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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Akca Saniye

Cultural heritages are assets which have traces of not only the past but also of region existing, and these assets must be handed from generation to generation. They reflect background of the existing society and live and develop with those people. In order to provide this transfer appropriately, the strategies which are proper to the principles and norms of sustainability must be applied. In conjuction with globalization which is accompanied with modernization, regions with cultural heritage have started to become economy and attraction centers. Historical textures and regions which are located in city center are situated on the places which economic activities are live and are under the pressure of usage. For this reason, these regions must be protected and functioned in most correct way. Not only human activity but also global warming which must be examined for the past, present and future effects must be considered in the framework of protection of cultural heritage. In order to provide sustainability of cultural heritage management and to transfer the historical textures and artifacts to next generations by not avoiding to use, “Area Management” mechanism is situated in our agenda with its legislative and administrative dimensions. Within the World Heritage List, the criterias of UNESCO Operational Guidelines, in the related World heritage areas which are located in different geographies are examined on local conditions and then local area management plans are formed. In different geographial areas, Area Management Plans are formed in the same scope but in different configurations. The objective of this article is the protection of cultural heritage areas which is located in different geographies and taking the decisions for developing them and investigation of Istanbul Historical Peninsula Area Management Plan within the context of participatory planning approach in legislative and administrative framework. Keywords: cultural heritages; conservation; site management; management plan.

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УДК 351.853

Cultural Heritage Management in the Istanbul Historic Peninsula: Overview and Suggestions

Akca Saniye Supervisor: Arzu Kocabas

Kabardino-Balkarian State University Nalchik, Russia

Abstract: Cultural heritages are assets which have traces of not only the past but also of region existing, and these assets must be handed from generation to generation. They reflect background of the existing society and live and develop with those people. In order to provide this transfer appropriately, the strategies which are proper to the principles and norms of sustainability must be applied. In conjuction with globalization which is accompanied with modernization, regions with cultural heritage have started to become economy and attraction centers. Historical textures and regions which are located in city center are situated on the places which economic activities are live and are under the pressure of usage. For this reason, these regions must be protected and functioned in most correct way. Not only human activity but also global warming which must be examined for the past, present and future effects must be considered in the framework of protection of cultural heritage. In order to provide sustainability of cultural heritage management and to transfer the historical textures and artifacts to next generations by not avoiding to use, "Area Management" mechanism is situated in our agenda with its legislative and administrative dimensions. Within the World Heritage List, the criterias of UNESCO Operational Guidelines, in the related World heritage areas which are located in different geographies are examined on local conditions and then local area management plans are formed. In different geographial areas, Area Management Plans are formed in the same scope but in different configurations. The objective of this article is the protection of cultural heritage areas which is located in different geographies and taking the decisions for developing them and investigation of Istanbul Historical Peninsula Area Management Plan within the context of participatory planning approach in legislative and administrative framework.

Keywords: cultural heritages; conservation; site management; management plan.

For citation: Saniye A. Cultural Heritage Management in the Istanbul Historic Peninsula: Overview and Suggestions// Caucasian Science Bridge. 2020, Vol. 3. №4 (10). P. 31-35.

Управление культурным наследием на Историческом полуострове Стамбула:

обзор и предложения А. Сание Руководитель: Арзу Коджабас

Кабардино-Балкарский государственный университет г. Нальчик, Россия

Аннотация: Культурное наследие - это объекты, которые отражают не только прошлое, но и настоящее региона, они должны передаваться из поколения в поколение. Объекты культурного наследия отражают предысторию современного общества, живут и развиваются вместе с людьми. Чтобы надлежащим образом обеспечить трансляцию этих объектов, необходимо применять стратегии, соответствующие принципам и нормам устойчивого развития. В связи с глобализационными и модернизационными процессами, регионы с культурным наследием стали превращаться в экономические центры. Исторические районы, расположенные в центре города, находятся в местах, где ведется хозяйственная деятельность, и подвергаются негативному воздействию. По этой причине эти регионы должны быть защищены и наиболее эффективно использованы. Не только воздействие человека, но и глобальное потепление, которое необходимо изучить на предмет прошлых, настоящих и будущих последствий, следует рассматривать в рамках защиты культурного наследия. Для того чтобы обеспечить устойчивость управления культурным наследием и передать исторические объекты следующим поколениям, не избегая их использования, в повестку дня включен механизм «Управления территорией». В рамках Списка объектов всемирного наследия, практических рекомендаций ЮНЕСКО по отношению к различным видам культурного наследия, они подлежат изучению с учетом местных условий, а затем составляются планы управления на местном уровне. В разных регионах планы управления территориями формируются в одном объеме, но в разных конфигурациях. Целью данной статьи является анализ мероприятий по охране и развитию объектов культурного наследия, расположенных в разных географических регионах, а также исследование Плана управления территорией

Исторического полуострова Стамбул в контексте реализации согласованного планирования законодательной и административной деятельности.

Ключевые слова: культурное наследие; сохранение; управление сайтом; план управления.

Для цитирования: Сание А. Управление культурным наследием на Историческом полуострове Стамбула: обзор и предложения // Caucasian Science Bridge. 2020, Т. 3. №4 (10). С. 31-35.

Research Concept

Cultural heritages are assets which have traces of not only the past but also of region existing, and these assets must be handed from generation to generation. They reflect background of the existing society and live and develop with those people. In order to provide this transfer appropriately, the strategies which are proper to the principles and norms of sustainability must be applied. In conjuction with globalization which is accompanied with modernization, regions with cultural heritage have started to become economy and attraction centers. Historical textures and regions which are located in city center are situated on the places which economic activities are live and are under the pressure of usage (Okesli, 2011). For this reason, these regions must be protected and functioned in most correct way. Not only human activity but also global warming which must be examined for the past, present and future effects must be considered in the framework of protection of cultural heritage.


Following World War II, most of the cities in Europe were destroyed on large scales, and urban planning approach applied to form cities back. But this process affected negatively against civil architectural and cultural heritage areas. Finally, within the context of protection of cultural heritage areas, transition from monumental structure to urban scale was started. In the age we live in, protection of cultural heritage becomes harder day by day by espacially the reasons of worsening economic circumstances and the income struggles by population growth (Kiper, 2004).

International organisations are working in order to protect cultural heritage areas sustainably and hand these to next generations. In the meetings which are holded by international organisations like UNESCO, ICOMOS and Council of Europe, principals are determined, and with advisory jurisdiction public opinion is tried to be clarified and be kept awake against the threat.

Espacially UNESCO adopted the concept of "sustainable growth" and mantain their studies in this context. This context has arised as a connection to 3E (Economy, Ecology, Equity) which formed in 1970s. by UNESCO, with the intent of sustainable protection of cultural heritage areas, Operational Guidelines For The Implementation Of The World Heritage Convention was prepared as an agreement and principals were determined. Thanks to this guide, administrative plans are formed in World heritage ares in different geographies (Ko-cabap, 2006).

In order to provide sustainability of cultural heritage management and to transfer the historical textures and artifacts to next generations by not avoiding to use, "Area Management" mechanism is situated in our agenda with its legal and administrative dimensions as an updated tool. Within the World Heritage List, the criterias of UNESCO Operational Guidelines, in the related World heritage areas which are located in different geographies are examined on local conditions and then local area administrative plans are formed. In different geographial areas, Area Management Plans are formed in the same scope but in different configurations. If the area management plans of different geographies are examined in local conditions, it is obvious that local conditions are shaped by that society's cultural, economic, physical and social dimensions.

Because of the increasing authorization paradoxes or conflicts in planning systemat-ics, serious problems occur in planning process. At the same time, the unconsciousness of society about importance and protection of their own culture and culturel heritage esca-

lates the severity of the circumstance. By legislative regulations, the transformations of a lot of towns to neighborhoods or connecting them to municipalities caused immense difficulties in planning and inspeciton espacially in recent years. Increasing the authorisations of metropolitan municipalities, administration has become more centralizied, less localized and beause of this fact, society has become estranged about the management and politics, formation of administration has become much more authoritarian. Because of these developments, concepts of collaborative planning and governance started to fray around the edges. The objective of this article is the protection of cultural heritage areas which is located in different geographies and taking the decisions for developing them and investigation of Istanbul Historical Peninsula Area Management Plan within the context of participatory planning approach in legislative and administrative framework.

Historical Peninsula which is the subject of this article is one of the cities which can face the risk of submerging because of the global warming. According to an research, 2 metres rise on sea level is going to cause the half of the fresh water supplies to become dysfunctional and impotable and to undergo radical changes shorline of the city. Rising on sea levels by melting of glaciers caused by climate change will directly affect coasts of Istanbul Historical Peninsula (National Geographic).

Turkey signed "About the the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage convention" , adopted by UNESCO in 1973, in 1983. 'Historical Areas of Istanbul', which consists of four regions, was registered on the World Heritage List in 1985.

The Historic Peninsula is an important trade and service area on both urban and regional scale. Due to its geopolitical location, the roles it assumed in the historical process has not changed, it has maintained its weight in the fields of culture, art and economy. For this reason, Site Management plan studies have been started to protect and sustain the cultural heritage values within the boundaries of the area, and the Istanbul Historic Peninsula Area Management Plan was approved in 2011 to cover 4 important areas included in the World Heritage List (Sultanahmet Archaeological Park, Süleymaniye Mosque and its Associated Conservation Area, Zeyrek Mosque (Pantocrator Church) and its Associated Conservation Area, Land Walls of Istanbul).

Then, the revision works, which lasted for 4 years, started in 2014.

Within the concept of the Management Plan; firstly, vision and principles have been determined, in this direction, problem areas and targets to solve them have been established. Strategies and actions needed for the targets were identified and responsible institutions and organizations were identified to perform the actions. A code system has been developed to establish the relationship between management plan objectives, strategies and actions. This framework is structured under 7 headings. These titles;

- Management and Coordination;

- Protection-Planning;

- Conservation and Restoration;

- Accessibility;

- Education, Awareness and Participation;

- Visitor Management;

- Risk Management.

The most important part of the concept of the Management Plan is The Focus Meetings, where research is evaluated and themes are created. As a result of these meetings, a workshop was organized and as a result of these studies, principles and policies were determined for the Management Plan. Within the scope of these principles and policies; decisions taken for the concept of sustainable protection of cultural heritage;

- Spatial development should be in harmony with the natural and cultural environment, respecting the cultural heritage, taking care of the needs of future generations;

- Considering disaster risk in the studies carried out in the field;

- Ensuring the sustainable protection and use of cultural values in accordance with national and international legislation;

- Supporting public transport and pedestrianization decisions;

- Conservation practices in an integrated manner in the Management Plan Area.

Within the scope of these determined principles and policies, targets and actions for

the themes have been established.


In the context of protection and sustainability of cultural heritage, the objective strategies and administrative relationships of this city which is faced with global warming, must be examined in the framework of "Area Management Plans". The expression of cultural heritage administration, gains great importance in terms of protection, restoration and development of cultural heritage. Participatory policies must be provided and applied in order to keep historical urban texture alive by developing with its surroundings, to save the protected areas, and to make authorities accept these areas as a heritage for future. The condition to provide this is to increase consciousness of protection and to organise administration according to the principals of local and participatory planning. In this article, protection of cultural heritage on the base of local and participatory planning and obtaining sustainability protection are defended and asserted. The studies on legislative and administrative framework is not sufficient for protection and administration of cultural heritage. Therefore the policies and applications of Europan countries must be followed up and taken into consideration. The relationships between countries and international meetings can cause to form policies.

There are many laws and regulations and responsible institutions within the scope of the Istanbul Historic Peninsula Management Plan regulatory framework. This negatively affects both the conservation of cultural heritage and the stage of making and implementing the management plan. A regulatory framework should be established in which laws on protection and development of cultural heritage and "Special Laws" for the Historic Peninsula have been created. An "Inter-Institutional Committee" should be established to determine the duties and authorities of the institutions and regulate the relationship between them in order to prevent the lack of authority and lack of coordination.

Citizens as a third group should be added to the grouping of actors and responsible persons in the area management, and in the context of urban rights, the public should be included in the decision making process regarding their own living spaces.

The concept of Risk Management should not be a theme but should be evaluated as a separate project, and the results achieved in this context should provide input to the targets and strategies. The dangers caused by the earthquake and fire examined within the scope of the Historic Peninsula Plan should be added to the factors caused by global warming, and comprehensive projects should be developed.

The Istanbul Historic Peninsula Management Plan, which can be revised within the scope of all these suggestions, will be a successful example that has been strengthened against global warming and other natural disasters, has been preserved, and a more participatory management has followed a planning approach. In this way, the Istanbul Historical Peninsula can stay where it deserves in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Магистрант Master's Degree Student

Кабардино-Балкарский государственный Kabardino-Balkarian State University университет


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20 октября 2020 г.

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