K.I. Kurpayanidi, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Fergana Polytechnic Institute (Uzbekistan, Fergana)
DOI: 10.24411/2411-0450-2020-10111
Abstract. The article discusses the need to develop new technologies to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of business entities. The process of managing the innovative development of the company on the basis of the introduced technology in relation to the main factors of competitiveness is studied. The author suggests some approaches to the development and implementation of innovative projects and technologies.
Keywords: innovation, competitiveness, management system, entrepreneurship, competitiveness factors, economic efficiency.
As a long-term plan, confirmed in particular and the concept in 2035, the state largely relies on public corporations, specializing in solar energy, aviation and machine building, software, and nanotechnology. They will are supposed to carry out much-needed breakthrough innovation [1, 2].
According to the international classification based on technological intensity of production (industries with excess fixed volume R & D expenditures relative to the volume of output, value added) industries are classified into high-tech (aerospace, medicine and medical equipment, information communications); with respect to high-tech (automotive, electrical, chemical and mechanical engineering); relatively low-tech (oil refining, metallurgy and metal processing); low-tech (wood processing, food, light and textile) [3, 4].
Analysis of long-term strategies of leading companies shows that the share of investment in research and development, the development of innovative products is extremely low - 9.7% of the total investment, particularly in the engineering industries. This corporation sectors of energy, oil and gas account for over 70% of all investments. And this trend, according to the investment programs of corporations could continue until 2025. That can not affect the prospects of visiting the near future the new high-tech companies.
It is doubtful that the current domestic corporations that make up the backbone of industry, such as JSC «UzAuto motors»,
«SamAvto», «JV MAN Auto - Uzbekistan» etc. will be able to direct the economy on the path of innovation. In our view, the lack of a concentrated core of high-tech corporations producing for the broad market is a very serious obstacle to the creation of an innovative economy [4].
In contrast to the industrial giants to fast-growing companies - high rate of revenue growth over a number of years (the so-called "gazelles") crucial role of innovation. With the rapid growth of such firms eventually ends the possibility of extensive growth [5]. And many of the "gazelle" choose the path of innovative development, as opposed to the possibility of horizontal integration and mergers with competitors and others. Innovations give birth in the case of successful core competencies and sustainable competitive advantage, which improves profitability and financial stability.
"Gazelle" by virtue of its size and growth rate rapidly innovate in your business, showing high innovation.
Over the past several years, "Gazelle" is also more invested in fixed capital, lack of investment in which is a serious problem in the domestic economy. This did not stop them, and in the crisis of 2008, investment growth was about 60% in the post-crisis year [6].
Hard to say if it will have to change the structure of such firms of Russian industry by making bias towards innovation, they can
serve as the core of the different clusters, in most cases company - "gazelles" does not belong to the high-tech industry. But they can be a "pull" factor for the creation of an innovative model of economic development, creating demand for innovative products.
But to solve this problem is crucial state support the transition of the company - "gazelles" to the world markets, to the status of an international corporation. To implement this support offered special programs the establishment of regional innovation systems, integration of universities and industrial enterprises [7].
For the success of the innovative way of development is not enough just to provide state support for high-tech corporations. It should be a system interaction firms innovators and corporations can start innovation in mass production. Without this condition, most of the ideas, inventions, innovative products simply cannot be implemented.
Modernization, a gradual transition to innovative development can only happen as the development of more advanced technologies developed by leading countries.
As we have said, to allocate as a priority sector, according to the government's most competitive and innovative) - aircraft, space technology, etc. It does not seem appropriate, since modernization, innovation is needed in all sectors where there is still production. It is important to develop tools to implement it. In the context of globalization and the undeniable role of transnational corporations in the economy, we need to implement large-scale rearmament program sectors [8, 9].
As is also the case with the state of these industries and their main representatives in practice? Part of this question is answered in the magazine Expert analytical review of "Rating" Expert-400 "2019 annual ranking of the largest companies." The main theme of the study was the problem of the lack of interest in domestic industrial corporations to modernization and innovation.
According to the rating, based on a long-term study, begun long before the crisis of 2008, about a quarter of sales of big business is invested in the purchase of assets, on mergers and acquisitions. The share of innovation (including R & D) in total investments is very
low - about 0.5-1% of revenue. This is confirmed by official statistics - on investments are about 20% of GDP, only 1.1% - in research and development.
According to the authors of the rating, study no signs that this situation is changing. And it's not a crisis, in which a quarter of total investments decreased big business, and the proportion of R & D increased to 0.2%. The point is the strategic vision and conceptual models of business organization.
Another important issue, in addition to the reluctance of big business to invest in innovation, is that many studies show - Uzbekistan has very low competitiveness of production, which undoubtedly affects the overall competitiveness of the country.
Practice shows that the high macroeco-nomic stability is not the main condition for business efficiency and high competitiveness of the economy of the state. The competitiveness of a country is determined, as a rule, the presence of large, often multinational corporations. Our leading companies, despite significant sustained growth, is still significantly behind the Western corporations in terms of sales and market capitalization.
Summarizing, we can note the following important points:
1. The competitiveness of the country is determined, as a rule, the presence of large, often multinational corporations. In Uzbekistan, in the long term the emergence of new high-tech companies is not expected. Corporate strategies and investment portfolios of leading corporations do not include significant investments in high-tech industries [10].
2. The absence of a concentrated core of high-tech corporations producing for the broad market is a very serious obstacle to the creation of an innovative economy
3. In Uzbekistan already begin to form a chain companies gazelles, which makes the demand for innovative products with each other, which allows us to say that the country develops, more spontaneous, innovative model of development [11].
4. Wanted adjusted and focused government programs to support the fast-growing innovative companies, such as the creation of integrated science education, related indus-
tries, an appropriate infrastructure on the basis of existing businesses.
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К.И. Курпаяниди, канд. экон. наук, доцент Ферганский политехнический институт (Узбекистан, г. Фергана)
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается необходимость разработки новых технологий повышения конкурентоспособности и эффективности работы субъектов предпринимательства. Изучается процесс управления инновационным развитием фирмы на основе внедряемой технологии во взаимосвязи с основными факторами конкурентоспособности. Автором предложены некоторые подходы к разработке и внедрению инновационных проектов и технологий.
Ключевые слова: инновации, конкурентоспособность, система управления, предпринимательство, факторы конкурентоспособности, экономическая эффективность.