Научная статья на тему 'CONFLICT AND ITS MAIN SIGNS'

CONFLICT AND ITS MAIN SIGNS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Oganesova I.S.

This article deals with the concept of conflict as an inevitable phenomenon that is an integral part in the life of every person. There are various definitions of conflict, but they all emphasize the presence of contradiction, which takes the form of disagreement if we speak about the interaction of people. The author describes the main signs of the conflict and the signs for its decision. Attention is paid to several criteria for resolving conflicts, namely: the resolution of a problem situation, the significance of its resolution for the first participant and the significance of keeping the situation problematic for the second private participant. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that the conflict can be used as a source of life experience, where an individual acquires certain knowledge that will help him to develop the correct line of behavior in the conflict situations.

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Текст научной работы на тему «CONFLICT AND ITS MAIN SIGNS»


I.S. Oganesova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Kuban State University, branch in Armavir (Russia, Armavir)


Abstract. This article deals with the concept of conflict as an inevitable phenomenon that is an integral part in the life of every person. There are various definitions of conflict, but they all emphasize the presence of contradiction, which takes the form of disagreement if we speak about the interaction of people.

The author describes the main signs of the conflict and the signs for its decision. Attention is paid to several criteria for resolving conflicts, namely: the resolution of a problem situation, the significance of its resolution for the first participant and the significance of keeping the situation problematic for the second private participant.

The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that the conflict can be used as a source of life experience, where an individual acquires certain knowledge that will help him to develop the correct line of behavior in the conflict situations.

Keywords: signs of conflict, criteria for resolving, conflict, constructive conflicts, destructive conflicts, conflict situation.

The concept of conflict has many definitions and interpretations, but they all emphasize the presence of contradiction, which takes the form of disagreements. The lack of agreement is due to the presence of a variety of opinions, views, ideas, interests, points of view. However, it is not always expressed in the form of an explicit collision, conflict. Collision is a common form of human contact. In some cases, collision can have different forms. It only happens when existing contradictions, disagreements disrupt the normal interaction of people, prevent the achievement of goals. In this case, people are simply forced to overcome disagreements in some way and enter into open conflict interaction. In the process of conflict interaction, their participants get the opportunity to express different opinions, identify more alternatives when making a decision, and it is the main positive meaning of the conflict.

A conflict is a collision of opposing goals in the relationship of people, their formal and informal associations, which can be explained with the opposite views, positions and interests. In psychology, it is generally accepted that parties have a conflict if one of them have a negative impact to the other [3]. Also it includes conflicts as the culture of disputes and discussions, the choice by the leader of

the correct strategy of management impact on the conflict situation and neutralization of the negative leader [4].

Most conflicts can be divided into interpersonal external conflicts (a direct collision of values, interests, opinions) and into intrapersonal conflicts that develop due to desires and motivations of the personality itself.

Internal conflicts of a personality determine the style of a person's behavior in a conflict situation. Each person has a certain set of tactics of behavior in a conflict situation.

There are the following classification of conflicts: to the separate subject: internal and external conflicts; to the sphere of origin and development: business and personal; according to the distribution of losses and gains between the parties: symmetrical, asymmetric; by the degree of openness: hidden, if the parties to the conflict hide it from other participants, and open, in the opposite case; by it character: objective, associated with real problems and lacks that arise in the development of the organization, and subjective one, which have differences from any events; by consequences: constructive and destructive. Constructive conflicts involve rational changes in the organization, as a result of which the object of the conflict is eliminated itself. Those conflicts that do not have a real basis

are considered as a destructive; they bring chaos to the organization of production processes [5].

The conflict can be viewed narrowly and broadly speaking of this word. The first meaning - is a clash of the parties and as for another one is a process that is in constant development and consists of several phases, within the clash itself is only one of them [7].

External signs of a conflict situation can be considered discomfort, that is, an objective feeling that something is wrong, which is difficult to express in words. An incident, is the second phase of a conflict, can be happened by accident because of the prevailing circumstances and it can be objective and subjective. The third phase of the development of the conflict is the crisis and the rupture of relations between opponents. This phase includes two stages - constructive and destructive. The fourth phase of the development of the conflict is its end.

At the same time the methods of conflict management, namely: determination of the true causes of the conflict; analysis of a conflict situation; correct assessment and consideration of the personal and psychological characteristics of the counteragent; study of the main types of strategies that are used by people involving in the conflict [1]. There are also methods for resolving conflicts. One of these is the principle of coercion.

Another, method can be called as the "rule of cooperative solving of the problem". The best way to reach a compromise is to negotiate with a competitor. One of the methods for resolving an interpersonal conflict is the appeal of the competing parties to a neutral third party who, with their authority, knowledge and attention, is able to find the most acceptable and accessible way for the conflicting rivals to resolve their confrontation. Managing conflicts is, first of all, the ability to reduce the conflict potential of a given community [8].

Another important way of managing conflicts is mediation. The third way to manage intergroup conflicts is compromise [2]. There

are some following areas for regulating an organizational conflict:

1. The solvability of the problematic situation at the moment meaning;

2. The significance of its resolution for the "first" participant;

3. The significance of keeping the situation for the "second" participant;

4. The degree of conflict among the participants.

If there are means of resolving the problem situation, the conflict level of the participants is low and the significance of its preservation for the "second" participant is not high, then the conflict is currently being regulated. With a high level of conflict among the participants, the absence of means to resolve the situation, the problematic and high significance of its preservation for the "second" participant, the conflict is practically unregulated.

Thus, with the correct approach of the person to the problem of conflicts arising in the organization, using modern technologies for control them, it is possible to avoid the occurrence of destructive conflicts, or to transfer them into a constructive channel to achieve the goals of the organization [6].

Each person is peculiar and unique. Sometimes the psychological differences between the participants are so great that they hinder its implementation and increase the chance of all types and kinds of conflicts. In this case, we must talk about psychological incompatibility. In order to understand the fact of any conflict, and then effectively resolve it, it is necessary first of all to establish the causes of this conflict. The difficulty here lies in the fact that the true reasons are often masked, because they can characterize the initiator of the conflict not from the best side. In addition, the continued conflict involves more and more participants into its orbit, expanding the list of conflicting interests, that objectively makes it difficult to find the main reasons.

The considered theoretical developments in this area concerning with conflict management technology, there are still many questions that require comprehensive coverage.


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6. Upravlenie personalom: uchebnik i praktikum dlya vuzov / A.A. Litvinyuk [i dr.]; pod re-daktsiei A.A. Litvinyuka. - 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. - Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Yurait, 2020.

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КОНФЛИКТ И ЕГО ПРИЗНАКИ И.С. Оганесова, канд. филол. наук, доцент

Кубанский государственный университет, филиал в г. Армавире (Россия, г. Армавир)

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается концепция конфликта как неизбежное явление, которое является неотъемлемой частью в жизни каждого человека. Существуют различные определения конфликта, но все они подчеркивают наличие противоречия, которое принимает форму несогласий, если мы говорим о взаимодействии людей.

Автор описывает основные признаки конфликта и признаки его разрешения. Уделяется внимание нескольким критериям разрешения конфликтов, а именно: разрешению проблемной ситуации, значимости ее разрешения для первого участника и значимости сохранения проблемной ситуации для второго участника.

Актуальность данной темы обусловлена тем, что конфликт можно использовать как источник жизненного опыта, где человек приобретает определенные знания, которые помогут ему выработать правильную линию поведения в конфликтных ситуациях.

Ключевые слова: признаки конфликта, критерии разрешения, конфликт, конструктивные конфликты, деструктивные конфликты, конфликтная ситуация.

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