COVID-19: HOW TO TREAT SAFELY AND EFFECTIVELY? Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
COVID-19 / virus / safe treatment / alternative medical preparation / scientific literature / recover / treatment protocols / China / Ukraine / vaccination / Hepatitis C / influenza virus

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Romanchuk V.O.

The article briefly describes the situation with the virus COVID-19 in the world and, in particular, in Ukraine. Next, the author makes a detailed review of methods of treatment of this disease. The second part of the article is devoted to the treatment of coronavirus with an alternative medication of natural origin and provides treatment protocols for patients who have been treated with it and recovered. In addition, the author reviews the scientific literature on this medical preparation, which, in particular, deals with the treatment of viral diseases of various types

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Текст научной работы на тему «COVID-19: HOW TO TREAT SAFELY AND EFFECTIVELY?»


Romanchuk V.O.

Graduate Student Lviv National Ivan Franko University Henerala Chuprynky, 49, 79044, Lviv, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1594-3995


The article briefly describes the situation with the virus COVID-19 in the world and, in particular, in Ukraine. Next, the author makes a detailed review of methods of treatment of this disease. The second part of the article is devoted to the treatment of coronavirus with an alternative medication of natural origin and provides treatment protocols for patients who have been treated with it and recovered. In addition, the author reviews the scientific literature on this medical preparation, which, in particular, deals with the treatment of viral diseases of various types.

Keywords: COVID-19, virus, safe treatment, alternative medical preparation, scientific literature, recover, treatment protocols, China, Ukraine, vaccination, Hepatitis C, influenza virus.

Recently, the Health Minister of Ukrainе Maxim Stepanov said that the Ukrainian protocol of treatment of COVID-19 was based on the experience of doctors from the United States, China and the United Kingdom. "Today, there is no drug in the world that has written indications for COVID-19. Indeed, all this is the exclusively evidence-based modern medicine, because the whole world is in search, - says Stepanov. "But if we have at least one chance to save our citizens and to have fewer deaths, we will treat with the means that work in different countries." (https://lb.ua/society/2020/04/08/454844_chim_likuy ut_koronavirus_ukraini.html )

So if today all over the world (particularly in Ukraine) patients with COVID-19 are treated with various untested and extremely dangerous to life and health drugs, it may be appropriate to give a chance to a proven, effective drug that does not harm health and which antiviral properties have already been studied and proven by dozens of scientists around the world?

This is about the unique anti-cancer and antiviral drug NSC631570 (UKRAIN), which positive results of treatment of the viral infections (and not only) will be described below.

Thus, in 2019, China was shocked by information about a new epidemic of COVID-19 respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 or 2019-nCoV virus. In early 2020, the epidemic spread to other continents.

As of November 1, 2020, 46.406.405 cases of COVID-19 were recorded worldwide. As a result of complications caused by the disease, 1.200.565 people died. 33.493.349 people recovered. The leaders in the number of confirmed cases among the world are the United States (9.402.590), India (8.184.082), Brazil (5.535.605) and Russia (1.618.116). (https://www.ukrinform.ua/rubric-world/3127593-u-sviti-vze-ponad-12-miljona-pomerlih-vid-covid19.html)

In April 2020, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine approved a single protocol for the treatment of patients with Covid-19. Among the proposed drugs are Lop-inavir / Ritonavir (antiretroviral therapy), Remdesivir,

and the antibiotic Azithromycin together with chloro-quine and hydroxychloroquine. In the end, Ukraine decided to bet on Plaquenil and in April the mayor of the Kiev City Vitaliy Klichko confirmed that this drug is used in Kyiv hospitals to treat patients with Corona-virus. It should be noted that Plaquenil is a drug against malaria and some autoimmune diseases. It has been used since 1955. Although physicians around the world are actively using it in the treatment of COVID-19, there is currently no evidence base for the effectiveness of this drug. Plaquenil causes a number of side effects - from immune disorders to psychosis, tinnitus and visual disturbances. It should be used with extreme caution in patients with cardiovascular disease.

In addition to Plaquenil, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has included in the treatment protocol for patients with COVID-19 some antiretroviral drugs - lop-inavir and ritonavir - as a treatment option (in combination with hydroxychloroquine) in adult patients with moderate disease. Kaletra (by the way, it contains lop-inavir and ritonavir) and Aktemra (aka Tocilizumab) are also used to treat patients with HIV. The side effects of these drugs are very severe and unpleasant: headache, heart attack, high blood pressure, cough, vomiting, stomatitis, ulcers and, most interestingly, cough, pulmonary edema, asthma and upper respiratory tract infections. That is, we treat the flu with pneumonia, fight cough with drugs that cause the same cough and respiratory infections. In addition, these drugs can cause immunosuppression - a decrease in immunity. And this is when you first need to increase the patient's immunity. However, such drugs, as well as a number of others - dangerous and ineffective - are recommended in the official protocol. And this despite the fact that not so long ago the World Health Organization indicated that the benefits of treatment with COVID-19 antiretroviral drugs are quite small. (https://lb.ua/society/2020/04/08/454844_chim_likuy ut_koronavirus_ukraini.html ) By the way, the immu-nosuppressant Tocilizumab (aka Aktemra), which is used in the treatment of patients with COVID-19, generally participated only in a Chinese study on only 20 patients. "To date, data show that Tocilizumab is ineffective in reducing mortality, so the meaning of

its use is currently unknown.

It is possible that some new studies will show that it should be used in some other cases, in critically ill patients, but now we know that the effect is very weak, "- says the infectious disease specialist from Ukraine Dr. Eugene Shcherbina. (Https: // life. pravda.com.ua/health/2020/10/28/242810/ )

And about Remdisevir. It was used to treat Ebola fever. In October, the WHO published a preprint of the largest randomized clinical trial, Solidarity, examining its effects. The results were disappointing. The study did not provide any evidence of a reduction in mortality from Remdesivir, particularly for patients connected to ventilators. But it was purchased from the Ministry of Health and added to the COVID-19 treatment protocol. "Well done, but it is unknown what they bought. It would be better to buy oxygen concentrators and ventilators, and oxygen would be taken to hospitals. And we bought what we most likely will not need," Yevhen Shcherbyna responded to the purchase of Remdesivir by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. He suggests that this drug may later be excluded from treatment protocols in the United States and Europe. "We know that Remdesivir slightly reduces the duration of the disease, but it does not reduce mortality."

(Https://life.pravda.com.ua/health/2020/10/28/242810 /)

Therefore, there is currently no effective and safe treatment for COVID-19 in the world. At the same time, several well-known pharmacological companies announced clinical studies and the invention of an effective vaccine against COVID-19 (https://www.bbc.com/ukrainian/news-54872223 ). For example, the developers of one of the vaccines, namely the giant pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and BioNTech, loudly claim that the preliminary analysis shows that the first effective vaccine against corona-virus can protect more than 90% of people from COVID-19 infection. And they called it "a great day for science and humanity."

Their vaccine has already been tested on 43.500 people in 6 countries. An application for an emergency approval for the use of the vaccine has already been submitted. Vaccination should be done twice with an interval of three weeks. Trials in the United States, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa and Turkey have shown that seven days after the second dose of the vaccine, the body receives 95% protection. And Pfizer estimates that it will be able to deliver 50 million doses by the end of 2020 and about 1.3 billion by the end of 2021.

(https://www.google.com/ua/amp/s/healthnews.24tv.u a/ru/pohmele-dobrovolcy-kotorye-pervymi-poluchili-vakcinu-novosti-dnja_n1476103/amp )

Another pharmaceutical company, Moderna, said its vaccine against COVID-19 is effective at 94.5% patients. The study was conducted on 30.000 volunteers in the United States,

including people over 65 and representatives of different nationalities. The price for a dose of Modern vaccine will be $ 38, and Pfizer will be $ 20.

It is very suspicious that these "effective" vaccines were invented very quickly, because it usually takes at least 2 years of thorough clinical trials to prove the effectiveness and safety of a drug. Moreover, there

is no certainty that the vaccine will not cause dangerous effects on vaccinated people in a few years, as no retrospective studies have been performed. The readiness of the responsible authorities to allow vaccination by untested means as soon as possible also looks suspicious.

This view is supported by a number of well-known scientists. Thus, on December 1, 2020, Dr. Michael Yeadon (England), former head of the pulmonary disease research department of the giant Pfizer, and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, pulmonary specialist and former head of the Department of Public Health (Germany) published the text of a petition to the EMA (European Medicine Agency), requesting the immediate cessation of all studies related to COVID-19 vaccines, including BioNtech / Pfizer vaccine study called BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42), mentioned above.

On December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon and the lung specialist and former head of the public health department Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg filed an application with the EMA, the European Medicine Agency responsible for EU-wide drug approval, for the immediate suspension of all SARS CoV 2 vaccine studies, in particular the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42).

Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon demand that the studies - for the protection of the life and health of the volunteers - should not be continued until a study design is available that is suitable to address the significant safety concerns expressed by an increasing number of renowned scientists against the vaccine and the study design.

On the one hand, the petitioners demand that, due to the known lack of accuracy of the PCR test in a serious study, a so-called Sanger sequencing must be used. This is the only way to make reliable statements on the effectiveness of a vaccine against Covid-19. On the basis of the many different PCR tests of highly varying quality, neither the risk of disease nor a possible vaccine benefit can be determined with the necessary certainty, which is why testing the vaccine on humans is unethical per se.

Furthermore, they demand that it must be excluded, e.g. by means of animal experiments, that risks already known from previous studies, which partly originate from the nature of the corona viruses, can be realized. The concerns are directed in particular to the following points:

• The formation of so-called "non-neutralizing antibodies" can lead to an exaggerated immune reaction, especially when the test person is confronted with the real, "wild" virus after vaccination. This so-called antibody-dependent amplification, ADE, has long been known from experiments with corona vaccines in cats, for example. In the course of these studies all cats that initially tolerated the vaccination well died after catching the wild virus.

• The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1,

as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.

• The mRNA vaccines from BioNTech/Pfizer contain polyethylene glycol (PEG). 70% of people develop antibodies against this substance - this means that many people can develop allergic, potentially fatal reactions to the vaccination.

The much too short duration of the study does not allow a realistic estimation of the late effects. As in the narcolepsy cases after the swine flu vaccination, millions of healthy people would be exposed to an unacceptable risk if an emergency approval were to be granted and the possibility of observing the late effects of the vaccination were to follow. Nevertheless, BioN-Tech/Pfizer apparently submitted an application for emergency approval on December 1, 2020. (https://2020news.de/en/dr-wodarg-and-dr-yeadon-request-a-stop-of-all-corona-vaccination-studies-and-call-for-co-signing-the-petition/, https://2020news.de/wp-content/up-loads/2020/12/Wo-

darg_Yeadon_EMA_Petition_Pfizer_Trial_FINAL_0 1DEC2020_EN_unsigned_with_Exhibits.pdf)

So, COVID-19 is somehow being treated all over the world by means of the ineffective and even life-threatening drugs, including vaccines that have not undergone the necessary clinical and retrospective studies. Perhaps it makes sense to pay attention to treatment with safe antiviral drugs that have their effectiveness which has been proven a long time ago?

This is a well-known anticancer and antiviral drug NSC631570 (UKRAIN) based on celandine alkaloids. NSC631570 has already saved the lives of many cancer patients. Confirmation of this are patients with metastatic colon and breast cancer who follow use of the drug as monotherapy and live more than 20 years without recurrence. It causes complete regression of both the main tumor and metastases. In the treatment of advanced forms of malignancy disease this drug can improve quality of life and prolong the survival rate of patients. It was confirmed in clinical trials, among others by Professor Hans Beger from the Ulm University (Germany) and by Professor V. Zemskov of the National Medical University (Kyiv, Ukraine) (with pancreatic cancer), as well as by Professor Aschhoff (Germany) for prostate cancer and other malignant tumors.

NSC631570 inhibits the formation of new vessels that supply blood to the tumor, it has antiangiogenic properties. Due to this, the preoperative use of the drug NSC631570 causes encapsulation of tumors, thus facilitating their surgical removal, as shown by the work of the university team in breast cancer.

NSC631570 is the first and only antitumor drug that accumulates in cancer cells within minutes after the administration. Unlike standard chemotherapeutic drugs, it destroys only malignant cells, leaving healthy ones intact. Unlike standard cytostatics, which are toxic to both malignant and healthy cells, NSC631570 is toxic only to cancer cells.

Other in vitro studies include the US National Cancer Institute (Bethesda, Maryland), where NSC631570 was tested on 60 cell lines representing 8 major human malignancies: brain, ovarian, kidney, small cell and non-small cell lung cancer, colon cancer, leukemia and melanoma. The NSC631570 was effective against all these lines.

No less impressive are the antiviral properties of the drug NSC631570, which are being studied and confirmed long ago - 30 years ago. And during this time, researchers, scientists from around the world have been able to establish its powerful antiviral effect.

Thus, in 2000, scientists from St. Petersburg (based on the Mechnikov Medical Academy and Terra Medica Ltd.) used the antiviral properties of the drug NSC631570 in the treatment of patients with hepatitis C (HVC). A total of 59 patients with this diagnosis participated in this study. In the end, the researchers concluded that NSC631570 is well received by patients and does not cause significant side effects. Therefore, it was recommended for the treatment of hepatitis C. In addition, as noted by the authors of the study, NSC631570 proved to be more promising than IFN in cases of hepatitis C with genotype 1b. It was also found that individual therapy with NSC631570 and IFN increased the effectiveness of treatment by 2.5 times compared with standard monotherapy with these drugs. Treatment with the optimal dose of NSC631570 resulted in the disappearance of the virus from the blood of patients in 40 (80%) patients out of 65. (1)

Another study with patients with hepatitis C was also conducted in St. Petersburg on the basis of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Medical National Academy of St. Petersburg and Terra Medica Ltd. The results of the study showed that NSC631570 was more effective than IFN-alpha monotherapy and that lower doses were most effective. The researchers also stressed that NSC631570 is an effective and safe treatment for chronic viral hepatitis C. (2)

Another interesting study was conducted in Kyiv. From October to December 2010, under the guidance of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Intensive Care and Detoxification, anesthesiologist V. I. Matyash and infectious disease doctor of the Department of Hepatitis Solyanyk I. V. there was conducted an open single-group study to evaluate the effectiveness and tolerability of the drug NSC631570 in patients with hepatitis C. The study was performed in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the State Pharmacological Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for clinical trials.

Some of the conclusions, we quote:

- "The drug has an antiviral (etiotropic) effect against HCV infection, as there is a tendency to reduce the level of viremia; according to PCR - from the second month of treatment;

- Research is promising. There is a preliminary opinion that it is necessary to increase the duration of the treatment. " (https://ukrin.com/uk/node/421)

Equally impressive were the results of pilot studies on the efficacy of NSC631570 against hIv and related diseases (including Kaposi's sarcoma). The research was conducted in collaboration with the Russian, Canadian and Polish researchers. As it turned out, the patients tolerated the treatment well and after its completion their immunohematological status significantly improved: the total number of leukocytes, T-lymphocytes and T-suppressors increased. (3, 4).

The drug has been repeatedly studied, given its antiviral properties, in terms of effectiveness against influenza viruses. In particular, drugs based on celandine alkaloids were studied, among which, according

to the authors of the study, NSC631570 proved to be an effective antiviral drug in the treatment of influenza strain A/H3 N2 / (by the way, it is Hong Kong influenza, which killed almost a million people in the world). A number of other in vivo experiments also confirmed the antiviral properties of NSC631570. (5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

With the advent of the new flu virus COVID-19 from a doctor from Turkey, Dr. Mehmet Halis Tan-riverdi, information was received on the positive results of treatment of patients with this disease with the drug NSC631570. Along with the patient's treatment protocols, he sent X-rays and a video showing the changes in the patients' lungs. We publish treatment protocols of Dr. Tanriverdi's patients from Turkey (photos of the protocols are published in Turkish and English). We quote: "Protocols about the Covid-19 patients in Turkey:

1) "Sabri Tanriverdi: 21 years old patient. He has no known disease whe he presented to the hospital on 18.07.2020, he was diagnosed with pneumonia. He was given antibiotics and sent home. The patient whose complaints did nit pass, applied to the hospital again on 27.07.2020. In the examination performed here, Covid-19 was diagnosed and hospitalization was given. As soon as the patient was discharged 5 days later, he used Ukrain, which he reached with his own means. He used 10 mg intravenously and 5 mg by inhalation for 3 days. Then he used 5 mg of Ukrain only by inhalation for 3 days. When the patient developed mild nausea and vomiting half an hour after inhalation therapy, the remaining 2,5 mg of Ukrain were swallowed after gargling. After this Ukrain treatment was over, he went to the hospital again on 17.08.2020 and he had acontrol Thorax CT. He recovered with almost no sequelae. The examination results are attached."

19.10.2020, Diyarbarkir

2) "Ukrain, which was used for cancer treatment was used in the treatment with the consent of the patients.

Esma Karuc, 54, was infected with the Corona virus. The patient had high fever, respiratory problems, loss of taste and smell. Ukrain treatment was initiated in him. Ukraine capsules were supplied by the patient's family in Germany. 2 capsules 10mml a day, after oral use, after 3 days in total the patient recovered and the corona test results were negative.

Nalan Gokce, a cancer patient with metastases in the brain, lungs and spine, used 50 ampoules of Ukrain and when the tumor builder was above 2.117 u/ml, it fell to 1.165 u/ml. Nalanin's husband was infected with Corona virus. Ukrain protected her. Her husband was treated with Ukrain for 3 days and he recovered without any side effects.

The worst Covid-19 case I have encountered was my 21-year-old son, Sabri Tanriverdi. He was infected with Covid-19 and was sent to his home after being diagnosed with the pneumonia in the hospital.

Sabri was admitted to the hospital again after his breathing got worse and his lung x-ray was taken. His breathing worsened. Inhalation therapy with Ukrain

was done and the lungs were free again after 3 days and its oxygen saturation was 90 mmHg. Ukrain treatment was decided to be applied to the patient and 2 ampoules were intravenously applied for 4 days.

One week later the patient completely recovered.

What surprised me as a doctor was that Ukrain gave results an a very short time and there were no side effects in the patients.

28.09.2020, Ditarbarkir".


1. Voltchek I., Sologub T., Nowicky J.W., Grigo-ryeva T., Belozyorova L., Belopolskaya M., Se-menyako N., Lamanova E. Preliminary results of individual therapy of chronic hepatitis C by Ukrain and in-terferon-a. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXVI (5/6), 2000, 261-266.

2. Sologub TV, Voltchek IV, Kivisepp NA, Grigoryeva T. Efficacy and safety of the drug Ukrain in chronic hepatitis C patients.Int J Immunother 2003, XIX(2-4): 55-59.

3. Liepins A, Nowicky JW. Ukrain is Selectively Cytostatic and/or Cytotoxic to Human Tumor and HIV-Infected Cells but not to Human Normal Cells. Recent Advances in Chemotherapy, Anticancer Section, Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Berlin, 2660, 1991.

4. Voltchek I.V., Liepins A., Nowicky J.W., Brzosko W.J. Potential Therapeutic Efficacy of Ukrain (NSC 631570) in AIDS Patients with Caposi's Sarcoma. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 211 - 214.

5. Kamyshentsev MV, Voltchek IV, Btailovskaya IV, Leschev AL, Lavinsky YC and Nowicky JW. Testing Ukrain as an Anti-Influenza Remedy. Recent Advances in Chemotherapy, American Society for Microbiology, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy, Stockholm, Sweden, June 27-July 2, 645, 1993.

6. Lisnyak OI, Lozjuk RM. Biological activity of some thiophosphamide derivatives of alkaloids with respect to influenza virus. 11th Future Trends in Chemotherapy, Interdisciplinary World Congress on Antimicrobial and Anticancer Drugs, 24-27 April 1994, Palexpo Geneva (Switzerland), Abstracts: abs. 96, April 1994.

7. Lozjuk RM, Lisnyak OI, Lozjuk LV. Theoretical grounds and experimental confirmation of antiviral effect of the preparation Ukrain. 11th Future Trends in Chemotherapy, Interdisciplinary World Congress on Antimicrobial and Anticancer Drugs, 24-27 April 1994, Palexpo Geneva (Switzerland), Abstracts: abs. 95, April 1994.

8. Lozjuk R.M., Lisnyak O.I., Lozjuk L.V. Theoretical Grounds and Experimental Confirmation of the Antiviral Effect of the Preparation Ukrain. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., Vol. XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 141 - 146.

9. Lisnyak OI, Lozjuk RM. Biological Activity of Some Thiophosphamide Derivatives of Alkaloids with Respect to Influenza Virus. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res., XXII (Suppl.), 1996, 153-156.

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