CURRENT STATE OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING IN UKRAINIAN PRIMARY SCHOOLS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
primary school / English / teaching English / Ukraine / State standard.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kokhanova N.

The article highlights the current problems of modernization and improving the quality of English language teaching in primary schools. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of the content of the three State standards, which were adopted on the basis of the needs of the modern school of independent Ukraine. It is revealed how the process of teaching English primary schools was developing according to the changing of the standards. The state documents, which contributed to the changes of the State standards, were analyzed.

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Список литературы

1. Краткий педагогический словарь: учебное пособие / Андреева Г.А., Вяликова Г.С., Тютькова И.А. М.: Секачев. 2007. 181 с.


Kokhanova N.

Sumy state pedagogical university named after A.S. Makarenko Postgraduate Student


The article highlights the current problems of modernization and improving the quality of English language teaching in primary schools. Particular attention is paid to the characteristics of the content of the three State standards, which were adopted on the basis of the needs of the modern school of independent Ukraine. It is revealed how the process of teaching English primary schools was developing according to the changing of the standards. The state documents, which contributed to the changes of the State standards, were analyzed.

Keywords: primary school, English, teaching English, Ukraine, State standard.

Modernization of the structure and content of school language education increases the requirements for the organization of early foreign language learning as the foundation of the school course in this subject. The main direction of development of modern humanitarian education in Ukraine is to increase the level of domestic education to European. One of the priority areas of education reform, identified by the State National Program "Education. Ukraine of the XXI Century", is to achieve a qualitatively new level in learning the foreign languages. Unlike other subjects, a foreign language is a whole field of knowledge, as it reveals to a person the treasury of a foreign language culture and life. Ukraine's integration into the world community requires perfect foreign languages speaking.

After gaining independence, Ukraine faced many important educational problems. Therefore, in the early 90's of the XX century, a number of basic documents, which aimed to increase the level of the educational system and strengthen the importance of learning a foreign language as part of the education system, were developed [1].

In 1998, a new foreign language program, "Programs for Secondary Schools. Foreign languages. 5-11 (for students of 7-11 grades)" was introduced. We can note that schoolchildren studied foreign language from the 1st grade only in specialized schools or specialized classes which were formed in the secondary schools and English language teaching was regulated by programs for specialized schools with in-depth study of a foreign language [2].

We found that previously foreign language teaching took place in two main directions:

- deductive, which was based on the use of translation-grammar and text-translation methods;

- inductive, which meant visual, logical, direct methods [3].

The teaching of the subject "foreign language" in the development of the Ukrainian school has undergone significant changes over the past two decades: foreign language has become one of the main subjects of philological education along with the Ukrainian language

and literature. Thus, this status emphasizes the importance of the subject for the development of the modern child in the humanization of the Ukrainian school and makes it undoubtedly important in the context of European integration and global development of world civilization [4].

It was found that implementation of the tasks outlined in the national strategic documents on educational policy was ensured by the standardization of the content of primary education. During the years of independence, three State standards of primary general education have been introduced in Ukraine.

Approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on November 16, 2000, the first State Standard of Primary General Education became an important component of the State Standard of General Secondary Education. In the educational field "Languages and Literature", it outlined learning a foreign language by primary school pupils as a means of communication and cognition, involvement in the foreign culture and literature. Communicative line was the main content of language education in the primary level of secondary school. It had to form and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

The basic curriculum provides for an invariant component of the content, which is formed at the state level and is mandatory for all secondary schools, and a variable component, which is determined by the institution itself, taking into account the characteristics of the institution and individual educational needs of its students. The invariant part of the Basic Curriculum, which includes a foreign language, defines the minimum number of study hours required for the study of each educational field. The State standard became the basis for the development of primary school curricula, in accordance with which the preparation of varied programs and textbooks was carried out [5].

The next State standard of Primary General Education, approved on April 20, 2011, was based on the principles of personality-centered and competence-based approaches, which leads to a clear definition of the effective component of mastering the content of primary general education. The purpose of the educational field

"Languages and Literature" is the development of the pupil's personality, the formation of his communicative competence and general ideas about language as a system and literature as an art form. This educational field consists of linguistic and literary components.

According to the State standard of 2011, the study of a foreign language in the secondary schools has been introduced from the 1st grade. It is revealed that for the first time it was focused on the acquisition of competences and the definitions of these competences.

The purpose of learning a foreign language is to form students' communicative competence based on communicative skills formed on the basis of language knowledge and skills, mastering the ability to communicate orally and in writing, taking into account the motives, goals and social norms of speech behavior in typical areas and situations. To achieve this goal the following tasks should be completed:

• correct pronunciation and distinction by ear of sounds, words, phrases and sentences;

• learning the most commonly used vocabulary within the defined topics and areas of communication;

• getting an idea of the main grammatical categories of language, which is being studied;

• recognition of known lexical and grammatical material during reading and listening and its use in the process of oral communication;

• understanding of the speech of teachers, classmates, the main content of texts with the use of visual aids;

• taking part in dialogues;

• ability to speak briefly within the subject, to memorize rhyming works of children's folklore;

• reading simple texts aloud and silent;

• correct writing of the words, word-combinations, sentences and texts;

• learning basic information about the country whose language is being studied.

Taking into account the purpose and objectives of learning a foreign language, the following content lines are distinguished: speech, language, socio-cultural and active [6].

Ukraine's orientation towards Europe and signing of an association agreement with the European Union have given impetus to the birth of a new State standard of Primary General Education, which defines what students should know and be able to do after completing a certain cycle, outlines the ideological principles and principles of education, logic of its organizations, etc. According to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 21, 2018, a new State standard of primary general education was introduced for students enrolled in 12-year complete general secondary education programs. The purpose of primary education is the comprehensive development of the child, his talents, abilities, competences and cross-cutting skills in accordance with age and individual psychophysiologi-cal characteristics and needs, the formation of values, the development of independence, creativity and curiosity.

From September 2018, the third State Standard of Primary General Education was introduced in all state education institutions. This process is still ongoing and

is taking place as part of the New Ukrainian School reform. Based on the theoretical and ideological heritage of classical and modern pedagogy of Ukraine and the world, the Standard is based, first of all, on such principles as: presumption of a child's talent, value of childhood, joy of knowledge, personal development, guarantee of health and safety. One of the key competences of this State standard is the ability to communicate in foreign languages, which provides the ability to understand simple statements in a foreign language, communicate it in appropriate situations, mastering the skills of intercultural communication. The purpose of foreign language education is formation of a foreign language communicative competence for direct and indirect intercultural communication, which ensures the development of other key competences and meet the learner's various life needs. The student should perceive information expressed in a foreign language in the context of direct and indirect intercultural communication, and critically evaluate such information; understand the read foreign texts of different types for information or emotional satisfaction, use the read information and critically evaluate it; provide information, express thoughts, feelings and attitudes, interact with others orally, in writing and in real time, using a foreign language [7].

An analysis of the three State standards of primary general education allows us to conclude that the change in the standard took place in accordance with the needs of society and educational policy. The main goal of education should be to create a school that will give children not only knowledge but also the ability to apply them in everyday life.


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6. Державний стандарт початково! загально! освгга ввд 20 квггая 2011 р. Режим доступу: http://ru.osvita.ua/legislation/Ser osv/17911/.

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