CORRUPTION AS A THREAT TO MILITARY AND ECONOMIC SECURITY ARPINE KYUREGYAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
corruption / economic security / defense system / Armed forces / inflation / resource allocation. / коррупция / экономическая безопасность / система обороны / Вооруженные силы / инфляция / распределение ресурсов

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kyuregyan Arpine Mekhakovna

corruption crime today can be confidently called a traditional and fairly common type of crime that exists not only in our country, but also in many other civilized countries of the world. The population of different countries perceives the existing level of corruption in different ways, but in general, corruption as a phenomenon in itself deserves condemnation in any culture. Corruption affects security and defense personnel at all levels and can manifest itself in such forms as theft, extortion, and bribery. Lack of transparency (culture of confidentiality), urgency of transactions, lack of control mechanisms and lack of proper rules and regulations can create an atmosphere prone to corrupt behavior in financial and other sources.

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коррупционную преступность сегодня с уверенностью можно назвать традиционным и довольно распространенным видом преступления, который существует не только в нашем государстве, но и во многих других цивилизованных странах мира. Население разных стран по-разному воспринимает существующий уровень коррупции, но в целом коррупция как явление сама по себе заслуживает осуждения в любой культуре. Коррупция затрагивает сотрудников служб безопасности и обороны на всех уровнях и может проявляться в таких формах, как кражи, вымогательство, взяточничество. Отсутствие прозрачности (культура конфиденциальности), срочность операций, отсутствие механизмов контроля и отсутствие надлежащих правил и положений могут создать атмосферу, склонную к коррупционному поведению в финансовых и других источниках.




Kyuregyan Arpine Mekhakovna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Strategic Games and Modeling Group, INSTITUTE OF NATIONAL STRATEGIC STUDIES MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA,


Abstract: corruption crime today can be confidently called a traditional and fairly common type of crime that exists not only in our country, but also in many other civilized countries of the world. The population of different countries perceives the existing level of corruption in different ways, but in general, corruption as a phenomenon in itself deserves condemnation in any culture. Corruption affects security and defense personnel at all levels and can manifest itself in such forms as theft, extortion, and bribery. Lack of transparency (culture of confidentiality), urgency of transactions, lack of control mechanisms and lack of proper rules and regulations can create an atmosphere prone to corrupt behavior in financial and other sources.

Keywords: corruption, economic security, defense system, Armed forces, inflation, resource allocation.


Кюрегян А.М.

Кюрегян Арпине Мехаковна - Кандидат экономических наук, начальник группы стратегических игр и моделирования, Институт национальных стратегических исследований Министерство Обороны Республики Армения,

г. Ереван, Республика Армения

Аннотация: коррупционную преступность сегодня с уверенностью можно назвать традиционным и довольно распространенным видом преступления, который существует не только в нашем государстве, но и во многих других цивилизованных странах мира. Население разных стран по-разному воспринимает существующий уровень коррупции, но в целом коррупция как явление сама по себе заслуживает осуждения в любой культуре. Коррупция затрагивает сотрудников служб безопасности и обороны на всех уровнях и может проявляться в таких формах, как кражи, вымогательство, взяточничество. Отсутствие прозрачности (культура конфиденциальности), срочность операций, отсутствие механизмов контроля и отсутствие надлежащих правил и положений могут создать атмосферу, склонную к коррупционному поведению в финансовых и других источниках.

Ключевые слова: коррупция, экономическая безопасность, система обороны, Вооруженные силы, инфляция, распределение ресурсов.

For any state, corruption is considered a serious national security problem [3].

One of the most concise modern definitions of the concept of "corruption" belongs to J.Senturia, who defined it as follows. abuse of State power for one's own benefit [1]. The main part of researchers defining corruption leads to bribery and abuse of office. In particular, in 1979. In decision 34/169, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 17, corruption is defined in the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials as "abuse of official position for personal or group interests, as well as illegal receipt of benefits by public servants due to their official position" [6]. According to the World Bank. "Corruption is an abuse of state power for personal gain" [7].

The definition of corruption proposed by the global anti-corruption non-governmental organization Transparency International is "abuse of trusted authority for personal purposes" [8].

The Center for Defense Sector Integrity (CIPS) defines corruption as an activity within an institution that jeopardizes the ability of that institution to perform its own and accountable functions [5].

Corruption affects all stages of production processes and redistribution of resources, violates the integrity of economic systems, reduces incomes (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. The impact of corruption on economic security.

Corruption in the security sector can manifest itself in different ways, for example, in kickbacks and bribes, the promotion of uncompetitive contracts, manipulation of soldiers' salaries, misuse of budgetary funds and the use of military resources to generate extra-budgetary income [2].

The following types of corruption are distinguished in the protection system.

• Needs-based corruption (minor). It is common among low- and middle-level military personnel who cannot meet their basic social needs due to low wages,

• greedy (elite) corruption. includes high-ranking military and government officials,

• Pyramid corruption. connects high-ranking government and military officials with low- and middle-level military personnel through the illegal redistribution of income and the flow of corrupt money from the bottom up [4].

Corruption hinders development and undermines the security of modern societies. Corruption also undermines public trust in the country's institutions.

Corruption especially hinders the progress of transition economies by stealing much-needed resources from those trying to build a State. The resources provided as a result of corrupt activities often turn into economic and political consequences, thereby weakening democratic institutions and increasing the scale of corruption. The defense sector often provides fertile ground for corrupt practices on its own due to a culture of confidentiality and impunity that protects it from strict control, in addition, corruption undermines the effectiveness of the armed forces.

Moral pressure on military personnel and the lack of appropriate equipment are the reasons for the increase in losses on the battlefield, which can jeopardize global national security problems. This generates even more corruption as stakeholder groups compete to get their share of the limited funds, leading to a vicious circle of corruption.

It is already extracting limited funds from other sectors that need them, such as health and education. Corrupt armed forces reduce the level of public trust in state institutions. The combat capability of the troops is significantly reduced when performing assigned tasks. Corrupt procedures related to appointments and awards of merit have a strong impact on the morale of troops. Corruption can also help terrorists and organized crime gain information, dangerous materials, technology, and weapon systems. The corrupt links of security and defense sector organizations with organized crime pose an immediate threat to the security of the country and its citizens. Corruption has a negative impact on the reputation of the armed forces in international operations.

References / Список литературы

1. А.А. Манукян Сравнительный анализ антикоррупционной политики зарубежных стран, учебно-методическое пособие, Эр., Изд-во ЕГУ., 2015, с. 10.

2. ДКВС (2015), Parliamentary Brief: Building integrity in Defence.

3. Луначо Виоланте. Конференция глав парламентов Центральной Европы. 1997 г.

4. Mats R. Berdal and David Malone Greed and Grievance: Economic Agendas in Civil Wars. (London 2009) pp. 151-152.

5. TI (2015), Corruption: Lessons from the international mission in Afghanistan. p 20. CIDS (2015) Criteria for Good Governance in the Defence Sector: International Standards and Principles. p 3. CIDS, Integrity Action Plan, p 10.

6. [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://iravaban.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/UNCAC.pdf/ (date of access: 15.01.2024).

7. [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://www1.worldbank.org/publicsector/anticorrupt/corruptn/cor02.htm/ (date of access: 15.01.2024).

8. [Electronic Resource]. URL: www.transparency.org/ (date of access: 20.01.2024).

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