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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gruzdev Mikhail V., Ivanova Elena O., Tarkhanova Irina Yu., Kharisova Inga G.

Problem and aim. The modern education system is a complex of developed social institutions that form a system of connections and social norms that correspond to promising tasks focused on personal development and socialization. The PISA program evaluates the educational achievements of students and thereby identifies and interprets new global trends in the field of education. The aim of the article is to study the global trends in the education system of the high-ranking countries according to the PISA-2018. Materials and research methods. Empirical research has three stages. The first stage is the actualization of materials generated according to the Report PISA-2018 from three groups of ratings: TOP-10 OECD countries, TOP-10 OECD partner countries and an integral TOP-10 of all participating countries. The second stage is the study of the TOP-10 of all participating countries, where the focus is shifted to a specific group of indicators that identify global trends: globalization, practice-oriented learning, digitalization, individual educational track, sustainable development, social climate and emotional intelligence. At the third stage, a comparative analysis of global trend indicators was carried out. The empirical study included descriptive statistics (range of variation, standard deviation and coefficient of variation) to assess the homogeneity of the group of countries identified by the authors and the degree of difference between them. Research results. TOP-10 countries of the world with the best education systems according to PISA-2018 were selected, and those that maximally reveal the global trends in education systems in the high-ranking countries were identified. The highest indicators were found: practical orientation of education in Estonia - 100%; having digital devices at home in Finland - 82.6%; individual educational track (teacher's agreement with the student's opinion) in Chinese Taipei - 82.4%; emotional intelligence and a sense of belonging to school in Korea - 78.7%; social climate and parental participation in school activities in China (Beijing - Shanghai - Jiangsu - Guangdong) - 52.3%. Discussion and conclusion. The infiltration of global trends in the educational activities of a modern school makes it competitive in the context of global digitalization and strengthens the position of the entire country in the PISA ratings. All countries of the world recognizing the high role of education in the development of their country are introducing new digital technologies and improving existing ones. As a result, a picture emerges in which the leading countries of the world set global trends for digitalization and globalization of education, and other countries are implementing them.

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Перспективы Науки и Образования

Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)

Адрес выпуска: https://pnojournal.wordpress.com/2022-2/22-01/ Дата публикации: 28.02.2022 УДК 331.54:37

М. В. Груздев, Е. О. Иванова, И. Ю. Тарханова, И. Г. Харисова

Непрерывное педагогическое образование: ценностные ориентиры вхождения в профессию

Введение. Актуальность темы статьи обусловлена отсутствием преемственности в формировании профессиональных педагогических ценностей и ориентиров при реализации образовательных программ на разных этапах подготовки педагогических кадров. Цель исследования - сравнительный анализ ценностно-смысловых ориентиров профессиональной педагогической деятельности у будущих педагогов на этапе обучения в педагогическом колледже и вузе.

Методы. В анкетировании приняли участие обучающиеся педагогических колледжей (N = 147) Ярославской области и студенты Ярославского государственного педагогического университета им. К.Д. Ушинского (N = 253). Эмпирические данные были обработаны с помощью методов первичной описательной статистики, корреляционного, системно-структурного, факторного анализа.

Результаты исследования. Выявлены значимые различия в ценностно-смысловой структуре профессии будущих педагогов: для студентов вуза обогащение жизненного опыта обучающихся более значимо чем для студентов колледжей (Н = 7,061, р<0,05); также студенты университета больше ценят знание технологий диагностической и коррекционно-развивающей работы с обучающимися (Н=8,203, р<0,05) и способов развития ученического самоуправления (Н=7,749, р<0,05). Структурный анализ выявил в профессиональной деятельности приоритет ценностей, связанных с развитием обучающегося (средние значения 20,4 у студентов колледжа и 15,8 у студентов вуза). Факторный анализ показал преобладание у обучающихся обоих уровней ценностей-знаний. При этом у студентов колледжа наибольший факторный вес имеет знание способов продуктивного сотрудничества со всеми участниками образовательного процесса (0,609), а у студентов вуза знание способов вовлечения обучающихся в различные виды деятельности (0,565).

Заключение. Проведенное исследование позволило выявить соответствие ценностных ориентаций студентов декларируемым педагогическим сообществом ориентирам и в целом подтвердило выдвинутую гипотезу об имеющихся различиях в ценностно-смысловых ориентирах будущих педагогов на различных этапах профессиональной подготовки. Студенты педагогического вуза демонстрируют более сбалансированную структуру ценностей-целей: и в системе ценностей в целом, и в отдельных группах инструментальных ценностей сохраняется приоритетная последовательность «ребенок-среда-профессия». Но и студенты колледжа, и студенты университета большее значение придают ценностям-знаниям, что свидетельствует о необходимости увеличения практико-ориентированного обучения на всех этапах подготовки учителя.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная деятельность, педагогические кадры, профессиональные стандарты, образовательные стандарты, ценностные ориентации, непрерывное педагогическое образование

Ссылка для цитирования:

Груздев М. В., Иванова Е. О., Тарханова И. Ю., Харисова И. Г. Непрерывное педагогическое образование: ценностные ориентиры вхождения в профессию // Перспективы науки и образования. 2022. № 1 (55). С. 25-41. 10.32744Zpse.2022.12

Perspectives of Science & Education

International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)

Available: https://pnojournal.wordpress.com/2022-2/22-01/ Accepted: 11 September 2021 Published: 28 February 2022


Continuous pedagogical education: value orientations of entry into profession

Problem and aim. The modern education system is a complex of developed social institutions that form a system of connections and social norms that correspond to promising tasks focused on personal development and socialization. The PISA program evaluates the educational achievements of students and thereby identifies and interprets new global trends in the field of education. The aim of the article is to study the global trends in the education system of the high-ranking countries according to the PISA-2018.

Materials and research methods. Empirical research has three stages. The first stage is the actualization of materials generated according to the Report PISA-2018 from three groups of ratings: T0P-10 OECD countries, T0P-10 OECD partner countries and an integral T0P-10 of all participating countries. The second stage is the study of the T0P-10 of all participating countries, where the focus is shifted to a specific group of indicators that identify global trends: globalization, practice-oriented learning, digitalization, individual educational track, sustainable development, social climate and emotional intelligence. At the third stage, a comparative analysis of global trend indicators was carried out. The empirical study included descriptive statistics (range of variation, standard deviation and coefficient of variation) to assess the homogeneity of the group of countries identified by the authors and the degree of difference between them.

Research results. T0P-10 countries of the world with the best education systems according to PISA-2018 were selected, and those that maximally reveal the global trends in education systems in the high-ranking countries were identified. The highest indicators were found: practical orientation of education in Estonia - 100%; having digital devices at home in Finland - 82.6%; individual educational track (teacher's agreement with the student's opinion) in Chinese Taipei - 82.4%; emotional intelligence and a sense of belonging to school in Korea - 78.7%; social climate and parental participation in school activities in China (Beijing - Shanghai - Jiangsu - Guangdong) - 52.3%.

Discussion and conclusion. The infiltration of global trends in the educational activities of a modern school makes it competitive in the context of global digitalization and strengthens the position of the entire country in the PISA ratings. All countries of the world recognizing the high role of education in the development of their country are introducing new digital technologies and improving existing ones. As a result, a picture emerges in which the leading countries of the world set global trends for digitalization and globalization of education, and other countries are implementing them.

Keywords: PISA, education system, global trends, global trends in the education system, global digitalization, digital transformation, reading literacy, mathematical literacy, science literacy, digital literacy

For Reference:

Gruzdev, M. V., Ivanova, E. 0., Tarkhanova, I. Yu., & Kharisova, I. G. (2022). Continuous pedagogical education: value orientations of entry into profession. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 55 (1), 25-41. doi: 10.32744/pse.2022.1.2


he objective of the article was to identify the grounds for ensuring the continuity of pedagogical education outcomes at the secondary vocational (teacher education college) and university degree levels. The research thus aimed to provide a rationale on the methodology of pedagogical education consistency and continuity centered on the teacher as a key figure in ensuring high-quality education and contributing to the development of the country, which justifies the implementation of the axiological approach to teacher education. The choice of the secondary vocational and higher pedagogical education as the main levels of teacher training is conditioned by the widespread availability of the relevant training institutions (teacher education colleges and pedagogical universities) as well as the inherent difficulties in interlinking their curricula to be overcome when college graduates choose to continue their education at a higher level.

The research in hand sought to find an answer to the question if professional values and value orientations can underlie the strategy of planning for consistent educational outcomes in teacher education at college and university levels.

The overview of recent researches into the concept of "value" published in scholarly journals included in international databases revealed a lack of unity in its understanding. The axiological theories having evolved in various philosophical and cultural frameworks present a diversity of views, ideas, solutions and methodological approaches [1]. In philosophy the system of values is linked to the streamlining of norms representing means of value realization. Values are even considered as a particular kind of norm, the orienting norm, with a view to the premise that values act as orienting points set by culture [2]. Psychology looks at values as a meaning-creative basis of human existence defining the general or formal patterns connected with the meaning of socially accepted values, value objects and the process of evaluating reality through the lens of guides, standards and orientations accepted by society [3].

Pedagogical axiology presents a hierarchy of educational and professional pedagogical (teaching) values. The latter entail a comprehensive analysis of the values sphere in the context of the social significance and humanist orientation of teaching. This area of research received careful consideration in "Pedagogical Axiology" [4] as well as in monograph "Values of pedagogical education: history and present state" [5] identified features inherent in the nature of pedagogical education values and analyzed the process of value formation in teachers. The authors pointed at a discrepancy between the formal values and the real ones shared by teachers, those promoted by the education system and the values currently central to the educational process as well as value orientations of various subjects of education in the context of education digitalization [6]. E.K. Al-Yanai developed the axiological approach in education devising a hierarchical system of its main concepts [7]. Analyzing the indicators of education and upbringing quality based on students' survey, L.V. Mosienko identified values to complement the system of national values of education. The authors presented an argument for the adoption in the process of university education of an approach suggesting that the sphere of education be considered as a value in itself [8]. In this research we consider professional values as a key factor defining the meaningfulness of the teaching career as well as the reference points of teachers' activities targeted at reaching the humanist goals.

Researches focused on the axiological aspect to teacher education highlight the need for developing and implementing a series of measures to specify the existing values and value orientations of the pedagogical education system as well as affirm the necessity for future teachers to adopt and foster in their pupils an attitude of sustainable respect for existing values, including those set by the National Qualifications Framework for pedagogical resource personnel [9]. Exploring the conditions for a teacher's professional value development L.I. Barbashova points out the objects and phenomena of a teacher's professional activity which meet the requirements of the professional standard and have substantial significance, thus determining professional goal setting [10]. T.A. Zhalagina and K.S. Vinogradov consider values and value orientations as vital for providing for successful professional performance [11]. The study of the hierarchy and dynamic nature of future teachers' professional values allowed us to speak out for the relevance of values in setting their personality orientations and defining personal career success as well as forming professional consciousness and ensuring their psychological well-being [12].

In their study C. Day aimed attention at professional development, need for lifelong learning and self-improvement. These, according to the author, imply the development of a values-based attitude to one's own professional activity as well as enhanced actions leading to the positive experience of raising the quality of education and reaching the moral and ethic goals [13, p.18]. O.M. Miller researched into the complexity of links existing between a teacher's professional and personal awareness and the professional values [14]. E.V. Solovyova and O.E. Nikulenkova emphasized the need for assisting future teachers on the path of building their own personality and professional capacities in the context of the axiological paradigm, which will ultimately allow them to adopt professional pedagogical values in the educational process [15]. Relevance of socio-pedagogical value formation in pedagogical university students was proved by A. Smirnaya and J. Shepelev drawing on the example of school readiness demonstrated by children from different social groups [16, р. 610].

Thus, axiological research outlines the importance of professional values and value orientations for the formation of a teacher's professional stance, development of their professional awareness as well as adoption of the personality-oriented meaning which teaching has. However, the question of orientations for the formation of a future teacher's values sphere has not been dealt with in sufficient detail.

Our position in this research is based on V.A. Slastenin's idea of pedagogical values defined as norms regulating one's activity in which their subjectivation occurs. Recognizing the humanist nature of values the author devises a classification built on the axiological concept of satisfaction of teachers' material and spiritual needs, two types of values - self-sufficing and instrumental - being distinguished. The former includes values and goals defining the strategy, perspective and content of a teacher's professional activity. The latter is considered as means of attaining self-sufficing values. The holistic hierarchy of values consists of the dominant (knowledge, cognition, communication), normative (standards and moral guides), stimulating (pedagogical methods, technologies, control and assessment means) and attendant (academic and practical skills, understanding of subjects and phenomena under study aimed at obtaining comprehensive knowledge of things) values. In accordance with the level of existence, values can be classified into person-, group-and society-oriented [17, p. 117-119]. Exploring the link between professional values and satisfaction of professional and personal needs as well as goal-setting and goal achievement, I.F. Isaev and E.N. Shiyanov distinguish the following groups of values: values promoting teacher acceptance in society, values impacting the culture of communication, values

encouraging self-improvement and self-expression, utility and pragmatic values [18, p. 197]. Authors proposes that values be classified into goal-values, means-values, relation-values, knowledge-values and quality-values. This approach is aligned with the requirements which are set for pedagogical education outcomes defined in terms of competencies and present their axiological and motivational component.

We believe that values and meanings approved by society and professional community can be used as orientations to be accepted by teachers in the course of continuous education and guarantee their professional success. Such orientations will set the direction of teachers' professional growth. They can be documented as educational outcomes, a university graduate model or a specialist model.

Teaching and Learning International Survey [19] can serve a perfect example to illustrate this point. TALIS uses five criteria ("five pillars") to appraise teachers' professional qualifications which can be considered as value orientations of their professional performance: the knowledge and skills base essential for teaching, career opportunities, peer regulation and collaborative culture, responsibility and autonomy, the prestige and standing of the profession. The 2018 survey was conducted in the "teacher-efficacy" framework. Value orientations covering specialized knowledge and teaching skills, organizational abilities and a proper understanding of ways to develop their pupils, to assess them and interact with them, responding to their individual differences, displaying respect to their merits and achievements etc. are examined by C. Danielson [20, p. 54] and K. L Creasy [21, p. 24]. These criteria can be used at all stages of professionalization - from choosing the career of a teacher to attaining the top professional level.

The works analyzed in the current subsection generally focus on the values sphere of educators belonging to certain professional groups - undergraduate and graduate students, school teachers, college and university lecturers. The authors have researched into the perception of values shared by teachers and educators of different gender and age groups, with different teaching experience. However, the procedural aspect of value formation and development is still not sufficiently explicit. Meanwhile the understanding of the value formation process as well as the comparative analysis of student teachers' professional value adoption at different levels of teacher education (pedagogical classes, colleges, universities) will enable to improve education efficiency, coordinate and harmonize the outcomes of continuous pedagogical education achieved at different levels. This only emphasizes the relevance of research into the values and value orientations to be followed at the stage of induction into the teaching profession in the context of continuous pedagogical education.

Materials and methods

To research into the value orientations of future teachers' professional pedagogical activity the system-genetic method was implemented [22, p. 97]. This method considers teacher education as a system encompassing the awareness of the professional goals and functions, qualities and skills indispensable for successful professional performance, the legal and normative environment of teaching, its personality-oriented meaning which contributes to the determination of values as the main orientations of the pedagogical activity exercising a significant impact on its goals, content and means of realization.

The following parameters were considered to draw up a list of value orientations essential for teaching:

• Review of theoretical works focused on the problems of pedagogical axiology (see "Literature Review"). It covered subject-related publications of the recent decade clearly illustrating the current trends in the research of the axiological nucleus of teaching. The articles under review have been published in scholarly journals included in such databases as Russian Science Citation Index, Web of Science and Scopus.

• Content analysis of the practicing teachers' output (portfolios, materials of pedagogical board meetings and methodological seminars, presentations, teaching guidelines etc.) which involved sustained documentation of the extracted content units followed by the quantification of the data obtained, constructs of pedagogical activity values and meanings taken as a unit of semantic analysis.

• Comparative analysis of normative legal documents regulating teacher education and setting the basic requirements to the pedagogical resource personnel.

The given resources allowed us to distinguish values building the axiological foundations of teaching as well as its basic orientations. With reference to V.A. Slastenin's classification we divided the values in two groups: self-sufficing values (goal-values) and instrumental values (means-values: relations, qualities, knowledge). The semantic analysis of the above values brought us to the conclusion that it is quite reasonable to group the value orientations distinguished within the goal-values group around three objects: the child as the central priority and value of teaching activity, the environment as a space where the teacher fulfills their tasks, and the teaching profession as a type of activity targeted at performing certain pedagogical functions. As has been mentioned, means-values have been differentiated into relation-, quality- and knowledge-values oriented towards the same three objects (the child, the environment and the profession).

This typology laid basis for designing a questionnaire to survey value orientations of future teachers at different levels of professional training (teacher education college and pedagogical university). The questionnaire consisted of two parts. Part one contained three lists of 18 items to choose from and rank (respondents were asked to choose and rank 10 items), representing instrumental values oriented towards the child, the environment and the profession. Recognizing the risks and limitations of this survey method conditioned by the respondents' presumable incapability to clearly distinguish between the personality-oriented values and value entities poorly reflected upon, we extended the questionnaire by adding a projective technique which made up part two of the questionnaire. It contained a set of MUST-topics seeking to define the respondents' attitude to the priorities and problems of professional pedagogical activity.

The empirical data were collected in April 2021. The total dimension of the sample was 400 respondents including 147 teacher education college students and 253 pedagogical university students. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, the analysis being based on using the indicators of primary descriptive statistics, Kruskal-Wallis test for variance analysis, correlation, system-structural and factor analysis.


The analysis of the data obtained allowed us to determine the orientations seen by students as most significant in their future career. It was conducted for each group of instrumental values, thus enabling us to expand the list of values defined as the basic for an

efficient teacher by scholars and practicing researchers.

Table 1 presents the items of the "relation-values" group having the greatest significance for a modern teacher from the respondents' perspective.

Table 1

Medium rank of orientations from the "relation-values" group

Values Category Kruskal-Wallis test Asymptotic relevance (p)

College students University students

Development of rules for school / class life through negotiation with pupils ** 1,2993 1,3241 2,930 0,322

Social significance of a teacher's professional activity *** 1,7075 1,5929 4,388 0,111

Leading by example *** 1,1565 1,4269 1,930 0,381

Support of parents' (legal representatives') pedagogical effort ** 1,8435 2,5415 3,812 0,149

Professional solidarity *** 2,6531 2,6522 4,146 0,126

Readiness for interaction with other specialists to help pupils overcome difficulties ** 2,2313 2,5494 1,395 0,498

Responsibility for educational outcomes *** 2,7823 2,3360 1,281 0,527

Providing pupils with individual assistance in mastering the educational material * 2,7823 2,8103 2,725 0,256

Enrichment of pupils' life experience * 3,4150 2,6324 7,061 0,029

Feedback in the process of education *** 2,6599 3,3004 5,229 0,073

* - "child" goal-value

** - "environment" goal-value

*** - "profession" goal-value

As indicated in table 1, the priority relation-values are seen as essential for organizing the pedagogical process and are oriented towards all groups of goal-values. The survey results showed that students at different levels of professional training generally choose the same relation-values (the respondents opted for the same values when asked to rank the ten most important items from the list). Significant variance (p<0,05) is noted for the "Enrichment of pupils' life experience" value (it is considered more important by university students), which may be explained by the different emphases laid in college and university curricula: college students are basically focused on the proper organization of the educational process, whereas the university curriculum is oriented both towards instruction and overall development of a child in the process of education.

Table 2 presents the orientations of the "quality-values" group having the greatest significance for a modern teacher from the respondents' perspective.

As indicated in table 2, the ranking results for quality-values point to the coincidence of value orientations within the value group. The survey showed that students at different levels of professional training recognize the importance of raising identical personal and professional qualities which they see as essential for every teacher. No significant variance has been noted for the given group of values, which testifies to the fact that students at all levels of continuous pedagogical education show a similar understanding of qualities that are of particular relevance for teachers.

Table 2

Medium rank of orientations from the "quality-values" group

Values Category Kruskal-Wallis test Asymptotic relevance (p)

College students University students

Willingness to devise a career strategy based on recognition of prospects for a teacher's professional growth *** ,5510 0,6957 3,007 0,222

Implementation of various training and education techniques *** 1,3061 1,4822 5,218 0,074

Provision of an individual approach to each child * 1,8707 1,9605 0,127 0,939

Aptitude for professional creativity *** 2,2857 2,2688 2,345 0,310

Commitment to take responsibility for their activity *** 2,1429 2,0870 0,040 0,980

Determination to perceive their professional activity as having a personality-oriented meaning *** 2,4150 2,0356 2,395 0,302

Ability to interact with other specialists on child education issues ** 2,9728 2,9130 0,268 0,874

Ability to organize the educational process according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards *** 2,9796 2,7905 3,106 0,212

Ability to develop and implement the program of educational institution development ** 2,7143 2,5455 1,894 0,388

Ability to assist pupils in organizing self-regulation ** 3,0408 2,8142 0,395 0,821

* - "child" goal-value

** - "environment" goal-value

*** - "profession" goal-value

Significant variance in the perception of values is noted for the "knowledge- values" group (table 3).

Table 3

Medium rank of orientations from the "knowledge- values" group

Values Category Kruskal-Wallis test Asymptotic relevance (p)

College students University students

Knowledge on the legal and ethical framework for teaching *** ,7755 1,0711 4,562 ,102

Knowledge of teaching methods and awareness of their impact on the learning process *** 1,0068 1,2609 1,771 ,412

Knowledge-based approach to devising a teacher's career strategy*** 1,1837 ,9881 2,422 ,298

Knowledge-based application of diagnostic and remedial technologies* 2,4762 2,1028 8,203 ,017

Knowledge and understanding of their subject *** 1,6463 1,7233 2,507 ,286

Awareness of pupils' individual differences * 2,2245 2,2925 ,364 ,834

Awareness of ways and means to analyze their professional performance in terms of results and efficiency *** 2,8095 2,9921 ,701 ,704

Knowledge-based approach to the development of teaching skills and professional capacities *** 3,4558 3,3320 1,432 ,489

Knowledge-based approach to pupils' engagement into different activities (project, research, reflection etc.) * 3,0408 3,4032 2,312 ,315

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Knowledge-based approach to the development of pupils' self-regulation skills ** 3,1837 2,7233 7,749 ,021

* - "child" goal-value

** - "environment" goal-value

*** - "profession" goal-value

The group of instrumental values described in table 3 characterizes knowledge which, according to the survey participants, greatly affects a teacher's professional success. With reference to the first and second group of instrumental values we generally observe that the respondents of both categories share a common understanding of knowledge-values. However, two items - "Knowledge-based application of diagnostic and remedial technologies" and "Knowledge-based approach to the development of pupils' self-regulation skills" - reveal a significant variance (P<0,05 95%), the former being more important for university students than college students. Thus, the results of instrumental value ranking allowed us to define the value orientations highly prioritized by future teachers. To determine the value groups which are of particular relevance for each category of respondents we conducted a structural analysis working out the weight average for each group of values in the structure of value perceptions of college and university students (table 4).

Table 4

Results of research data structural analysis

Values Weight average of the variable in the structure

College students University students


Child 12,4 10,4

Environment 5,8 8,3

Profession 6,7 8,0

Weight average of the value group 8,3 8,9


Child 20,3 17,3

Environment 19,8 16,5

Profession 21,4 13,9

Weight average of the value group 20,5 15,9


Child 28,6 19,7

Environment 25,4 18,6

Profession 18,5 15,3

Weight average of the value group 24,2 17,9

The data presented in table 4 characterize the overall structure of value orientations of students at different levels of professional training. Knowledge-values are of top priority for

both college and university students since they are mostly oriented towards professional function performance, which explains why professionally significant knowledge has greater weight average in their value structure.

When approaching the value structure from the perspective of goal-values, the following trend can be observed: both college and university students prioritize values related to the child (the mean values being 20,4 and 15,8 respectively), followed by values associated with the environment (the mean values being17,0 and 14,5) and the profession (the mean values being 15,5 and 12,4). This testifies to the fact that teacher education generally succeeds in the formation of a balanced system of value orientations in future teachers (the most proper balance being achieved in university students). Equally important, the system is aimed at the main objects teachers devote their effort to - the child and the environment necessary to be formed for a child's integral development.

Interesting trends are noted in the distribution of value priorities in the structures of particular value groups. Whereas the university students see the "child - environment -profession" values as equally significant in all the three groups of instrumental values, college students place a particular importance on them only in the "knowledge-values" group, priorities being shifted in the other groups ("child - profession - environment" in the "relation-values" group and "profession - child - environment" in the "quality-values" group).

Factor analysis of the results obtained allowed us to distinguish the key factors defining the value orientations of future teachers. Their characteristics are shown in tables 5 and 6.

Table 5

Factor analysis results for data obtained from teacher education college students

Instrumental values Factor loading

Factor 1 "Awareness of teacher-pedagogical process participant collaboration technologies"

Awareness of ways and means of productive collaboration with all participants of the pedagogical process ** 0,609

Knowledge-based approach to devising a teacher's career strategy *** 0,602

Knowledge-based application of diagnostic and remedial technologies * 0,588

Knowledge-based approach to pupils' engagement into different activities (project, research, reflection etc.)* 0,562

Knowledge-based approach to parents' (legal representatives') engagement into the education and upbringing process ** 0,528

Awareness of ways and means to analyze their professional performance in terms of results and efficiency*** 0,525

Awareness of pupils' individual differences * 0,442

Knowledge and understanding of their subject*** 0,441

Aptitude for professional creativity *** 0,386

Knowledge of teaching methods and awareness of their impact on the learning process *** 0,359

Commitment to take responsibility for their activity *** 0,349

Factor 2 "Personalization technologies in education"

Implementation of various training and education techniques*** 0,547

Provision of an individual approach to each child * 0,553

Ability to help pupils in self-determination, self-fulfillment and self-affirmation * 0,486

Ability to interact with other specialists on child education issues ** 0,447

Ability to interact with parents' (legal representatives) on child education and upbringing issues ** 0,439

Feedback in the process of education*** 0,416

Knowledge on the legal and ethical framework for teaching *** 0,319

Factor 3 "Technology of subjectivity development"

Providing pupils with individual assistance in mastering the educational material * 0,579

Development of rules for school / class life through negotiation with pupils ** 0,510

Enrichment of pupils' life experience * 0,467

Readiness for interaction with other specialists to help pupils overcome difficulties ** 0,418

Responsibility for educational outcomes *** 0,347

Social significance of a teacher's professional activity *** 0,343

Support of pupils' independent, conscious and responsible choice of life values* 0,330

Factor 4 "Teacher's and pupil's self-determination"

Determination to perceive their professional activity as having a personality-oriented meaning*** 0,616

Creation of conditions for developing a pupil's personality potential* 0,448

Willingness to devise a career strategy based on recognition of prospects for a teacher's professional growth *** 0,387

Ability to control their psychoemotional state *** 0,369

Ability to motivate pupils, engage them in different activities* 0,324

* - "child" goal-value

** - "environment" goal-value

*** - "profession" goal-value

The factor structure of college students' value orientations includes four basic factors combining the instrumental values deemed most relevant for this category of respondents. It should be noted that the characteristics were initially organized into six groups, one of them containing items having a relationship to other groups of variables, which they were included in as having a higher loading.

As indicated in table 5, factor one incorporates the largest group of variables characterizing mostly knowledge-values, variables related to educational cooperation, career strategy awareness and technological components of teaching having the highest load.

Factor two is cross-linked to personalization since the most meaningful variables of the group are aimed at creating conditions encouraging the development of a child's personality.

Factor three includes characteristics similar to those grouped around factor two. They are also connected with the personalization of the educational process but in terms of subjectivity maintenance.

In the group of variables determining factor four, "Determination to perceive their professional activity as having a personality-oriented meaning" has the highest loading (0,616), which can be linked to self-determination of both the teacher and the child, the second most important variable being "Creation of conditions for developing a pupil's personality potential" (0,448).

Thus, the majority of factors identified by the survey of college students are oriented towards the values related to the child. They emphasize the importance for the teacher to develop a child's personality based on productive cooperation of all participants of the educational process. It is worth noting that quality-values and relation-values were equally important for the identification of the four factors, which demonstrates college students' orientation towards the practical realization of the above values in teaching.

The factor analysis also allowed for identifying the items which did not make the list of the most relevant values (italicized in table 5). One of them, "Awareness of ways and means of productive collaboration with all participants of the pedagogical process", was of particular importance for the explanation of two out of the four factors indentified. Recognizing the importance of the above value orientations, college students may not always see a direct link between them and a successful teaching career.

Table 6

Factor analysis results for data obtained from pedagogical university students

Instrumental values Factor loading

Factor 1 "Knowledge on effective professional practices"

Knowledge-based approach to pupils' engagement into different activities (project, research, reflection etc.) * 0,565

Awareness of pupils' individual differences * 0,502

Knowledge-based application of diagnostic and remedial technologies * 0,489

Knowledge of teaching methods and awareness of their impact on the learning process *** 0,468

Knowledge-based approach to parents' (legal representatives') engagement into the education and upbringing process ** 0,423

Knowledge and understanding of their subject *** 0,420

Knowledge on the legal and ethical framework for teaching *** 0,375

Ability to help pupils in self-determination, self-fulfillment and self-affirmation * 0,358

Factor 2 "Interaction in the pedagogical process"

Ability to interact with parents (legal representatives) on child education and upbringing issues** 0,667

Ability to interact with other specialists on child education issues** 0,490

Aptitude for professional creativity*** 0,394

Factor 3 "Personalization and socialization"

Providing pupils with individual assistance in mastering the educational material * 0,467

Enrichment of pupils' life experience * 0,465

Feedback in the process of education *** 0,360

Implementation of various training and education techniques*** 0,356

Provision of an individual approach to each child* 0,349

Social significance of a teacher's professional activity *** 0,348

Factor 4 "Productive cooperation and professional growth"

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Awareness of ways and means of productive collaboration with all participants of the pedagogical process** 0,548

Knowledge-based approach to devising a teacher's career strategy*** 0,523

Awareness of ways and means to analyze their professional performance in terms of results and efficiency *** 0,502

Ability to organize the educational process according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards*** 0,379

Factor 5 "Leading by example"

Leading pupils by the teacher's own example*** 0,577

Development of rules for school / class life through negotiation with pupils ** 0,485

Knowledge of ways to prevent and correct deviating juvenile behaviour ** 0,452

Ability to interact with other specialists on child education issues** 0,408

Factor 6 "Psychological security of professional activity"

Determination to perceive their professional activity as having a personality-oriented meaning*** 0,574

Ability to control their psychoemotional state *** 0,418

Knowledge-based approach to the development of teaching skills and professional capacities*** 0,405

Willingness to devise a career strategy based on recognition of prospects for a teacher's professional growth*** 0,352

Responsibility for educational outcomes*** 0,314

Awareness of ways and means to analyze their professional performance in terms of results and efficiency *** 0,346

Commitment to take responsibility for their activity *** 0,307

Support of pupils' independent, conscious and responsible choice of life values* 0,303

* - "child" goal-value

** - "environment" goal-value

*** - "profession" goal-value

The analysis of survey results received from university students indicates the presence of six key factors in the students' value structure:

Factor one is determined by child-related knowledge-values and can be referred to as "Knowledge on effective professional practices", variables connected with this approach having the greatest weight in this group.

Factor two is defined by environment-related variables promoting cooperation of teachers with other participants of the educational process.

Factor three combines variables related to values oriented towards the child and is conditioned by characteristics associated with these categories.

Factor four includes variables entering into the knowledge-values group targeted at the environment and profession.

Factor five is also characterized by variables associated with the profession and environment with the highest loading though found for the "Leading by example" relation-value (0,577).

Factor six was identified in the group only consisting of "profession" values except for a few, and characterizes the teacher's professional stance, orienting them towards self-determination and psychoemotional comfort.

The factors described above show a rather balanced structure of university students' value orientations since child-, environment- and profession-related values determine an equal number of factors. A certain balance is established in knowledge-, relation- and quality-values being significant for the explanation of factors in two groups of variables each. The factor analysis allowed for identifying seven additional characteristics (italicized in table 6) which were not attached particular importance to by the respondents. Two of them involved with the "environment" values affected the explanation of factors two and four defining the relevance of interaction and productive cooperation of all participants of the pedagogical process.


The factors identified generally correlate with the professional outcome orientations which, according to L. C. Duffin, F. F. Brian, P. Helen [23 p. 828] should be adopted by a teacher and underlie their professional practices. Moreover, based on the above survey results, the list can be expanded by such orientations as "productive

cooperation" and "psychological security".

The functional analysis results allow for spotting certain trends in the formation of a value orientation system in future teachers at various levels of pedagogical education. They are associated with the different priority status of given value groups for different categories of respondents. This generally reaffirms V.I. Zagvyazinsky's idea of value dynamism [24, p. 56]. Thus, the value system is oriented towards the organization of practical work at the early stage of pedagogical education, quality-values and relation-values dominating over the others, whereas at university level the instrumental values of all groups are treated as equally important.

Both respondent categories attach particular relevance to values encouraging a teacher to stimulate a child's personal development as well as values aimed at a teacher's self-fulfillment, maintenance of favourable psychoemotional state, interaction and productive collaboration with all participants of the educational process. These data expand the list of value orientations used in the research into teachers efficacy [25] and shift the emphasis from the teacher as the subject of the educational process organization to the child and their personality potential development.

The above trends indicated upon ranking, structural and functional analysis are on the whole confirmed by the data collected through a modified MUST-test targeted at defining values others than those on the list offered to the respondents for ranking in part one of the questionnaire. The qualitative analysis of the test results validated our selection of values for part one since no new values were added to the list. The same characteristics are to be found in the answers of both respondent categories, which hinders the identification of any notable differences. However, some interesting observations can be made.

Teacher education college students are more oriented towards professional activity considering the following characteristics as paramount: opportunity to take an unconventional approach, work "outside the box", display creativity, collaborate with pupils and parents, willingness and necessity to master new technologies and improve their knowledge, to receive support from peers and school authorities.

Pedagogical university students generally share the opinion of the other respondent category but emphasize the importance of professional experience and the opportunity to interact with a peer educator at early stages of work.

It is important to note that the above characteristics also describe how future teachers see the deficiencies of their profession: the students outline aspects which in their opinion are not always present in the real pedagogical process including those related to the teachers' most relevant qualities. The problems identified above have a correlation with the research results on teachers' job satisfaction carried out by I. Buonomo, C. Fiorilli, P. Benevene with respect to the necessity of meeting teachers' needs for rest and recreation, recognition of the status and significance of their profession, decent salary, protection of teachers' rights, support offered by peers and school authorities [26].

The value orientations identified in this research can be properly aligned with those distinguished in previous researches, but beyond that they broaden the understanding of the priority foundations teaching and education rest on. Choosing college and university students to be survey respondents allowed us to see some dynamism in the formation of value foundations of teachers' work, reaffirm the need for professional training with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of this process as well as raise a problem related to an efficient adoption of the systematic approach to the streamlining and regulation of future teachers' value orientation structure.


1. Continuous pedagogical education implies the formation and development in future teachers of a value system determining their attitude to their profession as well as their approach to the performance of their job functions. Value orientations are introduced at different stages of professional training through college and university educational programs. To ensure the education continuity as well as consistency of its content and outcomes, it seems vital to guarantee the consistency and coherence of values inculcated to future teachers at every step of professional competency formation.

2. The research enabled us to see whether the values of teacher profession appreciated by student teachers meet the orientations propagated by the educational community and confirmed the hypothesis concerning the differences spotted in the future teachers' value orientation structures at different stages of their professional development.

3. The factor analysis results complement the conclusions on the formation of the value system common for both college and university students but with an emphasis on different value orientations related to different value groups. The analysis results also show a discrepancy in value prioritization: while both college and university students find quality-values and relation-values vitally important, only university students' value structure achieves proper balance (the instrumental values of different groups and the goal-values with different orientations explain an equal number of factors). We see it essential to spot a trend testifying to the fact that the "Awareness of ways and means of productive collaboration with all participants of the pedagogical process" item is not considered relevant by the respondents of both groups. They did not mark it as being of priority when ranking, but this item has a high loading in its group of variables and determines a factor deemed among the most informative for the value system with respect to both college and university students.

4. It is appropriate to consider value orientations of the teaching profession as a foundation for the educational outcome requirement framework provided at each stage of pedagogical education as well as for the development of consistent content of college and university curricula. The technologies implemented at different educational levels should ensure students' practical mastery of values and formation of a balanced system of value orientations.


The research has been conducted on assignment of Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation № 073-00077-21-02 on scholarly research in "Scientific basis and development of methodology for ensuring consistency of Federal State Educational Standards for general, secondary vocational and higher pedagogical education in order to create a single educational area for the training of pedagogical resource personnel".


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Информация об авторах Груздев Михаил Вадимович

(Россия, Ярославль) Доцент, доктор педагогических наук, ректор Ярославский государственный педагогический университет им. К.Д. Ушинского ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5603-0864 Scopus Author ID: 57204560627 ResearcherlD: ABB-7070-2021 E-mail: rector@yspu.org

Иванова Елена Олеговна

(Россия, Ярославль) Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент

кафедры теории и истории педагогики Ярославский государственный педагогический университет им. К.Д. Ушинского ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0030-0372 ResearcherlD: AAG-8385-2019 E-mail: didact@mail.ru

Тарханова Ирина Юрьевна

(Россия, Ярославль) Доцент, доктор педагогических наук, директор

Института педагогики и психологии Ярославский государственный педагогический университет им. К.Д. Ушинского ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7166-650X Scopus Author ID: 57205532756

ResearcherID: A-4057-2014 E-mail: tarhanova3000@mail.ru

Харисова Инга Геннадьевна

(Россия, Ярославль) Доцент, кандидат педагогических наук, начальник Учебно-методического управления Ярославский государственный педагогический университет им. К.Д. Ушинского ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7782-664X ResearcherID: AAG-6060-2019 E-mail: i.kharisova@yspu.org

Information about the authors

Mikhail V. Gruzdev

(Russia, Yaroslavl)

Associate Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Rector Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D.

Ushinsky ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5603-0864 Scopus Author ID: 57204560627 Researcher ID: ABB-7070-2021 E-mail: rector@yspu.org

Elena O. Ivanova

(Russia, Yaroslavl) Associate Professor, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and

History of Pedagogy Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D.

Ushinsky ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0030-0372 Researcher ID: AAG-8385-2019 E-mail: didact@mail.ru

Irina Yu. Tarkhanova

(Russia, Yaroslavl) Associate Professor, Doctor of Pedagogy, Director of the

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D.

Ushinsky ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7166-650X Scopus Author ID: 57205532756

Researcher ID: A-4057-2014 E-mail: tarhanova3000@mail.ru

Inga G. Kharisova

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(Russia, Yaroslavl) Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Educational and Methodological Department Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D.

Ushinsky ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7782-664X Researcher ID: AAG-6060-2019 E-mail: i.kharisova@yspu.org

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