case, it should not be called rewriting, because it is the basics of the whole law system and we just cannot change some underlying principles.
1. De Soto, Hernando. «The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else» Basic Books, 2000
2. Paul Van Der Molen «After 10 years of criticism: what is left of de Soto's ideas? » Cadastral and Land Administration Perspectives, 2012
3. Claudia R. Williamson «The Two Sides of de Soto: Property Rights, Land Titling, and Development» The Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations, 2011.
Corporate venture capital investment as a driver of growth of the
Russian economy Mitus E. (Russian Federation) Корпоративные венчурные инвестиции как драйвер роста
экономики России Митус Е. Ю. (Российская Федерация)
Митус Елена Юрьевна /Mitus Elena - студент 4 курса, факультет менеджмента, Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, г. Москва
Abstract: the article analyzes conditions for the creation of innovative enterprises in the Russian Federation. Transformation peculiarities of scientific ideas into a functioning business are subscribed. The need is stressed to employ unconventional methods to attract funding.
Аннотация: в статье анализируются условия для создания инновационного предпринимательств в Российской Федерации. Приведены особенности трансформации научных идей в функционирующий бизнес. Подчеркивается необходимость использования нестандартных методов для привлечения финансирования.
Keywords: venture capital investments, innovative entrepreneurship, financing methods. Ключевые слова: венчурные инвестиции, инновационное предпринимательство, методы финансирования.
Study of innovative business in Russia as a factor in creating and maintaining a new business or restructuring of existing, is impossible without consideration of the context in which it arises. Under the conditions, in this case, refers to the image of the Russian innovative entrepreneur, formed thanks to formalized surveys, as well as built state system of innovation institutions.
The respondents in the survey attended by the heads of organizations and projects presented at the "Russian Innovation Competition" and implemented in the period 20012010 was, as well as businessmen, involved in the programs of the Fund for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology [1, p. 23].
As it turned out during the study, the majority of Russian entrepreneurs (72.8%) came into the business, they have had experience in the research and development activities. The reasons for the transition from science to business in Russia is that the scientific potential of the country, of course, a big problem. However, if not for this trend, even such relatively thin, layer of Russian innovative entrepreneurs would not have.
To date, all questions about the prospects for innovative realities of the country, the system of institutions and lined articles of the state budget expenditures on innovation are solved by politicians and scientists at various conferences and forums, where the first person in the country report on allocation of funds and the forecast outstanding results in the near future. However, those who make innovation, often have little in common with those who speak of them. Nevertheless, the start of many projects is not without search of investors and the benefits of special economic zones (SEZ), formed with the direct participation of the state.
Residency in SEZ, in addition to existing infrastructure, helps to reduce tax rates, social security contributions, gives exemption from land and vehicle tax for several years, which helps to attract investors by reducing the company's costs. Each innovative project in the Russian market is facing its own difficulties, so the consideration of the experience of the two businesses have already taken place in different areas will provide an opportunity to form a more complete picture of the possibilities of the development of domestic producers.
According to the rating of the most fast-growing and high-tech companies conducted by the Association of innovative regions of Russia together with Vnesheconombank and audit and consulting network PwC, in 2013 a large proportion of innovative enterprises accounted for the IT sector, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering, they divided the market in almost equal proportions: 36% and 32% respectively.
Diagnostic studies, or IVD tests, the development of which involved the company "Vital development Corporation" for most Russians do not pose any real value, since they are still perceived as some kind of abstract process. However, due to diagnosis in Western countries the majority of severe disease is detected at stage 1-2, while in Russia they are determined at stage 3-4.
In 2008, Vital has applied to the Fund of assistance to development of small forms of enterprises in scientific-technical sphere and has been supported by the program "antiCRISIS". Cooperation with the Foundation gave its first results in 2010, when the company introduced three innovative products: for the diagnosis and risk assessment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis; for the determination of cholesterol, high density lipoprotein and triglycerides, as well as functional disorders of the liver, biliary tract, adrenal glands and intestine [1, p. 24].
In the international market "Vital" to successfully compete with such large corporations as Bacman, Roche, Abbott, primarily due to the price which at comparable quality is considerably lower than the competition. Another important advantage is the speed of delivery companies beyond a huge Corporation. By 2015 it is planned to increase volume of export proceeds to 40% of total revenue due to the increase of foreign partners up to 70. Today it is one of the best markers for monitoring the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus, which also allows you to identify the disease at early stages. Moreover, the company's new development was significantly cheaper than foreign analogues.
Given the fact that the rate of growth of global IVD market total 19-20% per year, and the Russian goods are competitive, the company's future on the world stage is encouraging. But this will be possible only with adequate support from the state, as the main growth drivers of the Russian market of diagnostic products are state support, rising living standards and an increase in the mass of diseases that require early diagnosis. Thus, the "Vital" at the time of creation of the project and in building the strategy of further development relied on the idea of an innovative product and promising technologies that are vital to society in the face of rising cases of too late detection of diseases that can be treated effectively only at the first stages. Moreover, the market for IVD products in Russia is still relatively weakly developed, while 80% of demand covers imported products, while domestic cheaper ceteris paribus.
The scientific potential of our country - the foundation for innovation in areas such as IT, engineering, pharmaceuticals and medical technology can undoubtedly compete with the
world, so you need to give wider publicity opportunities and platforms available in Russia, to linking science and practice, to reach a new level of development of the country.
1. Malih 1.1. Innovation in small business // Technologies and means of communication. 2014. No. 1. P. 23-24.
2. Vasilenko A. V. Small innovative entrepreneurship. [Electronic resource]: Higher School of Economics. URL: (reference date: 03/03/2016).
3. [Electronic resource]: Official website of "Vital Development Corporation." URL: (reference date: 02/13/2016).
Improving the business efficiency through non-financial methods Mitus E. (Russian Federation)
Увеличение бизнес-эффективности нефинансовыми методами Митус Е. Ю. (Российская Федерация)
Митус Елена Юрьевна /Mitus Elena - студент 4 курса, факультет менеджмента, Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, г. Москва
Abstract: the article analyzes methods to improve business efficiency with intangible instruments. Peculiarities of various schemes of interaction management with subordinates are subscribed. The need is stressed to employ of non-financial methods to increase the company's value in a volatile economic environment.
Аннотация: в статье анализируются методы повышения эффективности бизнеса нематериальными инструментами. Приведены особенности различных схем взаимодействия менеджмента с подчиненными. Подчеркивается необходимость использования нефинансовых методов для повышения стоимости фирмы в условиях нестабильной экономической ситуации.
Keywords: non-financial methods, effective management, the increase of company's value. Ключевые слова: нефинансовые методы, эффективное управление, увеличение стоимости компании.
In the current unstable political situation, every commercial organization, or looking for ways to "hold" in its niche - as a minimum, or invert the portion of its business in other segments that meet consumer demand for this particular stage. A good example is the launch of a new store format "ABC taste" in Moscow which focused not on the premium segment as it was before and office workers of the middle class. Besides pricing, assortment and changed - now the share of finished cooking is 10% instead of 0.5% previously [2, p. 9]. Development manager caught the current trend to reduce the time spent at home, especially for cooking - and used her own advantage. There is a popular advertising billboard with happy women, "I have time for myself!" prove it.
Another way to maintain and even increase the company's revenue at this stage may be increasing the motivation of employees and their commitment to their company. It is that intangible factor, the importance of which has been noticed in the development of the first scientific management of schools [3, p. 397]. In the period 1920 - 30-es in the US there are serious changes in management approaches: intensive methods begin to prevail over the extensive, there is a distinct sociological and psychological emphasis in management.