CURRENT ISSUES OF TEACHING ENGLISH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
foreign language / culture / communicative abilities / psychological barriers / new skills and abilities. / foreign language / culture / communicative abilities / psychological barriers / new skills and abilities.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Khaliljonova D.

This article analyzes the pressing issues of teaching students foreign languages. The goals and objectives of teaching English were considered.

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This article analyzes the pressing issues of teaching students foreign languages. The goals and objectives of teaching English were considered.

Текст научной работы на тему «CURRENT ISSUES OF TEACHING ENGLISH»

Khaliljonova D.

English philology Foreign language and literature Student of group 418 Namangan State University


Abstract. This article analyzes the pressing issues of teaching students foreign languages. The goals and objectives of teaching English were considered.

Key words: foreign language, culture, communicative abilities, psychological barriers, new skills and abilities.

A foreign language is a reflection of the culture of the country and the mentality of its inhabitants. By learning and learning a foreign language, we begin to better understand its native speakers, and learn how social contacts are built in another country. We also learn to interact with people whose thinking and perception of the world is different from ours.

The discipline «foreign language»has an irreplaceable and important place in the system of education and upbringing of schoolchildren in the context of modern globalization of the multilingual world. Learning a foreign language is aimed at developing the student's communicative abilities, understanding the role of languages as an instrument of interpersonal and intercultural interaction, and also contributes to their general speech development, broadening their horizons, as well as eliminating psychological barriers through language learning.

Recently, there has been a modification of views on foreign language proficiency. Currently, there is an increased demand for qualified and professional personnel who are able to quickly adapt to changes in the needs of society - to master new skills and abilities. Foreign language proficiency is now considered as part of the profession, so it is a universal subject that modern schoolchildren strive to master, regardless of their chosen specialized subjects. Thus, knowledge of a foreign language becomes one of the most important tools for socialization and successful professional activity of a high school graduate. The importance of proficiency in various foreign languages is increasing.

The educational goal is to develop and form students' system of moral values, emotional and evaluative attitude to the world. Learning a foreign language helps the moral, patriotic, labor, and aesthetic education of schoolchildren.

The specific content of the education of patriotism and humanism is embodied both in the word - speech constructions perceived and created by students, and in the very organization of teaching. An important role in the education of schoolchildren belongs to the content side of the educational

material: texts, exercises, visual and auditory visual aids used in compulsory and optional courses, as well as in extracurricular activities.

Nevertheless, it would be a mistake to say that education is carried out only through the content of education. The achievement of educational goals depends on the personality of the teacher, his personal example, his exactingness and good organization of work in the classroom, his knowledge of students, professional skills, understanding of the educational function that a foreign language can perform as an academic subject.

The educational goal involves the transfer of knowledge about nature, society, thinking and ways of activity to students. The achievement of this goal is realized in the process of:

1. Familiarization with the basic concepts and terms of the science of language. «By studying the language of a particular people, we study the historically developed system of concepts through which they perceive reality. By studying this system and consciously comparing it with our own, we better understand the latter». On the other hand, J.F. Goethe wrote: «Those who do not know a single foreign language do not know anything about their native language».The point is that if teaching is based on the native language, the explanation of complex linguistic phenomena is carried out in comparison with the peculiarities of the native language, then it is in this case that the «awareness»of one's thinking occurs: the student begins to understand that there are different ways of forming one's own thoughts, differences in conceptual systems, ambiguity, social conditioning a sign, a category of concrete and abstract, and much more.

2. Obtaining knowledge in the classroom and in textbooks about culture, history, literature, education, art, geography, traditions of the country of the studied language, one's own country, other countries, the development of the general and linguistic horizons of schoolchildren.

3. The development of students' speech-thinking activity, mastering such operations as analysis, synthesis, comparison, and inference. For example, speech-thinking activities related to understanding a text include the following stages:

- identification of the content of the text (identification of the essence of the content, critical perception, distinction of the main and secondary);

- comprehension of the text content (associations, interpretation, generalization);

- transformation of the text content (compression, reorganization, selection of the desired content).

Unfortunately, in practice, speech-thinking activity is limited only to the first stage, and far from fully. Therefore, the formation of a cognitive (speech-thinking) component of communicative competence is fraught with inexhaustible educational opportunities.

So, learning objectives are an objective reflection of learning goals in relation to a specific stage and conditions of classes. Different learning tasks can be solved within the same goal. In other words, they are «means to an end».

The following types of tasks can be distinguished:

1) subject tasks include subject content that can be transmitted through language and speech material in the process of communication. (spheres, topics, communication situations, communicative intentions that form the basis of the planned speech act)

2) language tasks involve students mastering a set of language units and forming on this basis knowledge and phonetic, lexical, grammatical skills that provide the opportunity to use language as a means of communication.

3) speech tasks are implemented in the process of formation and development of communicative skills based on linguistic and socio-cultural knowledge and skills within the framework of the subject content of speech (spheres, situations and topics of communication) (types of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading, writing)

4) general educational tasks are solved during the acquisition of skills to work with a book, dictionary, technical means, make educational notes, logically and consistently build a statement, use translation

5) socio-cultural objectives are achieved in the process of acquiring regional and linguistic knowledge, skills, and abilities that form the basis of socio-cultural competence

6) professional tasks are related to the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills and abilities useful for students to choose a professional activity.

It is also important to note that when formulating goals, you need to answer the question «what?», and when formulating tasks, «what to do?». For example, the goal is to get acquainted with some popular English magazines; the tasks are to teach how to read journalistic texts, teach browsing and search reading, etc.

The goal is achieved by solving a variety of tasks. Each task is set taking into account the achievement of a common goal - this is a training tactic. Having specific material, based on specific conditions (composition and number of students, availability of educational tools, all kinds of manuals, etc.), the teacher chooses such methods and techniques of working with them so that students master this material, i.e. a single task is solved. Therefore, the task is a stage on the way to achieving the goal.

It is the tasks that are solved in the lesson by the teacher. Up to three tasks are planned for each lesson, depending on the degree of study, the educational material, the preparation of students in this subject, the composition of the class and other factors.

Since the task must necessarily be focused on the learning goal, its very formulation should reflect this. For example, it is impractical to formulate tasks as follows: introduction of vocabulary, consolidation of words, introduction of

structure, consolidation of grammatical material, maintenance of new sounds, work on the text, work on the topic, because the purpose of learning is not knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and phonetics, but speech skills.



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