Научная статья на тему 'Critical thinking technology as one of the ways to motivate students at the English lessons within the system of 12-year education'

Critical thinking technology as one of the ways to motivate students at the English lessons within the system of 12-year education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zhutova E.M.

This article discusses advantages of critical thinking technology at the English language lessons. Also information about usage of various techniques at the lessons with students of Kostanai pedagogical college is given in this article.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Critical thinking technology as one of the ways to motivate students at the English lessons within the system of 12-year education»





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Жутова Е.М.,

преподаватель английского языка, Костанайский педагогический колледж

Неггзгг свздер: сыни т¥рзыдан ойлау, сыни т¥рзыдан ойлау технологиясы, цузырет-тшк, шетел тшне оцы-ту.

Ключевые слова: критическое мышление, технология критического мышления, компетенция, обучение иностранному языку.

Key words:

critical thinking, critical thinking skills, meaning, collaborative activities.

Вестник «Орлеу^-kst



Макалада сыни тургыда ойлау, сыни тургыда ойлаудьщ технологиясы, агылшын тш сабактарындагы сыни тургыда ой-лауды калыптастырудыц тYрлi технологияларыныц ^останай педагогикалык колледжшде студенттерге колданылатыны ай-тылган.


Данная статья раскрывает понятия критическое мышление, технология критического мышления, описывает преимущества использования различных технологий критического мышления на уроках английского со студентами Костанайского педагогического колледжа.


This article discusses advantages of critical thinking technology at the English language lessons. Also information about usage of various techniques at the lessons with students of Kostanai pedagogical college is given in this article.

Within the modernization of Kazakhstan education the question of the competence approach in training is seriously discussed. It is very difficult to see the distinctive features of skills and competencies in the educational system.

The topic of critical thinking is very up to date. Thus the idea of order for primary professional education rises. In modern conditions, professional schools can actively engage in the formation in one of the key competencies - informational, not only due to the active use of computer technology, but also through the use of innovative technologies. We can refer critical thinking technology to one of these information technologies.

Critical thinking is a search for common sense - how to judge objectively and logically act considering as from your point of view and other views, the ability to abandon their own prejudices [1, c. 5].

Critical thinking has been a well-established subject and a debatable research field across disciplines for a very long time. It was first introduced by Greek philosophers and has been used since the Greek Empire era up to now, obtaining a significant, influential status during its extensive travel all over history. Many historians believe that the roots of critical thinking can be traced from Socrates' teaching practice and vision 2,500 years ago. He brilliantly revealed a probing questioning method that individuals could not logically justify their assertive claims to knowledge [2, c. 25].

Currently, there are many definitions of critical thinking. So, D.

Halpern wrote: «Critical thinking cognitive techniques and strategies that increase the likelihood of achieving the desired end result». This definition characterizes thinking as something different testability, validity and action oriented -this type of thinking, to which recourse in solving problems, formulating conclusions probabilistic assessment and decision-making. [6, c. 568]

One of the authors' technology RWCT D. Kluster in his article wrote: «What is critical thinking?» identifies the following parameters of critical thinking:

1.Criticalthinking isthinking independently.

2. Information is the starting and end point is not critical thinking.

3.Critical thinking begins with asking questions and clarifies issues that should be addressed.

4.Critical thinking is committed to convincing argument.

5.Critical thinking is thinking social [7,c.1].

In pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary

"thinking" is defined as « socially conditioned , is inextricably linked with speech mental process of search and discovery essentially new process mediated and generalized reflection of reality in the course of its analysis and synthesis .» Thinking arises on the basis of practical activity and sensory perception goes far beyond it. This issue devoted to the works of Karl Popper, A. Disterveg, D. Dewey, L.S. Vygotsky and others [3, c.7].

There are several methods and techniques of critical thinking, but they all consist of three phases: a challenge - understanding - reflection.

Pupils will work actively if they are interested in your subject. For this there is the stage of "challenge". Exactly here teacher should involve pupils (a new theme is introduced, defines purposes). The element of surprise is important; the main thing that teacher was surprised, impressed and interested in pupils, especially the topic of the lesson is not reported.

At the stage of «understanding» we already argue differently: here the information available to the children is involved in knowledge, and they are involved in learning new content. Children speculate recall collect nuggets of their experience. The main thing - they begin to reveal their ability to express their thoughts exactly. Let

Вестник «Орлеу^-kst -

is the use of them make mistakes, but they say, and this is

important. They make conclusions and marching on.

At the stage of "reflection» we return to the results, compare initial knowledge with knowledge after reading the text , and the pupils appropriating new knowledge extracted both its own without even noticing it. At this stage, they analyze the benefits of this or that means, talk about their shortcomings [4, c.3].

During the English lesson in Kostanai pedagogical college I tried to use different types of activity and new technologies in order to motivate student, increase their interest.

So in my practice I use only the number of teaching methods of these technologies, which, as shown by testing, we believe the most successful, «cluster», «KWL» - I know, I want to learn, learned and «sikvein».

The next technique which was very interesting and productive for learning language is "Cluster" or "Association". It is a training technique that goes to reflection, to exchange views on a particular topic. Techniques for this strategy are as follows:

1. Write a keyword or phrase in the center of a sheet of paper or on the blackboard.

2. Then offer students or the whole group for 5-7 minutes to write words or phrases that come to mind on the chosen topic.

3. Students write down as many ideas as come to mind until the time runs out. Depending on the students' speech preparation different words. Then the children share their associations in pairs or with other groups.

This technique is well used in the generalization of the material, as it allows pupils to expand lexical vocabulary for a given topic, it is better to learn grammatical phenomenon, to develop communicative skills, to manifest the spirit of competition, because each group is trying to write as much as possible associations. Thus, from topic to topic, each student through associations supplements their active vocabulary. Here is an example of the association on the theme "London":

Besides at my lesson I used "KWK" technique which allows the teacher to control the work of each pupil and put mark for his work in the classroom. So before reading the text




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Вестник «Орлеу^-kst

students draw a table with three columns in their notebooks. For example, we read the text about London. In the first column, «I know» pupils briefly wrote about what they already knew about this city. In the second column, «I want to know» they wrote about what they would like to learn more about London. And in the last column «know» they gave information that understood from the text. Someone wrote more, some less, but in accordance with their knowledge.

Usage of modern educational technologies, reliance on the best home experience, and the usage of the author's methodology help me to achieve optimal results possible in the educational process during my practice. But still, even the most interesting principles of learning and educational technologies can be implemented only in a situation of communication, joint creative work of the teacher and the pupils, i.e. in co-creation. § The results of the research (questioning

^ pupils in the classroom observation, interviews O with teachers) have shown the following.


^ During the survey, the students were offered

O the following questions:

g 1. Do you consider English as one of the

y most important subject? g 2. If not, why not?

S 3. If it is so, how knowledge of English will

H affect your future life?

4. How do you think in what public spheres

§ of life you will find a use for it? ^ Results of the survey showed that all pupils

§ consider foreign language an integral part of

S modern life. Although the reasons were various («

® every educated person should know at least one foreign language», "everywhere and everything

is in English», « I just like English language!»), but the main thing is that all pupils are aware of the practical importance of foreign language, its focus on life application.

Making a conclusion we should say that using the critical thinking at the foreign language lessons , the teacher develops a personality of pupil stimulate pupil's interest, develops his desire to virtually use a foreign language as well as learn, thereby making a real success in mastering the subject .Critical thinking technology allows teachers to create a classroom atmosphere of openness and responsible cooperation, the ability to use the model of the system of training and effective techniques that promote critical thinking and independence in learning.


1.Агейчева А.Г. Развитие критического мышления у детей младшего школьного возраста// English.- 2007.- №21.- С.- 5.

2.Выготский Л. С. Мышление и речь. -М.: Наука, 1974.

3.Кларин М. В. Развитие критического и творческого мышления// Школьные технологии.- 2004.- №2.- С. 7.

4.Сухова Л. В. Некоторые приемы формирования критического мышления на уроках английского языка// Иностранные языки в школе.- 2012.- № 1.- С. 3

5.Dewey J. How we think... Boston, etc., 1983, с. 9.

6.Ellis A.K., Fouts J.T. Research on educational innovations. -Princeton Junction, 1993, с. 568.

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