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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Utkin Alexey Igorevich, Marintsev Dmitry Andreevich

The article explores the possibilities of certain identification and forecasting of the economic motives of the premeditation of bankruptcy for commercial organization in the framework of forensic accounting expertise of the enterprise’s reliability through balanced scorecard. The unified list of criteria for identifying the key motives and factors of the premeditation of bankruptcy is elaborated. As a result of the application of the author’s method of criteria-based analysis, typical risk-forming motives of the premeditation of bankruptcy are revealed and the directions of improvement of the procedure of anti-crisis management, envisaging leveling motives of the abuse of administrative authority within violation of financial stability of the organization, are proposed.

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CRITERIA-BASED ANALYSIS OF THE PREMEDITATION OF BANKRUPTCY IN THE CONTEXT OF FORENSIC ACCOUNTING EXPERTISE OF THE ENTERPRISE'S RELIABILITY THROUGH BALANCED SCORECARD Utkin Alexey Igorevich, Master Student (e-mail: alexeyutkin98@mail.ru) Marintsev Dmitry Andreevich, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia (e-mail: marintzev2010@yandex.ru)

The article explores the possibilities of certain identification and forecasting of the economic motives of the premeditation of bankruptcy for commercial organization in the framework of forensic accounting expertise of the enterprise's reliability through balanced scorecard. The unified list of criteria for identifying the key motives and factors of the premeditation of bankruptcy is elaborated. As a result of the application of the author's method of criteria-based analysis, typical risk-forming motives of the premeditation of bankruptcy are revealed and the directions of improvement of the procedure of anti-crisis management, envisaging leveling motives of the abuse of administrative authority within violation offinancial stability of the organization, are proposed.

Key words: motives of the premeditation of bankruptcy, forensic accounting expertise, financial reliability, criteria-based analysis, balanced scorecard, directions for leveling motives.

In conditions of anti-crisis management forensic accounting expertise of economic reliability of the organization provides for the identification and forecasting of economic motives of premeditated bankruptcy [1; 3; 5]. In this regard, the statements of Article 196 of Criminal Codex of the Russian Federation N 63-FL of 13.06.1996 regulate the key conditions for the occurrence of these motives and contain a regulatory framework for assessing and regulating damage from premeditated bankruptcy [2; 3]. Thus, the commission by the head or founder of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur of actions (inaction) that knowingly entail the insolvency of the organization and lead to a financial crisis is punishable by a fine of 200,000 to 500,000 rubles or imprisonment for up to 6 years with a fine of up to 200,000 rubles [2]. The certain identification and forecasting of the economic motives for the premeditation of bankruptcy of the commercial organization can be carried out by the elaboration of the unified criteria list within the balanced scorecard concept.

To identify possibilities of identification of economic motives and factors of premeditated bankruptcy, comprehensive management methods of financial well-being and the overall effectiveness of the financial activities of the enterprise in the context of forensic accounting expertise, it is necessary to elaborate

a new integrated methodology based on the modification of recognized tools of analysis. As the basis of this modification and creation of new techniques, it should be considered criterial approach in developing a standardized list of criteria for selecting key factors and motives of premeditated bankruptcy that characterize the loss of financial commercial organizations, correlated with all the parameters of the financial activities forming the balanced scorecard projections [4; 6; 7]. The method of criteria-based analysis proposed for application in the framework of the criteria approach will allow to select the key motives based on the determination of the correspondence of the cross-cutting trends of the financial condition generated by them to the economic meaning of the criteria. In this regard, based on the new integrated methodology, it will be possible to reduce the entire multi-faceted assessment of bankruptcy to the analysis of key motives and factors selected on the basis of criteria and form strategic projections of the organization's activities within balanced scorecard that comprehensively cover the financial condition and areas (prospects) for improving financial and economic potential.

Table 1 presents the final unified list of criteria elaborated by us for identifying the key economic motives and factors of the premeditation of bankruptcy in the context of the balanced scorecard strategic projections.

Table 1 - Criteria for identifying the key economic motives and factors of premeditation of bankruptcy in the framework of the balanced scorecard

Strategic projection of balanced scorecard Criteria for identifying the key motives and factors of premeditated bankruptcy of commercial organization Vector for determining the motives and factors of premeditated bankruptcy of commercial organization

1 2 3

Finance 1. Lack of overlapping and reciprocal indicators Exclusion of repetition of the influence of similar trends in the financial condition on financial stability and solvency

2. Comprehensive reflection of the availability of financial resources Assessment of the role of various sources of financing in ensuring the stability of the enterprise

3. Comprehensive reflection of the quality of property potential and financial performance Assessment of the company's availability of its own sources of financing and the effectiveness of their use in expanding production and financial activities

Clients 1. Comprehensive reflection of the competitive advantages of financial and economic potential Assessment of the aggregate opportunities for improving economic development and competitiveness through its own financial potential and customer satisfaction

2. Comprehensive reflection of the industry specifics and the specifics of the reproduction process General assessment of the impact of reproduction processes and industry affiliation on the availability of the company's own financial resources


Continuation of table 1

1 2 3

3. Comprehensive assessment of reserves of improvement of a financial condition Assessment of the aggregate opportunities to accelerate the turnover of financial resources and increase the functionality of its own working capital through the sale of products (in order to stabilize the state of financial stability and solvency)

Internal processes 1. Comprehensive reflection of the strengths and weaknesses of the efficiency of production and financial activities Overall assessment of the financial position and determination of the total production opportunities to improve financial stability, solvency and investment attractiveness

2. Reliability of the reflection of risks of reduction of production and financial well-being Completeness and reliability of the assessment of trends in the violation of financial stability and solvency and the production process

3. Comprehensive reflection of resource and management opportunities to improve the financial condition Assessment of the total capacity to manage the development of financial activities due to administrative restrictions

Innovations / professional development of staff 1. Comprehensive reflection of innovative prospects for the stable use of own sources of financing Assessment of the total innovative opportunities to stabilize and improve the functionality of its own financial potential

2. Comprehensive reflection of potential opportunities to achieve financial stability through advanced technologies and staff skills Assessment of the total possibilities of using their own financial potential when implementing a digital platform for improving the process of organizing staff work

The choice of criteria is determined by the priority influence of the strategy and mission on the activities of any organization, since the main goal of the enterprise is to increase financial well-being and maximize the efficiency of using its own financial and economic potential. In accordance with the strategy and mission, any commercial organization strives to achieve this goal and will always choose these criteria when conducting a forensic accounting examination, which determines the uniformity of the presented list of criteria and its applicability in selecting the key motives and factors of premeditation of bankruptcy in relation to any enterprise.

As a result of the criteria analysis, it is established that the typical risk-forming motives of the premeditation of bankruptcy, which in the long term are essential for the issues resolved by the forensic accounting expertise, are:

- the desire to appropriate for further third-party use a part of the property or the undisclosed surplus of a particular product (material), not taken into account by the page and general results, concerning a significant part of the values and decisive positions;

- the desire to hide illegal discrepancies or corrections that have arisen as a result of the abuse of the company's management of its property;

- the desire to hide the invalidity of the signatures of the materially responsible persons on the financial and economic documents (if it is established on the basis of documentary data that the materially responsible person refused to sign the documents on the grounds of incorrect and incomplete verification of valuables and required rechecking them and the administration didn't take appropriate measures);

- the desire to expand the scope of business when implementing a merger of several companies (the bankrupt enterprise is included in the organization with a high level of financial efficiency).

In this regard, in the process of forensic accounting expertise economic credibility, to reduce the impact of these motives and risk factors and improving the procedure of crisis management based on balanced scorecard, we apply two measures of influence on abuse of power, the implementation of which will be able to find the possibility of leveling motives and decrease damage from premeditated bankruptcy.

Table 2 - Possibilities for improving methods for leveling the economic motives of premeditated bankruptcy when introducing restrictions on the use of borrowed capital by organizations

Risk management method Opportunities for improving efficiency

1 2

Provision of bank guarantees The abolition of the cyclical payments under the guarantee (through the use of equity capital)

Risk dissipation Combining enterprises to implement a consistent policy and risk sharing among all participants of the association (by improving their financial condition)

Risk localization Interaction of the scientific and technical potential of the association participants (due to the preservation of the financial resources of the organizations)

Development of standard recommendation programs for training highly qualified management personnel Taking into account the needs of not only the organization itself, but also its employees (by preserving the financial resources of the organizations)

1. Introduction of restrictions on the use of borrowed capital by organizations. The reduction of borrowed funds in the economic turnover will lead to a decrease in the share of insolvent enterprises and an increase in the number of con-

tracts concluded. At the same time, there will be opportunities to improve the methods of leveling the economic motives of the premeditation of bankruptcy (table 2).

Reducing the influence of the factor of instability of political power at the federal and regional levels will be achieved through the formation of financial resources accumulation, which will increase the financial activity and maximally protect market relations from the impact of political processes. Sufficient equipment with its own funds will determine the coverage of the share of damage to customers, and thus will allow to overcome the severity of the consequences of the risk of implementing non-priority investment projects.

The impact of the social inequality factor can be reduced by increasing the satisfaction of various categories of the population with the conditions of the insurance process in the insurance market. The provision of insurance premium benefits by insurers will equalize the ability of individuals to cover the damage and determine the reduction in the likelihood of the risks of the company's withdrawal from the market.

Reducing the impact of the shortage of working capital and depreciation of fixed assets will be possible with the improvement of the technical potential of organizations, due to their interaction and coordinated policies, as part of the risk localization process. The proposed information and technology exchange will affect the development of the trend towards attracting new equipment and improving the labor organization system as a whole, thereby reducing the risks of personnel receiving industrial and other injuries, accidents and fires.

The use of training programs for management personnel, taking into account personal characteristics, preferences and needs, will internally stimulate managers to develop the enterprise and treat customers carefully, which will reduce the impact of the risk-forming factor of incompetence, lack of experience, knowledge and operational business activity of the population. Professional development will lead to an improvement in the financial condition of organizations, which is an integral part of the process of increasing the level of investment attractiveness and the transition to efficient multi-industry production. Achieving a high level of investment attractiveness will allow the company to carry out financial reproduction and thus prevent the risk of redistribution of financial resources in favor of inefficient activities.

Summarizing the above, the usefulness of introducing restrictions on the use of borrowed capital by organizations is determined by considering the state of the market in close interaction with the processes occurring at the enterprise level. The formulated measure of influence can be applied in practice when creating attractive tariff conditions at enterprises that prevent the implementation of unprofitable additional payments for obligations under the system of training and retraining of highly qualified labor.

2. Implementation of labor organization cards in the activity. Planning the work of the organization in different departments will allow you to reduce the local tasks of functional specialists to a single direction of achieving the compa-

ny's goals. With the rational use of available funds, this will lead to an improvement in the financial condition of the organization. There will be opportunities to improve the methods of leveling the economic motives of the premeditation of bankruptcy (table 3).

Table 3 - Opportunities for improving methods for leveling the economic motives of the premeditation of bankruptcy when implementing the work organization cards in the activity

Risk management method Opportunities for improving efficiency

1 2

Provision of bank guarantees The efficiency of collecting a package of documents and granting approval for the issuance of guarantees (thanks to the accumulation and targeted use of financial resources)

Risk dissipation An increase in the number of technologies used, an expansion of the range of services provided, and a diversification of activities that allows you to influence risk in several risk zones at once (by combining the financial resources of various divisions of the organization)

Risk localization Identification of areas of responsibility for the prevention of risk situations (by ensuring uninterrupted purposeful interaction of the organization's divisions without attracting borrowed funds)

Development of standard recommendation programs for training highly qualified management personnel Exchange of experience, strengthening of personal interaction and customer focus (by establishing a single direction for achieving the company's goals)

Reducing the influence of the factor of instability of political power at the federal and regional levels will be achieved by improving the system of strategic planning of organizations' activities. At the same time, the coordinated interaction of structural divisions will allow to form a significant amount of reserves necessary for the company's survival in situations of adverse economic and political phenomena (a change of power, a new round of sanctions, etc.). As with the first measure of impact, sufficient financial equipment will make it possible to cover the damage without harming the enterprise itself, which will help to overcome the severity of the consequences of the risk of implementing non-priority investment projects.

The impact of the social inequality factor will be reduced by increasing the range of services provided, associated with the overall diversification of activities. For various categories of the population, there will be an abundance of life insurance options that involve the establishment of benefits for the payment of

insurance premiums, which will determine the reduction in the likelihood of the risks of the company's withdrawal from the market.

Reducing the impact of the factors of working capital shortage and depreciation of fixed assets will be possible with an increase in the pace of innovative development of the interacting structural divisions of the company, due to the ability to purchase new equipment at their own expense and write off worn-out equipment. When the risk is localized, it will be possible to determine the areas of responsibility for the prevention of risk situations, develop a program of preventive measures and thereby influence of the emergence of a trend towards innovative development of the enterprise. Thanks to this, the risks of personnel injuries, accidents and fires will be reduced.

The exchange of experience, the strengthening of personal interaction and customer focus that arise when implementing a single direction of achieving the company's goals will allow to find new ways to attract the interest of customers and increase the awareness of investors when concluding contracts, which will reduce the impact of the risk-forming factor of incompetence, lack of experience, knowledge and operational business activity of the population. At the same time, the increase in consciousness will be an impetus to increase the financial literacy of employees of the enterprise as a whole and will determine the influx of qualified labor. For the transition to a diversified production management will support the skill level of financial security of high-performance activities and thereby minimizes the risk of redistribution of funds in favor ineffective.

Summing up, the usefulness of implementing work organization maps in the activity is determined by considering the effectiveness of the internal environment of the organization as a structure-forming element, the level of which depends on the consistency of the work of the company's divisions and the presence of a single direction for the implementation of local tasks by functional specialists. The practical application of the formulated impact measure is possible in the formation of a multi-level system for planning and monitoring the implementation of enterprises' own production strategies.

Thus, the identification of typical risk factors and motives of premeditated bankruptcy, which determined the high frequency of risk crisis financial conditions increasing the share of damages allowed us to formulate the author's vision of the ways of improving the procedure of anti-crisis management, the implementation of which will appear the possibilities of leveling motives of the abuse management authority for violation of financial stability of the organization.

1. Introduction of restrictions on the use of borrowed capital by organizations.

2. Implementation of labor organization cards in the activity.

Associated with the opening of these features, the decrease in the proportion of damage from the occurrence of risk situations will lead to the improvement of the financial state of organizations, which is an integral part of the process of restructurization on the basis of forensic accounting expertise of its reliability,

suggesting that the transition from single-industry specialization to a diversified economic system based on the balanced scorecard model.


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Уткин Алексей Игоревич, магистрант

(e-mail: alexeyutkin98@mail.ru)

Маринцев Дмитрий Андреевич, к.э.н., доцент

Ивановский государственный университет, г. Иваново, Россия

(e-mail: marintzev2010@yandex.ru)


Статья посвящена исследованию возможностей однозначной идентификации и прогнозирования экономических мотивов преднамереннности банкротства коммерческой организации в рамках судебно-бухгалтерской экспертизы надежности предприятия на основе сбалансированной системы показателей. Разработан унифицированный перечень критериев идентификации ключевых мотивов и факторов преднамеренности банкротства. В результате применения авторского метода критериального анализа выявлены типовые рискообразующие мотивы преднамеренности банкротства и предложены направления совершенствования процедуры антикризисного управления предприятием, предусматривающие нивелирование мотивов злоупотребления руководящими полномочиями при нарушении финансовой устойчивости организации. Ключевые слова: мотивы преднамеренности банкротства, судебно-бухгалтерская экспертиза, финансовая надежность, критериальный анализ, сбалансированная система показателей, направления нивелирования мотивов.

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