Научная статья на тему 'Conversion of idef3 models into UML-diagrams for the simulation in the sim system-UML'

Conversion of idef3 models into UML-diagrams for the simulation in the sim system-UML Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Khubaev Georgy N., Scherbakov Sergey M., Shirobokova Svetlana N.

The problem of conversion of IDEF3 models of the business processes in UML diagrams for system simulation SIM UML. The conceptual approach and features of the mechanism of transformation of individual elements of the IDEF3 model and software implementation of the algorithm conversion are described. The conversion results enable to use previously created IDEF3 model for the synthesis of simulation models and subsequent optimization of resource business processes.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Conversion of idef3 models into UML-diagrams for the simulation in the sim system-UML»

Section 5. Mathematics


1. Sizykh S. V. Lectures on the theory of numbers, M. FIZMATLIT, 2007.

2. Vinogradov. I. M. Fundamentals of the theory of numbers, Nauka, Moscow, 1981.

3. Song Y. Yan. Number theory for computing, Springer, Stanford, 2001.

4. Druzhinin V. V. NTVP, No. 5, 2015, 28-29.

5. Druzhinin V. V. NTVP, No. 5, 2015, 30-32.

6. Druzhinin V. V., Lazarev A. A. Austrian journal of technical and natural Sciences, № 9-10, 2015, 18-20.

Khubaev Georgy N., doctor of economic Sciences, professor of Rostov state University of Economics (RINH) E-mail: gkhubaev@mail.ru Scherbakov Sergey М. doctor of economic Sciences, professor of Rostov state University of Economics (RINH) Shirobokova Svetlana N. candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI)

Conversion of idef3 models into UML-diagrams for the simulation in the sim system-UML

Abstract: The problem of conversion of IDEF3 models of the business processes in UML diagrams for system simulation SIM UML. The conceptual approach and features of the mechanism of transformation of individual elements of the IDEF3 model and software implementation of the algorithm conversion are described. The conversion results enable to use previously created IDEF3 model for the synthesis of simulation models and subsequent optimization of resource business processes.

Keywords: conversion IDEF3-models, system simulation SIM-UML, the synthesis simulation models, optimization of resource intensity of business processes

Introduction. The authors in [1-4] provided a conceptual idea of Automated IDEF0 models converter into UML-diagrams, which further was reflected in world primarily developed Converter «ToADConverter» [5]. However, the issue of converting of IDEF0 standard diagrams, as well as the diagrams of IDEF3, DFD types into UML-diagrams for ensuring automated synthesis of simulation model of business process (for example, with the use of the Constructor [6]), is still important. As in this case, the efforts for the developing of simulation model of any business process are reduced in dozens of times. The BPWin file format used previously for IDL export enabled to export the diagrams of decomposition in IDEF0 standard only. However, the models of the real processes are frequently completed by DFD and IDEF3 diagrams. Such mixed model, three aspects, enables to use and automatically approve the most popular notes of business-processes simulation, provides complex description of object region. Lately appeared pack AllFusion Process Modeler 7 enables to export mixed models in XML format efficiently. With this information about all diagrams (IDEF0, IDEF3, DFD) is preserved. In such case, the problem of syntaxes analysis of XML-file with saved mixed model becomes important.

It is known, that IDEF3 standard is a methodology of process description, which considers the consequence of their execution and causality between the situations for the structural presentation of knowledge about the system, description of objects' conditions changes.

Visual simulation in IDEF3 standard is one of the most popular means of geographical representation of business processes.

Consequently SUM system-UML [6], developed within the implementation of process-statistical approach to the calculation of expenditures [7], enables, basing on UML-diagrams ofbusiness processes (precedents diagram and activity diagram), synthesize simulation model of the process. Basing on the results of simulation modelling, the expenditure costs are evaluated, and the most resource intensive processes and operations are defined. The experiments with the model provide possibility for the reduction of resource intensiveness of the studied subsetting of business processes [7-10].

Converting of IDEF3-models into UML-diagram provides possibility to optimize the processes' resource intensiveness in different industries. Thus, the resource expenditures for citizens' access to particular services (vehicles registration, enterprise opening, passport exchange and etc.) in different countries can be compared. Having built visual and imitation models the expenditures of labor and other resources can be quantitatively compared, for instance, social servants, commercial enterprises' employees, individual entrepreneurs and citizens for the service implementation provided by the state and municipal management authorities.

Features of the Proposed Converting Algorithm. Converting of IDEF3-models into UML-diagrams is performed with the orientation on CASE-mean for the simulation of business-processes Allfusion Process Modeler, which enables to create the diagrams in notations IDEF0, IDEF3 and DFD.

On the first stage, the syntax analysis (parsing) ofxml-file models is provided to gain access to model's units (activity, junction) and junction arrows, to the features and characteristics of model elements.


Conversion of idef3 models into UML-diagrams for the simulation in the sim system-UML

Figure 1 presents an abstract of IDEF3-model and corresponding description in XML-format. As a result ofsyntax analysis and XML-file export models IDEF3 the objects ofmodels elements are formed, which

parameters set is required for the further converting of UML-activity diagram and simulation modelling. For instance, for the crossings such parameters are the coordinates ofjunctions and cross types (Figure 1).


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<PMJunction id="{ID 13DBFF-6D58-4604-BE3A-В17465138678J+00000000" Name=""> --



<PMJunctionBoxTypeString>Junction Box AND Asynchronous</PMJunctionBoxTypeString> <PMJunctionBoxNumber>l</PMJunctionBoxNumber>


<PMJunction i d=" {C D 56 C F FO-84 D B-4307-96D4-2 E 59616E 5 D 70 }+00000000" Name="">4-I



<PMJunctionBoxTypeString>Junction Box AND Asynchronous</PMJunctionBoxTypeString> <PMJunctionBoxNumber>2</PMJunctionBoxNumber>




<PMDiagram id=... "> ...<PMDiagramProps>...


<PMBox id="{7E9DBC06-D03A-4F69-8E78-8ABC9BlCC29C}+00000000" Name=""xPMBoxProps> <PMBoxCoordinates member_name="left">335</PMBoxCoordinates>

<PMBoxCoordinates member_name="top">260</PMBoxCoordinates>

<PMBoxCoordinates member_name="right">375</PMBoxCoordinates>

<PMBoxCoordinates member_name="bottom">300</PMBoxCoordinates>



<PMBox id="{02195196-9B70-4COC-9A9F-370EF5A33119}+00000000" Name=""xPMBoxProps> <PMBoxCoordinates member_name="left">720</PMBoxCoordinates>

<PMBoxCoordinates member_name="top">265</PMBoxCoordinates>

<PMBoxCoordinates member_name="right">760</PMBoxCoordinates>

<PMBoxCoordinates member_name="bottom">305</PMBoxCoordinates>




</PM Diagram_Groups>


Figure 1. An abstract of IDEF3 diagram and description of one of the elements (crossings) in XML-format


Section 5. Mathematics

Converting of models elements is provided in accordance with Table 1.

Table 1. - The converting rules of IDEF3 elements in UML-activity diagrams












Algorithm implementation. There are few options of soft-

ware implementation of IDEF3-models in model SIM-UML: 1) Separate converter-utility (figure 2).

Figure 2. Use of separate convertor

Converter software converts XML-file of IDEF3-model, obtained from AllFusion Process Modeler, in XML-file format of SIM system-UML. With such converting option, the changes into simulation modeling system are not required. Obtained file is further opened and used in SIM system-UML.

Currently, «ToADConverter» [5] is modernized in order to operate with XML-file format model and possibility to convert the mixed models of IDEF0 and IDEF3 [11]. Such converting is the most valuable as IDEFO-models of real processes are completed by the diagrams IDEF3 very often. As the mixed model, different aspects, enables to use and automatically approve the most popu-

lar notations of business-process modeling and enables to provide complex description of object region.

2) The use of standard XML means (XSLT-conversions) for converting ofxml-file of IDEF3-model in xml-file of SIM-UML model (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Use of XSLT

With this for the conversion of the initial xml-file in accordance with XSLT specification a set of formalized rules is created which is processed by standard utility of XSLT-conversion. The use of such option removes the necessity to write program code.

3) Import in SIM-UML system. One more possible implementation option: analysis ofxml-file of IDEF3 model by standard operation components with XML (DOM-oriented parsing), and then, basing on obtained DOM-tree, the formation of SIN-UML model objects with the further saving (figure 4).


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Conversion of idef3 models into UML-diagrams for the simulation in the sim system-UML

Figure 4. Import to SIM-UML

Although the structure of xml-file of the model of AllFusion the implementation of conversion process does not demand all the

Process Modeler enables to preserve the multiple parameters and parameters. Figure 5 provides xml-elements, required for conver-model properties, both format content and parameters, however sion.

Figure 5. Hierarchy of conversion elements

Conversion example. Figure 6 provides an example — an abstract of IDEF3-model.

Figure 6. Example of IDEF3 model


Section 5. Mathematics

Transformation result is provided on Figure 7.


1. The procedures of syntax analysis ofXML-file of IDEF3-mod-el and the options of IDEF3-modeles conversion in UML-activity diagrams for further modeling in SIM system UML are provided. The possibility of simultaneous use of IDEF0 and IDEF3 models enables to expand the group of modeled tasks and complete model with additional information of object region.

2. The development of algorithm of IDEF3-models conversion in UML-diagrams sufficiently expands the possibilities of SIM system UML use for the express evaluation and optimization of business processes' resource intensiveness in different object regions, improves formation of universal tools of simulation modelling. As during the period of IDEF0 and IDEF3 meth-

odologies application a set of visual models in different object regions is formed. The described tools enable to evaluate the reserves of the reduction of operational and management processes with minimal labor and financial resources, for which visual models are built and determine the directions for minimization of the total cost of goods production processes and service implementation.

The article is prepared basing on the results of the researches performed with support of Russian Foundation of Fundamental Researches (RFFI) — project 15-01-06324/15 «Modeling of the Operational and Managing Processes for Express Evaluation and Optimization of Goods and Services Resource Intensiveness: Formation of Universal Methodological and Tools Provision».


1. Khubaev G. N., Shirobokova S. N. Automated Convertor of IDEF0 Models in UML-diagrams: Conceptual Idea//Problems of Informatics in Education, Management, Economy and Engineering: Materials of VIII All Russian engin. science conf. Penza, Nov 19-20 2008. - Penza: Privolzhskiy Dom Znaniy, 2008. - P. 102-108.

2. Khubaev G. N., Shirobokova S. N. Converting of IDEF0 diagrams in UML-diagrams: Conception and Conversion Rules//Economy Problems. - 2008. - № 6. - P. 139-152.

3. Khubaev G.N., Shirobokova S.N. Titarenko E.V., Tkachenko YV Converting of IDEF0-models into diagrams of UML-language: Conception, Mathematical Description and Software Implementation: monogr./Rost. State. Econom. Unvers (RINH). - P. 1. - Rostov-on-Don, 2011. - 233 p.

4. Khubaev G.N., Shirobokova S.N. Titarenko E.V., Tkachenko YV. Converting of IDEF0-models into diagrams of UML-language: Conception, Mathematical Description and Software Implementation: monogr./Rost. State. Econom. Unvers (RINH). - P. 2. - Rostov-on-Don, 2012.- 214 p.

5. Khubaev G. N., Shirobokova S. N. Titarenko Е. V., Tkachenko Y. V. Automated Converter of IDEF0 Models in Language Activity Diagrams UML«ToADConverter» («ToADConverter»)//Certificate of State Computer Software Registration № 2009613137.- М.: ROSPATENT, 2009.

6. Khubaev G. N., Scherbakov S. М., Rvantsov Y. А. System of Automated Synthesis of Simulation Models Basing on UML Language «SIM-UML»//Certificate of State Computer Software Registration - № 2009610414. - М.: ROSPATENT, 2009.


Conversion of idef3 models into UML-diagrams for the simulation in the sim system-UML

7. Khubaev G. N. The Evaluation of the Reserves of Goods and Services Resources Intensiveness Reduction: Methods and Tools Means//APLICATION INFORMATICS. - 2012. - № 2 (38). - P. 84-90.

8. Khubaev G. N., Scherbakov S. М., Construction of Simulation Models in Economy and Management. Monograph. - Rostov on Don: RSEU «RINH», 2009. - 176 p.

9. Scherbakov S. М., Process-statistical Approach in the State Management Sphere//Modern Science and Practice Issues. V. I. Vernadsky University. - 2009. - № 6 (20). - P. 204-214.

10. Khubaev G.N., Shirobokova S.N. Tools for Conversion of IDEF3-Business Process Models in UML-Diagrams//Global Science Potential. - 2015. - № 2 (47). - P. 87-96.

11. Shirobokova S. N. Ischenko P. А., Ignatenko А. А. Algorithm of Syntax Analysis of XML-file export diagram IDEF0, IDEF3 and DFD for the Universal Objects Creation//Youth and Science: Reality and the Future: Materials ofVII International Science Practical Conference. - Nevinnomyssk: NIEUP, 2014. - P. 232-235.


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