CURRENT ISSUES OF STUDYING THE CREATIVITY OF MASTERS OF FINE ARTS OF UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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European Journal of Arts
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Ключевые слова
Professional competence / art education / professional / pedagogical technologies of innovation / artist / art studies

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nurtayev Urinbay Nishanbekovich

Purpose of the study: To study the specifics of technologies for the development of professional competence of future teachers of Fine Arts through the visualization of the creativity of the Masters of Fine Arts of Uzbekistan. Research methods: Systematic classification. Results: Integration processes in world educational institutions are being implemented high technologies, models of large-scale implementation of innovations. In particular, the development of creative thinking specialists in the development of the field of art education, the introduction of pedagogical technologies corresponding to the system of art education, the development of reasoning competencies on the basis of art studies in the priority areas of didactic tasks of educational sciences taught in the field of fine and applied arts, the content and, in the preparation of future teachers of fine arts, the educational process, along with the acquisition of professional knowledge and qualifications, is carried out systematically on the basis of art studies. Scientific novelty: Particular attention is paid to scientific research on improving pedagogical mechanisms for the development of professional competence of future teachers of Fine Arts on the basis of art studies, improving socio-pedagogical technologies for the formation of competence in art studies, ensuring the harmony of artistic-aesthetic experience, improving pedagogical mechanisms for the development of artistic creativity as the basis of figurative thinking. Practical application: As in all areas of our society, improving the content and methodology of teaching Fine Arts, in particular its laws of art studies, creating the normative foundations for the targeted study of foreign experiences.

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ISSN 2310-5666 ppublishing.org



Nurtayev Urinbay Nishanbekovich 1

1 Department of Fine Arts, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Cite: Nurtayev U. N. (2023). Current Issues of Studying the Creativity of Masters of Fine Arts of Uzbekistan. European Journal of Arts 2024, No 1. https://doi.org/10.29013/EJA-24-1-72-76


Purpose of the study: To study the specifics of technologies for the development of professional competence of future teachers of Fine Arts through the visualization of the creativity of the Masters of Fine Arts of Uzbekistan.

Research methods: Systematic classification.

Results: Integration processes in world educational institutions are being implemented high technologies, models of large-scale implementation of innovations. In particular, the development of creative thinking specialists in the development of the field of art education, the introduction of pedagogical technologies corresponding to the system of art education, the development of reasoning competencies on the basis of art studies in the priority areas of didactic tasks of educational sciences taught in the field of fine and applied arts, the content and, in the preparation of future teachers of fine arts, the educational process, along with the acquisition of professional knowledge and qualifications, is carried out systematically on the basis of art studies.

Scientific novelty: Particular attention is paid to scientific research on improving pedagogical mechanisms for the development of professional competence of future teachers of Fine Arts on the basis of art studies, improving socio-pedagogical technologies for the formation of competence in art studies, ensuring the harmony of artistic-aesthetic experience, improving pedagogical mechanisms for the development of artistic creativity as the basis of figurative thinking.

Practical application: As in all areas of our society, improving the content and methodology of teaching Fine Arts, in particular its laws of art studies, creating the normative foundations for the targeted study of foreign experiences.

Keywords: Professional competence, art education, professional, pedagogical technologies of innovation, artist, art studies

Introduction petence of future teachers of fine arts on the

In expanding the pedagogical possibili- basis of art studies, the future fine arts deties of the development of professional com- fines the conceptual directions of the fine arts

of Uzbekistan in the system of training teachers to the field of art studies.

Analysis of the literature in the field of fine and folk applied-decorative art of Uzbekistan in the system of training of future teachers of Fine Arts to the field of art studies shows that the research of Fine Arts and folk applied-decorative art, a number of scholars and art historians, such as Tilab Maxmudov, Akbar Xakimov, Nigora Axmedova, Kamola Boltabaeva, Dilafro'z Qodirova, Abduvalli Egamberdiev, Mahmud Usmonov, Po'lat Zo-hidov, Anvar Ilhomov, Saidqosim Usmonov, O'tkir Toxirov, O'tkir Obidov, Qobul Qosi-mov, Saidaxbor Bulatov, Urinboy Nurtaev, have made outstanding contributions.

The results of the research conducted by the above-mentioned authors in the field of art studies are described in the form of scientific articles, booklets, albums, brochures, monographs and art collections. These works are interpreted in the aspect of Fine Art and folk applied-decorative art, art studies. However, the question of the use of Fine Arts and folk art amaly in the system of training future teachers on the basis of art studies has not been fully studied.

In the development of professional competence of future teachers of Fine Arts on the basis of art studies, samples of Fine Arts are studied on the basis of lectures and practical classes organized in specialist subjects, special courses, research work, independent educational work, course and graduation qualification work of future teachers.

— In this system, the visual arts are considered in three directions:

the first direction — monuments of ancient monuments and historical architecture,

— second direction-history of fine arts and types of fine arts,

— the third direction is the main content and essence of the visual arts.

It is studied on the basis of ancient monuments of fine art, drawings on Rock, Stone and architectural monuments. Ancient applied-decorative art comes to the surface on the basis of an artistic analysis of iron, ceramic, woodwork. It is an ancient cauldron, a deep tray, a lamp, a tombstone, as well as practical-decorative art, patterns that reflect the image of an animal. The first image of her husband in the pre-revolutionary period

belongs to the work of the artist Vasily Vere-shagin.

Visual arts are considered on the basis of materials of Uzbek Graphics, Art of painting, sculpture and applied-decorative art. In the process of studying Uzbek graphics, the work of the first graphic artists is taken into account: Akmal Ikromov, Vladimir Kaydalov, Kanstantin Cherpakov, Dimitriy Kedrin, Grig-oriy Shevyakov, Anatoliy Osheyko. Also, who presented Stane forms of graphics Qutlug' Basharov, Georgiy Chiganov, Marat Kagarov, Vil Parshin, were very productive activities. Many of the works of the Masters of fine arts form the main content of the preparation of students to the field of art studies. The work of people's artists of Uzbekistan Ogones Tatevo-syan, Nikolai Karakhan, Alexander Volkov will reveal the glorious page of the first art school.

The names of the older generation of representatives of the art of painting — Robert Rojdestvenskiy, Aleksandr Nikolaev (Us-to-Mumin), Nikolay Rozanov, Ivan Kazakov, Mixail Novikov, Mixail Kurzin are mentioned in our republic with special respect and recognition.

The increased skill of the profession in the field of Fine Arts was also greatly stimulated by the creative activity of representatives of the middle generation, this process is clearly visible in the work of the famous furry owners Oral Tansiqboyev, Pavel Benkov, Zinaida Kovalavevskaya, Nina Kashina, Viktor Ufimt-sev, Veniamin Kedrin. They are creators who have their own individual style and direction of work, but are continuators of the traditions formed in the school of Fine Arts.

In the preparation of future teachers of Fine Arts of pedagogical higher education for the field of Art Studies, a special place is occupied by the study of the work of the following skilled artists: Abdulxak Abdullaev, Lutful-la Abdullaev, Shamsiroy Hasanova, Chingiz Ahmarov, Malik Nabiev, Rashid Timurov, G'ofur Abduraxmanov, Yanis Salpinkidi.

The stages of development of the art of Loom sculpture are associated with the names of a number of people's artists from Uzbekistan, such as Eynulla Aliev, Damir Ro'ziboev, Ilxom Jabbarov, Axmat Shoy-murodov, Aleksandr Toirov, Yakov Shapiro, Azamat Xatamov, Jaloliddin Mirtojiev Niko-lay Ivanov, etc.

In our republic, the number of sculptors is growing from year to year, their works are made on a carpet using marble, wood, maiolica (a material similar to ceramics, made by grinding burnt sand). Many fantasies of contemporaries, heroes of labor, historical figures were created by these creators. Of great interest is also the study of outstanding works of art in the development of professional competence of future teachers of fine arts on the basis of art studies. In the practice of developing professional competence of future teachers of Fine Arts on the basis of art studies, it is considered by close acquaintance with the creative activities of such masters of outstanding sculpture as Aleksey Grishenko, Ivan Krimskoy, Abdu-mumin Boymatov, Eynulla Aliev, Alim Rah-matullaev, Leonid Ryabsev, Ilxom Jabborov, Jaloliddin Mirtojiev, Jasvand Annazarov.

Painted plaques on works of stoned and majestic sculpture are very relevant in the training of the history of fine arts, the study of the field of sculpture.

The study of the creative activity of masters of Applied and decorative art of our country in lectures and practical classes will create a special interest in future teachers of Fine Arts in relation to the different edges of folk applied art.

A special place is occupied by the study of the work of Anvar Ilham, the first master of pattern-decorative art. His work is unrepeatable and has unique beauty. The outer world that surrounds us is embodied by Anvar Il-ham, in an embossed look, through a kind of charming art. His works "Guzal", "8-sided embossed table", "patterned draftsmanship on the ceiling" are distinguished by their unique appearance and uniqueness. To highlight decorative and applied art at the level of professional skill in a broad sense, Toir Toka-khkhodjaev, Jalil Khakimov, Olimjon Kasim-jonov, Abdulla Boltaev, Saidmakhmud Nor-ko'ziev, Toshpolat Ayupkhodjaev, Sherkhoja Khasanov, masters of wood and leather processing Suleiman Khosimov, Mahmudzhan Kasimov, pottery masters Raimberdi Mat-jonov, Sukhammad Khasanov. It will be necessary to get acquainted with the works of Siddiq, Usman Umarov, Turab Miraliev, Rus-tam Egamberdiev, Mukhiddin Rakhimov.

Of particular interest is the study of the works of mature artists by genres in the devel-

opment of professional competence of future teachers of Fine Arts on the basis of art studies. Many artists, representatives of different generations, worked in the historical genre. Examples of them include the work of Lut-fulla Abdullaev, Vladimir Burmakin, Valentin Zhmakin, Rozi Choriev, Nematzhan Lambi-boev. Looking at the work of Yuli Elizarov, Alexander Melnikov, we will witness that their works reflect a more domestic genre of life. Some masters of Fine Arts, such as graphic artists Georgy Chiganov, qutlugbasharov, Marat Kagarov, painters Alexei Lunev, Zokir Inogomova have dedicated their creative work to depicting war scenes. Artists from Uzbekistan include Zinaida Kovalavevskaya, Nina Kashina, Raxim Ahmedov. Mixail Kurzin, Aleksey Lunev, Viktor Ufimsev, Oganes Tatevosyan the Still Life genre also observed.

The reproduction of these works is successfully used in practical training in pencil, painting and composition, which is shot in the first courses.

Artists who turn to the portrait genre are also in the majority, portraits of representatives of various disciplines of Labor, science, culture, art are created by these creators. In this genre, the master-monk (Alexander Niko-laev), Abudlkhak Abdullaev, Lutfullo Abdul-laev, Nina Kashina, Genghis Ahmarov, Malik Nabiev, Alisher Mirzaev, Oganes Tatevosyan, Shamsiroy Hasanova, Sadullo Abdullaev, Ra-khim Ahmedov, Zakir Inogomov were prolific masters of the mustache. The works created by these artists are displayed in the porteret work classes of specialist disciplines.

In the work of artists of Uzbekistan, the landscape (landscape) genre has a special status. The creative work of Nikolai Kara-khan, Bakhtiyar Boboev, Oral Tansiqbaev, Rashid Timurov has a positive effect especially in the process of pedagogical practice in the development of professional competence of future teachers of Fine Arts on the basis of art studies.

In the development of professional competence of future teachers of Fine Arts on the basis of art studies, it is important to expand the imagination and formulate concepts on the main topics of the school of Fine Arts.

In the work of many artists, including Nematzhan Lambayev, Vladimir Burmakin, rozi Choriev, Marina Pashkovskaya, the topic

of the periods of the revival and development of our republic occupies a large place. In fine art, images depicting the heroes of labor in the history of our Motherland, the image of the veterans of the war, the selfless work of our people are considered of special value. This topic is clearly expressed in the creative activities of artists such as Lutfullo Abdullaev, Ra-khim Ahmedov, Viktor Ufimtsev, Nina Kash-ina. Artists who have devoted their creative work to women Ilya Zorkin, Vladimir Burma-kin, Laylo Salimzhonova, Shamsiroy Hasano-va, as well as examples of creativity of Mikhail Arinin and Samig Abdullaev, who depicted children's urine, also leave a large taasurot in future teachers of Fine Arts. The creative activity of the school of Fine Arts, he presented his works on the subjects of labor U. Tan-siqboev, M. Saidov, L. Abdullaev, N. Kashina, R. Ahmedov, V. Pravdyuk, V. Burmakins is admirable. Of particular interest is the study and analysis of the research work of art scientists in the preparation of future teachers of Fine Arts for the field of art studies. Future teachers in the field of fine arts need to be habilitated by research work on the history of Applied-decorative art, graphics, painting, architecture. Information about the scientific work carried out by art critics in these directions is also supplied in the process of teaching special subjects in the curriculum. The knowledge gained will be further strengthened in the process of independent work of future teachers of fine arts, training outside the auditorium. On the basis of various approaches, comprehensive research of the fine arts of the Uzbek people with a rich history requires great responsibility. Main areas of research in Fine Arts:

— life and work of famous masters of Fine Arts;

— the inextricable relationship of history, architecture and archaeology;

— practical-history of the development of decorative art;

— the essence and specific aspects of the art of graphics, painting and sculpture;

— modern trends in the development of Fine Arts;

— the development of knowledge in the field of art studies in our republic.

Ancient architectural monuments are associated with folk amalai-decorative art by their embossing, the use of samples of pot-

tery, woodcarving art, the harmony of forms. B. D. Denike, N. S. Grajdankina, R. I. Gagan-ov, V. L. Voronina, B. V. Weimaran, M. S. Bu-latov, L. I. Rempel, G. A. Scientists such as Pugachenkova added a significant share in the disclosure of the involvement of National Architecture (Architecture), in the art of folk art-decoration.

Information on the history of the development of Fine Arts is delivered in a lecture session on the history of fine arts. For detailed coverage of this area, G. A. Pugachenkov, N. S. Grajdankina, L. I. Rempel, P. A. Gon-charov, T. Adullaev, T. Mahmudov, N. A. Ave-dov, Z. Bositkhanova, N. Pritz, M. Rahimov, D. Fakhreddinov, N. Goyibov, M. Murzaahme-dov. M. Morozov, G. V. Moshkov, O. The work of researchers like Usmanov is used.

An important place is occupied by the future teachers of Fine Arts in the preparation of kholda, who has mastered professional and pedagogical activity, knowledge of the field of art studies, samples of Fine Arts and folk-applied decorative art.

The preparation of future teachers of Fine Arts in the field of art studies for the provision of artistic and creative education and aesthetic education to students implies the following points:

• history of the development of Fine Arts;

• life and work of famous masters of artistic creativity;

• formation of concepts that show the interrelated aspects of history, archaeology, architecture and Fine Arts;

• the meaning of the history of Applied-decorative art;

• practical-originality of decorative art;

• graphic, painting and sculptural art;

• modern directions in the development of Fine Arts;

• the development of knowledge in the field of art studies in the Republic.


Thus, the use of fine art samples in lectures and practical classes within the framework of special disciplines serves to increase the qualitative indicator of the work of preparing future teachers of Fine Arts for future practical activities socially, professionally, pedagogically and psychologically.


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submitted 22.08.2023; accepted for publication 20.09.2023; published 8.10.2023 © Nurtayev U. N.

Contact: urinbaynurtayev@yandex.ru

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