COVID-19 PANDEMIC IMPACT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF JATILUWIH TOURIST VILLAGE IN PENEBEL SUB-DISTRICT OF TABANAN DISTRICT, INDONESIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
Development / Jatiluwih / tourism village / COVID-19 pandemic

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Suarbawa I Wayan, Putra Anak Agung Gede, Karnata I Nengah

The agricultural sector that controls the livelihood of many people in Bali needs to be combined with the service sector such as tourism so that farmers get added value from their work. The pattern of tourism development with agricultural land objects and with its subak culture has been developed by the Tabanan Regency government in the Jatiluwih Village area. The potential of terraced rice fields with beautiful land scape and with a very unique subak system owned by Jatiluwih Village is utilized to develop Jatiluwih Tourism Village, which combines agricultural land with tourism activities. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded as follows: 1) Income before the covid-19 pandemic with after the covid-19 pandemic in Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency is significantly different, namely a 78.21% decrease in income, namely from Rp 10,799,435,000.00, to Rp 2,353,060,000.00,-. ; 2) The community views favorably and positively the development of Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel Sub-district, Tabanan Regency, because most of the community stated that they were very happy and pleased with the development of the tourism village, including the benefits felt, the increase in income and its role in welfare.

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UDC 332; DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2023-06.08



Suarbawa I Wayan*, Putra Anak Agung Gede, Karnata I Nengah

Faculty of Economics, Tabanan University, Bali - Indonesia *E-mail: wayan.suarbawa@gmail.com


The agricultural sector that controls the livelihood of many people in Bali needs to be combined with the service sector such as tourism so that farmers get added value from their work. The pattern of tourism development with agricultural land objects and with its subak culture has been developed by the Tabanan Regency government in the Jatiluwih Village area. The potential of terraced rice fields with beautiful land scape and with a very unique subak system owned by Jatiluwih Village is utilized to develop Jatiluwih Tourism Village, which combines agricultural land with tourism activities. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded as follows: 1) Income before the covid-19 pandemic with after the covid-19 pandemic in Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency is significantly different, namely a 78.21% decrease in income, namely from Rp 10,799,435,000.00, - to Rp 2,353,060,000.00,-. ; 2) The community views favorably and positively the development of Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel Sub-district, Tabanan Regency, because most of the community stated that they were very happy and pleased with the development of the tourism village, including the benefits felt, the increase in income and its role in welfare.


Development, Jatiluwih, tourism village, COVID-19 pandemic.

To achieve the goal of national development, which is to increase the prosperity of the people, a balance between various sectors is sought to be realized. The agricultural sector is a very important asset, because it concerns the livelihood of many people, especially in providing food sources for the people. Ironically, this sector has not received full attention from the government, even though nature in Indonesia has abundant wealth, even foreign nations are very tempted by Indonesia's natural products, especially spices.

According to Christopher B et al. 2010 that agricultural development in global developments and foreign policy needs to be sought out by scholars in their fields in order to produce models that can be empirically defended and easily understood and can even accelerate the formation of structural changes in order to overcome one billion more people out of poverty and chronic hunger.

The pattern of tourism development with agricultural land objects and with its subak culture has been developed by the Tabanan Regency government in the Jatiluwih Village area. The potential of terraced rice fields with beautiful land scape and with a very unique subak system owned by Jatiluwih Village is utilized to develop Jatiluwih Tourism Village, which combines agricultural land with tourism activities.

Tourism development in Jatiluwih Village is intended so that the potential can be developed so that it can be utilized as much as possible for the welfare of the community. One of the efforts made so that local communities or local communities can benefit from tourism is through the development of tourist villages.

Tourist visits to Jatiluwih Tourism Village before the COVID-19 Pandemic experienced a varied increase from 2016 to 2017 up 17.55%, from 2017 to 2018 up 14.75%, and from 2018 to 2019 the increase decreased to 9.19% but after the COVID-19 Pandemic which began in March 2020 dropped dramatically, reaching a very significant decline of 70.19%. The decline in the number of visits has an impact on the acceptance of the Jatiluwih Tourism Village, because its revenue only relies on the sale of entrance tickets for domestic and foreign tourists (foreign tourists) and parking fees.

Table 1 - Number of Foreign and Domestic Tourist Visits in Jatiluwih Tourism village

in the last five years

No Year Domestic Travelers (People) Foreign Tourists (People) Total Growth (%)

1 2016 28.241 185.268 213.509 -

2 2017 39.685 211.286 250.971 17,55

3 2018 46.200 241.782 287.982 14,75

4 2019 67.707 246.736 314.443 9,19

5 2020 54.926 38.817 93.743 -70,19

Source: Tourism Village Manager, 2020.

Table 1 explains that domestic and foreign tourist visits from 2016 to 20119 experienced an average increase of 7.43% each year and after the COVID-19 vandemic starting in March 2020, there was a very significant decrease in visits, namely 66.32%.

The pattern of tourism development with agricultural land objects and with its subak culture has been developed by the Tabanan Regency government in the Jatiluwih Village area. The potential of terraced rice fields with beautiful landscape and with a very unique subak system owned by Jatiluwih Village is utilized to develop Jatiluwih Tourism Village, which combines agricultural land with tourism activities.

Tourism development in Jatiluwih Village is intended so that the potential can be developed so that it can be utilized as much as possible for the welfare of the community. One of the efforts made so that local communities or local communities can benefit from tourism is through the development of tourist villages.

Tourist visits to Jatiluwih Tourism Village before the COVID-19 Pandemic experienced a varied increase from 2016 to 2017 up 17.55%, from 2017 to 2018 up 14.75%, and from 2018 to 2019 the increase decreased to 9.19% but after the COVID-19 Pandemic which began in March 2020 dropped dramatically, reaching a very significant decline of 70.19%. The decline in the number of visits has an impact on the acceptance of the Jatiluwih Tourism Village, because its revenue only relies on the sale of entrance tickets for domestic and foreign tourists (foreign tourists) and parking fees Table 2.

Table 2 - Number of Foreign and Domestic Tourist Visits in Jatiluwih Tourism village

in the last five years

No Year Domestic Travelers (People) Foreign Tourists (People) Total Growth (%)

1 2016 28.241 185.268 213.509 -

2 2017 39.685 211.286 250.971 17,55

3 2018 46.200 241.782 287.982 14,75

4 2019 67.707 246.736 314.443 9,19

5 2020 54.926 38.817 93.743 -70,19

Source: Pengelola Desa Wisata Tahun, 2020.

Starting from the main problem, the following hypothesis can be formulated:

• There is a significant difference between acceptance before and after COVID-19 in Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency;

• The community's view of the four categories of answers is significantly different.


This research was conducted in Jatiluwih Tourism Village in Penebel District, Tabanan Regency, which consists of 8 hamlets. This area was chosen as a research site because it has great potential for ecotourism or tourism-based agriculture, and can produce local Balinese rice.

Based on data on the number of families in each of the eight hamlets in Jatiluwih Tourism Village, the number of families is 900 families. Hamlets that were used as sample hamlets were selected purposively purposive sampling, namely the two hamlets with the largest number of families and the hamlet is in one path of Jatiluwih land scave objects, namely Gunung Sari Village with 160 families and Jatiluwih Kangin Hamlet with 133 families,

so that the number of families in the two hamlets amounted to 293 families. Samples (sampling) taken in this study, with all the limitations of researchers such as limited time, energy, financial and intellectual abilities, namely the Slovin method with the formula:

Where: n = number of samples; N = population size; e = error tolerance.

Table 3 - List of households in the Land Scape Area of Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel District,

Tabanan Regency

No Jatiluwih Village

Village Name Number of households Percentage (%)

1 Gunung Sari Kelod 160 17,78

2 Gunung Sari Umakayu 97 10,78

3 Jatiluwih Kangin 109 12,11

4 Jatiluwih Kawan 133 14,78

5 Kesambahan Kaja 132 14,67

6 Kesambahan Kelod 84 9,33

7 Kesambi 94 10,44

8 Gunung Sari Village 91 10,11

Total 900 100,00

Source: Jatiluwih Village Monograph, 2020.

Based on the Slovin method, the sample to be selected can be calculated as 75. Sampling 75 people from a total population of 293 people, the technique used is Proportional Random Sampling, with consideration of all populations to be represented, so that the distribution of samples in this study is as shown in Table 3.

Table 4 - Research Sample of Households in Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel District,

Tabanan Regency

No Jatiluwih Village

Village Name Jumlah KK Sample

1 2 Gunung Sari Desa Jatiluwih Kangin 0 3 63 1 4 43

Total 293 75

Source: Jatiluwih Village Monograph, 2020.

In this study, several descriptive and quantitative analysis methods were carried out in the form of parametric and non-parametric analysis, namely analytical techniques used to determine differences in acceptance before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as community responses to the development of the Jatiluwih Village Tourism Village.


Jatiluwih Village Profile. Jatiluwih Village government is within the scope of Penebel District. The village with a distance of ± 30 minutes from the city of Kecamatan about 14 km and the Regency with a distance of ± 50 minutes or about 26 km has an area of about 33.22 km2. Jatiluwih Village boundaries include: North: State Forest, South: Babahan Village, East: Senganan Village, West: Wongaya Gede Village. In terms of government, Jatiluwih Village is divided into 8 Banjar Dinas, namely: Br. Dinas Kesambi, Br. Dinas Kesambahan Kaja, Br. Dinas Kesambahan Kelod, Br. Dinas Jatiluwih Kangin, Br. Dinas Jatiluwih Kawan, Br. Dinas Gunungsari Desa, Br. Dinas Gunungsari Umakayu, Br. Dinas Gunungsari Kelod. To know the history of a place can be known through various forms of relics such as lontar-lontar, inscriptions or stories that can be trusted. In determining the history of Jatiluwih Village, it is entirely based on the stories of parents who can be trusted.

It is said that the name JATILUWIH comes from the words JATON and LUWIH. Jaton means Talisman, while LUWIH means good. Starting from the meaning of these words, Jatiluiwih Village means a village that has a really good or efficacious Talisman. Another source tells us that in the center of the village there is a graveyard of an ancient animal, the Jatayu bird. From the word Jatayu, over time the sound changed to JATON AYU which means Luwih or Good. So JATON AYU is the same as Jatiluwih. Thus, the word Jatiluwih was finally determined to be the name of the village and until now it has never changed. Because Jatiluwih Village has been known as a village that has a really good talisman, which can be proven by the results that are sufficient to meet the needs of life for all migrants and ensure safety while developing farming life.

Jatiluwih Tourism Village revenue comes from the sale of entrance tickets, parking fees and other income. Entrance ticket prices are determined according to the type of tourist, namely foreign tourists and domestic tourists as well as age classification, namely adults and children. Foreign tourists the entrance ticket price for adults is IDR 40,000.00 per person and children are IDR 30,000.00, while domestic tourists are IDR 15,000.00 and children are IDR 5,000.00. Total gross revenue in 2020 amounted to Rp. 2,474,602,400, total costs amounted to Rp. 1,287,546,879, so that the net income was Rp. 1,132,654,021.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the income of Jatiluwih Tourism Village was 2 times the income after the COVID-19 pandemic, which was shown by income. gross in 2019 amounted to Rp 10,963,122,650.00, - and the total cost was Rp 5,832,381,250.00, - so that the net income was Rp 5,130,741,400.00.

In addition, the main income of the community in Jatiluwih Tourism Village comes from various sectors, such as the agricultural sector in a broad sense, the service sector related to tourism development. The rice field agricultural sector farmers mostly plant local rice that produces brown rice which the price of brown rice is higher than ordinary white rice such as C4, the price of brown rice reaches Rp 25,000,00, - at the consumer level, let alone the brown rice is roasted into brown rice tea, then the price is much higher than ordinary brown rice, in the livestock sector the community is also trying to raise chickens both breeders and broilers and village chickens. The dry land agricultural sector is also widely cultivated there, such as cacao plantations and other fruit plants. People who have a place around the object of Jatiluwih terraced rice fields are also trying in the field of services such as warung businesses, restaurant businesses and also as local tour guides.

The number of tourist visits both foreign tourists and domestic tourists in 2020 dropped dramatically when compared to visits in 2019, which decreased from 314,443 people to 93,743 people, a decrease of 220,700 people (70%).

Two mean difference test analysis. Table 5 presents income data before the covid-19 pandemic and after the covid-19 pandemic in Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency.

Table 5 - Income Value Data before the Covid-19 Pandemic and After the Covid-19 Pandemic at DTW Jati Luwih, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency

Before the Covid-19 Pandemic After the Covid-19 Pandemic

No Month Income (Y1) No Month Income(Y2)

Year 2019 Year 2020

1 January 539.310.000,00 1 January 712.035.000,00

2 February 522.235.000,00 2 February 658.520.000,00

3 March 567.195.000,00 3 March 375.440.000,00

4 April 768.530.000,00 4 July 33.035.000,00

5 May 837.425.000,00 5 August 142,665.000,00

6 June 842.430.000,00 6 September 128.065.000,00

7 July 1.222.880.000,00 7 October 93.240.000,00

8 August 1.771.205.000,00 8 November 98.460.000,00

9 September 1.270.795.000,00 9 December 111.600.000,00

10 October,00

11 November 743.740.000,00

12 December 631.400.000,00

Source: Jatiluwih Tourism Village Operational Management, 2021.

Calculating the variance value (S2) of each group (before the covid-19 pandemic and after the covid-19 pandemic) requires auxiliary tables such as Table 5 and Table 6.

Table 6 - Auxiliary Table for Calculating Variance Value (S12) of Income Before Covid-19 Pandemic,


No Y1 Y1 -Y1 (Y1 -Y1)2

1 539.310.000,00 -360.642.916,67 130.063.313.341.840.000,00

2 522.235.000,00 -377.717.916,67 142.670.824.571.007.000,00

3 567.195.000,00 -332.757.916,67 110.727.831.104.340.000,00

4 768.530.000,00 -131.422.916,67 17.271.983.025.173.600,00

5 837.425.000,00 -62.527.916,67 3.909.740.362.673.610,00

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6 842.430.000,00 -57.522.916,67 3.308.885.941.840.270,00

7 1.222.880.000,00 322.927.083,33 104.281.901.150.174.000,00

8 1.771.205.000,00 871.252.083,33 759.080.192.712.674.000,00

9 1.270.795.000,00 370.842.083,33 137.523.850.771.007.000,00

10,00 182.337.083,33 33.246.811.958.507.000,00

11 743.740.000,00 -156.212.916,67 24.402.475.333.506.900,00

12 631.400.000,00 -268.552.916,67 72.120.669.050.173.600,00

I 10799435000 - 1.538.608.479.322.920.000,00

Y1 899.952.916,67 - -

Based on the data in Table 4.4, we can find the Variance Value (S12) of Income Before the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2019, with the formula:

S^ = I ^ - Y1)2 = 128.217.373.276.910.000,00 ni

Table 7 - Auxiliary Table for Calculating the Variance Value (S22) of Income Before Covid-19

Pandemic, Year 2020

No Y2 Y2 -Y2 (Y2 -Y2)2

1 712.035.000,00 450.583.888,89 203.025.840.926.235.000,00

2 658.520.000,00 397.068.888,89 157.663.702.523.457.000,00

3 375.440.000,00 113.988.888,89 12.993.466.790.123.500,00

4 33.035.000,00 -228.416.111,11 52.173.919.815.123.500,00

5 142.665.000,00 -118.786.111,11,00

6 128.065.000,00 -133.386.111,11 17.791.854.637.345.700,00

7 93.240.000,00 -168.211.111,11 28.294.977.901.234.600,00

8 98.460.000,00 -162.991.111,11 26.566.102.301.234.600,00

9 111.600.000,00 -149.851.111,11 22.455.355.501.234.600,00

I 2.353.060.000,00 - 535.075.360.588.889.000,00

Y2 261.451.111,11 - -

Based on the data in Table 4.5, we can find the Variance Value (S22) of Income after the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2019: S22 = 59.452.817.843.209.900,00. Test statistical value (thitung) calculated with the formula:

thit = Y1 - Y2

(n1 - 1) S12 + (n2 - 1) S22

(n1 + n2 - 2) n1 n2

thit = 3,108

Hypothesis testing is done by comparing tit with t table, ttabel = ± t(a; n1 + n2 - 2)= ± t(0,025; 12 + 9 - 2) = = ± t(0,025;19). From the t table, it is obtained t table = ± 2.093 and thit = 3.108.

Because Ho is rejected either according to the results of the test criteria above, that there is a significant difference between income before the covid-19 pandemic and after the covid-19 pandemic in Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency.



The level of community pleasure with Jatiluwih Village as a Tourism Village. Of the 75 respondents 62 people (82.67%) stated very happy, 7 people (9.33%) stated happy, 4 people (5.33%) stated less happy and two people (2.67%) stated unhappy. Furthermore, the four categories of answers were tested, the results obtained Dhitung> D table (0.58> 0.16) then Ho was rejected, HI was accepted, meaning that there was a difference in the four categories of answers.

The level of usefulness felt by the community with Jatiluwih Village as a Tourism Village. Of the 75 respondents 59 people (78.67%) stated that it was very useful, 11 people (14.67%) stated that it was useful, 4 people (5.33%) stated that it was less useful and one person (1.33%) stated that it was not useful. Furthermore, the four categories of answers were tested, the results obtained Dhitung> D table (0.54> 0.16) then Ho was rejected, HI was accepted, meaning that there was a difference in the four categories of answers.

The level of additional income felt by the community with Jatiluwih Village as a Tourism Village. Of the 75 respondents 54 people (72.0%) stated that it was very useful, 16 people (21.33%) stated that it was useful, 4 people (5.33%) stated that it was less useful and one person (1.33%) stated that it was not useful. Furthermore, the four categories of answers were tested, the results obtained Dhitung > D table (0.47> 0.16) then Ho was rejected, HI was accepted, meaning that there was a difference in the four categories of answers.

The role in improving the welfare felt by the community with Jatiluwih Village as a Tourism Village. Of the 75 respondents 63 people (84.00%) stated that it was very much increased, 7 people (9.33%) stated that it was useful, 3 people (4.00%) stated that it was less useful and two people (2.67%) stated that it was not useful. Furthermore, the four categories of answers were tested, the results obtained Dhitung > D table (0.59> 0.16) then Ho was rejected, HI was accepted, meaning that there was a difference in the four categories of answers.

Based on the results of research data analysis and the results of hypothesis testing that have been carried out above, it appears that there is a significant difference between income before the covid-19 pandemic and after the covid-19 pandemic in Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency. The income of Jatiluwih Tourism Village before the covid-19 pandemic outbreak was greater than the income of Jatiluwih Tourism Village after the covid-19 pandemic outbreak. Before the covid pandemic, the average income of DTW was Rp.899,952,916.67 per month, while after the covid-19 pandemic the average income of Jatiluwih Tourism Village was only Rp.261,451,111.11 per month. There is a considerable difference in the average value of income, namely Rp. 638,501,805.56 per month or 70.95%.

This analysis also looked at the level of pleasure, usefulness, additional income and its role in improving the welfare of the Jatiluwih village community by making Jatiluwih village a tourist village. Based on the results of the study, most of them stated that they were very happy, happy, and a small proportion stated that they were less happy and not happy about the development of the Jatiluwih Tourism Village. In terms of its usefulness, most people stated that it was very useful and beneficial, while a small proportion stated that it was less useful and not useful, including an increase in income and its role in improving welfare.


Based on the results of the above analysis, it can be concluded as follows: Income before the covid-19 pandemic with after the covid-19 pandemic in Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency is significantly different, namely a 78.21% decrease in income, namely from Rp 10,799,435,000.00, - to Rp 2,353,060,000.00, -. The community viewed favorably and positively the development of Jatiluwih Tourism Village, Penebel District, Tabanan Regency, because most of the community stated that they were very happy and pleased with the development of the tourism village, including the perceived benefits, increased income and its role in welfare. Suggestions that can be given are that during the covid-19 pandemic it is recommended that all stake holders continue to try to maintain Jatiluwih tourist attractions including paying attention to infrastructure such as cleanliness of

irrigation, subak roads for leisure walking paths, so that people avoid covid-19 and finally

tourists are not afraid to travel to Jatiluwih Village. Managers are advised to be more active

and creative to innovate in creating events such as events related to agricultural education,

cultural events so that they can become a special attraction at least for domestic tourists.


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