and North Ossetia). Research publication. - Stavropol: LLC "World Data", 2012. Pp. 54-60.

4. Scoclo A. M. Problems of competitiveness in the labour market - Materials of scientific-practical conference "the Cycles of nature and society" Stavropol, Stavropol Institute. V. D. Chursina. Vol. 2 - 2012, P. 280.

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