Научная статья на тему 'Connections between homomorphisms and congruences in regular semigruops and inverse semigroups'

Connections between homomorphisms and congruences in regular semigruops and inverse semigroups Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Sadiku Sabri

In this paper we initially define the semigroup, regular semigroup, and inverse semigroup. Furthermore, we define homomorphism and congruence in a semigroup. These notions are already known in the theory of semigroups. The new finding in this paper is the proof that if S is a regularsemigroup and T is a semigroup, and if a homomorfism Ф exists from S in T, then S is a regular semigroup. Additionally, if S is an inverse semigroup, and T a semigroup, and if a homomorfism Фexists from S in T, then S is a inverse semigroup. All these are proved in Lemma 1 and Theorem

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Текст научной работы на тему «Connections between homomorphisms and congruences in regular semigruops and inverse semigroups»

Научни трудове на Съюза на учените в България-Пловдив, серия Б. Естествени и хуманитарни науки, т. XV, 2013 г. Научна сесия „Техника и технологии, естествени и хуманитарни науки", 25-26 X 2012 Scientific researches of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria-Plovdiv, series B. Natural Sciences and the Humanities, Vol. XV, ISSN 1311-9192, Technics, Technologies, Natural Sciences and Humanities Session, 25-26 oktober 2012.



Sabri Sadikua a-FGJT; University of Prishtina, Mitrovica, Republic of Kosovo



In this paper we initially define the semigroup, regular semigroup, and inverse semigroup. Furthermore, we define homomorphism and congruence in a semigroup. These notions are already known in the theory of semigroups. The new finding in this paper is the proof that if S is a regular

semigroup and T is a semigroup, and if a homomorfism Ф exists from S in T , then Sф is a regular semigroup. Additionally, if S is an inverse semigroup, and T a semigroup, and if a homomorfism Ф

exists from S in T , then Sф is a inverse semigroup. All these are proved in Lemma 1 and Theorem 1. Furthermore, with Theorem 2and 3 we establish the connection between a congruence p its

Key words: Regular semigroup; inverse semigroup, homomorphism, congruence.

Introduction: Initially we defined grupoid and semigroup, notions which are already known in the theory of

semigroups. But we first define the binary operation. Let S be an arbitrary set. A mapping from S x S in S is

called binary operation in set S and is noted by " •". For binary operation " •" in set S we say it is associative if for

a, b, c e S is

a • (b • c) = (a • b) • c .

Now we can define the grupoid and semigroup.

Definition 1. A set S together with a binary operation is called a grupoid and is noted by

(S, •) . A grupoid S

satisfying the associative law:

a • (b • c) = (a • b) • c, for a, b, c e S , is a semigroup and is also noted by ( S, •) .

The regular element, regular semigroup and inverse element are defined in [2] by J.M.Howie.

Definition 2. Element a e S is regular element, if element x e S exists, which satisfies equation a = axa .

A semigroup S is a regular semigroup if all its elements are regular.

Element a- e S is inverse element of a e S if a = aa~la and a-1 = a-1 aa~1. Now after defining regular element and inverse element we can define inverse semigroup.

Definition 3. Semigroup S is inverse semigroup if for every element a e S exists one and only one inverse element

a-1 e S.

Definition of homomorphism in semigroup is taken from [1] M.Petrich.(p.17,def.I.4.1.).

Definition 4. Let S and Tbe two semigroups. Mapping (j) .S ^ T is homomorphism if ^ satisfies relation

(ab)( = (a()(b(), per a, b e S .

Definition of congruence in semigroup S is taken from [3] S.Sadiku (p.25. def. 2), Definition 5. Relation p on the semigroup S is called left compatible if

(Va,b,c e S);(a,b) ep^ (ca,cb) e p

and p is right compatible if

(V a, b, c e S); (a, b) ep^ (ac, bc) e p

A left (right) compatible equivalence relation on the semigroup S is called left (right) congruence.

A equivalence relation on the semigroup S is congruence if is left and right congruence.

If p is a congruence on the semigroup S, then quotient set with binary operation (ap)(bp) = (ab)p; Va, b e S

is semigroup. Here we prove only associative law :

for a, b, c e S and ap, bp, cpe Sp we have (ap)[(bp)(cp)] = (ap)[(bc)p] = [a(bc)]p = [(ab)c]p = [(ab)p](cp) = [(ap)(bp)](cp)

We now take two results, which characterize connection between homomorphism and congruence in regular semigroups.

Lema 1. Let S be an regular semigroup and T semigroup. If mapping ( : S ^ T

is homomorphism from S in T, then S( is a regular semigroup. Proof. Let S be an regular semigroup, T semigroup and ( homomorphism

( : S ^ T .

Let a e S and a' = a( one element from S(. Since S is a regular semigroup it implies that element x e S exists for which is a = axa and x = xax. Let x' = x(, x' e S( . Following relations are true in S( :

a' x' a' = (a()( x()(a() = (axa)( = a( = a' x' a' x' = (x()(a()( x() = (xax)( = x( = x'.

Since for arbitrary element a' from S( inverse element x' e S( exists, we conclude that S( is a regular semigroup.

Now we take Theorem 11.2.1. from [1] which is needed to prove the following theorems. For

the sake of correctness we write this theorem.

Theorem II.2.1.[1]. The following conditions on semigroup S are equivalent : (i) S is inverse semigoup

(ii) S is regular semigoup and idempotents commutes.

Theorem 1. Let S be an inverse semigroup and T semigroup. If mapping

<:S ^ T

is homomorphism from S in T, then S< is inverse semigroup.

Proof. From Lema 1. Implies that S< is a regular semigroup. From Llallement Lema (Lema II.4.7.) [2] idempotent e and f from S exist, for which is e< = g and f < = h , where g and h are idempotent in S<. Based in Theorem II.1.2. [1], since S< is a regular semigroup, it's enough to show that idempotents g, h e S< commute . Indeed

gh = (e<)(f<) = (ef )< = (fe)< = (f<)(e<) = hg.

from this we conclude that S< is inverse semigroup.

To prove one characteristic of inverse semigroup as formulated in the following lema.

Lema 2. F or every element 5 e S , element se S< is inverse element for s< e S<, where < is homomorphism < : S ^ S< .

Proof. Let S be an inverse semigroup and < homomorphism from S on S<. For s e S is

(s<)( s - <)(s<) = (ss -1 s)< = s<


(s ~V)(s<)(s - <) = (s-1 ss -1 )< = s

Since S< is inverse semigroup, then inverse element is unique, exactly

(s<)-1 = (s-<).

Finally, we conclude that inverse element for element s( e S( is element s ( e S( .

Theorem 2. Let p be a congruence in regular semigroup S, then ( S/ , •) is regular semigroup and mapping \/ p '

ф: S - S/p

determined by

аф = ap, a e S is homomorphism.

Proof. First we show that ф is homomorphism. Let a, b e S , then (аЬ)ф = (ab)p = (ap)(bp) = (аф)(Ьф) .

From (aЬ)ф = (aф)(bф) ; a, b e S it is implied that ф is homomorphism. Finally from Lema 1. we conclude that

is a regular semigroup.

( S/p-) '

Theorem 3. Let p be a congruence in inverse semigroup S, then ( S/ , •) is inverse semigroup and mapping \/ p >

ф : S — S/ p

determined by

aф = ap, a e S is homomorphism.

Proof. From Theorem 2.it is implied that ф is homomorphism and ( S/ , •) is regular

semigroup. Finally from \/ p >

Theorem 1. we conclude that ( , •) is inverse semigoup.

Conclusion: We conclude that for every regular (inverse) semigroup S, Sф is regular


(inverse) semigroup, where < is homomorphism. From the last two theorems we conclude that for

every regular (inverse) semigroups S, quotient semigroup ( , •) is regular(inverse) semigroup, where p is congruence in S and < homomorphism.

[1] M. Petrich, Inverse Semigroups, ISBN 0-471-875445-7, 1984 BY John Wiley&Sons.

[2] J.M.Howie, An introduction to semigroup theory, ISBN 75-46333, 1976 Academic press inc.(London) ltd

[3] S. Sadiku, Kongruencat ndarese te majta dhe te djathta te idempotenteve ne gjysmegrupet inversive, BSHN(UT), 2008,Nr.5, (f.25-35)

[4] S. Sadiku, Kongruencat ne gjysmegrupet inversive dhe r - gjysmegrupet inversive, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Tirana, 2010.

Рецензент: проф. д-р Иван Димовски

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