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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Abdullin A.G., Bobleter D.

The article describes the conditions and methods, techniques of correction of emotional disorders of adolescents that cause violence and cruelty in the adolescent environment, in the context of personality-oriented education that affects self-actualization and socialization of the individual. The presented recommendations for correction of emotional disorders and deviant behavior of adolescents can be useful to parents, psychologists, teachers and other professionals in the process of working with this category of persons. Aims: to identify the specifics of methods and means of correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents. Materials and methods. Theoretical analysis of literary sources for the study and generalization of available research on the problem of correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents. Results. Techniques, tools and recommendations for conducting psychocorrective work with adolescents with emotional and personal disorders are proposed. Conclusion. Based on the analysis of scientists' research, some guidelines have been made in terms of determining ways and methods of correctional work with adolescents, taking into account their individual life activities, individual problems and characteristics of character and behavior.

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Original article

DOI: 10.14529/jpps220404

Correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents

A.G. AbdullinM1, D. Bobleter2

1 South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

2 VHS, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria B asatabdullin50@rambler. ru


The article describes the conditions and methods, techniques of correction of emotional disorders of adolescents that cause violence and cruelty in the adolescent environment, in the context of personality-oriented education that affects self-actualization and socialization of the individual. The presented recommendations for correction of emotional disorders and deviant behavior of adolescents can be useful to parents, psychologists, teachers and other professionals in the process of working with this category of persons. Aims: to identify the specifics of methods and means of correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents. Materials and methods. Theoretical analysis of literary sources for the study and generalization of available research on the problem of correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents. Results. Techniques, tools and recommendations for conducting psychocorrective work with adolescents with emotional and personal disorders are proposed. Conclusion. Based on the analysis of scientists' research, some guidelines have been made in terms of determining ways and methods of correctional work with adolescents, taking into account their individual life activities, individual problems and characteristics of character and behavior.

Keywords: emotional disorders, psychocorrection, personality-oriented education, methods of pedagogical influence, prevention of violence and cruelty of adolescents

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

For citation. Abdullin A.G., Bobleter D. Correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents. Psikhologiya. Psikhofiziologiya = Psychology. Psychophysiology. 2022;15(4):39-46. DOI. 10.14529/jpps220404

Научная статья УДК 159.99

DOI: 10.14529/jpps220404

Коррекция эмоциональных нарушений как средство профилактики насилия и жестокости подростков

А.Г. Абдуллинв 1, Д. Боблетер2

1 Южно-Уральский государственный университет, г. Челябинск, Россия

2 Венский университет, г. Вена, Австрия в аsаtаbdullin50@rаmЫer. т


В статье описаны условия и методы, способы коррекции эмоциональных нарушений подростков, служащих причиной проявления насилия и жестокости в подростковой среде, в контексте лич-ностно-ориентированного образования, влияющего на самоактуализацию и социализацию личности. Представленные рекомендации по коррекции эмоциональных нарушений и девиантного поведения подростков могут быть полезны родителям, психологам, педагогам и другим специалистам в процессе работы с данной категорией лиц. Цель: выявить специфику методов и средств коррекции

© Абдуллин А.Г., Боблетер Д., 2022.

эмоциональных нарушений как средства профилактики насилия и жестокости подростков. Материалы и методы: теоретический анализ литературных источников для изучения и обобщения имеющихся исследований по проблеме коррекции эмоциональных нарушений как средства профилактики насилия и жестокости подростков. Результаты: предложены методики, инструменты и рекомендации по проведению психокоррекционной работы с подростками с эмоциональными и личностными нарушениями. Заключение: на основе анализа исследований ученых были разработаны некоторые рекомендации в части определения путей и методов коррекционной работы с подростками с учетом их индивидуальной жизнедеятельности, индивидуальных проблем и особенностей характера и поведения.

Ключевые слова: эмоциональные нарушения, психокоррекция, личностно-ориентированное образование, методы педагогического воздействия, профилактика насилия и жестокости подростков

Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.

Для цитирования. Abdullin A.G., Bobleter D. Correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents // Психология. Психофизиология. 2022. Т. 15, № 4. С. 3946. DOI. 10.14529/jpps220404


Today in the Information Age, the younger generation does not think of itself outside of social media, but the lack of modern education is a big problem in the socialization of adolescents. We believe that the reason for this is emotional and personal disorders and the fact that the pedagogical practice does not use enough technologies of psychological assistance that are adequate to solve urgent problems for teenagers. This gives rise to more frequent cases of violence and cruelty in the adolescent environment. The inclusion of psychological lessons in the educational process will allow teenagers to learn communication skills, self-knowledge and self-correction of mental states, develop their skills of resistance to environmental pressure, stress, and make the right decisions in difficult and conflict situations.

At the same time, it is necessary to work on mastering new competencies by teachers, so that they know the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with problem students. This is why we included the Chapter "Distorted development: neuroses and psychopathy" in our textbook "Children's special psychology and correctional pedagogy". Education and training of children and adolescents with distorted development". According to official who data, the number of borderline neurosis states has increased 24 times over the past 65 years, against the background of a slower growth in mental illness, the number of which has increased only 1.6 times during this time1. In the studies of Russian scien-

1 Абдуллин А.Г. Психо лого-педагогическое сопровождение подростков, оказавшихся в трудной жизненной ситуации // Валеологизация обра-

tists, it is noted that neuroses-functional disorders of mental (mainly emotional-volitional) and neurovegetative functions - are the most pronounced and frequently occurring type of abnormalities in the development of children, starting from preschool age. Psychopathic and neurotic deviations are especially pronounced during puberty and cause problems for teachers and parents.

Psychologists note that often neuropsychiat-ric disorders are provoked by overstrain of the nervous system of students in training sessions, so the amount of training work for each student should be strictly individual. Teenagers often experience learning difficulties due to restlessness and distraction. It is advised to help them to develop self-control and concentration skills by instilling faith in success and encouraging them. Praising in public is significant for their success. Teachers should often refer to children and adolescents by name, evaluate not only their work, but also show a positive attitude, use a gentle regime and believe in success.

Aims: to identify the specifics of methods and means of correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents.

Materials and methods

Theoretical analysis of literary sources for the study and generalization of available research on the problem of correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents.

зовательного процесса: сб. науч. тр. Магнитогорск, 2000. С. 92-107.


To relieve stress and to prevent hypodynamia, physical activities are recommended. Neurophysiologists of the St. Petersburg's Bek-hterev Psychoneurological Research Institute have successfully studied the multifunctional microzones of the brain and the proved the presence of connections between the physical, emotional and mental spheres. Stiffness of movements and stress can cause the formation of the so-called "muscle shell", getting rid of which, a person relieves himself of mental stress. It is possible to organize a big break with outdoor games under the supervision of adults, allocating a certain section of the school yard for each class in order to prevent injuries. Skiing in the winter, Nordic walking in the summer and swimming in the pool help to build muscle mass and psychophysical resources of students. Scientists have developed complexes of active games for the prevention of respiratory diseases, cardiovascular system and other systems of the body. Staying in the fresh air in combination with collective games gives a lot of positive emotions and helps to improve the growing body and also stabilizes the mental state along with the processes of socialization.

Gender identification is also useful for correcting emotional and personal disorders. Boys should learn the male model of behavior, and girls - the female one since their early childhood. Often mothers raise boys alone, without a father and the model of male behavior can be formed by a grandfather or a coach in a sports section. Prevention of mental disorders, neuroses and psychopathy during puberty of adolescents to a large extent consists in joint training and proper coverage of children's sexual life issues. The habit of seeing children of the other sex as companions in learning and play prevents premature and unhealthy curiosity. Familiarization of children with issues of sexual life in a timely manner frees them from many disturbing experiences, fears and the need to solve issues that are too much for them. Gender equality issues are being discussed in Russia today. But we fear that erasing gender differences in the parenting process may lead to the development of sexual deviations.

Teachers are often confused by affective reactions of children and adolescents, especially in the category with reduced intelligence. It is advisable to teach a teenager to cope with anger using a punching bag or by crumpling newspapers. You can arrange a walking or jogging in the fresh air, offer a jumping rope or other exercises,

combining them with muscle relaxation. It is the best way to learn how to recognize the symptoms of anger and eliminate their causes-irritants, fatigue, etc. It is favorable to give the opportunity to speak out even in high tones to vent emotions. If a person loses the ability to self-control, outbursts of anger and rage occur very often, you should seek professional psychological or medical help. The specialist will understand in detail what exactly the problem of this person is to develop a plan for his individual treatment.

We recommend using methods of correction of negative children's and adolescent's behavior, depending on the moral orientation of the individual, in the process of individual education. Not to fight with a "difficult" person through punishments and threats, but to influence their consciousness and skillfully correct their behavior through the inner world. In this way to correct the difficult nature and deviant behavior of children and adolescents with a negative moral orientation, the following actions should be performed.

"Aggressive exploiters" should be taught constructive communication, goodwill, diligence, self-regulation of their ambitions, and relief from the desire to select or suppress the personality of a friend. As a rule, aggressive and initiative, ambitious teenagers are good leaders. If their leadership qualities are developed, they form responsibility for their actions, their behavior, the group work under their leadership, and most importantly is that they are used as a "mouthpiece" in compliance with the rules of normative behavior in the children's team, then these individuals will develop positive personality traits. They can positively influence the formation of a group of peers.

Timid and shy people should be praised more often, inspire confidence in success, get rid of guilt, raise the bar of their self-esteem, develop self-confidence in the process of playing, training, physical education and other activities, individual conversations, developing energy, optimism through success situations. A psychologist with the help of psychological correction can awaken in a child "healthy selfishness", the necessary aggression in cases of self-defense. Teachers can use an effective way to stimulate activity, such as encouraging them to express their opinions in group conversations when important decisions are made [1, 2].

A clear daily routine, supervision, the inclusion of a child or teenager in various types of useful activities, quenching emotional hunger in

the process of creativity, when the student learns to see the rainbow after bad weather, the full inclusion of the child in the life of the children's team is a powerful psychotherapeutic tool for correcting the emotional sphere of the individual. We used the method of psychodrama in our correctional work. The scenario of a fairy-tale story was written and the participant of the action was offered to play the role of "from the opposite" in the process of dramatization. Aggressive abuser peers played the role of a noble knight, saving the weak from evil robbers or dragons. Timid, exposed to the ridicule of others, the director of such a performance offers to "try on" the role of an uninhibited witty and charming robberhooligan, who also fights with opponents and wins, not weak, but strong opponents. Such nonstandard corrective work has proved its effectiveness. Sometimes a psychologist performs psychological correction of a teenager's conditions and behavior together with doctors.

Observations have shown that many children and adolescents, especially those with intellectual disabilities, bite their nails, pull out their hair, or masturbate. It is important to establish good, relations with them, to talk quietly and calmly, confidently, kindly, and patiently. It is important that the student, most often children from orphanages or boarding schools or those with intellectual disabilities, sees and feels that they are accepted for what they are. Very carefully, you need to solve the problem of child sexuality, consulting with sex therapists, psychologists and other specialists, guided by the rule: "first do not harm". Walking in the fresh air, playing in the sand, swimming in water, taking a contrast shower and wiping with a hard towel have a positive effect on such persons. But it is necessary to carry out these procedures skillfully, after consulting with a doctor. It is important that parents also consolidate positive skills and achievements of the teenager in the family, express affection and love, pay enough attention to him, by hearing and talking to him.

Correction of neurotic states is described by Ya. Gilinsky who suggested paying attention to both the somatic and mental health of students. According to doctors, the daily routine adapted to his condition, the alternation of various activities, physical exercises and rest, good sleep habits and proper nutrition are the first principles of prevention of nervous diseases and correction of children's and adolescent neuroses [3]. Special attention is paid to the correction of the child's condi-

tion by means of hardening and physical culture. Nowadays, physical therapy classes, psychogym-nastics are successfully applied. Some methods of plastic gymnastics have been developed, Hatha yoga has been adapted by scientists to our conditions, and kinesiology and body oriented therapy techniques are widely used, which must be introduced into the practice of education, organizing adaptive physical education classes for people with disabilities, including those who are prone to developing psychopathies and neuroses.

Children's clinical psychologist E. Schalo-mova believes that education should start with caring for others, so the method of responsible assignments, which helps to build the child's confidence in their abilities, positively affects the student [4]. The method of including a teenager in the type of activity to which a person is inclined and shows abilities helps self-affirmation of the person. But often teenagers do not like to run errands. Psychologists recommend perseverance and tolerance. If you are instructed to wash the dishes, you can delay the meal so that all family members show restraint in the process of waiting for the teenager to wash the dishes. In this case, frank conversations are also useful: mom and dad are responsible for the maintenance of children, but they have the right to rest and help caregivers after hard work. A son or daughter has responsibilities to their parents in addition to their rights. It is necessary to agree what the student should do at home, what methods of encouragement and punishment should be used. The ward can assign his own punishment, if he understands that it is fair and necessary. The punishment should not be cruel. It is better if this applies to limiting your favorite activities and sweets for a certain time.

In school years, when deviations of development are especially pronounced, neurotic reactions leave an imprint on the formation of the character of a teenager. The forerunner of neuro-psychiatric disorders is character accentuations. Within the framework of personality-oriented psychology and pedagogy, knowledge of typological features of personality contributes to the competent education of adolescents, prevention of addictive behavior with the presence of addictions (computer, alcohol, drug addiction).

Prutchenkov A. and Snylov A.A. described the main psychotypes of the personality of adolescents, the knowledge of which allows the more optimal interaction with them, helping them to develop their personality productively, allowing

psychologists, teachers and parents to take into account character accentuations in order to prevent neuropsychiatrie disorders. In the work "Hey you, paranoid!" diagnostics and description of character accentuations are given, as well as useful recommendations that correspond to the basics of personality-oriented psychology and pedagogy. These recommendations can also be used for children and adolescents with different variations of neuropathies and neuroses [5].

Hyperthymic teenagers, whose main characteristic is optimism, are looking for activities; they want to become a leader and to have a wide range of communication, they also need sport, engaging in interesting business, expanding the circle of communication where they can show initiative and leadership. Working with them, you should avoid authoritarianism, pressure to avoid conflicts, but at the same time do not weaken control over activities, do not allow neglect, learn to plan your daily routine, maintain discipline, and bring any case to the end. The dysthymic type, which has shifts in mood, fluctuations in life from increased activity to depressive states, also suggests controlling their circle of communication, limiting their cravings for entertainment. They are positively affected by physical work, sports, organized daily routine, and support for constant hobbies. These teenagers do not like noisy companies, they experience communication problems, so teachers try to involve them in collective creative activities, finding partners who can become friends who understand the characteristics of this type and help cope with a depressed state at the periods of physical weakness and sad mood.

The emotional type, which is characterized by deep emotions and increased sensitivity, requires attention to increase their self-esteem, inspire confidence in success, and overcome feelings of inferiority in the process of analytical conversations. It is necessary to create conditions for self-affirmation where such sudents are particularly capable and in situations of difficulty, to teach them to be independent, to gain experience through trial and error. In dealing with hysteroid individuals, you can ignore the demonstrative habit of attracting attention, and in moments of outbursts, you can lead the peers away, leaving the hysteroids without an audience. The main efforts should focus on finding interesting creative work, where the teenager can demonstrate their abilities, realize themselves. You can use a bibliography, demonstration of films that allow

to look at this type of person from the outside and develop a critical attitude to his demonstrative behavior. You should train interest in his closest people, the ability to listen, and take care of others.

An introverted, schizoid type with a penchant for isolation and detachment from communication, requires tact and perseverance to establish contact with such a teenager, because an introvert does not like to invade his world. You need to find a common theme, the proximity of hobbies. You should be patient when a teenager expresses what is in his heart. In training, you should think about individual tasks of a high level of difficulty or creativity, taking into account the sphere of his interests and making efforts to find friends and use them to include an introvert in the life of the team or in sports games. Tact and patience are also required in working with excitable individuals who do not balance the processes of arousal and inhibition, which causes a dysphoric mood, interspersed with flashes of aggression, to develop discipline and self-control, to suppress outbursts of anger and impulsivity when making decisions and actions. Rational psychotherapy, the use of relaxation methods and psychological hardening contribute to the alignment of the state of mind, the formation of empathy, reflection and adequacy of relationships with others.

Pedants with their propensity for rational reasoning, discipline and order, indecision in unusual situations, when making independent decisions, need a warm atmosphere of communication, the opportunity to speak out. You need sports, hobbies, to neutralize the anxiety state. Such people need psychological support, instilling faith in success, and instructions to be a leader in a small team where their personal strengths are shown. The affective-labile type also needs a tactful attitude, training in self-regulation skills. With goodwill, expressions of sympathy from teachers and others, these teenagers feel comfortable and become active. Special attention should be paid to establishing relationships with peers and developing conflict-free communication skills. Sports, athletics, swimming, muscle relaxation and self-training help prevent negative emotional states. Clarification of goals, prospects and interesting hobby, work are necessary for a teenager with all psychotypes.

It is useful to organize in schools "trainings of parental skills, where parents are introduced to the technique of E. Bern's transactional analysis,

which helps to understand the roles of "parent", "child" and "adult". Parents can master the skill of conflict-free communication with teenagers, becoming a mature and understanding spiritual world of the child. Everyone especially likes the role-sharing technique, when teenagers played the role of "parents" and parents turned into "children". You can play a situation of dialogue between mother and daughter, when the girl returned home late after the first date, when the father and son were asked to think about how to respond to the first case of use of cigarettes by a teenager, how parents protect a teenager who was beaten in a group brawl. In order to develop empathy and reflection, children and parents listen to monologues about the emotional experiences of training participants. Parents look back on their adolescence and thus penetrate into the inner world of students, and teenagers learn to make "adult" decisions, comprehending the responsibility of parents for the fate of their children. Joint discussion of family problems unites family members and contributes to the natural course of the process of correction of child-parent relations.

In the cases of frequent conflicts in educational organizations and residential districts the problem of formation of assertive behavior of children and adolescents was actualized Asser-tiveness (eng. Assert means to insist on your own) the ability of a person to be responsible for their actions and words, to be sure of what you do or say. Instead of drawing up cumbersome programs, we suggest that while organizing psychology lessons for teenagers, to work on the prevention of smoking, alcohol, and drugs, and training sessions that teach an adequate response to problematic situations in society2, [6, 7]. After the game diagnostics with the help of colored cards, identifying those who demonstrate most

2 Аношкина Ю.Ю., Заварина А.В. Программа формирования ассертивного, ответственного поведения и профилактики девиаций у подростков «гроссмейстер общения» // Социализация и реабилитация в современном мире: сб. науч. статей / под ред. О.Е. Нестеровой и др. М.: Изд-во «Перо», 2017. С. 371-380. URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/ download/ elibrary_32584164_26676919.pdf; Дубровина О.И., Володина К.А., Ершова А.Н. Ассертив-ность как ресурс конфликтонезависимого поведения подростков // Актуальные проблемы экстремальной и кризисной психологии: матер. II Всерос. науч.-практ. конф., Екатеринбург, 04-05 апреля 2019 г. Екатеринбург: Изд. Уральского университета, 2019. С. 115-117._

often aggressive, confident or insecure behavior, tasks are offered to develop a reaction to insults from the position of a balanced, self-aware, confident person. You need to try to learn to say "no" confidently when a teenager is egged on, for example, that he is not a boy if he is afraid to try a drug or drink a glass of vodka. Of course, meetings with police officers who introduce articles of criminal responsibility for their Commission and the opportunity for those who have not reached the age of fourteen to get into a special shelter or a special school behind barbed wire are of educational importance. But for teenagers, it is also important to share experiences, when someone of their peers has found a good solution to the complex problems of "survival in an aggressive environment" and developing the ability to coordinate their actions with others.

Along with the psychology of assertive behavior, a mediation approach to working with minors and their families is widely used. It is a way to resolve differences and prevent conflicts in order to preserve or restore relations and develop a mutually acceptable and beneficial solution that reflects the interests of both parties3 [8].

The Ministry of education of the Russian Federation recommended guidelines for the use of this technology, which requires the presence of specialists or highly qualified pedagogues. We offer a simpler, but no less effective way to resolve conflicts, developed by domestic conflict analysts. In a group where there is a threat of a quarrel, after a brief introduction to what the conflict is, its causes and components, the conflic-tologist pre-talks with the two main participants in the conflict, where one is the provocateur and the other is a potential victim. It is forbidden for opposing parties to directly enter into disputes. They can only solve the problem through an intermediary. The other members of the group are only passive viewers.

First, the game is played with the participation of "wolf" and "Red Riding Hood". The wolf complained about deforestation, when it is increasingly difficult to get food for the cubs in the conditions of reducing the number of animals and the threat of people to kill him and take the cubs to the zoo. Little Red Riding Hood expressed fears for her life and the life of her grandmother,

3 Бреслав Г.Э. Психологическая коррекция детской и подростковой агрессивности: учеб. пособие для специалистов и дилетантов. СПб.: Речь, 2004.

who lives alone in the forest. After voicing many options for finding compromise solutions, a parity of interests was found and a contract was signed that obliges the wolf to protect grandma and Little Red Riding Hood from wild animals. Little Red Riding hood is committed to fighting for the protection of wolves as nurses of nature. The heroes agreed that the wolf will exchange the mushrooms and berries he collected in the remote forest for pies for the cubs, which Red Riding Hood and her mother need to bake more. There is a penalty for breach of contract. After this simple dramatization of a fairy-tale plot, you can include an analysis of a specific conflict that requires a non-standard, but satisfying solution for the conflicting parties. These training sessions are of great interest both in production teams and among students and schoolchildren. Public disclosure of their ulterior motives allows you to remove the halo of the "leader of the pack" from an aggressive or powerful person. The threat of public condemnation and punishment due to breach of contract disciplines violators of public morals. The victim of a conflict learns to defend their rights and interests.

Prompt and constructive solution or prevention of conflicts helps prevent and correct emotional and personal disorders that arise and form in a protracted conflict, moving from negative emotional states to destructive qualities and properties of the individual.


Thus, based on the research of scientists, we have made some guidelines in terms of determining the ways and methods of correctional work with adolescents, taking into account their individual life activities, individual problems and characteristics of character and behavior. We believe that timely psychological-pedagogical and medical - psychological correction should be carried out on a scientific basis, implementing not only an active, but also an axiological approach to the organization of work with children, because the adolescent period is most favorable for launching the starting mechanisms of self-actualization of the individual with clear moral guidelines. This will help prevent wrongdoing by helping teenagers understand the values of life such as goodness, truth, beauty, and love.


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2. Vrono E. Life is a penny. Zdorov'e shkol'nika = School student health. 2012;2:60-61. (in Russ.).

3. Gilinsky Ya.I. Deviantology: sociology of crime, drug addiction, prostitution, suicide and other "deviations". St. Petersburg: Publ. house "Alef-Press", 2013:650. (in Russ.).

4. Shalomova E.V. Moral education as an important condition for the prevention of addictive behavior of adolescents. Mir nauki, kultury, obrazovaniya = The world of science, culture and education. 2018;3(70):154-158. (in Russ.).

5. Prutchenkov A.S., Snylov A.A. Ei ty, paranoik! O psikhotipakh lichnosti, o diagnostike aktsentuatsii kharaktera detei i pedagogicheskoi pomoshchi im [Hey you, paranoid! About personality psychotypes, about the diagnosis of accentuation of the character of children, and pedagogical assistance to them]. Moscow: Novaya shkola Publ. 1994:64. (in Russ.).

6. King P. Assertiveness: speak out. To say "o". Set boundaries. Get control. Pkcs Media, Inc. 2019:262.

7. Trusova A.S., Korepanova E.A. Assertiveness as a method of protection from psychological destructive influence (on the problem of psychological security of the educational environment). Nauka i obrazovanie = Science and Education. 2018;3-4. URL: http://opusmgau.ru/index.php/see/article/view/532

8. Galstyan G.S. The influence of alcohol and drug addiction on juvenile suicide. Vestnik Adygeiskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Regionovedenie: filosofiya, istoriya, sotsiologiya, yurisprudentsiya, politologiya, kul'turologiya = Bulletin of the Adygea State University. Series "Regional Studies: Philosophy, history, sociology, law, Political Science, cultural Studies. 2010;3(64): 158-162. (in Russ.).

Submitted 28.09.2022; approved after reviewing 24.10.2022; accepted for publication 02.11.2022.

About the authors:

Asat G. Abdullin, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Senior Researcher of the Department of Psychology of Management and Performance, South Ural State University (NRU) (7б Lenin Ave., Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0804-б148, e-mail: asatabdullin50@rambler.ru

Diana Bobleter, VHS, Master of Arts, University of Vienna, (Universitätsring 1, 1G1G Wien, Austria), e-mail: dialina.di@chello.at

The authors equally contributed to the present research.

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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5. Прутченков A.C, Снялов A.A. Эй ты, параноик! О психотипах личности, о диагностике акцентуации характера детей, и педагогической помощи им. М.: Изд-во «Новая школа», 1994. б4 с.

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Поступила 28.09.2022; одобрена после рецензирования 24.10.2022; принята к публикации 02.11.2022.

Информация об авторах:

Абдуллин Асат Гиниятович, доктор психологических наук, профессор, старший научный сотрудник кафедры психологии управления и служебной деятельности, Южно-Уральский государственный университет (Россия, 454G8G, г. Челябинск, пр. Ленина, 76), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0804-б148, e-mail: asatabdullin50@rambler.ru

Боблетер Диана, VHS, магистр искусств, Bенский университет (Aвстрия, г. Bена, 1G1G, Universitätsring, 1), e-mail: dialina.di@chello.at

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