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Ключевые слова
banking system / banking supervision / bank / economic standards / banking activities / liquidity / solvency / банківська система / банківський нагляд / банк / економічні нормативи / діяльність банків / ліквідність / пла-тоспроможність

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ruda O.L.

Article reveals the concept of "banking supervision" and highlights its impact on the banking system as a whole. We also present the concept of "banking system" and highlight its goals. Banking supervision is achieved through various techniques, methods and techniques of banking supervision, which were described in the article. The quantitative change of commercial banks that operated on the territory of Ukraine in the peri-od from 01.05.2016 to 01.05.2021 is analyzed. The definition of the concept of "economic standards of banks" and lists the standards set by the National Bank of Ukraine, which are mandatory for all banks. Each of the above standards for the period from 01.05.2016-01.05.2021 was also analyzed. The points that need to be improved to improve banking supervi-sion are given. The directions of improvement according to the requirements of Basel-III were described and conclusions were made.

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Cтаття розкриває поняття «банківський нагляд» та висвітлено його вплив на банківську систему в цілому. Також нами наведено поняття «банківська система» та виокремлено її цілі. Банківський нагляд досягається завдяки різним прийомам, способам та методам банківського нагляду, які були охарактери-зовані в статті. Проаналізовано кількісну зміну комерційних банків, які діяли на території України у пе-ріод з 01.05.2016 – 01.05.2021 рр. Дано визначення поняття «економічні нормативи діяльності банків» та перераховано які нормативи встановлені Національним банком України, що є обов’язковими до вико-нання всіма банками. Також було проаналізовано кожний з наведених нормативів за період з 01.05.2016-01.05.2021 рр. Наведено моменти які необхідно вдосконалити для покращення банківського нагляду. Було охарактеризовано напрямки покращення за вимогами Базель-ІІІ, та зроблені висновки.




UDC 336.71

Ruda O.L.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, banking and insurance Vinnytsia National Agrarian University DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-16103-68-74 CURRENT STATE OF THE BANKING SYSTEM OF UKRAINE IN THE CONTEXT OF BANKING


Руда О.Л.

к.е.н., доцент кафедри фтанав, банювсько'1' справи та страхування, Втнщъкий нацюнальний аграрний ymieepcumem




Article reveals the concept of "banking supervision" and highlights its impact on the banking system as a whole. We also present the concept of "banking system" and highlight its goals. Banking supervision is achieved through various techniques, methods and techniques of banking supervision, which were described in the article. The quantitative change of commercial banks that operated on the territory of Ukraine in the period from 01.05.2016 to 01.05.2021 is analyzed.

The definition of the concept of "economic standards of banks" and lists the standards set by the National Bank of Ukraine, which are mandatory for all banks. Each of the above standards for the period from 01.05.201601.05.2021 was also analyzed. The points that need to be improved to improve banking supervision are given. The directions of improvement according to the requirements ofBasel-III were described and conclusions were made.


Cтаття розкривае поняття «банювський нагляд» та висвтлено його вплив на банювську систему в цшому. Також нами наведено поняття «банювська система» та виокремлено ïï цш. Банювський нагляд досягаеться завдяки р1зним прийомам, способам та методам банювського нагляду, як були охарактеризован в статтi. Проанал1зовано юльюсну змшу комерцтних банюв, як дiяли на територИ' Украти у пе-рюд з 01.05.2016 - 01.05.2021 рр. Дано визначення поняття «економiчнi нормативи дiяльностi банюв» та перерахованояк нормативи встановлет Нацiональним банком Укра'ши, що еобов'язковими до виконання вама банками. Також було проаналiзовано кожний з наведених нормативiв за перюд з 01.05.201601.05.2021 рр. Наведено моменти як необхiдно вдосконалити для покращення банювського нагляду. Було охарактеризовано напрямки покращення за вимогами Базель-Ш, та зроблем висновки.

Ключовi слова: банювська система, банювський нагляд, банк, економiчнi нормативи, дiяльнiсть банюв, лiквiднiсть, платоспроможнкть

Keywords: banking system, banking supervision, bank, economic standards, banking activities, liquidity, solvency

The banking system has its own special purpose, its own specific features and functions. It arises not as a result of a mechanical combination of individual banks into a random population, but is based on a pre-developed concept, within which a certain place is given to each type of bank and each individual bank.

Therefore, the banking system is a legally defined, clearly structured and subordinated set of financial intermediaries that carry out banking activities on a permanent professional basis and are functionally interconnected in an independent economic structure [4, p. 29].

In relation to individual banks, the independence

of the system is manifested in its specific goals and functions in comparison with the goals and functions of banks. The main purpose of individual banks is to make a profit. With regard to the banking system, this goal not only does not increase in proportion to the number of banks included in the system, but generally moves to the background, remaining only the goal of individual banks (Figure 1).

The banking system arises not as a result of a mechanical combination of individual banks, but is based on a pre-developed concept, within which each type of bank and each individual bank occupies a certain place.



The main goals of the banking system

ensuring public supervision and regulation of banking activities in order to reconcile the interests of individual banks with the general public interest


ensuring the reliability and stability of individual banks and the banking system as a whole in order to stabilize money and uninterrupted servicing of the economy

Figure 1. Goals of the banking system [7, p. 30]

Prospects for the development of economic processes in the economy of any country are determined by the stability and condition of the country's banking system. That is why the banking sector of the state requires close attention from its regulators, who are called primarily to monitor the condition and stability of banking institutions that form the country's banking system, as well as to regulate, if necessary, various aspects of banking activities that have a real impact on functioning. banking system of the country as a whole.

"Banking supervision" in the scientific literature, as a rule, means the organization of control and active organized actions of the National Bank of Ukraine, aimed at compliance by banks and other credit and financial institutions in the course of their legislation of Ukraine and established norms to ensure the stability of the credit system and protection from the data of depositors [13, p. 49]. In our opinion, this interpretation does not fully reveal this complex concept, in addition, the inclusion of other credit and financial institutions is also erroneous. In our opinion, this definition is more appropriate for the concept of financial supervision. However, it should be borne in mind that increasing the requirements for the quality of banking supervision introduces new nuances in the interpretation of the concept of "banking supervision".

Given the above, it can be noted that the terms that are in circulation for the formulation of the process of monitoring the financial activities of banking institutions are worth noting [14, p. 155]:

- banking regulation is one of the functions of the National Bank of Ukraine, which is to create a system of rules governing the activities of commercial banks, characterize the frontal principles of banking, the procedure for banking supervision, liability for non-compliance with banking legislation;

- banking supervision - functioning to create an effective system of protection of the interests of creditors and depositors, effective response to events that destabilize the activities of the banking institution; bank control over the use of bank credit.

Law of Ukraine "On the National Bank of Ukraine" in Art. 1 defines banking supervision as a system of control and active orderly actions of the National Bank aimed at ensuring compliance by banks and other persons in respect of which the National Bank of

Ukraine supervises the legislation of Ukraine and established standards, in order to ensure stability of the banking system and protect the interests of depositors and creditors. , and defines banking regulation as one of the roles of the National Bank, which sinks in creating the rules governing the activities of banks, determine the general principles of banking, banking supervision, liability for violations of banking legislation [12].

Banking supervision is achieved through various techniques, methods and techniques of banking supervision. Methods of banking supervision - a set of techniques and methods for performing the functions of banking supervision. In the literature there are various methods of banking supervision, including on-site inspection, off-site supervision, oral warning, administrative, indicative, regulatory supervision, supervision by means of instructions, CAMELS.

Banking inspections mainly ensure the fulfillment of two main tasks. First, inspections allow the supervisor to assess the risk profile of the bank and the degree of professional suitability of the bank's management and staff. And, secondly, inspections allow the supervisory authority to verify the bank's compliance with regulatory requirements, the proper organization of bank management and the reliability of the risk management system of the banking institution [3].

The components of indicative supervision can be combined on two grounds. The first group should include the means of influence associated with the formulation of quantitative parameters of banking, in particular [6, p. 62]:

- establishment of essential economic standards;

- formulation of norms of essential reserves for banks;

- establishment of norms of deductions to reserves to cover risks from active banking operations.

In these indications, indicative supervision is combined with administrative supervision, because, for example, the establishment of quantitative values of constant economic standards (indicative supervision) is at the same time a requirement for the activities of banks (administrative supervision).

The supervisor should not affect the performance of certain contractual relationships, although the bank's client is interested in supporting its interests in possible private law disputes.



One of the forms of banking supervision by the National Bank of Ukraine is financial monitoring.

To ensure compliance with the laws of Ukraine on the prevention of money laundering, all banks are required to develop and implement programs to identify and study their customers, as well as training and retraining programs for employees [1, p. 12].

Today it is possible to trace a significant quantitative change in commercial banks that operated in Ukraine in the period from 01.05.2016 to 01.05.2021 (Table 1). During this period, there was a decrease in the number of operating banks by 36 units, of which 7 had a share of foreign capital.

Number of operating banks of Ukraine for the period 01.05.2016-01.05.2021 [10]

Table 1

Indicator As of 01.05.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Number of operating banks 109 90 82 77 75 73

of them: with foreign capital 42 38 39 36 34 33

including with 100% foreign capital 16 17 20 23 23 23

As can be seen from the table, for example, in 2017 alone, 19 banking institutions lost their licenses; As a result of 2018, the number of licensed banks decreased by 12 units, and in 2021 - by 2 units.

Distrust and uncertainty in the future of banks leads to the outflow of capital from the banking market. It is becoming increasingly difficult for banks to engage in customer service and keep the deposit portfolio at a safe level for the functioning of banking institutions.

Economic ratios for banks - indicators set by the National Bank of Ukraine to regulate banking activities on the basis of off-site supervision to monitor the activities of individual banks and the banking system as a whole. The National Bank of Ukraine sets the following economic standards, which are mandatory for all banks [11, p. 830]:

- capital ratios: minimum regulatory capital -H1 (UAH 500 million); adequacy (adequacy) of regulatory capital - H2 (not less than 10%).

- liquidity ratios: instant liquidity - H4 (not less than 20%); current liquidity - H5 (not less than 40%); short-term liquidity - H6 (not less than 60%).

- - credit risk standards: the maximum amount of credit risk per counterparty - H7 (not more than 25%); large credit risks - H8 (not more than 8 times the size of regulatory capital); the maximum amount of loans, guarantees and sureties granted to one insider -H9 (not more than 5%); the maximum total amount of loans, guarantees and sureties provided to insiders -H10 (not more than 30%).

- investment standards: investing in securities separately for each institution - H11 (not more than 15%); the total amount of investment - H12 (not more than 60%).

Let's analyze the state of compliance with the requirements of the NBU (economic standards) by banks as a whole in the banking system according to official data [10].

Table-2 groups the data on the status of implementation of the standard H1 in the banking system of Ukraine for the period 01.05.2016-01.05.2021.

As can be seen from the table, for the period 20162021, the regulatory capital of banks increased by UAH 57,266 million.

Table 2

Regulatory capital (standard H1) for the banking system as a whole for the period

01.05.2016-01.05.2021 [10]

Normative As of 01.05.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Change 2021/2016

H1 Regulatory capital (UAH million) 130208 97313 122918 123439 154359 187474 57266

Change to the previous year (UAH million) 29230 -32895 25605 521 30920 33115 3885

Table 3 presents data on compliance with the regulatory capital adequacy ratio (H2) as a whole in the banking system for the period 01.05.2016-01.05.2021, the regulatory value of which, according to the NBU, should not be less than 10%.

Thus, regulatory capital adequacy is 10% higher

than the normative value. Over the last year, its value has increased by 10.28 points, and fixed capital adequacy is higher than the regulatory value by 7%. During 2016-2018, the indicator is missing. Over the last year, its value increased by 16.77 points.

Table 3

Standard of sufficiency (adequacy) of regulatory capital in the banking system for the period

01.05.2016-01.05.2021 [10]

Normative As of 01.05.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Change 2021 to 2016

H2 Regulatory capital adequacy ratio 12,74 13,77 17,06 16,21 19,7 23,02 10,28

Regulatory value,% Not less than 10%

H3 Fixed capital adequacy ratio - - - 11,40 14,47 16,77 16,77

Regulatory value,% Not less than 7%

«шушетим-лшигмау» mm / economic sciences


As banking activity is exposed to liquidity risk -the risk of insufficient cash inflows to cover their outflow, this may lead to the fact that the bank will not be able to pay on time for its obligations due to the impossibility of certain conditions of rapid conversion of financial assets into payment funds without significant losses. In this regard, banks must constantly manage liquidity, maintaining it at a sufficient level for timely fulfillment of all commitments, taking into account their volume, timeliness and currency of payments, provide the necessary ratio between own and borrowed funds [8, p. . 520]. In order to control the liquidity of banks, the NBU set liquidity ratios: instant liquidity

Table 4

Status of compliance with the standards of instant liquidity (H4), current liquidity (H5) and short-term

(H4), current liquidity (H5) and short-term liquidity (H6).

In table 4. presented data on compliance with the standards of instant liquidity (H4), current liquidity (H5) and short-term liquidity (H6) in the banking system as a whole for the period 2016-2021, the regulatory values of which are 20%, 40% and 60%, respectively.

As can be seen from Table 4, for the period from 01.05.2016 to 01.05.2019, the instantaneous liquidity ratio H4 significantly exceeded the required value according to the requirements of the NBU by 20%, but for 2020-2021 the analysis period is absent.

Норматив As of 01.05.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Change 2021/2016

Н4 Instant liquidity ratio,% 72,25 60,96 59,53 69,96 - - -

Regulatory value,% Not less than 20%

Н5 Current ratio,% 80,96 113,41 102,46 100,25 - - -

Regulatory value,% Not less than 40%

Н6 Short-term liquidity ratio,% 89,56 95,54 93,02 92,29 91,04 89,5 -0,06

Regulatory value,% Not less than 60%

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The current liquidity ratio H5 was also higher than the required rate of 40% and did not fall below 80.96%. This situation indicates a significant accumulation of funds that do not bring profit to banks. But for the period 2020-2021 the situation has changed for the better, as the value of the indicator is missing.

The short-term liquidity ratio H6 for the period 2016-2021 did not fall below 86% and corresponded to the established regulatory value of at least 60%.

Thus, all liquidity ratios in the banking system of Ukraine for the analyzed period significantly exceed the minimum allowable values set by the National Bank

of Ukraine, and, consequently, there is excess liquidity in the banking system.

In order to reduce banking risks, the National Bank sets credit risk standards, namely the standard of maximum credit risk per counterparty (H7), standard of large credit risks (H8) and standard of maximum credit risk for transactions with bank-related persons (H9). ), non-compliance with which may lead to financial difficulties in the bank.

In table 5. presented information on the status of compliance with credit risk standards by banks of Ukraine from 2016 to 01.05.2021

Table 5

Status of fulfillment of credit risk standards of banks for the period

2016-2021 [10]

Normative As of 01.05.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Change 2021/2016

Н7 The ratio of the maximum amount of credit risk pei counterparty 21,14 20,90 20,01 18,65 19,17 18,95 -2,19

Regulatory value,% Not more than 25%

Н8 Standard of large credit risks,% 331,11 283,57 175,12 172,21 106,49 83,82 -247,29

Regulatory value, not more than 8 times the size of regulatory capital not more than 8 times the size of regulatory capital

Н9 Maximum credit risk ratio for transactions with bank-related entities 35,35 28,98 14,52 9,53 6,00 4,18 -31,17

Regulatory value,% Not more than 25%

Data from table 5. indicate compliance with the standard of the maximum amount of credit risk per counterparty (H7) for the period 01.05.201601.05.2021 within 21.14% -18.95%, which does not exceed the norm of 25%. However, the value of the standard demonstrates a fairly high level of crisis signal, especially in 2016. It will be recalled that the credit risk assumed by a bank for one counterparty or a group of related counterparties is considered large if the sum of

all bank claims against this counterparty (group of related counterparties) and all off-balance sheet liabilities provided by the bank to this counterparty or group related counterparties is 10% or more of the regulatory capital of the bank.

According to Table 5, the ratio of the maximum amount of credit risk on transactions with persons related to the bank (H9) was not met in 2016 in the banking system of Ukraine, the maximum allowable accord-



ing to the NBU is 25%. In 2016 - already 35.35%. However, in 2017-2021 its value decreased almost twice and at the beginning of 2021 it already met the established NBU standards.

Particular attention should be paid to the regulations regarding lending to insiders (persons related to the bank). If until 2016 the actual values of standards H9 and H10 (from 1.07.2015 are not calculated by banks) were quite low and were within the normative value (not more than 5% and not more than 30%, respectively), then with the introduction of the National Bank of Ukraine in accordance with Resolution of 08.06.2015 № 361 "On approval of Amendments to the Instruction on the procedure for regulating the activities of banks in Ukraine" standard of the maximum amount of credit risk on transactions with related parties (H9), in the banking system there was a violation of requirements. With the optimal value of the indicator not more than 25%, the ratio of the maximum amount of credit risk for transactions with related parties in 2016 was 35.35%, an increase of 5.53%, which indicates an increase in credit risk in the banking system of Ukraine in this area . The level of credit risk of the banking sys-

tem is extremely high and negatively affects the stability of the entire banking system [15, p. 29].

Next, we consider the compliance of Ukrainian banks with investment standards, namely the rate of investment in securities separately for each institution (not more than 15%) and the rate of total investment (not more than 60%). Table 6 presents data on the status of compliance with the requirements of the NBU by banks of Ukraine in relation to these standards.

Comparing the state of implementation of investment standards by Ukrainian banks with the limits set by the NBU, allows us to conclude about the very low investment activity throughout the banking system of Ukraine. Banks are not interested in making direct investments in Ukrainian companies, but focus more on portfolio investments, which buy them for the purpose of further sale and profit from the difference between the sale and purchase price. This fact is also related to a number of reasons of objective and subjective nature, which relate to the general level of development of the national economy in its various spheres, and the lack of interest of banks in financing investment projects due to significant risks base terms of investment realization.

Table 6

The state of implementation by Ukrainian banks of investment standards for the period

2016-2021 [10]

Normative As of 01.05.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Change 2021/2016

H11 Standard for investing in securities separately foi each institution,% 0,001 0,0001 0,0001 0,0005 0,0002 0,0002 -0,0008

Regulatory value,% Not more than 15%

H12 Standard of the total amount of investment,% 0,75 0,39 0,16 0,15 0,13 0,09 -0,66

Regulatory value,% Not more than 60%

And so, according to table-6 it is seen that the standard H11 and H12 are also complied with by the banks of Ukraine in the norm of no more than 15% and 60%, respectively.

Thus, in general, banking institutions of Ukraine comply with the regulatory requirements of the NBU, in addition to the H9-ratio of the maximum amount of credit risk for transactions with persons related to the bank. However, today the banking system of Ukraine remains in crisis. In recent years, the number of banks has more than halved. Overcoming the crisis is possible only if the economy as a whole stabilizes. At present, banks manage to maintain their liquidity only because they place their assets in primary and secondary reserves (cash, current accounts with the NBU) and do not risk investing them in high-yield assets. The same banks that do not reduce lending are inferior to the quality of the loan portfolio in the financial market of Ukraine.

In 2018, the annual assessment of the stability of banks and the banking system of Ukraine was introduced. The relevant provision on the assessment of the stability of banks and the banking system was approved by the Board of the National Bank dated 22.12.2017 № 141. In addition, in order to improve banking supervision in the transition to international standards, we consider it appropriate [5, p. 64]:

- improve the licensing procedure for banking activities;

- introduce constant monitoring of the activities of domestic commercial banks, in particular their financial condition;

- exercise constant control over compliance with banking standards and current legislation;

- introduce permanent inspections of banking activities;

- to carry out constant current internal control and external audit control by commercial banks;

- develop and send supervisory instructions to banking institutions on the implementation of Basel III standards;

- develop and send supervisory instructions to banking institutions on the transition to international financial reporting standards developed by the IASB.

These measures are aimed at ensuring transparent banking, which will allow the market in the face of customers to fully perform its regulatory function, and banks to compete transparently with each other.

In September 2010, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision adopted the so-called Basel III standard, which was developed in response to the challenges of the global financial crisis and is designed to increase the resilience of banking systems. Basel-III does not repeal previous capital agreements (within Ba-sel-I and Basel-II), but complements them and aims to



address the shortcomings of existing regulatory standards recognized by the international community, such as insufficient level of bank capital requirements, the possibility to include hybrid instruments without their obligatory conversion or write-off for losses, on the cyclical nature of regulation, underestimation of the risk

on securitized assets and the risk on the counterparty for derivative transactions; insufficient disclosure of information by banks.

Changes can be divided into directions (Figure 3.).

Figure 3 Areas for improvement according to the requirements of Basel-III [9]

The need for a clear implementation schedule of Basel-III is explained by the fact that the standards developed by the Basel Committee cease to be only recommendations for the world banking community, they become strict requirements for banking institutions, non-compliance with which applies strict sanctions by regulators [2, p. 123].

According to the decision of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the amendments to the Basel Recommendations (Basel-III) aimed at the following main objectives:

Although the changes made to the International

Convergence of Capital Definitions and Capital Standards: New Approaches are not radical, their introduction is innovative, as follows: a) change of approaches to financial management and risk management by raising the standards of risk management, the degree of integration of financial management and risk of banking institutions; b) providing a stable base and the necessary reserves to counter all kinds of risks and crises; c) the possibility of forming a more complete, consolidated picture of business for shareholders and management.

Thus, banking supervision is a constant factor in strengthening the country's banking system. Adaptation



of domestic banking supervision to international standards will allow to move to the model of development of the banking sector, which is characterized by the priority of quality indicators and focus on long-term efficiency.

In recent years, Ukraine has taken an important step in improving the system of banking supervision and regulation and bringing it closer to international standards and practices, but there are still many unresolved issues and shortcomings, the main of which are: imperfect control over banks' adequate risk management systems. ; low level of practical implementation of prudential requirements, in particular, in terms of transactions with insiders and compliance with standards of large credit risks; lack of proper control over the availability of provisions, practices and procedures for banks to combat money laundering, etc.

Therefore, in order to further develop the components of the banking supervision system, it is necessary to create an effective system of internal control, the first step towards the construction of which is a clear definition of its purpose and objectives.


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Yurchuk N.P.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the department of computer science and economic cybernetics, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-16103-74-80 METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT


The methodological approaches of IT project management are analyzed in the article. It is determined that today experts distinguish rigid and flexible methods ofproject management. Rigid management methods involve the use of classical project management methods, including a cascade model, which provides strictly consistent (over time) and one-time execution of all phases of the project with rigid (detailed) pre-planning in the context of defined one-time and specific software system requirements. The WaterFall model has been found to be the most common model among software development lifecycle models.

It is determined that flexible methods ofproject management include Agile, Scrum, Lean, Kanban, Six Sigma,

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