Научная статья на тему 'Corporate telecommunication network with in-tegrated ERP system'

Corporate telecommunication network with in-tegrated ERP system Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Georgieva T.N.

The purpose of this development is to present a telecommunication corporate network with all its characteristic features as far as hardware, software and security are concerned. The idea is to show the reliable and stable from technical point of view combination of innovative technologies as well as the economic advantages of this type of networks. Benefits include faster service and network security.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Corporate telecommunication network with in-tegrated ERP system»

После построения кинетической зависимости в координатах уравнения (12) были рассчитаны значения предела подъема воды по образцу ткани lm = 123 мм и t0 = 5,56 мин. По найденным значениям lm и t0 были рассчитаны величины 1р, приведенные также в таблице 3.1. Можно видеть, что экспериментальные и расчетные значения согласуются достаточно хорошо; погрешность эксперимента не превышает 0,5 %.

Наименьший размер капилляров рассчитываем исходя из предпосылки, что погрешность эксперимента составляет 0,5%. Тогда из уравнения (11) рассчитываем время, необходимое для подъема на высоту l = 0,995lm

0,995 = t0,995/t0+ t0,995 = W5,56+ W

откуда t0 995=1106,44 мин.

Расчет по уравнению (10) позволяет найти минимальный размер капилляров

r2 pg/8nt=l ln(l /1 -0.9951 )-0.995l =4.3l ,

mA ° 1 m v m m my m m'

r 2 = 4. 3 1 8 n/p g 10 =4 . 3 • 0.123 • 8 • 10-

ml г о 0,995

3/1039.81 1106.44^60=6.497^ 10-12 м2

откуда гш=2,55 10-6м.

Косинус краевого угла смачивания рассчитываем по уравнению Жюрена cos©= 1 gpr /



или cos© = 88,79o.

Очевидно, что предложенный нами [4,6] метод обработки кинетических кривых впитывания жидкостей тканями и неткаными материалами позволяет получить как структурную характеристику материала - размер капилляров, так и энергетическую характеристику - косинус краевого угла смачивания.


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3. Садова С.Ф.Особенности модификации поверхности шерсти под воздействием тлеющего разряда. Тезисы докладов 2-го Международного симпозиума по прикладной плаз-мохимии «ISTAPC-95» -Плес.1995.С.334-335.

4. Агеев А.А., Волков В.А.. Поверхностные явления и дисперсные системы в производстве текстильных материалов и химических волокон. 2004. -М.: Совьяж Бево.464 с.

5. Корнюхин И.П., Савельев А.А., Корнюхин Д.И.. Закономерности капиллярного впитывания жидкости пряжей. Известия вузов. Серия Технология текстильной промышленности. №3, 1997, стр.99-103.

6. Volkov V A., Bulushev B.V., Ageev A.A. Determination of the capillary size and contact angle of fibers from the kinetics of liquid rise along the vertical samples of fabrics and nonwoven materials. Colloid Journal. 2003. Т. 65. № 4. С. 523-525.

7. Воюцкий C.C.. Физико-химические основы пропитывания и импрегнирования волокнистых материалов дисперсиями полимеров. Л., «Химия», 1969, с.22-28.

8. Volkov V. A., Tshcukina E. L. Kinetic method as applied to calculation of the capillary space of the textiles and to the size diSribution of the capillaries. In XIII-th international conference «Surface forces». Book of Ab^racts. -М.РАН, 2006. P. 98.



Georgieva T.N.

TU-Varna, Varna, Bulgaria, AssiM. Prof. PhD Engr.


The purpose of this development is to present a telecommunication corporate network with all its characteriflic features as far as hardware, software and security are concerned. The idea is to show the reliable and flable from technical point of view combination of innovative technologies as well as the economic advantages of this type of networks. Benefits include fafler service and network security.

Keywords: network, VoIP, virtual


In the present development the characteriflic features of

a corporate network—organization and categorization of the network - are examined. Particular attention is paid to the architecture and security of the corporate network - essence and basic problems, connected with the contraction and security of

data. The special features and components of corporate networks and the techniques for their proper usage are presented. The architecture and special features of IP traffic and mofl adjoining protocols to it are presented. The choice of the right hardware is of great importance to the flability of any network (Fig.1). This flability is as much looked for as corporate network security is.

Fig.1. General architecture of corporate network

Corporate networks are closely related with local area networks (LAN). Analogy can be even made in the mode of work as they use the same protocols which will be examined in this chapter, use similar devices for routering, control and management of traffic [1].


The network is contracted on the basis of the software and hardware products which are used at this moment [1],[2]. From software point of view Microsoft products are used - Windows and Open Source software - Linux, Aflerisk, Apache, PHP, MySQL. For implementation of the project Cisco hardware is used as it is a recognized representative of network equipment in business circles. For providing quality wireless access to the Internet in the organization Router Board devices providing high functionality and security are used.


The purpose of the present development is to design and conflruct a corporate network with all its characteriflic features from hardware, software and security point of view. Attention

is paid not only to the hardware side but also to the software one. Proper inflation and configuration of software enables optimal operation of the hardware. Popular software products used by certain organization are examined. Software for file servers management, correspondence software, cuflomer relationship management (CRM), corporate network monitoring and analysis are examined. IV. INTRODUCTION 4.1. Corporate network architecture The architecture been used is with DMZ zone. The topology includes a router with four internal and two external networks. The external networks are connected to two Internet provider and the internal ones include zone where the servers are placed, IP telephone network, local network and network for guefls with configured firewall. Thus the internal network has access to the server department and the Internet, and on the other hand the servers are visible from the remote offices and the external world but are optimally protected. In the router another virtual network is configured which serves as a connection of remote users to the office. The network topology is shown on fig.2.

Fig.2. Network topology

The model presents a corporate network of an invitation occupying a florey of a corporate building. 4.2. PBX telephone exchanges

The telephone exchange is based on the software solution Aflerisk [3]. With the help of Aflerisk and FreePBX a fully adjured professional office exchange is built (fig.3)

Fig.3. VoIP network flructure

PBX is a powerful VoIP-based solution for optimization of telephony in an office or a group of offices. For the corporate network a controller with capacity of inflalling 8 FXO/FXS controllers, which will enable to secure 4 incoming and 4 outgoing channels simultaneously was chosen [4] [5].

4.3. Network monitoring

Monitoring of the efficiency of the configured network watching its flawless work was carried out. After the network was built, all the computers have Internet access as the servers are visible on the Internet and the local corporate network.

The telephone exchanges are connected via a SIP tunnel securing free calls between the office workers in both offices. Each office worker has their own external line. (fig.4)



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Fig.4. Monitoring of SIP connections in PBX

After active agents in the servers that have to be monitored have been inflalled, the information is transferred to the monitoring flation [6]. On fig. 5 the flate of the disc spaces, the

loading of the processors and the flatus of the services in the net are shown in real time (fig.5).

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Fig.5. Interface monitoring

After the tefls and the review survey of the results and the services that were carried out. After the tefls and the review survey of the results and services were carried out, it was eflablished that an entirely functioning corporate network in integrated network services guaranteeing security and failproof flability was configured.


The present development contributes to the increase of throughput and work process flability with minimal inveflments. It makes the quality analysis and monitoring of the work process possible. Through the facilitated adminiflration a reliable model of a corporate network is built, containing virtual components analogues to the real ones that secure the throughput of many separate computer syflems. From economical point of view a drop of expenses on building and adminiflering is provided.

Based on the collected information from the research, an analysis of the processes running in the course of the implementation of conversation in virtual environment was made and the required quality of service was guaranteed.

Advantages of the model:

• Centralized adminiflering

• Minimal loss of packages

• Decrease of expenses on hardware and environmental preservation.

• Use of a real computer network

It can be concluded that with the advancement of technologies the abilities of computer syflems grow up and the usage of their hardware resources gets optimal. This contributes to their more reliable setting and optimization from technical point of view as well as to the reduction of hardware resources from economic point of view.


1. Troubleshooting IP Routing Protokols, Faraz Shamim, Cisko Press

2. "Maflering VMware vSphere 4", Scott Lowe, 2009

3. "Aflerisk™: The Definitive Guide" , Leif Madsen, Jim Van Meggelen, Russell Bryant, 2011

4. Invefligation of algorithms for VoIP signaling, Todorka Georgieva, Ekaterina Dimitrova, Slava Yordanova, ICEST 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2016

5. Teachers' attitudes towards use of e-Assessment -results from survey in Bulgaria, Daniela Tuparova Evgenia Goranova Valentina Voinohovska Petya Asenova Georgi Tuparov Iliya Gudzhenov, Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015

6. Henry Sinnreich, Alan B. Johnflon, «Internet Communications Using SIP», Wiley Press, 2006.

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